Objective Response to Required ReadingsYou must complete the required textbook readings in preparation for the Fiction Essay. This will equip you to objectively respond to the readings by compiling information from a variety of sources in order to compose a persuasive analysis of a literary work. You will also learn to follow standard usage in English grammar and sentence structure; identify the theme and structure of each literary selection...
Purpose/ThesisEvaluative Essay Planning Template Image Identification and Justification In this section, identify the single image you have chosen to evaluate in your Evaluative Essay, and explain why you chose the reader and why an evaluation of the image will be important to your reader. Purpose/Thesis In this section, describe your overall purpose for writing about this image. What will you attempt to prove? [Write your response he...
ArgumentThe general aim of the essay is to defend a position on one of the following issues. Can machines think? Can robots be genuine friends? Is it rational to believe that God, or a god, exists? Do we have free will? You are also welcome to come up with your own topic. However, it must be related to the material we have covered this term and you MUST get my approval before you begin work on your topic. The introduct...
What are myths? What is mythology?Background Class, We are assessing the Icarus myth's lesson/warning , so let's build up our foundation and understanding of myths and mythology. Research: What are myths? What is mythology? Why do we study myths, and what is their inherent value to our culture? Research: Icarus myth and decipher the lesson/warning(s) the myth provides for our own behavior? Why is this so dangerous? Item Stage II: R...
Question 1: Describe and represent your new ancillary sourceDescribe and represent your new ancillary source (selected from above options) and a specific idea will help you wrestle with the critical issue you've articulated in step you introduce this ancillary source as a way to develop your critique. Formulate a new idea or stakes of your critique. What new insight do you have about this problem or issue? What new understanding do you h...
Terms used in the paperHow to identify an important theme or issue in two specific films we have watched. A systematic approach to training actors that was developed by Konstanti Stanislavski. It trains an actor’s thoughts and will to achieve a better understanding of the reasoning and thoughts of a character. Major roles: A function or part performed especially in a particular operation or process played a major role in the negot...
Sharpened Critical Reading and Rhetorical Analysis SkillsFinal Reflection You’ve spent the last few months writing and thinking about a range of topics and issues, including the source of your hidden intellectualism, the ways in which technology—specifically social media—impacts our lives, comics and satire. You’ve read, discussed, and written on Emily St. John Mandel’s post-apocalyptic novel Station Eleven. ...
Guidelines for the AssignmentFor this assignment you are required to watch one of the following films on your own time: Okja (available on Netflix and streaming services) Do Donkeys Act? (available online via Western Libraries) Kedi (available online via Western Libraries) Honeyland (available to rent on iTunes) Virunga (available on Netflix and streaming services) Write a 400-500 word response to the film. Do not summarize the plot of...
Overview of Assignment 3.2Persuasive speech Assignment 3.2 Just write the speech( (3-4 min) View the Assignment 3 Overview to gain an understanding of the overall assignment requirements (Assignment 3.1 and 3.2), available topics for this assignment, and grading criteria. To complete this assignment (Assignment 3.1): Download the Assignment 3.1 Microsoft Word Sample Outline Format to complete your speech outline. Submit the completed Microsoft...
ScenarioIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Create written technical communications for various purposes and targeted audiences. Scenario You work in your current workplace (or a past or future workplace if you prefer). Your direct supervisor has let you know that the company is trying to get its “ducks in a row,” and is thus reviewing job functions as well as employees’ understa...
Task 1- 30 MarksTask 1- 30 Marks Write an essay outlining what you have learned during this unit. Include the following: • How you think EAP (English for Academic Purposes) is different from general English. • Which skills you have improved and how you have improved them. • Which areas of EAP you still feel you need to work on and how you can do this. You should write between 400 and 550 words. Marks will be deducted for a...
Requirements of the Research ProjectThe research project centers on sustained academic analysis of a single image or news article of your choosing. Your job is to analyze an image (a photo, a painting, an advertisement, an Internet meme, literally any single image) or a news article (not just a general story or issue, but a single specific article published by a news organization) created within the last year, using the concepts and readings w...
About The Tale of SinuheRead The Tale of Sinuhe, including the introduction and footnotes. (If you don’t read all this material, you might not understand the poem.) After you read the poem, read my notes for class discussion, below. As you read these discussion notes, answer the questions that I would ask you as a class to yourself. In so doing, have your copy of The Tale at hand. It will help you in deciding how to interpret...
What is a summary and why is it useful?Explain what a summary is and why summary skills are usefulDevelop your own summary preparation chart (outline)Create an appropriate first sentence of a summaryAnalyze a sample summary by following criteria in a checklistCompare your summary with a sample summary using specific criteria Have you ever seen the 1997 movie Titanic starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet? It’s a 3-hour movie abou...
PurposeWhat is meaningful to you about your growing up in terms of these themes.? Personal Narrative The Meaning(s) of Gender(s) and Culture(s) The purpose of this paper is to write about and explore the meaning(s) of gender and/or culture in your own life experience growing up. The essay will be written in personal narrative form and be based upon your own experience, observations, and analysis. The actual assignment is to write a...