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With an increase in the disasters around the word, every country needs to develop a strong healthcare system which helps the country to tackle the health issues. emergency health management can be encountered at any case which includes both chronic as well as acute diseases or any sort of accident, country needs to prepare so that they are able to provide the healthcare immediately to the people without any delay (Ibrahim, 2014). Over the different years it has been observed tat healthcare management of Saudi Arabia has been questioned and criticized. This assignment involves understanding as well as critically analysing the health management of emergency and disaster in Saudi Arabia.

Health Management Of Emergency And Disaster In Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the most stable nation as well as it is well developed. However, there are various weather condition which is observed at Saudi Arabia such as floods, heatwaves, and droughts. Due to these factors Saudi Arabia is considered to be the hotspot as well as prone to different kinds of natural hazards. The two main disaster which is encountered at the Saudi Arabia includes flood and earthquake. Beside the natural disaster, the manmade disaster in the country is extremely high (Shalhoub, Khan & Alaska, 2017). Firstly, the rate of accident at Saudi Arabia is extremely high. There is often occurrence of oil exploration and production activities at the country’s oil and gas sector. Additionally, general health disaster is another major cause which occurs during hajj.

For all these different types of disasters as well as the emergency situations, the management of healthcare is not good which results in  poor socioeconomic status of the people and poor quality of life. It is important to properly manage these disasters, so as to improve the health outcome as well as increase life expectancy. There has been increased threat to the public as well as safety of the individuals and these are basically because of the terrorism and outbreaks. The main problem which is faced by the healthcare setting while providing the proper care is inadequate experience among the professionals (Al Thobaity et al., 2019). There is not much experience as well as training which is been encountered in healthcare professionals of Saudi Arabia which makes it difficult to understanding the healthcare needs as well as how it can be managed. The healthcare system of Saudi Arabia is ranked 26 th out of 190 countries according to the world health organisation report.

Despite of this there has been no particular step which is taken by both governmental as well as private healthcare organisation, and additionally it has also been observed that there is poor management as well as efficiency as well as effectiveness among paramedics, emergency doctors as well as EMS administration.  There is not enough right that is being provided to the different healthcare professionals such as paramedics are not permitted to take independent decision. Additionally, the emergency responders in the Saudi Arabia are commonly to encounter and face resistance from the patients and there have been increase in the legal cases among th paramedics in order when they tried to provide emergency treatment without the consultancy from any authority (Ibrahim, 2014). There have also been increase complaints as well as issues regarding late arrival of the ambulance at the disaster site as well as inefficiency of paramedics intervention. These reasons collectively are highly deteriorating the health of individual which further causes many health related issues and diseases.


Disaster and emergency health management has been evolving and becoming one of the mot important facto for a country across the globe. There are basically four steps which are involved in the disaster management which include- prevention and mitigation, preparation and planning, response and relief, and recovery (Alazmy, Samarkandi, & William, 2020). Health disaster management will help to find the possible risk factors, analysing the disasters as well as taking possible steps through which health disaster can be tackled. this also serves greatly in order to provide immediate health services as well as increase the recovery rate of the individual. the healthcare system is directly affected by the different disasters as there is increased human loss as well as other problems such as poor availability of resources, difficulty in commutation and many others. looking into the disaster management will help in two cases.

Firstly, Prior to the disaster, it helps to prepare for the disaster so that we are able to tackle it and if possible taking necessary measures to rede the chance of occurrence (Alyami et al., 2020). Another incudes providing care after the disaster. This also involves  having adequate bed as well as resources which should be used while providing the care and the adequate amount of healthcare professionals who will work toward providing the care and treatment to the patients (Nofal et al., 2018). So, it can be said that disaster management is done in order to reduce the impact of disaster on the human health as well as providing emergency healthcare services both before and after the disaster.


Disaster health management is one of the most important factor which is being considered by different countries and healthcare organisation. it helps to provide the adequate health services to the individuals both during the disaster as well as after the disaster and it also involves doing particular preparation so tat it becomes easier to tackle and face the disaster. Over the years it has been observed that there has been an increase in the number of disasters- both natural and manmade and it is of major concern due to poor management and poor system to take necessary actions.


Al Thobaity, A., Alamri, S., Plummer, V., & Williams, B. (2019). Exploring the necessary disaster plan components in Saudi Arabian hospitals. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction41, 101316.

Alazmy, W., Samarkandi, O., & Williams, B. (2020). The history of emergency medical services response to mass casualty incidents in disasters, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care2020(1), 3.

Alyami, A., Dulong, C. L., Younis, M. Z., & Mansoor, S. (2020). Disaster Preparedness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Exploring and Evaluating the Policy, Legislative Organisational Arrangements Particularly During the Hajj Period. European Journal of Environment and Public Health5(1), em0053.

Ibrahim, F. A. A. (2014). Nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, practices and familiarity regarding disaster and emergency preparedness–Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Nursing Science3(2), 18-25.

Nofal, A., Alfayyad, I., Khan, A., Al Aseri, Z., & Abu-Shaheen, A. (2018). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of emergency department staff towards disaster and emergency preparedness at tertiary health care hospital in central Saudi Arabia. Saudi medical journal39(11), 1123.

Shalhoub, A. A. B., Khan, A. A., & Alaska, Y. A. (2017). Evaluation of disaster preparedness for mass casualty incidents in private hospitals in Central Saudi Arabia. Saudi medical journal38(3), 302.

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Cooper Robinson

Hi, I am Cooper Robinson. I am a full-time academic writer with expertise in essay writing. Having completed my Master's degree, I worked as an English professor. For six long years, I had been reading hundreds of essays with repetitive content, zero creativity, and full of copied facts. Listing Now, I am on a mission to make all those dull essays sparkle, so that students do not miss out on top grades. I'veI've written a couple of guest posts on essay writing for prominent academic writing sites. Apart from English essay writing, I love coffee and sushi. When I am not making essay warriors out of students, I am probably off to some fishing or biking adventure. 

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