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Course Code   :  ENGL1130
Course Title   :  academic writing
Ref style  :  MLA
3/5 star rating

Identifying the Problem: Understanding the Business ConditionsYou are a small consulting company (or another business of your choice). Each member of your  group has had several years experience in the subject field you choose for the project (for  example, you could choose E-commerce, web design, networking, information systems, business planning, marketing, etc.) You want to help existing and emerging companies take advantage of op...

Course Code   :  Food 705
Course Title   :  food writing
Ref style  :  APA
4/5 star rating

TaskDue Date end of day 11/26/19 (10% will be deducted per day for late submission) Total Mark: 25% of Final Grade Brochettes with Hodo tofu, fingerling potatoes, yam, cherry tomatoes and cipollini onions ($28), served with a quinoa-dominant tabbouleh and roasted garlic cashew tahini sauce, is the only thing on the menu that doesn’t feel polished. Tabbouleh seems like a flower without petals when it’s as thin on mint and pa...

Course Code   :  ENGL 1100
Course Title   :  Reading and Writing about Literature
Ref style  :  APA
4/5 star rating

Due DatesResearch Grant Proposal Assignment Sheet Nov 13th Proposal (One-page worksheet) Nov 20th Annotated Bibliography (Approx. 2 Pages) Nov 27th First Draft (4-5 pp., approx. 1300 words) Dec 4th Final Draft (4-5 pp., approx. 1300 words) Imagine that an anonymous donor is offering an annual undergraduate research grant to KPU students in order to bring fresh voices to a variety of pressing issues in Canadian society. To receive funding,...

Course Code   :  ANTH110
Course Title   :  cultural anthropology
Ref style  :  APA
4/5 star rating

BackgroundThe articles I have assigned all deal with the involvement of anthropologists in the armed forces of the United States and Canada operating in Iraq and Afghanistan. The US called it the “Human Terrain System”; the Canadian Armed Forces called it “White Situational Awareness Team”. In both cases, it was an effort to integrate anthropologists or cultural ‘coaching’ into the decision structures of troop...

Course Code   :  ENGA04
Course Title   :  english level
Ref style  :  Open

Welcome to your third assignment. Please for you to be able to improve your English and to do the tasks correctly and at your optimal capacity it is of vital importance that you make use of the Study Guide at all times. This assignment consists of the following mandatory parts: Source Evaluation Writing Reading Reflections   1. Sources and Source Criticism. To get a better understanding of the essay topic, you will need to re...

Course Code   :  HIST1301
Course Title   :  United States History I
Ref style  :  Not Selected
4/5 star rating

Impact of Slavery on Mental Well-beingRead the autobiography and answer the questions.  Select any fifteen and respond to them in paragraph format.  The 4th of July Speech-number 22- must be answered as one of the fifteen.  I am not interested in copy work.  Your responses are to be typed and double-spaced.  This is a 50 point effort and due per syllabus calendar. 1. Slaves didn’t know their mothers or birt...

Course Code   :  CMNS130
Course Title   :  Explorations in Communication
Ref style  :  MLA
4/5 star rating

The Consequences of Any MediumIn a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium—that is, of any extension of our- selves—result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each ...

Course Code   :  ENG223
Course Title   :  English Literature
Ref style  :  Not Selected

Helen Keller's personal storyHelen Keller (1880-1968) was born in Tuscumbia, Alabama. At the age of eighteen months, she was afflicted by a disease that left her blind and deaf. With the aid of her teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, she was able to overcome her severe handicaps, to graduate from Radcliffe College, and to lead a productive and challenging adult life. In the following selection from her autobiography, The Story of my life (1902...

Course Code   :  FYU0060
Course Title   :  English for Specific Purposes
Ref style  :  Not Selected
4/5 star rating

Benefits of Higher EducationAlthough it takes a great deal of time and resources to complete, a university education is an extremely valuable asset in a person’s life. This privilege provides many benefits which can never be taken away. A university education can provide a person with the tools and skills needed to become a productive member of society, to accomplish personal financial goals as well as to broaden intellectual curiosity. ...

Course Code   :  ENG122
Course Title   :  english composition
Ref style  :  MLA
4/5 star rating

PurposeYour goal in the Informative Report is to do just that: report information about your research topic to your reader in order to inform them about the most significant aspects of and arguments made about the topic. Your goal is not to persuade your reader to adopt a certain side; in fact, your paper should not make any argument at all.  Instead, work on tracking down the best, more reliable information you can find about ...

Course Code   :  DET2AB4
Course Title   :  diploma in education and training
Ref style  :  Harvard

There are eight learning outcomes to this unit: Understand roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training Be able to use initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners Be able to plan inclusive learning Be able to create and maintain a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and learning Be able to assess learning in education and...

Course Code   :  ENGL0101
Course Title   :  english composition
Ref style  :  APA
4/5 star rating

To write effectively about literature, you must be a critical reader, carefully noting your thoughts, and questions as you go along.  A writer interprets a text based on his or her own reading of it, and sometimes the observations of accomplished critics. It presents a critical understanding of a work or works. This form of analysis should be based primarily on your own interpretation of the subject. It presents a thoughtful interpretat...

Course Code   :  ENG250
Course Title   :  Literature and Digital Culture Simnitt
Ref style  :  Not Selected

Essay BodyFor your assignment, you will write a multi-paragraph 2–3-page formal essay identifying and explaining how the theme is used in The Book Thief by Zusak Markus - a novel you read. Overall, your essay should identify the theme of the novel; examine how that theme develops the story through the interaction of characters, setting, and/or plot; and explain how the theme development affects the understanding of the book and portrays ...

Course Code   :  ENGL 0001C
Course Title   :  critical thinking and writing across the curriculum
Ref style  :  Open

Compare Into the Wild with the Jack London short story 'To Build A Fire'Topics for Into the Wild research paper. The following are a list of papers topics for Into the Wild. The paper is 4 pages, a fi"h page is a work cited page. Have at least four sources to support your ideas. You must include in text cita!ons from each of your sources as well. Pick one of the following topics 1. Compare Into the Wild with the Jack London short story ...

Course Code   :  HBET4303
Ref style  :  APA

Answer in  Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excludingreferences for EACH question (Question 1 and Question 2). Submit your assignment Once Eonly in a multiple file.   Submit your assignment Submission date: 13rdMarch 2022 This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course. This task is based on your understanding of the concept of ‘high’ and ‘low&rsqu...
