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How to Write a 10-Page Essay? A Complete Guide + Expert Tips & Outline

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So, you got a 10-page essay to work on? Well, that can turn out to be quite an experience! Writing a ten-page essay can turn out to be a challenge for some and an exciting, revelatory experience for others. It can be a learning process for many or may even end up being a mundane, monotonous experience! 

Lengthy essay assignments are generally encountered in graduate and post-graduate programs and task students to present an expansive & detailed account of the topic/subject under question. Capstone projects, seminar papers, and research proposals are some of the most common 10-page or longer essay-type papers you can work on and can be substantially challenging. Yet, despite all the challenges, the experience of crafting a compelling, in-depth, and thought-provoking write-up can actually be really fulfilling – good grades & a pat on the back from your teachers are just the cherry on top!!

The fact of the matter is that writing a 10-page essay that secures top grades requires lots of time and effort. A solid grasp of the topic is obviously a huge plus, but a systematic approach is essential. To that end, this article presents an expert roadmap, a lucid outline, and some tactful techniques that are guaranteed to make things easy, efficient, & effective.

Read on and learn all about the key stages of crafting exceptional 10-page essays quickly & easily. 

Understanding the Assignment

Obviously, the first thing to do is get a good idea about what you have been asked to do. That’s the first stage of any kind of writing task and one of the most important of them all. Whether it’s a 10-page essay or a dissertation, you need to understand what’s being asked of you, what you need to achieve, what aspects of a subject to focus on, etc. 

It all starts with a careful deciphering of the essay prompt.

  • Go through the given essay prompt minutely. If your professor gave some notes in class regarding the assignment/prompt, decipher the prompt in tandem.
  • Determine the scope and constraints of your 10-page essay. Take note of keywords and phrases, action verbs, topic-related terms, etc. All of this will help you narrow your focus and research.
  • Start thinking about the thesis statement of your essay. It is the core of your piece, your answer to the essay question/problem, and highlights your stance, primary argument, opinion, etc. It informs readers about what they are getting into and sets the tone & atmosphere for the rest of the essay.

An impactful thesis statement is necessary to make your essay cohesive and 

  • Are there any guiding questions or instructions? If there are, keep them in mind, as they will help you stay on track and develop a strong thesis statement. You do not answer every one of them in your essay, however.
  • As you dissect the prompt, take quick mental notes of the topics you need to research. Think about the most credible sources of information that you can access while doing research.
  • Note technical requirements such as citations, margin formatting, fonts, etc., as well as the word count, deadlines, and the like.

Once you are clear about the purpose and the things you need to accomplish, it is time to start brainstorming and scoping out information.

Preliminary Preparations

Think of the topic, subject, question, argument, claim, etc., that you have to work with. Understand all the different slants and nuances associated with it. A 10-page essay will demand a substantial amount of information on a topic, so be prepared to do a lot of research.

  • Planning is critical if you wish to carry out holistic and accurate research quickly & efficiently. 
  • You should be able to determine the most ideal research approaches/methods by analyzing the prompt/question itself. And, obviously, your thesis statement should be able to guide your research focus. 
  • Do the essay requirements mention any specific methods? If you aren’t sure which methodology will work best, talk with your professors, friends, or peers. Seek professional help if need be.
  • Your institute’s and the local library, college or university research repositories, research publication archives, journal articles, newspapers, etc. – list relevant sources that you can access quickly. 
  • Start taking notes as soon as you come across useful information. And start working on the outline right after. 

One thing to understand is that there are no writing plans or roadmaps set in stone when it comes to academic writing. Like the roadmap in this guide, you will come across frameworks that you can mold to your advantage. Another thing is that researching, writing, and editing always overlap. Come up with a tentative outline first, then refine it as you add information to it. 

A 10-page Essay Writing Plan

The outline and the thesis statement are two of the most important aspects of any essay and, consequently, your essay writing plan. 

The outline is the essay’s underlying structure as well as a tool for organizing and mapping all the information you wish to present. The thesis statement is your answer/opinion/argument and determines the nature of your essay. Thesis and outline development are the foundations of any essay writing plan, so take particular care when working on them.

Developing the Thesis Statement

Your first thoughts/ideas/opinion/argument regarding the essay question – they are the seeds of your thesis statement. Refine it further as you research and collate more data. 

  • Work with the main topic and the essay question. 
  • Think of the best possible response to what’s being asked of you in the question. 
  • Thesis statements can never be longer than one to two sentences. They must be clear, precise, emphatic, and debatable.
  • Use subject-specific terms to help readers and align the statement with the rest of the essay.
  • Keep in mind that the thesis statement reflects your final answer to the essay question/prompt. 
  • Come up with a working thesis first. Revise and refine its scope and key points as you develop your essay. 
  • A strong thesis is debatable and stands tall against all major counter-arguments. Once your working thesis is in place, anticipate counterarguments and refine it further with logic & acquired information/evidence.

Some might suggest writing the thesis statement after finishing the essay. While that approach might work for some, MyAssignmentHelp’s essay experts suggest formulating a preliminary thesis as soon as you start brainstorming on the topic. 

The Ever-Important Outline

When thinking about the outline, it is important to be clear about any specific structural requirements. For a 10-page essay paper, the generic three-section essay structure may need to be heavily modified. 

  • The Introduction
  • Think of how best to catch the reader’s attention right from the beginning.
  • Add interesting and attention-grabbing information to keep your readers engaged.
  • Interesting statistics, compelling little anecdotes, startling statements, etc. – there are different ways to make your intro exciting to read. 
  • The thesis statement should integrate nicely with the intro. Use effective and logical transitions to gel the thesis statement nicely with the information in the intro.
  • The Body 
  • 10-page essays will have quite an expansive body. Be mindful when writing, arranging, dividing, etc., the body paragraphs.
  • Organize the body into sections and sub-sections, if need be. 
  • Each paragraph should provide something new to the reader and contribute to the essay/your overall answer. 
  • Start paragraphs with topic sentences. Then, elaborate upon the topic using supporting evidence/information you have gathered and, obviously, your observations & analysis. 
  • Link one paragraph to the next using effective transitions. They are crucial for maintaining a smooth, seamless, & logical flow amongst all information, arguments, claims, etc. 
  • Transitions are very important for helping the audience follow your train of thought and making the essay cohesive.
  • P-E-E-L, P-E-T-A-L, and P-I-E are some standard paragraphing techniques for organizing & presenting information.
  • The Conclusion
  • The conclusion is where you restate the thesis statement. Remind the audience that you have established the credibility of your thesis.
  • DO NOT rewrite the original thesis word by word. Reformulate it.
  • Besides restating the thesis statement, the conclusion should also synthesize key arguments & findings. This helps readers remember the most important information and findings that prove the thesis.
  • Finally, establish context. Establishing context is important to help your readers understand the overall aim and significance of the ten pages they went through.

Highlight the importance of your piece and the implications of your findings, arguments, and claims. Call the audience to action and/or make them think about what they just read. That way, you get to leave a lasting impression.

CAUTION: Do not ramble on and on & make the conclusion bloated. And never add any new information here.

Dedicated Research is Key

The success of any sort of academic writing task depends on numerous factors. The quality of the research work is among the biggest factors of them all. 

10-page graduate or post-graduate level essays will require lots of deep dives into a topic. As per the complexity of the essay question/s, you may even need to think of choosing a specific research methodology or, more precisely, the research method. 

The nature of the topic, essay question, the kind of data you need, the nature of the data sources, factors such as sampling bias, inclusiveness & accessibility, ethics & confidentiality, etc. — all of these parameters play a key role in the approach you take for researching.

Try to research as exhaustively as possible. Identify gaps in research and available information in light of the essay question. Your response to the essay question/problem and subsequent elaboration & analysis will be key to the nature and methods of your research.


Writing, revising, and, in most cases, researching often run parallelly. You may need to create multiple drafts for your essay and make frequent changes to parts already written. Plan and manage time accordingly. It is best to keep things flexible and allocate ample time for revisions and edits.

If you have done your research & gathered all the necessary information, then in all probability, you can finish the ten-page essay within a day or two. However, if you need to conduct concurrent research while writing, then be wary of the timeline available and plan accordingly.

Manage Your Time 

Plan and schedule keeping in mind the submission deadline. Dedicate a substantial amount of time to research and data gathering. Also, you will need more time than you may think to write a 10-page piece as you will be revising and editing stuff concurrently. 

If you have an entire week to write your paper, then create a calendar system and subdivide the entire task accordingly. Use standard time-management techniques such as Pomodoro, Eisenhower Matrix, Pareto Analysis, etc., to set routines for sub-tasks such as researching, analysis, writing, editing, and proofreading.

Well, those were some tactics and techniques for drafting a quality essay. Whatever the length or the topic, the pointers above WILL always come in handy. The next section presents some potent research and data collation tips straight from our academic writing experts.

Tips for Researching and Gathering Information

Academic writing experts at MyAssignmentHelp have the following to say when it comes to researching for essays → 

  • All research should have a specific focus and objective. In the case of essay research, it stems from your intention to answer and the manner of answering the essay question. 
  • Planning and organization are critical for effective research. Let your initial ideas about the essay question and early draft of the thesis statement guide you toward to right information sources. Determine the scope of your essay to narrow down your research effectively. 
  • Read, read, and read some more if you have zero ideas about the task at hand. Even the simplest research requires some basic ideas about the task at hand. 
  • When it comes to choosing the right research method, do look at the kind of data you can access and the kind you need for your essay.

Qualitative data are descriptive, generally subjective, open-ended, and interpretive. Surveys and interviews are common data-gathering tools for them.

Quantitative data are, by nature, statistically measurable. Quantitative data gathering generally involves survey research followed by careful statistical analysis to find correlations and describe characteristics. Close-ended surveys, polls, and survey questionnaires are some common techniques for collating quantitative data.

  • Your 10-page graduate or post-graduate essay should make some tangible and substantial contributions to the subject under focus. Whether you are presenting arguments, carrying out analysis, persuading readers, or describing a process, make sure you are putting valuable insights out there. 

As you wrap up your write-up, revising, editing and proofreading are the next stages in line. They are extremely important when it comes to delivering a polished write-up that guarantees top grades.

Revising, Editing & Proofreading

Revisions improve quality. Careful peer and self-reviews can level up the overall effectiveness of any write-up by addressing inconsistencies, deviations, lack of clarity, and other macro & microstructural flaws. Revisions and edits often go hand-in-hand. Here are some tips for carrying out effective peer and self-revisions. 

The REVISION Checklist → 
Put the draft aside for some time before going back to it. 
Try to read everything from the audience’s point of view. 
Think of the objective, check the overall focus, and find out whether you have achieved it. Was the essay question answered completely? 
Check for cohesion and relevancy to the thesis statement & other parts of the essay. Did you stay on track throughout the paper?
Be critical about the thesis. Does it take a stand? Does it state something out of the ordinary or just something generic?
Examine the balance of information and justifications in your paper. Have you addressed all major points equally or focused too much on a few specific ones?
Revise the piece minutely by yourself before sending it to others. 
Ask others to review in light of the essay question. 
Work on every constructive feedback and use it to clarify your ideas. 
Effective peer reviews can minimize last minute edits drastically.

Here’s the checklist for editing the final draft → 

The EDITING Checklist → 
Has the essay question been answered in its entirety? Were all facets of the question addressed?
Is the thesis statement accurate, emphatic, and debatable? Is it the same as your response to the essay question?
Does every aspect of the essay support the thesis statement? 
Is there cohesion among all elements of the essay? 
Is there a smooth, seamless flow of narrative throughout the entire essay? 
Does the paragraph order seem logical? 
Are there proper transitions between every paragraph? 
Do all paragraphs begin with specific topic sentences? Do they all have enough supporting evidence? 
Are there any instances of vagueness or lack of clarity anywhere? 
Is the overall tone of the essay appropriate for the intended audience? 
Are the micro-structural aspects ( grammar, sentence length & variation, redundant & run-off sentences, verbosity, over-or under-use of figurativeness, voice, etc. ) all OK? 

And here are some tips for proofreading the essay → 

The PROOFREADING Checklist → 
Read the essay out loud. 
Keep an eye out for the most common errors you make. 
Try to read the essay backward. You will be able to notice written mistakes much more easily.
Check punctuation, spelling, grammar, formatting, citations, syntax, inconsistencies, repeated or missing words, out-of-place terms, etc. 
Focus on correcting one kind of error at a time.

When the final draft is complete, and you are ready for submission, hark and make sure everything tallies with the assignment requirements.

The Finishing Touches 

Go through the essay requirement checklist & tally everything. Also, look out for any lingering errors as well as the following → 

  • Are all citations in place?
  • Did you follow the rules of the required citation style correctly?
  • Are margins, font styles, and sizes as per requirements? 
  • Is the length and word count of the essay just what your professors asked for? 
  • Are all the necessary reports ready to be submitted along with the paper? 

Well, we hope all the above information comes in handy as you prepare for and work on your 10-page essay assignments. We round things up with a look at a tentative outline of a 10-page graduate-level essay on the impact of climate change.

An Outline of a 10-page Essay on Climate Change

  • The Introduction (1 page)
The HOOKGrab the audience’s attention with some startling information, real statistics, or a controversial statement.You can mention rampant heatwaves across South Asia and the heaviest floods in 75 years in the UAE. Focus specifically on the impact on farms and cultivation. 
BACKGROUND INFO & SIGNIFICANCEAdd background information in line with your hooks to inform the audience. Talk about the importance of addressing the impact of climate change on agriculture and the significance of your write-up in that light. 
Iii. Thesis StatementWrite a strong and debatable thesis statement as per your answer to the essay prompt. 
  • Body (8 pages)
Section 1: Overview of Climate Change (2 pages)Discuss the cyclical causes and damaging impacts in tandem. Mention all factors responsible and aggravating the effect of climate change.Cite examples from all over the world.Highlight the human factor substantially and the ineffectiveness of human policies.Transition gradually to the drastic effects on agriculture and food production around the world.
Section 2: Effects on Crop Yields (3 pages)How warming the oceans and atmosphere is disrupting normal conditions for seasonal crop yields? The devastating short and long-term impacts of droughts and floods on farmlands, irrigation systems, and crop production.Add specific statistical information and empirical findings from published research papers & articles regarding yields of essential grains like maize, wheat, rice, soybean, pulses, etc., around the world. Write about predictions made by international authorities regarding global food security and scarcity in the near & far future.
Section 3: Adaptation Strategies in Agriculture (3 pages)Discuss myriad adaptation strategies such as crop diversification, genetic modification, water resource management, adjustment of seeding & harvesting, soil conservation, etc.Talk about the central role of science and technology in adaptation strategies.Dig into details, but let your thesis statement guide you regarding how deep you need to dive and how you wish to present information. Add illustrations, tables, and necessary statistical data to back your arguments & claims.Transition gradually to the conclusion. 
  • Conclusion (1 page)
Summarize and synthesize all key points/arguments/findings from your essay. 
Restate the thesis in the context of your analysis and answer. 
Talk about the implications of ignoring and exacerbating climate change.
Highlight the extreme urgency of bringing about drastic changes in emissions and the effectiveness of adaptation strategies in agriculture.
Remember to keep things brief.
Suggest some call to action and urge your readers to think deeply.

In Conclusion…

And those were some expert tactics and tips on crafting an impeccable 10-page essay. Hope all of this was informative enough and comes in handy whenever you are about to embark on a 10-page or any kind of extensive essay writing endeavor. 

However, if you think you need some expert aid with essay writing, then is always here to help. We are one of the Web’s largest and most trusted academic service providers and have been providing stellar assistance & solutions for nearly two decades now. 

Check out our reviews, pore through our sample solutions, go through our terms & policies, and then connect with our representatives to place your order. Click below to get started!


What are the key elements to include in the introduction of a 10-page essay?

Key elements include a hook, background information about the topic, the significance of the write-up, and the thesis statement. Ensure each element gels with the other, maintain relevancy & focus, and use appropriate tone.

How can I effectively organize the body paragraphs of a long essay?

A clear and robust outline is what you need for effective paragraph organization. Think carefully and minutely about how you wish to elaborate on the topic and the information you intend to add. Divide all the information into sections and then subdivide into paragraphs. Ensure cohesion and a logical, smooth, & seamless flow of information throughout the entire narrative.

What strategies can I use to ensure my essay stays focused and on-topic?

A strong and emphatic thesis statement and a proper outline are two essential things you need to develop a focused write-up. Use your thesis to guide you as you craft arguments, present evidence & analysis, and make your points. Refine the thesis as you gather more information, but keep your focus on it to guide your train of thought and your overall response to the essay prompt.

How do I properly cite sources in a 10-page essay?

Any information from any external information source that you use to support or create your arguments must be cited. Be it qualitative or quantitative, quotes or paraphrases, you will need to cite them all. Follow whatever citation style you are asked to adhere to in your essay assignment requirements. Just make sure to follow the rules to the point. 

What are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a long essay?

Be wary of including irrelevant information in an essay, and steer clear of incoherency. Do not jump from one point to another abruptly. Make sure you emphasize subjective opinions over objective facts. Here are a few more mistakes to avoid:

  • Inadequate explanations and evidence
  • Not addressing counterarguments
  • Deviations from the topic and/or thesis statement
  • Overtly emotional tone
  • Overuse of figurative language
  • Slangs and colloquialisms
  • Lack of citations

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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