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Course Code   :  7BUS2002
Course Title   :  business research method
Ref style  :  Harvard

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignmentLearning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment: ·understand relevant methodological concepts and challenges associated with business research ·critically examine the range of research methods and justify their potential relevance to a chosen research topic ·analyse ethical aspects of research design and propose responsibl...

Ref style  :  Harvard

SECTION 1 : Social Problem/Issue which you have Identified ? Discuss the social problem/s in whatever location in Malaysia that you have identified (based on factual research) for the purpose of setting up a transformational entrepreneurship business entity to help alleviate this problem/s. (Note: Proper citation and referencing are required) ? Your discussion should cover: • The social problem/issue – provide proof and statistics from...

Ref style  :  APA

 Question 1    COMPULSORY    “At the end of January of this year, Airbus reached an agreement with prosecutors from France, Britain and the United States to pay $4 billion in order to settle the bribery case against it. This settlement agreement launched several investigations around the world into wrongdoing by airline executives. One of the high-profile investigations involved AirAsia founder and CEO Tony Fernan...

Course Code   :  IB818P
Course Title   :  international business
Ref style  :  Harvard

Questions: 1.Take a company of your choice (which could be your own organisation) and consider what capabilities are necessary to internationalise, and the trade-offs that may emerge, when considering different modes of entry into high risk and low risk countries. 2.Critically discuss how the characteristics of the host country environment influence the internationalisation decisions of the firm? Justify your argument with relevant examples. 3...

Course Code   :  MN6P12
Course Title   :  management dissertation
Ref style  :  Harvard

Compliance with Ethics Policy and Proceduresll research and training involving staff and students at London Metropolitan University must comply with the University’s Ethics Policy and Procedures. These have been developed to protect staff, students and research participants from potential harm and to promote the highest ethical standards in research and training. Students will be discouraged from undertaking research involving children o...

Course Code   :  ORGA 316
Course Title   :  understanding contemporary organizations
Ref style  :  Open

Examine the culture of an organization or industrySo here are some suggestions:1) A cool project might be to examine the culture of an organization or industry and explain how the artifacts express the values and underlying assumptions. You could include pictures, stories, rituals, etc., and then explain what they say about the culture. You could also compare different cultures; for instance, how are hockey fights different from say baseball fig...

Course Code   :  QAB020X601S
Course Title   :  business ethics and responsible management
Ref style  :  Harvard

Question: The exact proportions will vary and this is part of your challenge to write informatively and concisely across the required tasks. How will we support you with your assessment? ·Assessment briefing Week 1 (lecture) ·Briefing material and guides in addition to the assessment brief (Please make sure that you read these) ·Dedicated seminar session on your formative assessment  - see LTAF for the weeks &middo...

Course Code   :  QAC020C153A
Course Title   :  web development
Ref style  :  Oxford

Learning OutcomesOn the successful completion of this module students will be able to: 1.Gain knowledge and understanding of state-of-the-art web design technologies. 2.Demonstrate the ability to design, develop, test and evaluate interactive websites.   3.Demonstrate the ability to deploy web application online by building a local server and uploading files to the internet. 4.Understand and apply interface design principles to develo...

Course Code   :  994N1
Course Title   :  digital transformations and innovation
Ref style  :  Harvard

Assessment CriteriaThe module uses two modes of assessments to assist student learning and to test different types of knowledge, skills, and module learning outcomes. Your grade for the module will be based on a 15- min Group Presentation (weighted at 25%) and a 2,000-word Essay (weighted at 75%). Please check Canvas and Sussex Direct for the submission deadline and other details. 1. Link to module learning outcomes This Essay links to all fo...

Ref style  :  APA

The coursework will be a written report, you are invited to read the case study The Virgin Group from the textbook pp 293 – 297 (you can also find an electronic copy on Moodle), and answer the following questions. In order to answer the questions, you need to extract as much information as possible from the case study to support your discussion. You are also encouraged to go beyond the case study, use external sources about The Virgin Group...

Course Code   :  4LI014
Course Title   :  the international hospitality context
Ref style  :  Harvard

Assignment Brief This is an individual piece of work consisting of both a written report and a digital mood board with audio recording of your voice explaining the mood board embedded into the slide. You are required to write a report and prepare a mood board based on the following scenario:      Scenario You have just secured a job as Hospitality Business Development Manager for a country of your choice.  You are required to create an ...

Ref style  :  Oxford

TASK 1   PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to develop learner’s ability to write a problem statement based on actual facts and figures and to formulate the research questions and objectives based on the problem statement and research topic.   REQUIREMENT The first stage of research is to identify problems or issues in business and management and to justify the need for research. To this end, you are required to choos...

Course Code   :  BUSM3199
Course Title   :  ethics & governance
Ref style  :  APA

Analysis of Contemporary Ethics IssuesAssessment task details: You are required to choose one (1) of the following three contemporary ethics issues (Topics 1, 2 or 3) for analysis and produce a board briefing paper for tabling at the next meeting of the company’s board of directors. Board members gain a great deal of information about the decisions they need to make through the papers they receive prior to a board meeting. Board papers are...

Course Code   :  BUSM1100
Course Title   :  organisational analysis
Ref style  :  Harvard

BackgroundThis case study describes how a company wanted to improve its image to its customer base. The company formed a community of practice within its employees to develop a positive image and they sought to highlight their positive impact on the community in Singapore. The company also set aside a budget for donation to nominated charities. Part of this initiative was a social media launch and campaign to highlight its support for their char...

Course Code   :  BUSM4555
Course Title   :  contemporary management for issues and challenges
Ref style  :  Harvard

Understand what contemporary management issues and challenges are in modern organisations CLO2 Apply relevant theories to critically examine contemporary management issues and formulate effective solutions to these issues CLO3 Effectively communicate concepts and arguments learned in contemporary management in a logical, coherent and engaging manner Assessment Declaration: I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, und...
