The Painful Simile of Atwood’s short poem, “you fit into me”1. The Painful Simile of Atwood’s short poem, “you fit into me”: Discuss the painful, double-sided nature of Atwood’s clever simile in her poem, “you fit into me” and how it illuminates the complexity and/ or difficulty of its fraught subject. What is the primary feeling that arises from this disturbing poem’s use o...
This is the link for story: "Heart Lake" by Rudrapriya Rathora. As you read this story, consider what ideas the author is trying to explore, what meaning she is creating. Is this a story about survival (in the tradition of Canadian literature?) Are there any other issues or topics that are being explored? Any messages about those topics the writer is trying to convey? PLOT 1. How wou...
Task: Write a five-paragraph essay (approximately 750 words) that puts forward a clear argument and is supported by documented sources. Use at least two secondary sources and have a least one quotation per body paragraph. The Research Essay must be based on one of the following readings from our textbook: 1. “The Slender Trap” by Trina Piscatelli on p. 129 In the “Slender Trap,” Trina Pisc...
DescriptionDescription: This argumentative essay requires you to pose an argument about a subject of your choosing. Itwill take a stance on a specific topic (social media, climate change, etc.) for an educated butnon-expert audience (i.e. me). Your analysis must engage with two peer-reviewed sources youhave located while writing the paper. If you would like, you may use the topic and sources thatyou located for your annotated bibliography assi...
Topic of the EssayThis is a comparison and contrast essay of no more than that requires you to choose two stories. Below are the two stories : “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather “Death by Landscape” by Margaret Atwood After reading, Choose just one of the following topics: 1)Using two stories, compare and contrast the protagonists’ isolation from the world and the people around them. 2)Using two stories, compare an...
Gloria Mehlmann's 'Pin Cherry Morning'Write a literary analysis essay on one of the topics below: 1. Gloria Mehlmann’s short story, “Pin Cherry Morning,” portrays a narrator’s childhood witnessing of children at play on a First Nation. Discuss the author’s portrayal of the impact of residential school experiences on family and kinship. 2. Herbert Gunn&rsq...
Learning ObjectivesINTRODUCTION Unit 2 gives you the opportunity to get to know other students in English 255 and exchange ideas with them about course readings and public issues. You will participate in a series of THREE online discussion forum sessions in Moodle. You do not have to be online at the same time as your group mates for the discussions to take place. Each discussion group will have three to five student members. Only you, your grou...
Subtopic 1 In this assignment, worth 15% of your overall course mark, you will write a rhetorical analysis essay on one of the essays we have read for the class in Unit 2. Because our text gives an example of a rhetorical analysis of “Denaturalizing ‘Natural Disasters,’” you may not choose this essay. As a reminder, here are the essays you can choose from: · "The UnAtomic Age" (page 2...
Arise and Glory Days by Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Bruce SpringsteenPick ONE of the following questions and discuss. Answers must be in paragraph form. Pay particular attention to dates the poems were published and make sure your answers are reasonable given the time period. 1. While both of these texts talk about seemingly different subjects, they share a deeper theme. What is each song saying (i.e., paraphrase the texts), and what is the deeper t...
Ella's Struggles with Loneliness and AnxietyTask: A short story "Pilgrim" is about average family of four going to Thanksgiving dinner party at a seemingly unknown family house. The story is told from the perspective of the eldest son, girl named Ella. Ella feels lonely and disappointed in her life. In story, there have some contrasts: adults and children, limited and sufficient time, illness and health, daily life and holidays. In fact, Ella's...
Choose from Three Essay Prompts In order to assist you in the writing of your second and final essay of the semester, you will be required to submit your essay’s thesis statemen and a general outline of the essay Your thesis statement should consider the teachings from So, What is Your Thesis? in order to develop a strong, concise, and specific statement from which to work. Your outline should detail the topic sentence for each of your bod...
Purpose of a university or collegiate educationFor this assignment, read and reread carefully the essay “A Texan at Oxford” by William W. Morris (Willie Morris), which was published in the Special Issue: Britain 1 of The Texas Quarterly in Winter 1960, and consider one (1) of the following topics to write about: • What, in general, is the purpose of a university or collegiate education? Consider what you think the answer to t...
The Definition of a Project and its Application in the MovieThe definition of a project as provided by Pinto (2019): A project is a unique venture with a beginning and end, conducted by people to meet established goals within parameters of cost, schedule, and quality. A project can be considered to be any series of activities and tasks that: •Have a specific objective to be completed within certain specifications •Have defi...
The Significance of Pete's Masks in The Outside Circle1. One of the key repeated images in Patti LaBoucane-Benson’s The Outside Circle are the masks that Pete wears throughout his journey of healing. There are two distinct masks: the mask of anger and the mask of reconciliation. Each mask has a significant impact on Pete’s life and are shown to constantly be a part of him from anger and solitude, to healing and reconnection...
Question: Creating confident, motivated teachers of physical education in primary schools. European physical education review, 16(1), 47-64. What is “European physical education review?” • The article title. • A Journal name. • A Book title. • The Chapter title. Which of these three sentences needs citations? • Climate change is an issue of increasing concern to both the developing and industri...