Task DescriptionSubmit via NYU Brightspace your report and Excel files by Session 8. Watch for specific instructions from the TA. This assignment is to be done in groups of up to four. For each problem, please provide justification (analysis) for your answers. Your report should also include screenshots of your spreadsheet model and the results. 1. Sailco must determine how many sailboats to produce during each of the next four quarters. At ...
Task ‘There is no simple formula that produces greatness in a headteacher or school principal. The best ones are individuals who know their own minds and have their own ideas’ (Sutcliffe, 2013, pvi) 3,000-4,000 assignment Certain examples of leadership are more likely to succeed in an educational context than others. Do you agree? In your answer, you can consider the following: Different models of leadership The difference between...
Task: Questions: 1. Did the Framers want it to be easy or difficult to pass legislation?2. Does Congress have an internal system of checks and balances?3. What is bipartisanship?4. How many House members are up for re-election every two years?5. Which chamber of Congress has more formal rules for procedure?6. What is a filibuster?7.What is logrolling?8. What percentage vote is needed to pass legislation through Congress?9. What percentage vote ...
Management ApproachesWhat are you being asked to do?Question 11. You need to define and explain F. W. Taylorâs (scientific management) approach and Elton Mayoâs management approach.2. You need to explore the advantages and disadvantages of each management approach.3. You need then to construct an argument based upon your critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages that argues as to why you would re...
Submission of Work through TurnitinThis is your week 7 summative assessment. Please complete the work and submit to your tutor using Turnitin. You can do this by accessing the IF3050 site on Weblearn, and clicking on “Online Submission” in the left hand margin under “Assessment”. Then access this document in the “Week 7 Assessment 001 (summative)” section. Click on the relevant group name in ord...
Search and present findings of an occupation. Approve your specific career with the instructor. Identify educational requirements, salary, job description, and occupational outlook for a specific career. Follow the guidelines for each report section as described below. a.Use an APA report format to write the information (use the template Research Report) b.Minimum two pages, single-spaced. c.Provide headings for each of the requ...
Good governance is important for corporations and societyIf the board decides to proceed with civil action, Section 77 of the Companies Act of 2008 which makes provision for directors to be held liable for financial losses on their watch â will no doubt be crucial to the case. The board has the opportunity to send a strong message that corporate governance lapses will not go unpunished, and that executives will be held accounta...
ObjectivesUnderstanding of the origins and various approaches to strategy Understanding of the complexity of the relationships between the organisation and its environment Understanding of international/global strategic thinking Understanding of the application of strategy ideas in practice The ability to analyse the complexity of organisations and their environments The ability to synthesise earlier, diverse and possible piecemeal ...
Background information on Joe BloggsThis essay will analyse the life of the singer Joe Bloggs from the perspective of two different theories of lifespan development: attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969; Ainsworth et al, 1978), and Eriksonâs (1963) theory of psychosocial development. The main sources used in this analysis are Bloggsâ own autobiography, Why I am so great, (Bloggs, 1995) and an in-depth BBC intervi...
Research-informed LiteratureAssignment 3 (50%) – Your task is to create and prepare a pitch (10mins) that you will present to the General Manager of Hotel Trinity, detailing your event design proposal for a Staff party. A hotel’s employees often are the first defence in the profitability game. A lack of engagement in their respective roles or during guest interactions can lead to declining customer satisfaction, and in turn, decre...
Methodology (Not Required)You will choose one or a combination of the data sets ( primate behaviour data) that have been collected on the Uganda field course (2015-2019). You will analyse the data, and then present and discuss these results. You are not required to include an introduction or methods section but must include a results section, a discussion, and a list of references. For assessment 010 you will be doing a partial practical write ...
Learning Outcomes AssessedLearning Outcomes Assessed: LO1: Identify different types of data and understand principles, challenges and techniques of big data analysis. LO2: Explain how Big Data can be used to support business objectives and functions. Assessment Brief: This assignment requires you to complete the followings: 1.Create a A2 size poster to present findings of research focusing on the below specific tasks: What big data is ...
CLO1 -Communicate effectively and professionally, applying conventional English language standards, in personal, academic, and workplace contextsCLO 3 - Incorporate relevant information from credible sources into communications utilizing proper citation style. Essential Employability SkillsThe following Essential Employability Skills are assessed in this assignment. Â You can find out more about Essential Employability Skills at the ...
Importance of Effective Academic and Professional Skills DevelopmentLO1: Describe the challenges of studying business management and thriving in professional practice LO2: Explain the importance of effective academic and professional skills development LO3: Demonstrate effective team working skills Working individually, prepare a presentation using appropriate examples that describes the challenges of studying business management and ...
TaskAssignment: This assignment requires that you write a letter to any one of the two United States (U.S.) Congressional senators representing Texas or any U.S Congressional representative representing Texas (first find out who they are) that conveys and analyzes your concerns about a national issue. The Letter of Concern will demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate by developing and writing an executive summary that identifies,...