Question: What am I required to do in this assignment? You will present a clear business focus report of 2,000 words which resolves an HR issue/challenge, conduct small scale research, analysis findings, apply knowledge of HRM theory and practice, draw conclusions and provide recommendations for change. Additionally, you will write a reflection of 500 words identifying your own development throughout this unit. What do I need to do to ...
Question: Learning Outcomes Assessed: LO2: Demonstrate effective referencing techniques. LO3: Produce logical and coherent written work which is underpinned by secondary research. LO4: Reflect on your skills and personal goals. Assessment Brief: Using an extensive report plan (Assignment 1), write a report to answer the following: Describe and discuss the role of personal development planning. Using a Personal Development Plan, outline y...
Choosing a Job Analysis MethodUsing Chapter Four of your text as a reference:1.Choose ONE job analysis method (i.e. Work-oriented, Worker-oriented, or Competency based analysis). Clearly identify and describe the job analysis method you are using. 2.Develop an itemized plan as to how you would proceed with the Job Analysis for this posi...
BackgroundASSESSMENT TASK You are to act as a Human Resource Development expert, proposing a suitable learning and development intervention to a management board. This was due to take the form of a verbal boardroom briefing; however, due to the current measures in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Management Board has requested a written learning and development proposal instead. You will play the role of the Managing Director of a...
Introduction to Wisdom Limited: Mission Statement, Purpose and Core Business Objectives•Plagiarism is totally unacceptable. You must cite all sources and input the information by paraphrasing, summarising or using direct quotes. A Fail Grade is given where Plagiarism is identified in your work. There are no exceptions. •Your evidences/findings must be cited using Harvard Referencing Style. Please refer to referencing guidance posted...
Assumptions· Overview: Create an overview of the organization (history, type of product or service, type of organization, management style, organizational values, mission statement, and culture/history around the idea of change as well as the characteristics of the leader/manager). Discuss the management/leadership style evident within the organization and/or department. If you use the case study as your organization, state this, and crea...
Undertake a strategic workforce planning exerciseYou need to write a report. In that report you need to start with looking at marking/grading rubric requirements. • In preparation for this assignment, you are required to read the following article about modernising workforce planning; Tucker, E 2019, ‘How to modernize workforce planning’, People & Strategy, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 14-19. • Based on what you have learned and...
Onboarding Plan for Canadian Microfinance FirmQuestions:1. Suppose that you are the Human resource manager of a Canadian microfinance firm in Canada, which mainly focuses on giving loans to startups and coaching them. The company has recently recruited two accountants and three financial consultants.• Design an onboarding plan including orientation, socialization, training and development activities for the recently hired employees.2. Jessi...
BackgroundRead the case study about the current and projected employment needs of the customer service division of Irontown Incorporated. The objective of this case study assignment is to determine the short-term strategy for filling expected staff needs. Irontown Inc. formed a separate, centralized customer service department 10 years ago. From a beginning with 40 employees, the customer service department has grown to over 80 employees ...
Benefits of Implementing Performance Management System for CRB, Inc.Task: Car Restoration Business (CRB, Inc.) is interviewing you for a position as its human resources manager on a part-time basis, working 20 hours per week, while you complete your degree. You would be the first HR manager they have ever been able to afford to hire, and the husband and wife owners (Al and Mary Brown) have been operating the small business for 10 years. In addi...
Background and Challenges Faced by the OrganizationWRITING YOUR ASSIGNMENT: • This assignment must be completed individually.• You must use the Harvard referencing system.• Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement...
Question: · This assignment must be completed individually. · You must use the Harvard referencing system. · Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. When a written assignment is marked, the excessive use of words beyond the word limit is reflected in the academic judgement of the piece of work which results in a lower mark being...
Introduction Now that you have worked your way through Module 1, it is time to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts introduced in the module by applying them to your own personal experiences. Assignment 1 is organized into three parts and will count for 15 per cent of your final course grade. The mark distribution is as follows Every Manager is an HR Manager Based on what you have learned in this module, reflect on the following: The role a...
Question: Critically analyse relevant data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of resourcing strategies and implement improvements; Articulate a critical appreciation of ethical and professional methods of exiting employees from organisations in the context of dismissals, redundancy and retirement. What do I need to do? Write an essay discussing the following question: Companies usually see employees leaving as a bad thing, but...
Nature and Composition of the Workforce1.How does the organization approach the nature and composition of the workforce? For example, does it emphasize low cost or high performance? —Internal or external labour markets?2.How many positions are filled annually? How many applications are received for each vacant position? 3.What methods are used to recruit applicants? 4.What is the general approach to selection (i.e., statistical, judgmental...