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Conclusion Starters: Everything You Need to Know

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You have done it! Your body paragraphs and introduction have been enhanced. You’ve taken the time to thoroughly study and substantiate all of your points. But your mind freezes as you steadily draw closer to finishing your essay. Yes. Now you have to write the conclusion.

But there is nothing to worry about when you know what a conclusion is and how to write it.

So, let’s understand what it is.

Conclusion : Definition

“A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking.” – Dan Chaon

But in writing, that’s not totally true. You have started writing one piece. So, you have to end it.

One of the most challenging aspects of composing a paper is the conclusion. They are, nonetheless, among the most crucial components of a paper because they offer insight and clarity into the subject.

Putting your paper’s discussion to rest is what conclusions are about. In the introduction and body parts, you transitioned from vague to particular facts. But in your conclusion, you should start with a more specific material that restates the key aspects of your argument. Moreover, conclusions may urge action or summarise potential areas for future study.

You can follow the following outline to write your conclusion –

  • Restate your subject and the significance of it.
  • Rephrase your argument or claim,
  • Discuss opposing arguments and justify your perspective to the readers.
  • Encourage action or discuss potential areas for future research.

Understand what a conclusion really is –

  • Introduction-State what you are going to tell
  • Body-Tell them
  • Conclusion-Tell them what you told them

So, now you have understood what a conclusion is. Let’s find out the need for a conclusion.

What is the Purpose of Writing a Conclusion?

A conclusion paragraph’s goal is to synthesise your writing and reaffirm the key point you made in the paper’s body. One of the crucial components of academic writing is the conclusion structure. A conclusion weaves in the introductory paragraph’s basic thesis statement and any relevant supporting evidence and offers the reader some closure. A strong ending effectively communicates the author’s main point.

So, let’s find out the different functions of conclusions.

Various Types of Conclusions Used in Contents

  • Synthesise
  • Editorialise
  • Externalise

Often, writers avoid adding a conclusion to their write-up when in a hurry. But not including a conclusion in your content means it doesn’t end properly. That’s why you have to write a conclusion based on your content. And all the conclusions serve one of these three basic functions –

  • Synthesise Conclusion

When you write an essay with longer content, you need to remind your readers of the topic’s major points. But as they have already gone through your essay, you don’t want to repeat the same things again. So, stop summarising your topic. Instead, you can highlight or emphasise the most vital points in your essay differently. It is what synthesise means – to merge existing components. You can dedicate one sentence each to highlight the key points in your conclusion.

Here is an example of Synthesise Conclusion –

Nevertheless, Winspear’s cosy murders are too clean to fit with the hard-boiled detectives. Birds of a Feather barely fits comfortably into the contemporary genre due to its strange and unnecessary supernatural elements. Although this novel was enjoyable enough, it should not have been awarded the Agatha Award. In comparison, it was nowhere near as enjoyable or manipulative as Christie’s novels. The mystery itself was weak and even the contemporariness was not as convincing. Although a talented writer, Winspear should not have been put on the same pedestal as one of the best writers in detective fiction.

  • Editorialise Conclusion

Editorial conclusions are opinion-based. It allows the writer to share their opinions freely, such as predictions, emotions, feelings, etc. This type of conclusion is totally based on the type of content, whether it is argumentative or response-based.

Here is an example of Editorialise Conclusion –

Overall, I think the author provided enough introductory information about Intelligent Design. However, as I continued reading the packet, I noticed two arguments, rather than the one Discovery Institute kept addressing. The methods behind Intelligent Design are confusing and

not fully explained, thus weakening their argument in the evolution debate.

  • Externalise Conclusion

This type of conclusion is needed when you are writing on a specific topic that is related to an extensively complicated topic. Writing an externalising conclusion creates transition and gives your readers a scope to carry on the study and explore more. This type of conclusion is mostly used in research papers.

Here is an example for Externalise Conclusion –

Sharks are a necessity in the ecosystem and should be protected from hunting. Today, there are many laws that regulate the fishing of sharks and the selling of fins. However, these laws are not enforced, and sharks are still being killed for sport. Educating the public could also reduce

illegal fishing and finning as long as it is accomplished through a reputable source. If we want to avoid placing all sharks on the endangered species list, then laws must be enforced and the public educated.

From this discussion, you may have understood that before using any type of conclusion, you need to determine the type of content. Now, let’s understand the importance of conclusion starters.

What are Conclusion Starters?

A conclusion starter is a word or phrase that appears in the first sentence of the ending paragraph. It is a type of transitional phrase or term that primarily serves as a bridge between the body of the text and the portion that concludes the essay. It is frequently used to let readers know that the text has reached its conclusion.

There are many concluding sentence beginnings accessible in the English language. You can choose any appropriate starter based on the type of academic writing you are doing.

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Why is it Crucial to Start a Conclusion Well?

In order to capture the readers’ interest, conclusion starters are a crucial component of any form of academic writing. These concluding words signal to your professor or fellow students that the writing assignment is coming to an end and that it’s time to briefly synthesise all the key ideas.

Your task could go awry without finishing phrases in your conclusion paragraph, which would ultimately result in an abrupt and unclear conclusion.

You will be assigned a range of writing assignments as a college student, including research papers, essays, speeches, and even formal letters, to assess your topic understanding, creative thinking, and writing abilities.

You must use formal, suitable, and task-appropriate concluding sentences when composing your paper and when it is time to wrap up your writing project.

Every conclusion starter should have the following characteristics –

  • Synthesise all pertinent facts, concepts, and illustrations without introducing any new material;
  • Link the concluding paragraph and the remainder of the body in a convincing way;
  • A few words to begin the introductory sentence of the final paragraph;
  • Create expectations for the reader by outlining how the work will conclude and come to a close;
  • Inform readers that they have come to the last paragraph of the assignment;
  • Make it appear as though the end paragraph is a synthesis of your entire paper.

The 5 C’s of Conclusion

  1. Close the Loop– Go back to the points you said in the introduction and end it by tying everything together. It helps to leave a strong impact on the subject in the readers’ minds. So, you need to forget the old process of writing the conclusion, such as “In conclusion.” And try “This research paper started by saying that.”
  2. Conclude– End the essay with the last statement of evaluation. Students run the danger of coming across as propagandists in their writing. A balanced statement will help to avoid this. So, one can say, “This is my position, and I’m reached here after researching and writing the essay.” You can also write like “the literature on this topic reinforces the importance of….”
  3. Clarify– Make sure your conclusion directly responds to the essay question by reading it again. Most students spend a lot of words writing on something quite unrelated to what they originally intended. You need to show how the essay question is relevant when you are about to end the essay. If your essay question has a keyword like “study abroad in the USA”, don’t forget to use the keyword in your conclusion.
  4. Concern– Show how a subject relates to everyday life is among the best signs that you are an expert. There is probably someone out there, somewhere, who can relate to the subject matter you have just shared. So, end your essay by saying, “So, according to the study, the parents are the largest victims of these programmes.”
  5. Consequence– This is your final sentence where you state the consequences of the findings. Your closing statement may include something motivational, intriguing, or practical. The introduction’s “hook” is the antithesis of this. While the first line attracts the audience to the paper, your concluding statement should have convinced them that this is an important subject worth considering. For example, you can use a sentence like “Shakespeare continues to be the most influential writer in British history, as seen by the sheer quantity of Shakespearean terms and expressions that are used often today.”

The DOs & DON’Ts of Conclusions

The paragraph structure of the concluding lines will vary slightly based on the style of writing. You need to remember that as a writer. Although there are no hard and fast rules for writing a conclusion, avoiding a few things can change the character of your total write-up and make it relatable and engaging till the last. So, here are some things you can do in your conclusion and a few things you don’t. Let’s have a look –

 Don’t Include Anything New

It’s best not to introduce the argument, fresh concepts, or new evidence initially. Remove any additional ideas that are brought up in your conclusion, and try to work them into one of your essay’s body paragraphs.

 Emphasise Your Analysis

You ought to do a more thorough analysis. While restating what you’ve said, your conclusion should also build on it to elicit further, more in-depth conclusions. Consider the precise influences on each argumental component and whatever constraints your essay or argument may have had.

 Don’t Summarise

You don’t want your audience to be bored. That’s why stop summarising your essay in the conclusion paragraph.

 Synthesise the Whole content

Give a succinct overview of its important themes. Tell your audience how the connections between your views, the evidence you provided, and the examples you utilised fit together. Organise everything.

 Don’t Follow the Traditional Way

In summary, “In conclusion” or any similar phrase sounds awkward and unattractive at the start of the conclusion. Consider the fact that journal articles almost never start with conclusions like these.

 Lead on Naturally

Allow the final paragraph to smoothly lead into the conclusion. A good conclusion will be clear as a conclusion.

Now, look at some beautiful examples of starting your conclusion.

100+ Ideas for Starting a Conclusion

DISCLAIMER: We have already mentioned earlier that using phrases like “In conclusion,” “Finally,” “In the end,” etc. as conclusion starters can destroy the efficacy of your conclusion. But you can use them as transition phrases in your conclusion. Just check what your conclusion wants and implement them wisely.

Now is the time to look at some of the best examples of conclusion starters. Here are a few examples of ending sentence starters for each of those write-ups.

Conclusion Starters for Essays

When you write essay conclusions, you need to remember a few things. You need to convey the primary points of your essay concisely, and your readers must comprehend it and feel the taste of completeness.

So, here are some essay conclusion starters for you –

  1. In brief
  2. Eventually
  3. Nevertheless
  4. For these reasons
  5. To wrap it all up
  6. I feel we have no choice but to conclude
  7. Now that you know
  8. Coming to a conclusion
  9. For these reasons
  10. Examining all the facts, this essay finds
  11. According to the final study
  12. At the heart of the issue
  13. The nature of the proofs suggest
  14. In short
  15. As expressed
  16. Generally
  17. For the most part
  18. As stated above

Conclusion Starters for Research Papers

Every research paper needs effective conclusions to remind readers of the true impact and significance of the whole paper. It also helps to recapture their attention to the vital points and evidence.

  1. As per the final analysis
  2. Based on the evidence
  3. The result of this study presents
  4. In the context of this study
  5. As per the information, we can say that
  6. The data reveals
  7. Although secondary research is required
  8. Since the facts suggest
  9. To assume from the facts
  10. From the above-mentioned results, we can agree that
  11. According to the final findings
  12. As expected, the results justify
  13. The significant findings from the study tell that
  14. Unexpectedly the study reveals
  15. According to the final findings
  16. As this study demonstrates
  17. It can be conclusively stated that
  18. On reviewing all the data, it can be stated that
  19. Upon exploring all the facts
  20. As all information supports the argument

 Conclusion Starters for Speeches

When you are writing drafts for a speech, you need to end it well so that you can leave a positive impact on your audience. So, you must write unique and effective phrases to start a conclusion. It helps the audience re-explore what they have learned from the whole content.

  1. So, here’s the recap
  2. At the end of my speech, I want to say
  3. Today, in this speech, we have learned
  4. It brings me to the end of my speech
  5. So, that’s all we have for today
  6. Here’s what you should keep in mind from the speech
  7. After listening, you may have understood
  8. Here’s what you have learned today
  9. Now I’m restating what I have told you earlier
  10. It’s time to come to a conclusion
  11. So, in the end, we have agreed upon
  12. Let’s end this discussion here with
  13. Based on my knowledge and experience
  14. Here are my final thoughts/words
  15. I want to tell you one last thing
  16. Before I conclude
  17. Here’s my conclusion
  18. I’m looking forward to
  19. In my point of view
  20. While concluding, I would like to say

Conclusion Starters for Presentations

Most people lose connection with the introduction when they come to the last part. It demotivates the audience. Sentence starters for the conclusion of presentations should be informative and call-to-action based.

  1. I have now come to the end of my presentation
  2. I genuinely appreciate your attention to today
  3. And finally, before this presentation ends, I would like to tell you
  4. I would like to end this presentation with
  5. To quickly recap, I would like you to keep in mind these pointers
  6. In the end, I would like to highlight
  7. I appreciate the opportunity to speak with you today
  8. That is all I have for you today
  9. That concludes my presentation
  10. I would like to finish my presentation with this powerful quote

Conclusion Starters for Emails

Every email you send to your university authorities or professors leaves an impact on them. Your emails reflect your personality. So, it will be great if you become thoughtful and professional while ending them. There are different ways to start a conclusion for emails.

  1. Thank you for being so considerate
  2. I appreciate your time and consideration
  3. Thank you so much for your attention and participation
  4. I’m looking forward to hearing from you shortly
  5. I would like to express my heartful of good wishes
  6. Let me know when would be the right time for you to talk about the project
  7. I hope that answers all your questions
  8. Please let me know your thoughts on this matter
  9. Please reach out to me for more information
  10. Speak with you soon

Other Conclusion Starter Ideas

Here are some bonus ideas for conclusion paragraph starters. Let’s have a look –

  1. In a nutshell
  2. As I see things
  3. To cut to the chase
  4. When all is said and done
  5. My final blow is that
  6. My verdict is that
  7. To end it up
  8. It is my belief that
  9. After discussing everything
  10. So, the time has come
  11. Beyond a shadow of a doubt
  12. My personal take on
  13. At the end of the day
  14. In case you have wondered
  15. No one could have assumed that
  16. As the time comes to wrap up
  17. As per my perspective
  18. It is my conviction that
  19. The summative end is that
  20. Keeping all these in mind

If you are in search of more conclusion-starting words and phrases, you can explore these popular books –

The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath

The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Old Man and the Sea – Earnest Hemingway

Animal Farm – George Orwell

Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen

Also, here are a few examples of essay conclusion starters for you –

Example 1

Example 2

The Last Word,

You never say a movie or a book is good if the ending is not well. It’s in human psychology. We only attract those things that have a strong impact on us till the end.

So, spend some time reading your conclusion. Keep in mind that it’s the last chance to organise your ideas and emphasise the paper’s core idea. You need to leave a strong last impact on your readers’ minds.

We hope this conclusion starter guide keeps you well-prepared while writing a conclusion for your research paper, thesis, or essay conclusion.

So, go ahead and all the best!

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Most Frequently Asked Questions By Students

What are some conclusion starters?

Answer: These are some of the great conclusion starters. Let’s have a look –

  • Finally
  • To sum up
  • To conclude
  • In conclusion
  • To finish off
  • So as you can see
  • In the end
  • Lastly
  • As per the final analysis
  • In light of these findings

What is a good way to start a conclusion?

Answer: You need to write a conclusion so your readers can connect with the discussion at the end in one sentence. You should repeat your introductory thoughts but not use the same phrases. You must write a conclusion that will be thought-provocative and give some space to your readers.

How to write a good conclusion sentence?

Answer: Your conclusion sentence must keep the attention of the readers unless they regret it because they read your write-up. So, try to make your concluding sentence powerful.

For example: “Though there has been a lot of argument on this issue, it is now clear that women need at least two days leave at the menstruation period.”

What is a good conclusion starter for an essay?

Answer: Here are a few examples of good conclusion starters for an essay –

  • For these reasons
  • To wrap it all up
  • In the end
  • As a result
  • Finally
  • Therefore
  • Lastly
  • Hence
  • In general
  • As per my opinion

Obviously, there are many more conclusion starters that you can experiment with in your essay conclusions.

How to start a conclusion paragraph example?

Answer: Your conclusion must be the inverse of your introduction. You will start it informative but end it in a general sentence. So, start your conclusion paragraph by restating your essay, research paper, or thesis.

Here is an example – “Finally, we have come to this point that our education system needs to be reorganised.”

How to start a conclusion for a research paper?

Answer: Research paper conclusions are needed to be simple and succinct. All you need to do is write your research paper topic in a different way in the first sentence. It needs to be information-based. You can start research paper conclusions like –

“To sum up, the importance of this study was to understand the teenage minds towards the use of AI in education.”

What are the different types of conclusions for essays?

Answer: Conclusion paragraphs are the most essential in academic essays because it helps to hook the reader till the end of an essay. Normally, an academic essay can have four different types of conclusions. They are –

Retrospective – These are for historical events.

Reflective – These are to influence the audience.

Projective – These are for research-based essays.

Embedded – These are for narratives.

What to avoid when writing a conclusion paragraph?

Answer: We write a conclusion when we want to end the discussion. So, you must not give any new ideas or examples in your conclusion. It will make your readers puzzled. All you have to do is to establish that you have done your research and reached your destination. So, try not to make your conclusions complicated.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?

Answer: The objective of writing a conclusion is to rewrite the main points of your essay so that the readers can relate till the end. With a conclusion, you can present your final opinion on a topic in a concise and simple way.

What things must you add to your conclusion?

Answer: There are three most important things that you must add while writing a conclusion. They are –

  • Revising the major points in a summarised way
  • Repeat your thesis statement
  • Make it so easy to read that your context gets clear

These three components can make an effective conclusion.

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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