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Top Economics Research Topics and Ideas

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The global economy is under pressure, and there is no one particular reason. There are multiple complex reasons behind it. The major challenges world economists are dealing with now are inflation, the crisis situation in Europe, deuterating global climatic conditions, the post-pandemic situation, and the disruptions caused due to the pandemic are all together contributing to the global economic crisis. Economists are calling these “poly-crisis”. 

If seen minutely, first the global pandemic and then the war in Ukraine has pulled back the system of the economy and triggered economical issue that might take years to solve.

This brings down a lot of responsibilities on the shoulders of future economists. They must pave the way for the right solutions to these problems. So, do you realise the role you have to play as someone with a major in economics? The onus to research well as an economist and formulate apt solutions lies on you.

This brings us to the core idea of this blog – The relevant research paper writing service for future studies on economics.

Before diving into the pool of topics, you have to understand all the minute details of Economics research.

This blog intends to take you on that journey. Hence, bookmark this blog right away so you can come back to the key takeaways in the future.

Economics Research – A Brief Idea

When it comes to economic research, be prepared for long hours of hard work for there is so much to do. You have to find the right authentic data, verify them, do complex calculations, draw results and give an analysis of the same. All this can be confusing considering there are different methods you can use. Majorly, the methods of doing economic research can be categorised into 5 categories –

Economic Theory

This method involves relying on pre-established theoretical models. Papers on economics often work as a source of reference, for they represent the ideal theories. One trick to finding such authentic papers is to check their reference list. The genuine ones usually have a huge list of citations to prove the reliability of whatever theories are mentioned in the paper.

Statistical Methods

This numerical analysis method is very systematic. If the calculations are done right, there is zero chance that the derived interpretations will be inaccurate. This method also makes the study’s inference very specific, lessening the chance of confusion.

Experimental methods

Experimental economics tests people’s decisions in specific situations under well-controlled circumstances. This is time taking and requires the researcher to be entirely focused on the study. The results depend on the observations made by the researcher.


Surveys are one of the most efficient methods of economical research. A close survey focusing on a particular idea allows the researcher to get information from the grassroots level, thus allowing them to perform a more detailed study and also allowing them to better analyse the results.

Empirical Methods

Empirical approaches give economists the tools they need to examine and study economic theory. Its focus is on improving econometric methodology, which uses mathematical and statistical techniques to identify patterns in economic data.

Use the method you think will help you in arriving at better results. If required, have a discussion on the same with your professor.

Let us now get down to the outline of the research paper and see where you should place which information.

The Outline of an Economic Research Paper


The introduction will introduce the research topic to the readers. They will come across the central theme of the research paper. And for the same, you must put the perfect research question aligning with the paper’s main idea.



While economic differentials between men and women is one of the few areas where inequality has consistently decreased over the past decades in high income countries (see e.g. Blanchard and Rodrik, 2021) there is widespread disappointment with the pace at ‘which itis happening (e.g. Goldin, 2014; Blay and Kahn, 1997, 2017; Olivetti and Petrongolo, 2008, 2016). To get an exhaustive picture of how the gender pay gap has evolved over time, it is however necessary to adjust for the most crucial movements in the labor market that have taken place in rich countries over this period, ie. shifts in ‘working hours, the widening of the wage distribution and changes in the gender ‘composition of the work for ce. Otherwise, the magnitudes of these changes in the relative position of women in the wage offer distribution may be misleadingly interpreted. In this paper, we measure the evolution of the gender pay gap in Sweden between 1968 and 2010, accounting for these key changes of the labor market. Sweden provides an interesting example for the study of changes in women’s economic position as the rise in female labox force participation precedes the same development in most other industrialized countries.

Literature Review

Previous works (if any) on your topic often serve as a guiding light for your research. As you study them, keep a note of the findings and the highlighting points of these papers. You have to put them in the literature review of your economics paper.


Literature Review

Economic research showed that these assumptions are convincing in some situations; however, they may not correspond empirically with many situations of economic choice. The limits of the ‘normative economic model’ lead to an extensive range of research activities: – Strategies which try to preserve the normative concept of decision making develop more complex statistical models and focus on the outcomes and not on the processes of decision- making. As far as estimated outcomes correspond to the observable outcomes the models are accepted as sufficient. (However, this approach contains the problem that for specific measures accurate knowledge about the processes is also necessary in order to achieve policy objectives. Otherwise pseudo- correlations and the appearance of side effects are insufficiently controlled.)


In this chapter, you’ll have to formulate your hypotheses and describe your data, as in how you collected them and how they are being analysed.

Refer to the link below to figure out how to write the methodology of an Economics research paper.


This chapter will bring to light the results of the analysis you performed on the data collected. For an economics research paper, you must include as many charts and graphs as possible to make the results clear to the readers.

Refer to the link below to figure out how to write the results chapter of an Economics essay writing service.


Here you have to share your opinion on the results found. You can put up suggestions and recommendations.

Refer to the link below to figure out how to write the discussion of an Economics research paper.


Here you have to summarise all that you have done in the research and then highlight the gaps your research failed to fill. This will clarify any scope of future research

But you can do proper justice to the outline only if you have the right topic. Else having the appropriate method or a flawless outline will be of zero use.

This finally brings you to the part of topic selection for an economics research paper.



Economic approaches are primarily based on rational actor models and the assumption that people make deliberative choices between alternatives. From this perspective, risk (where it is assumed that the alternatives can be understood as outcomes to which probabilities can be attached) is a special case of decision-making under uncertainty, where the probability of an event or the full range of outcomes is not known. Evidence on the way in which people use heuristics, the influence of framing, the boundedness of rationality and the importance of trust and emotional factors in real life choices has led to interest in economic accounts which assume that actors are not simply or not always rational. This leads to examination of the influence of context, social practices and institutions and other factors, and to approaches which take learning, evolutionary developments and stochastic elements in preference into account. Game theory has provided a rapidly developing literature on the way in which choices in multi-actor interactions are made in the context of the awareness that other actors will also be seeking to pursue their separate interests. This provides further insights into reciprocity and trust.

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How to Choose Economy Research Topic?

How to Choose Economy Research Topic

Here are all the steps in detail –

Ensure you find it interesting

Make sure the project you select is one you are interested in. A project ought to be something you are interested in if you plan to work on it for a long period of time. Posing a question for your project that you desire the solution to is the best approach to maintain interest.

Try thinking over the lectures you attended, and figure out which one of them kept you hooked. It will help.

Refer to previous work

It’s a good idea to look at prior students’ projects if you don’t know where to begin or what kind of topic would suit your course. Although it’s never a good idea to steal someone else’s ideas, you can use them as inspiration.

For instance, it’s possible that someone has done research on the effects of a particular international policy on the economy of a particular nation. You might focus your project on the effects of that policy in some other country.

Take advice from your professor

Not all topics are equally relevant at any given point in time. Also, not every topic is fit to be researched. As a student, it might get difficult for you to be able to identify and differentiate. It is better to take advice from your professor. If you have any ideas in mind, discuss them with your professor.

The idea should be original but not unclear

Even if it can be difficult to think of original economics research topic options, you don’t want to conduct the same project that a million other students have already completed. This won’t be intriguing to you, and it won’t be intriguing to the person who will be marking your thesis either.

You may utilise a novel data analysis method to approach an old issue in a fresh way.

To avoid being left with no resources or supplies to work with, be sceptical of anything that seems too esoteric.

Always choose a specific topic

Choosing a topic with broader research scope is a typical error made by new students who are not experienced with academic research. Make your project more detailed, and you’ll make it easier to manage and get to the heart of the matter.

Look into the interdisciplinary topics

If you’re considering economics Master’s thesis topics but discover that you’re also drawn to another academic field, you might be able to explore that area as part of your research study. Consider working on a project that includes elements of history, economic sociology, business, politics, or psychology.

For example, the ‘Impact of the global economic crisis on public health’ can be a good topic for research.

Check the availability of information

Establishing a plan for the data you’ll need is crucial before settling on a subject for your study. You’re out of luck if you have the most brilliant research concept ever but lack the necessary data to test it. Get useable data as early in the process as you can to avoid this terrible circumstance. If you fail to get enough info, make sure to change the topic.

Plan your research

Even after several months of planning, poorly designed research can make your data slanted or useless. Spend as much time as you can in developing the research, carefully checking over all your assumptions, and requesting input and authorisation from the supervisor so that the research is designed effectively.

Hopefully, these guidelines will help you find the most suitable economics research topic, but to help you further, here is a list of topics that you can work on –

An Updated List of Relevant Topics for an Economics Research

  1. Microeconomics Research Topics
  2. Changes in income’s impact on consumer choices
  3. Examining wage disparities and the factors that contribute to them.
  4.  A comparison of the impact of labour force participation on the economy and the budget
  5. Developments and consumer behaviour in [your country’s] consumption over the past ten years
  6. The effect of marital status on the makeup of the labour force: An example of your nation’s economy
  7. The Gini index’s dynamics as a representation of the issue of income inequality
  8.  The shift in consumption mindset during the past ten years – Critical analysis of consumer behaviour trends
  9. The effect of demonetisation on small and medium-sized companies in the cashless economy
  10.  How does [a respective country’s] “economic convergence” relate to wage levels?
  11. Privatisation of Public Enterprises: Effects on Economic Development and Policy

Macro-Economic Research Topics

  • The connection between national inflation and the price of ordinary stocks
  • The connection between economic growth and unemployment
  • The link between government spending and inflation in your country’s economy.
  • The causes and effects of the world recession.
  • A case study of a few multinational corporations in a country and the impact of currency depreciation on small and medium-sized businesses
  • The Effect of government spending on national economic growth
  • The connection between Internet access and office productivity
  • A comparison of Kenya, India, and Nigeria’s developing economies’ responses to corporate income tax revenue
  •  The causes and effects of the stock market’s development in a specific country.
  • Unemployment and regional labour mobility

Best Economics Research Topics

  • Prices of homes in the UK.
  • Female pay disparity globally
  • European trade and Brexit.
  • The financial effects of COVID-19.
  • Economics with behaviour.
  • Emerging nations and global trade.
  • Macroeconomics in healthcare.
  • African dependence on commodities.
  • Indian fast fashion.
  • Climate change and economic growth.

Development Economics Research Topics

  • The ways in which outsourcing might increase economic output.
  • Natural catastrophes’ effects on growing economies’ development
  • The link between increased economic growth and rural areas with better literacy rates.
  • The most effective approaches to improve physical capital results.
  • An Overview of India’s economic development and the Effects of population growth
  • The factors that emerge as high-performing institutions in developing nations
  • Command economies versus traditional economies.
  • An assessment of aid and developing economies’ economic growth.
  • The utilisation of natural resources is a key driver of economic growth in Iceland.
  • Economic comparisons between Virginian settlements

Finance-Based Economics Research Topics

  • The risks associated with large-corporation strategic planning and AI-based calculations.
  • The relationship between accounting, economics, and finance.
  • Investing dangers associated with specific stock systems.
  • Economics of the financial sector: UK bank competitiveness.
  • The changes in 2022 for building a financial portfolio in the digital world.
  • Mutual funds’ willingness to take risks in response to rewards.
  • In contrast to private investment stocks, public finances law.
  • Pharmacology and epidemics as a lens through which to view the present.
  • Financial accounting and managerial economics as a foundation for company choices.
  • Stock market overreaction.

Social Economics Research Topics

  • Occupational considerations influence the UK-US economy’s growth.
  • Campaigns for environmental protection and the money set aside to spread the word.
  • Making the industrial transformation efficient requires addressing issues with green energy and climate change.
  • the minimal requirements between Sweden and Germany 
  • An economic framework for establishing a socialist economy in the study nation.
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is examined from a socioeconomic perspective.
  • The fundamental tenets of economics’ moral dimension.
  • Corporate protection of personal data and private information when making investments.
  • The need for education and social inequality.
  • The advantages of a fair distribution of wealth and education worldwide.

Behavioural Economics Research Topics

  • Behavioural finance’s effects on investment choices.
  • Behavioural Economics in North Texas Child Feeding Programs.
  • Behavioural Economics in the Healthcare Sector: Recommendations.
  • Economics’ cognitive and behavioural theories.

This list isn’t an exclusive one. We have more prompts up our sleeves to shower on you. So, get in touch with our experts for more trending and relevant topics from your field of interest.

Next up, we have tried to address some of the most common queries students have. Read on!

Most Frequently Asked Questions By Students

Q1. What are good economics research topics?

Good economics research topics are those which are relevant to the present-day timeline and address several issues related to the world of economics.

Q2. What are some good research topics in economics for undergraduates?

Some good economics research topics are –

  • Islamic banks have seen through the lens of the growth of ethical banking.
  • Possibilities for public catering development in light of the financial market crisis.
  • In the theory of religious economics, the state and the church have relationships.
  • Digital currency and the digital economy.
  • Bank as a user and participant in digital finance.
  • Interaction between banks and insurance firms in the financial market’s economic security framework.

Q3. How do I choose a research topic in economics?

To choose a research topic in economics, maintain by the following criteria –

  • It must be your area of interest
  • It should be relevant
  • It should be worth your research
  • It should have impact in the field of economics.

Q4. What are some methods for conducting research in economics?

Some methods of conducting research in economics are –

  • Economics theory
  • Surveys
  • Experiments
  • Empirical study
  • Statistical theories

Q5. What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?

While macroeconomics examines the actions of nations and governments, microeconomics is the study of people and company decisions.

Q6. What is econometrics?

This refers to the area of economics that deals with describing economic processes using mathematical techniques, particularly statistics.

Q7. What are some common data sources used in economics research?

Market reports, commercial periodicals, scholarly journals, and government databases are some examples of sources.

Q8. What is the role of peer review in economics research?

Before a paper is published, its quality is evaluated through a process called peer review. To assist editors in deciding whether to publish a manuscript in their journal, independent researchers in the relevant field evaluate submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance.

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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