You began the semester with an introduction where you shared a picture and a poem that helped to begin to define happiness.
This week, use that idea to Make a Video. This will be the start to an ongoing research project.
Brainstorming: To do this, think about a connection between:
Once you have done some brainstorming, it is time to put your thoughts into action.
Happiness and Culture/ Social Tradition: What does culture and social tradition have to do with happiness? Look closely at the areas of your life that represent culture (work, ethnic, location (NY Culture), or any group that defines you in a way that develops definition to your world. What holidays do you associate with happiness? What traditions have you used as markers for life events? What does culture have to do with happiness? Take an actually look at this, past- present and future, through images. To give your work texture, you can compare. For Example: this is what my culture (define your culture) thinks is happiness, and this is what I consider happiness—past, present and future, of course.
Happiness and Health: What about health makes one happy? Is your body’s balance connected to a sense of happiness? How so? What aspects of body and mind health are required for you to be health? In what ways have you found happiness through healthy choices? Look at the past, present and future of how your health is tied or not tied to happiness. If you want to compare, you can take a look at what the world things is health happiness and compare to what you think is health happiness, for the mind and body. Find images to show this in a vision boards.
Happiness and Responsibility: What responsibility do we have to be happy? Where does one find happiness? Are some people more likely to be happy than others? How have you been responsible for your own happiness? Have others been the source of your happiness? Find pictures to explore this idea and put together a vision board to explore where you with who you get happiness, past, present and future. If you want to add a comparison, you can explore how the media or your family believes happiness is found through self vs others.
Happiness and Restrictions: What are the boundaries on happiness? What are things that bring you happiness short term but don’t last? What restrictions stop you from attaining your own happiness? Show images of the things that give you short term and long term happiness, past, present and future. Use a vision boards to compile your findings. To add an element of comparison, take a look at what others define as acceptable happiness in comparison to what you believe is acceptable when pursuing/ attaining happiness.