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Course Code   :  NBE3C
Course Title   :  english
Ref style  :  Not Selected

TaskAnswer the questions below in full sentences on a separate piece of paper. Make sure your handwriting is legible. Note the number of marks each question is worth and answer accordingly. E.g. low-mark questions need short answers, high-mark questions need longer, detailed answers.  1. Explain why the family goes out into the forest. (1 mark)  2. How does the author distract from his own story? Support your answer with a ...

Course Code   :  ENGL101
Course Title   :  Introduction to Writing
Ref style  :  Not Selected
4/5 star rating

Process Essay #2: 1000 words: Essay(25%), Peer-Review/Response (5%)Process Essay #2:   1000 words:  Essay(25%),  Peer-Review/Response (5%)   For your second essay, you will write a 1000 word literary analysis of Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese.    The specific topic is up to you.   If you need ideas,  I’ve posted some generic topics on Moodle under Literary Analysis.   You ...

Course Code   :  el111
Course Title   :  english communication skills
Ref style  :  Harvard

The importance of DreamsQuestion 1:  i. Identify one sentence that does not belong in the paragraph below:  Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. To sleep well, one must do a number of things to get up feeling refreshed the next day. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre. We may not remember dreaming, but everyone is thought to dream between 3 and 6 tim...

Course Code   :  ETSU4
Course Title   :  Introduction to Literature
Ref style  :  Not Selected
4/5 star rating

Part 1: A feminist reading( Write an entry in your reader's notebook analyzing Heart of Darkness from a feminist viewpoint. Be sure to make use of feminist critical vocabulary and to include three examples from the novel (quotations and/or paraphrases with citations) to illustrate your point. For length, consider my Freudian analysis to be a model, so 250 words is a good guide. ...

Course Code   :  CHPL820
Course Title   :  chaplain strategic leadership
Ref style  :  Footnotes and bibliography
4/5 star rating

SummaryThe Chaplain’s ability to Connect and lead with Emotional Intelligence is essential to successful leadership. In addition to one’s calling, character, and competence, a chaplain needs to be able to connect well emotionally with people and build relationships, the key to biblical leadership. The Lord created people in His image and that includes emotions.   The Lord leads us with emotion....

Course Code   :  el111
Course Title   :  English Communication
Ref style  :  Harvard

Dreaming and Sleep HabitsReading Question 1:Based on the reading that you have done so far in this course, read each paragraph and answer according to the instructions given                   i.Identify one sentence that does not belong in the paragraph below: Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. To sleep well, one must do a number of things to get up feeling re...

Course Code   :  el111
Course Title   :  english communication skills
Ref style  :  Harvard
4/5 star rating

Questions and AnswersQ1: (5 marks) Based on the reading that you have done so far in this course, read each paragraph and answer according to the instructions given/ 5 marks i. Identify one sentence that does not belong in the paragraph below: Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. To sleep well, one must do a number of things to get up feeling refreshed the next day. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic,...

Course Code   :  ENG2D
Course Title   :  English
Ref style  :  APA

Challenges Faced by Elite White-Collar Professionals When It Comes to WritingWhy can’t my new employees write?I heard this question several times on my recent vacation. I go on vacation to get away from these sorts of questions, but vacation was a group biking tour of Normandy and in the downtime of meals or other socializing, when my profession came up, this is the question people wanted to ask me.The other bikers were professionals fro...

Course Code   :  EL118
Course Title   :  Reading Comprehension
Ref style  :  Harvard

Plagiarism WarningAs per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own THE-Final work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations. Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submitted by student with THE-Final work): I hereby declare that this submitted THE-Final w...

Course Code   :  El118
Course Title   :  english
Ref style  :  Harvard
4/5 star rating

Question 1 1. What is the best alternative title for this reading? a) Similarities Between Endangered Species b) Preserving Endangered Languages and Languages c) Linguistic Globalization d) How Languages Die 2. According to the article, which language is a dead language? a) Irish b) English c) Hebrew d) Latin 3. According to the article, what would linguists in the DEL project like to do someday? a) Record i...

Course Code   :  ENC1102
Course Title   :  rhetoric and academic research
Ref style  :  MLA

TaskFollow Discussion Guidelines and Requirements. See Discussion Guidelines and Requirements in this week's module and/or at the top of Modules. Complete this week's readings before posting. Refer to these readings to write Readings and Reflection in the First Posting. Week 3 Summary and Analysis The Norton Field Guide readings Thesis (387-389) Drafting (340-342) Chapter 8 “Stance” (66-68) The Little Seagull Handbook readings D...

Course Code   :  ENGL001
Course Title   :  English Composition
Ref style  :  Open
4/5 star rating

Questions:Essay 3 at a Glance _        In Essay 3, we are using the concepts presented in texts to help us formulate an argument about another concept or ideas. We will continue to work on carefully reading and understanding the texts, but this time, we’ll be choosing strong specific examples to illustrate the connections we make from a text that can help us develop and illustrate an argument.       &nb...

Course Code   :  el111
Course Title   :  english communication skills
Ref style  :  Harvard
4/5 star rating

TaskBased on the reading that you have done so far in this course, read each paragraph and answer according to the instructions given 1. Identify one sentence that does not belong in the paragraph below: Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. To sleep well, one must do a number of things to get up feeling refreshed the next day. They can be entertaining, fun, romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes biz...

Course Code   :  ENG101
Course Title   :  English Comprehension
Ref style  :  MLA

Introduction and Thesis StatementBasic Information: In previous assignments, you learned to recognize the visual representations of ethos, pathos and logos and to analyze how these rhetorical appeals are used to persuade. Now you will develop a 750-1000 word rhetorical analysis essay on an print advertisement or video commercial of your choice. The ad can be for any product or service that includes all three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, ...

Course Code   :  English
Course Title   :  just2304
Ref style  :  APA

Understanding the physical and emotional reactions during violent encountersPlease read the following scenario, and share your answer to the questions with the class in a discussion post. Then, once you’ve answered the question yourself, read at least two other students answers, and provide a meaningful response. Scenario As a police officer, it is foreseeable that you will be involved in violent encounters. However, if you maintain the ap...
