Understanding Attacks on Networked SystemsWith the interconnected nature of technology today, securing our networked systems and data against attack is a major concern for organisations. Understanding attacks on our data, computers, and networks enable us to put in place technical countermeasures to mitigate such attacks. In addition, the ability to effectively test the security of our networked systems can facilitate understanding to prevent ...
Overview of the Current Network Breach and Cyber-AttacksTask: You are part of a collaborative team that was created to address cyber threats and exploitation of US financial systems' critical infrastructure. Your team has been assembled by the White House cyber national security staff to provide situational awareness about a current network breach and cyberattack against several financial service institutions. Your team consists of f...
Project DescriptionProject Description You are asked to design a computer network (peer-to-peer or client/server) for an Accounting firm in the city of Fort Valley, GA. The firm has 6 employees (including the president). Each employee has a computer with Windows XP and a low cost ink jet printer. The company has a good color laser jet printer located in the secretary’s office. Currently, the employees need to submit their document on a ...
Question: You are required to carry out a forensic examination of the evidence file that you have been supplied with and forensically examine its contents. You will need to produce an expert witness report that describes the formal investigation methodology that you followed and presents your findings. It is therefore essential that you follow a formal investigation procedure. You will have to describe in detail the methodology that you follo...
Understanding Binary Conversion in IPv4 AddressesTask: Part ABeing able to convert decimal values to binary (and vice versa) is very important in networking because this is the basis for how subnetting is done. You may have done some of these exercises in high school and probably didn’t know why it was important to be able to convert decimal values into binary, and vice versa. This hands-on activity will help you recall how this is done o...
BackgroundYou have been assigned to support the Padgett-Beale Merger & Acquisition (M&A) team working under the direct supervision of Padgett-Beale’s Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). The M&A team is in the planning stages for how it will integrate a new acquisition, Island Banking Services, into the company as its financial services arm (PBI-FS). Initially, PBI-FS will function as a wholly owned subsidiary which mea...
Question: Note: Word limit for each question part is 200 words excluding references, equations and diagrams. a)A wireless transmission system needs to overcome several key issues (challenges) related to the behaviour of radio frequency (RF) propagation in wireless channels. One such challenge is multipath propagation. Explain the effects of multipath on signals at a wireless receiver. b)In wireless communications, how does...
Question: In submitting this assessment, you are agreeing with the following statement: ‘I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this assessment’. You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the regulations and procedures are taken very seriously by the University. Exams in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found m...
ScenarioOverview Each student will create a detailed, organized, unified technical solution given the scenario described below. The submission will be in a written format, with at least one diagram, and may include additional diagrams, charts or tables. The assignment is meant for students to enhance their mastery of the material and to provide a creative and realistic way in which to apply knowledge from this course. Scenario “...
Project PurposeUse the following sections to describe why a new system is being developed or why an existing system is undergoing a significant modification. Identify the goals, and objectives of the new system Identify the fundamental purpose of this project (e.g., create a brand-new system, replace an existing system, or significantly alter an existing system). Briefly describe the goals and objectives of the new or modified system. Cl...
Exam DetailsTask: Online Exam There are a total of 25 questions: 11 true/false, 12 multiple-choice, and 2 fill-in-the-blank questions About one-third of the questions are from the contents covered in the midterm exam (i.e., notes modules 1 through 4, and the corresponding homework assignments 2 and 3), the other questions are from notes modules 5 through 9 and homework assignments 4 through 6. Be advised that homework assignment 6 is part of th...
Question: An answer for an exam that is submitted after the published submission deadline as set out above, without approval, will be regarded as not having been completed. A mark of zero will be awarded for the assessment. The usual rule that applies to coursework and gives students a 10% penalty where work is submitted up to 24 hours after the published hand-in deadline does NOT apply here. Any exam answer submitted after the deadline is...
Question: a) In a recent cybersecurity challenges event, contestants were given some ciphertext to decrypt. They also had access to a server that performed the encryption; they could enter any plaintext and observe the result of encryption. What is the name of this type of cryptanalysis: ciphertext-only, known-plaintext, or chosenplaintext? How does its difficulty compare with the other two types? (b) Consider the following cipher for encryp...
Task: You are an enterprise security architect for a company in a semiconductor manufacturing industry where maintaining competitive advantage and protecting intellectual property is vital. You're in charge of security operations and strategic security planning. Your responsibilities include devising the security protocols for identification, access, and authorization management. You recently implemented cryptography algorithms to protect the...
Question: Penalties for Late Submissions • Late submission of any item of coursework for each day or part thereof (or for hard copy submission only, working day or part thereof) for up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules at Levels 0, 4, 5, 6 submitted late (including deferred coursework, but with the exception of referred coursework), will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or un...