Question : Please complete all 3 parts of this template, using the example proposal template from the assignment instructions as your guide. Based on our Week 1 Discussion and your current favorite choice for a topic/debate within the course theme announcement, answer the following: State your stance within the debate you chose, without using “I.”(1 sentence) The standards for drinking water in the U.S. are already very hi...
EssayThe following essay will evaluate the underlying themes of the crime fiction novel titled Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned by the American novelist, Walter Mosley. The thesis will argue that the theme of redemption is played out in this story as well as how the protagonist learnt from his mistakes to tackle challenges though his life after prison. The novel is set in 1995-96 in Los Angeles. A number of themes are discussed in the ...
Questions: After reading The Snow Rocket and Allegory of the Cave, your task in this essay is to explore the ways in which new experiences challenge our current worldviews. You will spend much time with the texts mentioned above, but you may also choose to reference other readings from this or other classes. As with other essays for this course, feel free to pull your own materials from assignments in this class to build this essay. &n...
Questions: To submit your paper, select “assignments” from the Quercus course page then “Take-Home Midterm Exam.” You may upload your exam as a single .pdf or .docx file after agreeing to have your paper screened by plagiarism detection software.Weight:20% of final gradeInstructions: Compose two short essays (700-800 words) in response to two of the four prompts listed below. Clearly identify the questions you are responding to and submi...
Summary of the Poem and Key Conflict1. Submit a TPCASTT (either picture of annotated poem or table ) of one of the 4 poems in the assessment pack. 2. Explication of the poem (approx 1000 words in lenght) 3. A 1-2 minute recording of you discussing an element of the poem or a part of it that spoke to you. I chose "the language issue" among the 4 poems. If you write the script for me i will record myself reading the script. I copy paste...
PurposeThe critical analysis essay will be based on one of the essays students have read thus far in the course or on a piece the instructor chooses. Write an essay that identifies and discusses one or two nonfiction elements that are most essential to the reading selection. First, identify the nonfiction element for example, characterization that is most important in the selection. Next, explain why that element is important and whet...
Prompt 1: Discuss the treatment of the mentally ill in the novel.Choose one of the following prompts about Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and provide an essay that is around 1000-1500 words. It must include an original title, introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs that support your thesis with quotations from the text, a conclusion, and a works cited page. Your essay must adhere to MLA style. Remember that you may approach your chosen...
Option a: Acting Video ProjectFor this assignment, you will either perform one of the scenes or monologues from a play we have read or you will write a new scene for one of the plays we have read and give it a dramatic reading. Please pick one of the two following options:a) Acting Video Project (think of it as a 5- 8 minute long dramatic monologue video taken from one of our plays and performed by you; please upload the video as u...
Methodology that Matches Learner Needs1. a) Evaluate how to match methodology to learner needs. What methodology is most useful for a student who needs to pass a grammar exam? Briefly explain your reason. Please choose what one/s you think are correct from the following options: audiolingualism, the natural approach, behaviourism and suggestopedia. 2. Write a short outline of a PPP lesson plan for “the 5-16 age group”, teach...
Task: Now it is time to write the FINAL REPORT to the real audience—a recommendation report that establishes the credibility of your research, describes the problem, recommends a solution, and provides a series of steps to implement the solution — all illustrated concretely and supported with facts. In Assignment 2, you described the problem that you wanted to address; in Assignment 4, you researched your sources. Use these assignm...
The Pursuit of the Perfect ProdigyMy mother believed you could be anything you wanted to be in America. You could open a restaurant. You could work for the government and get good retirement. You could buy a house with almost no money down. You could become rich. You could become instantly famous. "Of course, you can be a prodigy, too," my mother told me when I was nine. "You can be best anything. What does Auntie Lindo know? Her daughter, she...
Understanding the concept of cognitive biasesWith the readings by David McRaney and Drew Calvert in mind, write an essay in which you discuss the challenges that cognitive biases can pose in our attempts to learn, make decisions, and solve problems. In what ways can an awareness of such biases be of use to us in important areas of life? In your essay, you must convey a clear understanding of the texts, either by integrating them into your arg...
Discussing Atwood’s 'you fit into me'Need to do topic 5 that is Limitations of an innocent speaker for ESSAY 1 with refrences. 1. Discuss the painful, double-sided nature of Atwood’s clever simile in her poem, “you fit into me” and how it illuminates the complexity and/ or difficulty of its fraught subject. What is the primary feeling that arises from this disturbing poem’s use of such a simple poetic device?  ...
InstructionsYour next essay will require that you write a minimum 4-5 page, 6-paragraph essay with a separate Works Cited page, accurately citing Lynn Nottage's play, Sweat. You will analyze Sweat using race/cultural, gender/feminist, and/or Marxist literary theory as a lens to guide your analysis. In other words, your perspectives and ideas will be grounded in gender/feminist, Marxist, and/or race/cultural literary theory as your lens for ...
What is a response paper?Response paper A response paper is your chance to communicate in writing your personal viewpoint and personal learning as they relate specifically to the book, essay, paper, article, etc. in question and the ideas and values contained therein. A good response paper will artfully make a connection between the subject at hand and your own experience. A response paper is intended to be a transformative experience. The ...