This is a mini-research project which focuses on the issues surrounding language shift, language death and language maintenance. There are three main steps to the assignment: Interview two members of an ethnic minority group on the topic of language shift and language loss in Singapore. If you have a friend or acquaintance who belongs to an ethnic minority with a distinct language, they may be w...
ThesisThese postings are worth four points each. Directions for Peer Review Writing Workshop of Essay 2 Important information for your peer review. Check each item listed to make sure you have completed each review. Review two classmates' papers using the following peer review directions. Start by choosing a classmate who has not yet received a peer review to make sure everyone is included. Post each peer review as a separate reply to each ...
Length and FormatLength: 700– 750 words NOTE: A specific word count range is provided which you are expected to adhere to. Thus, do not ask your instructor if it’s o.k. to go a bit below or over it as that is not acceptable. Format/Structure:• Your essay must be exactly 5 paragraphs (intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion).• You must follow the rhetorical analysis format (described in step 2 of Module 5) as ...
Task Assignment Description This assignment asks you to thoroughly read a text of your choice (from the list on the next slide) and analyze that text, or examine it in great detail, according to elements of rhetoric. Your analysis should cover all of the elements of rhetoric we will discuss in class, including but not limited to exigence, rhetor, audience and argument. See slide 4 for a complete list. An effective rhetorical analysis will de...
Questions: Q1. Identify EIGHT verb groups from the passage below, ONE from each of the eight sentences (numbered). There must be at most two non-finite verb groups (they must be different in form) in total. Illustrate your understanding of verb groups by labelling each verb group in terms of its finiteness, modality, tense, aspect, and voice. Present your answers using the format below: Verb group Finiteness Modality, Tense, ...
Use of Text and Images in Characterizing Albertina SisuluThe picture book Together We’re Strong (2014) – by Liesl Jobson, Alice Toich and Nazli Jacobs – tells the story of Albertina Sisulu. Through close analysis of this picture book, write an essay of at least six paragraphs in which you show how the different images and written text used in the picture book contribute to our understanding of the book’s main character....
Part One: Rhetorical Analysis, Logical Fallacies (25 Marks) All instructor exam rules must be followed. You must only use instructor approved materials for your exam: no online searching or using other devices, books, etc. to cheat during your final. Use of unapproved information or materials not authorized by the instructor is cheating. Exams must be submitted on time, by the posted deadline – no extensions will be given. No talkin...
Passage 1Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using their electronic gadgets while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transports, regardless of the risks involved. I have often wondered why they take such risks: is it because they want to exude a sense of independence, or is it that they want to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or ...
Revise your Week 4 analytical essayInstructions Fiction Analysis – Final Draft By the due date assigned, submit your revised analytical essay on short fiction as a Microsoft Word document. Revise the Week 4 analytical essay by doing the following: Consider how you want to incorporate the ideas and arguments from the outside source you located for your Week 5 scholarly article discussion. Include at least one quotation from the so...
Passage 1: Pyramids of EgyptRead the following 2 passages and choose the best answers: Each correct choice is worth 1 point The Pyramids of Egypt were built during 2700-2500 B.C in Giza on the west bank of the Nile and are the most ancient of the Wonders of the World. The first three of the ten pyramids at Giza are considered to be the most important. The first pyramid is the largest and is known as the Great Pyramid. It was built for Ph...
Part 4.1 - Questions about various short storiesAssignment 4 -Total marks for Assignment 4 (100 marks) Note: All of your answers and compositions in Assignment 4 will be evaluated according to the quality of your writing. Your short answers should be well written and your longer compositions well organized, developed, supported, structured, and written. Assignment Part 4.1 Marks for Part 4.1 (15 marks) (3 marks each, except for #3, which ...
Introduction to the 'Month of Munsch' EventQ: You are celebrating Robert Munsch’s books with a “Month of Munsch” in 2019 (you will need to determine the month). This is the first time you have had a focus on his books, but you have done this with other children’s authors in the past, and it has run successfully.This year, you would like to invite Robert Munsch to present to the children and also present at the Medicine ...
Task: Formulate an informed position based upon previous reading and study Develop an argument using logic and other appeals Synthesize sources to defend own position Paraphrase, summarize, quote, and document sources Instructions: Read the article Craig Desson "My Creepy Instagram Map Knows Where I Live". After reading, write an Argument Synthesis Essay about that article and another online source (Ajaeb, Edward J. “Snapchat’s Snap ...
Patron, Population, and Problem in Proposal WritingYou will have to write the 6P's which includes Patron, population, problem, paradigm, plan, price along with brief summary of the article Brief description of six p's : The first P, patron, refers to the intended funding source for the proposal. The second P, population, indicates the potential beneficiaries of the proposal. The third P, problem, is the issue that needs to be addressed. The...
Step1 a. identify the issue in a text (compulsory item) b. identify the argument/author’s point of view in a text (compulsory item) c. recognise the types of supporting details in a text as well as any flaws in reasoning if any (compulsory item) d. evaluate the supports used in a text: (compulsory item) ii. objectivity iii. completeness iv. validity and credibility Identify the assumptions/ the stated main ideas and/or fo...