Analysis of 'Growing Up Native' by Carol GeddesPart1: Persuasive Writing Analysis Read “Growing Up Native” by Carol Geddes and answer the following questions. 1. The tone of this story creates the effect of being told a story in person. Cite passages where “Growing Up Native” comes across as oral history, as a tale told in person. Why would Geddes have taken this approach? (Answer should be in paragraph form with well-int...
Zora Neale Hurston's 'How It Feels to Be Colored Me': An AnalysisChoose one of the following options for the literary essays we have discussed in class and answer &nbs...
Questions on Metre, Symbolism, and Figurative LanguageChoose any five of the following seven questions and respond in single-paragraph answers of five to eight sentences. Your responses should be concise but detailed, and should employ quoted material to support major points. 1) Define the metre of “Provide, Provide” and comment on why Frost might have chosen such a jingly rhythmical pattern. 2) What are the most important symbolic...
Read the listed articlesThis assignment requires you to identify three sources you plan to use for your research paper (Assignment 2c), and explain why these sources are valuable to your project. 1) Read the articles listed below: note that the articles apply to Assignments 2a, 2b, and 2c. 2) Choose one of these articles as the starting point for your research. Do not summarize your chosen article for this assignment. 3) Formulate a re...
Purpose of the AssignmentThe purpose of this exercise is to further train the critical eye you are developing this semester by asking you to do a close reading of a short sequence. Your shot by shot analysis should consist of a numbered break down of each shot that supplies information regarding shot scale (medium shot, close-up, etc.), camera movement, if any, and angle of framing. This description does not have to be written as a complete se...
TaskTask:Critique a source (reading) by writing an essay. Categories that you may look at for your critique include significance, relevance, accuracy, credibility and/or authoritativeness. When you critique a source, you are evaluating how far you feel you can trust or recommend the source’s main argument. Even if you disagree with the issue, you may find the author has made a strong case with strong support. Alternatively, you may agree w...
TOPICS: 1. In Harvey Fierstein’s On Tidy Endings, how does Marion’s view of homosexuality develop or change throughout the play and why? Trace Marion’s developing social awareness. 2. In terms of rhetorical context, what is the purpose of Harvey Fierstein’s On Tidy Endings? Support you answer with an analysis of its parts, such as its plot, characterization, setting, symbols, and stylistic...
The essay will require you to compare & contrast two of the short stories studied in class. Comparison/contrast essays require you to look at how certain elements – ideas, themes, characters, etc. – are similar and/or different in two pieces of writing. This exercise will require you to have a firm understanding of both the stories themselves and the literary elements that you are examining. It is intended to broaden your under...
Introduction: The Significance of the PassageAnalyze one (1) of the following passages and write three (3) paragraphs, which take intoaccount elements of the passage’s structure and larger meaning. Refer to the techniques used foranalyzing literature, for example dramatic structure, sentence structure, irony, figurative language(simile, metaphor, personification), foreshadowing, point of view, tone, setting, themes, andimagery to name only...
Strategies for Interpreting a PoemPerform a close reading of one of the poems that are either listed below or linked to in the Close Reading module on D2L. Poems from the anthology: Beth Cuthand: “Shake N’ Bake” (269) Daniel David Moses: “The Persistence of Songs” (388) Annharte: “Coyote Trail” (183) Wayne Keon: “my sweet maize” (225) Jeannette C. Armstrong: “Sketches&rdq...
Close Reading of an Excerpt from The Catcher in the RyeTask Offer a close reading of one of the following excerpts from Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye: “Anyway, it was December and all, and it was cold as a witch’s teat, especially on top of that stupid hill. I only had on my reversible and no gloves or anything. The week before that, somebody’d stolen my camel’s-hair coat right out of my room, with my fur-li...
Module - Language, Identity and culture Play- Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah, Alana Valentine which is the prescribed text 1. How does the play Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah invite you to question cultural assumptions? 2. How does the language used in play Shafana and Aunt Sarrinah express the complexities of personal, Social and Cultural identity? - have an introduction, body and conclusion. - Structure your paragraph effectively eg. STEEL
URGENT: only 500 - 750 words we have to write Please read the instructions very very carefully before you start an will have 2.5 hours to complete it once you select Start Quiz. This is my credentials. ask courses 2.Acess to desire 2 learn courses 3. select course- LIBS-7001 4.content 5.Module- 9 Midterm instruction After reading the instructions carefully you can open the midterm exam once you open the exam then you have 2.5 ...