Sorting AlgorithmsYou are required to do a comparative study to compare theoretical performance with practical demonstration of the following algorithms: 1-At least three sorting algorithms with at least one of them having Big O efficiency of O(n*log n) or better. You may use algorithms discussed in the course; however, you are encouraged to include other algorithms as well. 2-At least two search algorithms with at least one of them having...
Task:Task: Write separate programs for the following exercises in Java, Python, or C#. Each file should have your name at the top in comment, with short description of what is implemented in that file. Make sure your files have appropriate names as indicated in each exercise. Programs should write output to the Console and have hard coded input in main. Note 1: If a program is not in approved programming language (or in different language than...
Task 1The goal of this exercise is to get you familiarized with the Linux command line. Perform the steps listed below and take screenshots whenever indicated and copy them into a single pdf document. Perform the following steps 1. Go to the GCP console and connect to your VM instance using a terminal window. 2. Create a directory named stuff and change into it 3. In stuff, create a plain text named f1.txt using nano as the text edit...
Requirements for a Term PaperTask: All term papers should be typed clearly. Be prepared to present your answer. Attention: The pdf document must be less than or equal to 4 pages in A4 paper size. Please use Time New Roman font in size 12. You can use charts or figures to help the illustration and explanation. Be sure you have answered the following questions in your paper. 1. What do the authors want to achieve in the paper? 2. About literat...
InputIn class, we talked about the IEEE standard for floating point representation and did examples using different sizes for exponent and fraction fields so that you could learn how to do the conversions. For this assignment, you are going to write code to do this, allowing you to convert the floating point numbers to a bit-level representation. You will also write code to perform addition and multiplication of floating point vals Input: You...
Part 1 Analysis This assignment will assess the following module learning outcomes. LO2 – Critically evaluate evidence discovered during analysis LO3 – Apply investigative methodologies for mobile devices LO4 – Make informed judgements about issues, research and new developments within mobile device evidence and investigation Senario A phone has been recovered from a suspect named John Wells who is believed to be involv...
Phase 3 Report RequirementsRecall the three stages of the project: Phase 1: Introduction, problem statement, feasibility study, and project plan Phase 2: Methodology to compare the old and new systems and the systems analysis Phase 3: Results of comparison of the old and new systems and the systems design In phase 3 you will use the methodology developed in phase 2 to compare the old information system analysis and design to the new inform...
Follow the State Machine Diagram from Slide SetComplete the partially finished Debit Transaction program using and the state machine diagram shown on page 14 of the slide set titled “Week 10 Switch Statement and State Machines.pptx” Normally, in a program like this when state 4 is reached we would read the users PIN using keys pressed from a keyboard. In this assignment you can use the characters entered via the...
How a one-time pad can be used to provide provable confidentialityDr Watson is worried that a 56 bit key is not long enough, so he has invented a new combination of DES with a one-time pad. “You see Holmes” he explains, “the government just chooses a one-time pad R, exclusive-or’s this pad with the plaintext P, and then encrypts the result under the first DES key k1. The result is sent by ordinary e-mail to the embassy...
Overview of the ProjectTask: You will have a total of three weeks to finish this project: two weeks for discussion and the Google Analytics tutorial, and one week to answer the client’s data analytics questions. You should complete the four steps of this project by the end of Week 7: Step 1: Discuss Customer Relationship Management and Search Engine OptimizationStep 2: Discuss Data Analytics and Complete Google Analytics TutorialStep 3: ...
Queue Implementation1.Queue ImplementationUse a circular array, as described in paragraphs 8.10 – 8.16, to implement a queue, based on an array with one unused location and no counter. Test all methods before you proceed to use your class in the application. 2.Queue ApplicationAll words in bold are meant to be classes: Route, Train, Station, Passenger. Write a program to simulate a Train route. A train route consists of an array o...
Question: Produce a BlueJ project implementing a version of STARS by completing tasks described below. Your project must be capable of running correctly on the software used in UH labs. Your STARS project should display the qualities associated with good program design: ·Your system should minimise code duplication and be modularised so that components have low coupling and high cohesion.. ·You should aim to make your co...
Question: The assignment should be submitted via Faser. Your submission should comprise a single zip file containing the source code (i.e. the .java files) for all the classes that you have written as solutions to the assignment tasks. No other files should be included in the zip file. The name of your zip file should include both your name and your registration number In this part you will create a visualisation of the data. This visualisat...
What is Polymorphism in OOP?Learning Activity 8: Managing Different Shapes in a single BaseClassType Array An array holds values of the same type. An object array can hold reference of a common type. Polymorphism gives us opportunity to utilize the object array to hold multiple shapes and allows us to define their behavior differently by utilizing the ‘overriding’ method. Given an abstract class that provides basic functionality for ...
LocationCount for finding the number of animals at a given distance from a specified location1) Find the number of animals at a given distance from a specified location (40%) Write a function LocationCount which returns the number of animals found within a specified distance of a given location, the function should take four parameters, a file name containing the data, a distance in kilometres, and the latitude and longitude of the location. I...