Learning Outcome one covered: 1. Apply appropriate business process modelling tools to analyse and document business processes. 2. Estimate the time needed to develop a system from a specification.Assignment Principle: Students need to answer each and every question by reading and consulting different resources. Answers to research questions must be the students’ own inference by citing researched materials. Copying materials directly fro...
Exploring the Flowchart for Vigenere CipherQuestion 1Open TMA Q1.fprg with Flowgorithm, and examine the flowchart for Vigenere Cipher, a symmetric encryption, . A pictorial representation of symmetric key encryption is shown in Figure Q1.1. Symmetric key encryption uses the same secret key to encrypt and decrypt a message: The sender uses a secret key to encrypt a plain text (the message) into cipher text (scrambled text that is intelligible).Th...
Exercise 1Assignment Instructions This assignment involves building, testing and debugging Java programs, that create and manipulate composition of classes that model simple types of object; and that employ the full gamut of implementing technologies: fields, constructors, methods and access modifiers.Exercise 1 Your first task is to develop a TimePeriod class of object that meets the following specification How are you to evaluate your work?...
Problem 1Create a function, called remove_the_fact, which takes in a list of strings. We want you to remove the string of “fact” from the list and create a new list with all of the other strings. We want you to keep track of how many strings of “fact” were in the original list also. You will return a new list with position 0 being the total number of times we saw “fact”, and in position 1 we want the list ...
Question 1Question 1:Using only standard I/O functions(like fopen(), fseek(), ftell(), fgets(), etc.), write a C program to reverse the order of the lines in a text file. That is the first line becomes last, the second line becomes the one before the last one and so on. Note: your program should have two arguments, the input file name and the output file name. Call model: reverseFile Example: Input file: Hello I am happy to see you Output file: ...
Task: Overview In this assignment you will design a screen for a specific task, evaluate your design using a simplified heuristic evaluation, and build the UI in JavaFX using the MVC design pattern. Part 1 covers the screen design, Part 2 covers the heuristic evaluation, and Part 3 covers the development of the interface. Part 1: screen design for a milkshake construction screen Result for Part 1: a photo of your (hand-drawn) screen design, i...
GoalFor this assignment, you will write a C++ program to manage personal movie collections. You will practice writing simple classes in C++, as as well working with dynamically allocated memory. With this assignment, you will: • write code with simple C++ classes, and implement a collection clas • work with dynamically allocated memory and pointer • write and package a program following standard Unix programming convention...
Goals and OutcomesIt's time to put all your JavaScript skills to the test to build an app combining everything you've learned about JavaScript so far. In this assignment, you are required to build 10 functions. • Reverse engineering functions found in JavaScript with the intention of defining them yourself • Write decision-making statements and control structures to solve problems • Apply programming logic to solve ba...
Project DetailsEvery time the production of a new film begins, a new project is created. This project has all the relevant information regarding the production of the film. Each new project has a title, summary, genre, release date, list of filming locations, language, runtime, keywords and a weekly ticket sale (theatrical weekly box office). TrekStar pictures launches together with the film, a series of materials for retail. These comprise sin...
Software Development TaskThis individual coursework requires developing and documenting a Windows form .NET framework desktop application in C# using an object-oriented approach and Visual Studio. Your software artefact must be submitted as a Visual Studio project. It will be marked using Visual Studio 2017 and any features not working in the standard installation of Visual Studio 2017 will not be assessed. Design and implement a Windows fo...
Objectives The objective of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to design and implement an OO system consisting of a set of Java classes and a client program. In particular: 1. To design and implement classes with suitable fields, constructors, accessor methods, and modifier methods. 2. To conform to the standard conventions of Java. 3. To implement classes that are associated by inheritance, delegation, composition and...
Task 1: Data pre-processing and data explorationTask 1: Data pre-processing and data exploration a. Use Pandas to load data b. Merge all the data with “quality” labels between 6-10 into Class 1 and similarly form Class 2 for the data with “quality” labels between 1-5. c. Report the number of features and number of rows in each class d. Choose an attribute and generate a boxplot for the two pre-defined classes. e....
Grocery Inventory System Formulate classes and use objects to store and compute tabular information. A small grocery in your neighbourhood needs to track the items that it carries. An item is either perishable or non-perishable. Test data for three items is given in Table Q1.1 below: The class Item is an abstract class. It has the following methods: 1.Getter and setter methods for both quantity on hand and cost price. Use the property decor...
Q1: Preparing the Grid & Colouring Cells Download the A5Q1template.pde file in the Assignment 5 folder in UM Learn.The grid parameters have been set for you. A global constant CELLSIZE stores the width and height of each square cell on the gameboard, in pixels. The global constants NUM_ROWS and NUM_COLS store the number of rows and number of columns on the game board. The size of the canvas is set in setup(), so that it is the correct size ...
Software Quality Model and ManagementYou are required to follow IEEE Standard 730 to produce a quality assurance plan for the Java ATM Project. Deliverables: Include a quality assurance plan for the Java ATM Project in your final report. You are required to use ISO/IEC 9126 to discuss 2 quality characteristics and their sub-characteristics you might wish to address for the ATM project. Explain each of these and suggest...