Use Case TemplateOverview: Need to create Use Cases and UML diagram for the card game UNO. The code was provided by you guys and it is under Order ID # 1757341. Attached are code files that I received from you guys. But now the ask is that using that code you guys provided, I need fully developed Use case and use template below. Feel free to make multiple Use cases as needed but do use the template below: Use Case Name Actor Entry Criteria and T...
Southern PharmacySouthern Pharmacy(SP)hired a database developer to develop a database system for automating the dispensing of pharmaceutical productsin the SP business. The developer completed these deliverable documents and handed in to SPwhere they approach you as the expert in the field of testing to test the outputs from the database developer. These are the following outputs (received from the developer)are handled over to you.1.Business R...
Complete a written research report focused on common methods of exploiting and attacking databases, as well as methods needed to secure databases against those attacks. This research report should be and adhere to APA formatting guidelines. You should cite at least two, preferably three, scholarly sources. Your work on this assignment should reflect your ability to:Describe potential system attacks and the actors that might perform them. (Potent...
Learning Outcomes:As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Database Design assessment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments. Learning Outcomes: After completing the module, you should be able to: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of databases and data management systems. Under...
Main Objectives of the assessmentMain Objectives of the assessment The purpose of this assessment is to enable you to demonstrate your achievement of learning outcomes (K1, C1, C2, and S1) of the module. Specifically: 1.Select appropriate statistical analysis methods and demonstrate the ability to effectively interpret and clearly communicate the results of such methods. 2.Describe the key concepts associated with a relational database mode...
Task 1: Create a Database Application with Oracle Forms If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then contact to discuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability. For more information, visit the Inclusive Support site. If you have any other query...
Part 1: Implementing Object-Relational Database for AiS (50 Marks)¨You are required to use the Harvard Style of referencing and citation. The “Cite them right” guide is recommended for referencing and citation (Pears and Shields, 2008) which should be followed throughout your answer especially Part 3. A good alternative is Northumbria (2018). Please do not include references to lecture notes. Intellectual / Professional s...
Learning ObjectivesOn successful completion of this module students will be able to 1.Understand fundamental concepts of database management systems such data independence, data models and database technologies 2.Be able to design and implement relational database systems 3.Be able to use manipulation and querying tools, including the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) for managing data held in a relational database management system (R...
Assignment supportOn successful completion of this module students will be able to: Identify and critically analyse information security threats to computer networks and management information systems. (management of information systems | Managing information systems) Critically evaluate the range of effective security controls used to protect system and user data. Synthesize solutions to security problems through effective information se...
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: LO3This assessment addresses the following Unit Learning Outcomes: LO3: Construct an information systems management strategy for a given organisation Understand and explain the impacts on information and information systems management of organisational change, including issues such as data migration, information integration, and interoperability, and construct practical solutions in a given situation It also ad...
Stakeholders and Their InterestsQ1.List the main stakeholdersfor the new Light-As-Air Ballooning System (LAABS). For each stakeholder, write a brief description of their interest in the system and what aspects of it are of particular relevance to them.You do not need to categorise the stakeholders. Don’t include the systems development team. Q2.(a)List and briefly describe the main functional requirementsfor the LAABS.There should be arou...
Task InstructionsIn this assessment, you are required to perform database table normalisation and present your solutions in a PowerPoint presentation. In doing so, you are required to demonstrate your work and solution through a series of normal forms. You need to first normalise the database tables to the first normal form (1NF), then the second normal form (2NF), and finally the third normal form (3NF). Examine the following student tab...
Designing a Relational Database for Classified Adverts1. Imagine you choose a relational database to store the data from the classified adverts website. a. List the entities and relationships in the scenario described above and draw an ER diagram to represent them. You may use any valid notation you like, but you should include a key to explain what the notation means. You do not need to list all the fields, just some examples. Model the scena...
What is a database?Question 1 – Computer-readable information vs databaseHow do we use the word ‘database’? What ‘is’ a database (I)? Question 2 – What ‘is’ a database (II)?A collection of computer-processable files vs a ‘database’. (a) (b) Three disadvantages of a file-based system includes: 1. duplication, where the same information is required of different applications, costing m...
Contractors' Daily Scheduling and Work Role ManagementContractors want to know at the end of every day what the work schedule for the next two (2) days will be, and where (which postal code). The role for each job on the schedule (as pruner or deliverer) is also needed by the contractor, to ensure their truck is never overfull. The contractor also needs to indicate when they are unavailable (eg only work on weekends; don’t work Monday; etc...