Formatting Expectations Report Format: Follow the guidelines for a business report given in the Style Sheet on Moodle. * Please note that this sample business report is based on a first year Communications assignment. You should not base your content on this model, only your formatting. Formatting Expectations: • Running header that includes student name, course, and section number (no templates, and no headers on intro pages). Running...
1. Over the entrance to the temple at Delphi are inscribed the words, “Know Thyself.” Defend the statement that Oedipus is the classic example of a man whose central problem is that he does not know himself. Use details from the play to support your answer 2. Lies and deceit play a central role in Othello. Analyze how Iago in Othello uses lies to achieve his goals. Are his lies or motivations purely evil? Why or why...
Course materialsSummarize any one of the essays from one of our weekly course blocks in a coherentparagraph , according to the guidelines we have learned in this class.PART TWO:Write a first-person essay about your experience in ENGL 1100 so far, for an audience ofstudents who will be taking this course online in an upcoming semester.The introduction should include a hook for the reader’s attention and a clear thesis about whatthey should ...
Topic 1: The Single Effect in the Short StoryAssignment: Write a well-organized persuasive essay on one of the following topics. You will need to develop a strong thesis statement and write a clear, cogent argument to defend your thesis. Be sure to make specific references to the literary work that you are discussing, with at least one quotation per paragraph as the supporting evidence for your claims. Instructions on C...
Task: Examination Questions Answer the questions below according to the instructions given. Please note that responses to BOTH questions must be included in the same submission in order for your examination to be graded; otherwise, it will be returned to you for revision. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion....
In an essay of approximately write an essay on the following topic. This is a compare and contrast essay. In your essay you should demonstrate how both Wilde and Shakespeare examine the same issue, but have differing views of it.Use specific examples from the texts to support your points. Explain how both Oscar Wilde in “The Canterville Ghost” and Shakespeare in Hamlet conceive of our relationship and understanding of...
Instructions: In this assignment, you will create an academic argument answering one of the questions below, and write a paragraph supporting that argument. When answering the assignment question, you must do research on the topic and choose TWO credible sources to include in your paragraph. You must write this paper in APA style andinclude in-text citations, a title page, and an APA reference page.Topic: Choose ONE of the topics below:1.Canada h...
Option 1: Poetry Essay - Compare and Contrast Two PoemsPlease note that there are two options for Assignment 2 Assignment 2 relates to Units 3, 4, and 5. The value of this assignment is 15 percent of your Final Grade. For this assignment, you have two choices. Option 1 is an essay on poetry, relating to Units 3 and 4. Option 2 is an essay on drama, specifically, on Shakespeare's Othello, relating to Unit 5. Please note that whichever option you ...
Negative Impact of Social Media on CommunicationThis assignment is intended to give you practice in academic writing. It requires you to refer to materials/ articles (minimum, 3 articles) and include relevant ideas and quotes in your essay. You are also required to acknowledge ideas and concepts from sources that are included in your writing. TOPICThe disadvantages of social media have long been the topic of debate. People argue...
Midterm termsTask: The following terms relevant to the stories and time periods we have studied thus far will be represented on the midterm in a number of ways. On the midterm you could be asked to identify some or all of the terms below. You may be asked to match an item to its definition. Some will be represented by short answer questions, and others will be assessed through fill-in-the blank questions. 1. Rood 2. 449 A.D. 3. Angles, Saxons,...
Answer all parts of this question. Part AWrite your answer to Part A in the ELT381e Discussion Board on Canvas. The writing task and peer comment must be completed within this period. Late submissions will not be graded.This question will help you prepare for Part B of TMA 01. Read “Two Brothers” (195) and “Starry Hill” (203) from Alfian Sa’at’s Malay Sketches. In a comparative discussion, examine two cha...
use the given document foe this assignment don't use any outside source for this assignment Jean-Jacques Rousseau, “The Social Contract” Excerpt available at Modern History Sourcebook, Olympe De Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, 1791. Full text available on Modern History Sourcebook, Instruction...
Task Task: Remember the word “argument” does not mean a fight in a writing context. An academic argument is more like a thoughtful conversation between two people with differing viewpoints on a debatable issue. However, you are required to take a position on one side of the issue.In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back ...
Sisterhood in the NovelEssay Topics on The Novel: 1. Sisterhood in the Novel: a) Discuss the nature of the two sisters, Merricat (Mary Katherine) and Constance and their roles both in their household and in the novel. Although Constance is presented as the “good sister,” might there be some indications of deep-seated flaws in her personality? Analyze the meaning of Constance's name in ...
Reading Comprehension Exercise1)As used in paragraph 1, which is the best antonym for vigilant?A.cowardlyB.frustratedC.displeasedD.carelessE.annoyed2)Based on information in the passage, it can be inferred that the authorA.used to be employed by an MTR company, but left because he or she was frustrated with its environmental more concerned about the environment than he or she is about human livesC.believes that MTR companies care l...