Task You will be in the form of a presentation of a sustainable business plan. You are required to produce a Power Point presentation which will pitch the business proposition to a panel of business experts who will ask questions to ascertain viability of your business proposition. Your proposal could be a product or service based business in any sector and will need to include the following: 1. Motivation for choice of business2. The process ...
It is your responsibility to find the entrepreneur or small business owner. The challenge of this assessment is for you to show initiative and find an appropriate person to interview. You can interview a current business owner or somebody who has previously run a business. Your entrepreneur can represent any of the fields of entrepreneurship. Your tutor cannot help you find someone to interview, but can provide advice if you are not...
TaskDevelop skills for managing your own and othersâ learning and performance. Task: Choose and submit a selection of your journal entries based onjournal entry questions that offer insights into your educational experiences and your ideas about learning. Read the Q&A below before you start How do I prepare? Before starting this assignment, maintain a journal (word document) noting your responses and reflections to ...
Question: You will be allocated a country and an SME by your seminar tutor. You then required to conduct a business environment audit of that country for expansion. You should conduct a PESTLE analysis for your allocated country, describe and evaluate those aspects of the environment (political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological, and environmental) in the potential global market that are relevant to and, have implications for, d...
Learning OutcomeLearning Outcome 1. Analyse the changing business environment(s) globally and how they pose challenges to marketing management functions in organisations.2. Develop marketing plans with application of appropriate marketing models, tools and techniques3. Evaluate the processes involved in brand management and how they influence consumer behaviour4. Evaluate the skills set needed as a creative marketer to launch new products/s...
Task Rather than completing quizzes or short essay interactions, as we have done in previous modules, in this final course segment you are to bring together some of the essential elements we have been studying in a final essay. you are welcome to write more if you wish). Please address the following: a) Summarize your own current beliefs and viewpoints with respect to religion; you may include such things as your particular faith profession, or...
Task One-Business Analytics Concepts1.Define and evaluate key concepts of business analytics. 2.Critically apply business analytics skills for decision making. 3.Critically analyse and interpret the outputs of data mining models and forecasting results for end-users. 4.Solve managerial problems and make systematic decisions by applying business data analysis techniques. 5.Have ability to apply business analytics to various international busi...
Part 1: Cohesive and Productive Team BuildingPart 1 Organizations today understand the vital importance of technology that supports the effective and efficient collaboration of a global and cross-cultural workforce. Companies are moving toward organizational designs where the workforce is centered on project-based teams. Organizational leaders are focused on ensuring that the technology available in the workplace supports team collaboration a...
TaskIn this project, you will demonstrate an understanding of management and leadership. You will be exposed to various leadership skills and styles. After reading the project's case scenario, you will apply what has been learned to make recommendations for a new position at Tasty Products. Demonstrate leadership skills by communicating a shared vision, motivating and empowering others, and creating a culture of ethical decision-mak...
Task: Facts: Carnival Cruise Lines It's early 2020, and the world's largest cruise line operator is about to confront a collision of two storms: its court-mandated environmental compliance plan, more than two years in progress, and the imminent coronavirus pandemic. Carnival's Diamond Princess cruise ship underwent a 4-week quarantine in Japanese waters. Carnival is accused of spreading the Covid 19 virus which makes international headli...
Question: 1 Understand and demonstrate, through critical appraisal, knowledge of the changing nature of work, identifying future trends in organisations and workplace management. 2 Identify the implications of these issues and changes for HR policy and practice through thoughtful critical analysis. What am I required to do in this assignment? Based on the case study of ITUSA provided, please write an essay from the list of 8 topics provid...
Task This assignment will develop the skills of technical writing, document design, and adapting a piece of technical writing to a specific audience. Choose a topic that you know a lot about, but which may not be familiar to a general audience. Example topics include a skill, a scientific or abstract concept, an object, an event in history, or an activity (such as a hobby or sport). Your instructor might select a topic like volcanoes, or one vo...
An organization is a unit of two or more people who have come together to achieve a particular purpose. A common goal is shared by all the individuals in the unit, and they pull together their resources to ensure that this goal is achieved. It is general knowledge that where two or more people are gathered there is bound to be some form of conflict. These goals could be personal or organizational. When individuals find themselves in an o...
Question: Demonstrate an in-depth and critical knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of marketing and strategy. Demonstrate a synthetically, analytically and persuasively deep understanding of the process of marketing and strategic analysis Deploy analytical tools of strategic and marketing management in relation to both the external and internal environments of organisations to synthesise, evaluate and develop appropriate strate...
Task Questions Frontline Documentary Film Mask You Live In (Links to an external site.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-Ttk4yFShxUb2E 1. Describe stereotypes associated with "masculinity" . 2. Explain "the code of silence" in terms of gender role orientation affects communication within male groups. (Base your answers on information in the film and the book.) 3. Elaborate on the mental and physical health consequences a...