Key Points to RememberIt turns out that the wholehearted adoption of an exclusively optimistic outlook may not be what promotes your well-being and the good life.” (pp.468, Gruman et al. 2017). e-Text key points to Remember Positive psychology is the science of understanding and promoting well-being and optimal human functioning. Positive and social psychology are closely connected especially when optimism and pessi...
Capstone ComponentsOverview As the final step in your journey toward your master of science degree in psychology, you will complete a capstone project that integrates the knowledge and skills you have developed in previous coursework and over the duration of the term by creating a research concept paper and professional presentation that will be developed for an identified target audience. You will also reflect on your journey thro...
Question 1: What is the Theory of structural dissociation of the personality The person speaks coherently and interactively with the interviewer about life experiences, whether favorable or unfavorable. Questions are answered with sufficient, but not excessive, elaboration and provide a coherent narrativethat may even include traumatic issues. The infant seeks physical contact, proximity, and interaction. If upset by the separation, t...
Questions: Deposit paper reviews in Psyc Dept drop box outside 4L41, or attach electronically through the Nexus drop-box. Final Deadline for submitting article reviews: Fall/Winter Term: 1 week after last class. Spring Term: day of last class.1. In your own words, state the conclusions of the research discussed in the article:2. In your own words, describe the research evidence that the researcher uses, and explain how it supports their conclu...
Your first draft is simply what it implies â a âfirst draft.â My intent is to help you develop a clear, focused, strong proposal for your project. You are simply proposing ideas at this stage regarding what you think you may want to do for your project. You may need to make a few revisions which is a normal part of constructing a Masterâs Project Proposal. I will grade your ...
The importance of perceptionIt’s Saturday night and you decide to upload a new picture on Instagram. After spending an hour deciding on which selfie to post, you select one that is clearly superior to the rest of the fifty or so selfies that you had taken. You post the picture thinking that you will get over a hundred likes at least from your Instagram followers in the next half hour. Did I post the wrong picture? How could I possib...
Tasks: Individual Essay AssignmentPart A (Personality Psychology, 2000 words)• Movies offer an interesting insight into personalities and behaviour. Watch one (1) of the following films and focus on three (3) main characters in it. • From the perspective of a personality psychologist (not film critic), apply five (5) relevant concepts from one (1) of the following personality psychology approaches in analysing the personalities and ...
Questions:Remember the purpose of the paper is to illustrate that you understand and can integrate and apply a psychological theory. Although the paper focuses on the application of psychological theory to an offenderâs crime (i.e., the how and the why), there is a descriptive element to your paper (i.e., the what) in that you must provide an overview of the theory. Â The goal of the paper is not to find the &acir...
Patient BackgroundThe patient is a 26-year-old college graduate who is currently euthymic but who has a history of major depressive episodes. He has experienced major depressive episodes, mostly untreated, of varying lengths and severities since he was a teenager His symptoms have included insomnia, despondent thoughts, depressed mood, low interest in activities, poor energy, and impaired cognition. Â He says his self-esteem drop...
Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)Diagnostic criteria for intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) emphasize the need for an assessment of both cognitive capacity (IQ) and adaptive functioning. Severity is determined by adaptive functioning rather than IQ score. The term mental retardation was used in DSM-IV. However, intellectual disability is the term that has come into common use over the past t...
Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: c) Critically analyse the psychosocial and cultural needs of the child or adolescent and their significant other and essential support in relation to acute illness in child and adolescent primary health care. d) Explore the complexities of medication management with children and adolescents and interpret and apply to care planning. ...
Background Information on How Malaysian Cope with Depression, Anxiety, and Stress- General overview of challenges during MCO. - Define and describe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. - How MCO can lead to the above conditions 2. Background Information on How Malaysian Cope with Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Summarise the content of the article. Describe the objectives, methods, and findings of the study. 2.2 Expla...
Major biological theories of agingChapter14: Physical Changes and Health 1. Major biological theories of aging (must include TWO or more of the following): Focusing on biological aging describe the aging process later in life: (1) Metabolic theory(2) Cellular theory (3) Genetic programming theory 2. Physiological changes normally occur in later life (must include TWO) or more of the following): Focusing on physiological chang...
The Public Interest in Reasonable Disclosure1. Analyse the question and aim to produce a critical discussion which focuses on the relevant issues. 2. You should include all of the relevant and significant cases on silence on legal advice covered in the module 3. ‘A critical approach in essay-writing engages in arguments and debate about the law. It might involve arguing that a particular understanding of the law is superior to altern...
ObjectiveObjective There are two main goals for this assignment. First, the theories and models you will learn during the course are meant to be applied. Consequently, an important learning outcome is learning how to apply the theories to analyze the personality of individuals. Secondly, it is imperative for your development as a student to be able to organize and communicate your thoughts effectively. A written assignment is a required eleme...