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A Comprehensive Essay Writing Guide to Learn How to Write One

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We all have heard the proverb, “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.” Bringing a pen to a swordfight could have cost you your life in the medieval era. However, the proverb actually holds truth in the world of academia. In today’s world, knowledge is the only “power” you will need. And, to help you gain this power, essay writing can be a great tool. Essays are much more than a simple act of putting words on paper. They serve as powerful tools for your intellectual growth. At the same time, it improves your ability to communicate and research. On that note, we will delve deeper to understand the importance of essay writing and how you can master it.

Before we understand how the different types of essays work, let us give you a brief idea about the various types of essays –


As the name suggests, this type of essay narrates a story to the audience. This can either be fictional or about some personal events.


These essays paint a vivid picture with words. The writers need to focus on sharing intricate details to facilitate a sensory experience.


This explains a topic, providing information and analysis. You need to conduct detailed research to write this type of essay.


The writer tries to prove their point about a topic using well-structured arguments. These opinions can be about a controversial topic as well. The author tries to convince the readers by stating their viewpoint with ample evidence.


These essays have a striking resemblance to persuasive essays. However, unlike persuasive essays, here you need to present both sides of an issue before concluding.

Cause and Effect

Here, you need to examine the cause-and-effect relationship between two elements. You must do your research and explore the reasons for a particular outcome.

Compare and Contrast

Instead of looking for the cause and effect, here, the writer analyzes similarities and differences between two or more subjects.

Process Analysis

This essay explains how something is done. You will get a step-by-step explanation of how something is made.

Understanding Essay Types

Although there are so many different types of essays, in this section, we will be shedding light on 4 main types, namely –

  • Narrative Essays
  • Descriptive
  • Expository
  • Persuasive

Let’s take a closer look at each one of them.

  • Characteristics of Narrative Essays

Narrative essays are often based on the life of the writer. However, it can also be fictional. It is basically narrating the journey of a protagonist through stories. It has three distinct sections: an engaging introduction, a detailed main section, and a brief conclusion. Narrative essays must have a clear sequence of events. While narrating the stories, make sure to give distinct personalities to your characters. There must be some kind of conflict or challenge to drive the story forward. The entire passage must convey a central idea. These type of essays usually has the potential to become an extremely engaging read. So, try adding details to make the reading experience more relatable. 

Here are a few examples of how a narrative essay can look like –

  • A Childhood Adventure – An essay about your memorable experience from your childhood.
  • Overcoming a Fear – A narrative that describes how the writer overcame a personal fear.
  • A Life-Changing Decision – A story about a significant choice that you made and its impact on your life.

Here is an example of how a narrative essay should look like –

Lost in the Woods
I remember the day as if it were yesterday. The sun was shining brightly, casting shadows through the dense canopy of trees. Me and my best friend, Ben, decided to venture deep into the woods behind our houses. However, we did not forget to arm ourselves with our trusty backpacks. We filled them with snacks and a worn-out compass. We were on a mission to find the “secret waterfall” that we had been hearing since our childhood.
As we wandered deeper into the forest, the towering trees seemed to close in around us. While we were marveled by the dense vegetation, it did create a sense of fear. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine needles and the chirping of birds. We keep walking down a winding path, cutting through the dense bushes around us. 
Suddenly, the path disappeared. We found ourselves stranded by dense bushes and towering trees. However, we could not even hear the slightest sound of the waterfall. Our compass also was not working and we realized we were lost. This is when panic started to creep in. We tried to retrace our steps, but everything looked the same. Ben started to cry, and I felt a wave of fear wash over me.
We kept walking in circles when suddenly, we became alert. Just when we were thinking of giving up, I heard the sound of running water. We followed the sound, pushing through the bushes until we reached the edge of a cliff. There, before our eyes, was the waterfall we had been chasing. It was a sight to behold and was easily the most marvellous thing that we ever saw. The water cascaded down a rocky cliff, creating a rainbow at its base.
We sat by the waterfall for hours, enjoying the cool mist. We realized that although we got lost, that made it an adventure of a lifetime. This experience taught us the importance of staying calm and working together. 
  • Characteristics of Descriptive Essays

Descriptive essays describe a certain event with vivid details. This helps to create clear mental images for the reader. So, these essays are used to engage the senses of the readers. This is how these essays can entice your five senses –

Sight – Writers use vivid adjectives to describe various elements like colors, shapes, textures, etc.

Sound – You can also incorporate the sounds of the environment. For example, rustling leaves, chirping of the birds, etc.

Touch – You can use words to trigger the tactile sensations of objects. For example, the smoothness of silk, the roughness of the bark, etc.

Taste – Words can be used to describe the flavors of food. For example, Smoked salmon or charred pieces of meat can evoke taste buds.

Smell – You can use evocative language to describe aromas. For example, the scent of freshly baked cookies, the smell of the ocean breeze, etc.

Here are examples of how words can evoke your senses –

  • Sight – “The sunset painted the sky with hues of orange, pink, and purple.”
  • Sound: “The gentle lapping of waves against the shore lulled me to sleep.”
  • Touch: “The soft, velvety texture of the kitten’s fur was irresistible to touch.”
  • Taste: “The sweet and juicy watermelon was a refreshing treat on a hot summer day.”
  • Smell: “The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air.”
  • Characteristics of Expository Essays

Expository essays can either inform or explain a topic by presenting facts in an organized manner. Expository essays are one of the most used essay types in academics. So, here is a rundown of the structure of an expository essay –


It starts with a hook sentence that grabs the reader’s attention with a thought-provoking question. You can even start with a surprising fact or an anecdote. Then, state the thesis statement by clearly stating the main argument of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Add supporting details along with necessary evidence, and explanations. Clearly explains how the evidence supports the main idea.


Wrap up this section within a few sentences. Restate the thesis statement and summarize the main points. End the essay by offering something to think about or with a call to action.

An expository essay topic can cover topics like –

  • “The benefits of recycling on the environmental impact”
  • “The social benefits of recycling programs”
  • “The benefits of learning a new language”
  • Characteristics of Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays aim to convince readers to adopt a particular viewpoint. You can use various essay writing techniques to make your point more convincing –

Rhetorical Devices


It appeals to the credibility of the writer.


It appeals to logic and reason, using evidence and facts.


Appeals to emotions, evoking empathy, fear, or anger.

Argumentative Strategies

Claim and EvidencePresents a main argument and supports it with evidence.
CounterargumentsAddresses opposing viewpoints and refutes them.
Call to ActionEncourages readers to take a specific action or adopt a particular belief.

Persuasive Language

Strong Verbs and Adjectives This creates a powerful and memorable impression.
Figurative Language Uses metaphors, similes, and analogies to make complex ideas relatable.
Repetition Emphasizes key points by repeating them.

The Essay Writing Process

Writing essays without prior planning can be a recipe for disaster. So, brainstorming and outlining are extremely crucial steps in the essay writing process. They provide a solid foundation for your work, helping you organize your thoughts. It becomes easier to develop a clear argument and ensure a well-structured essay.

The Importance of Brainstorming

Brainstorming is the initial stage, where you generate ideas for your essay topic. You explore various sources to get different perspectives about your topic. Proper brainstorming can help you get a better idea about how to design your essay.

These are some effective brainstorming techniques –

Freewriting: Write continuously without stopping for a set amount of time. Do not think much while writing. Rather, allow your thoughts to flow freely.

Mind Mapping: Visually represent your ideas using a diagram. Create a core idea and connect it with lines to all the branches that you can find.

Listing: Create a list of keywords related to your topic.

By following these techniques, you can discover your topic, gather information, and generate ideas.

You can also get clarity on how to create an outline for your essay. Outlining is the process of organizing your ideas into a logical sequence. It acts as a blueprint for your essay, ensuring that your thoughts flow smoothly. 

This is how a typical essay outline looks like –

  1. Introduction – State your thesis statement and provide a brief overview of your main points.
  2. Body Paragraphs – Ideally, body paragraphs are between three to five points. You need to develop a specific point in each paragraph. Each of these points must be supported by ample evidence.
  3. Conclusion – Summarize your main points in this section. Restate your thesis once more before signing off.

There are multiple benefits of outlining. It prevents you from writing irrelevant content. You can also ensure a clear structure by following an outline and staying on track. An outline also helps you build a logical argument. By providing an analytical approach, you can develop a persuasive argument. 

Researching Your Topic

After creating an outline, you need to research for the essay. This is an extremely vital step in essay writing. Invest a good amount of time to research the best possible content for your essay. Follow these tips to know how to research well –

Evaluate the Source

Check the credentials of the authors. Check if they have enough expertise in the field they are working. Ask for samples if needed. Check for factual errors and inconsistencies. You can even compare those samples with other reputable sources to evaluate their accuracy. Ensure the information is up-to-date, especially if you are working on a topic that gets updated frequently. For example, computer technologies keep changing every month. So, ensure that your source is offering the latest information. 

Consider the Source Type

Some of the most reliable sources of information are peer-reviewed articles, offline and online books, academic journals, government websites, and reputable news outlets. For academic databases, you can consider the following –

Be Wary of Bias

Finding information on the internet is not a big deal. However, most sites often offer biased information. So, beware of such sources that offer biased information. At the same time, it is important to cross-reference information. Compare information from multiple sources to identify potential biases.

Cite Your Sources

Citing the sources is non-negotiable in essay writing. However, always follow a uniform citation style. If you are using the APA format, do not shift to MLA or Chicago midway. Always give credit to the original authors. Provide complete information about the authors. 

By following these tips, you can gather credible sources that will enhance the credibility of your essay.

Developing a Thesis Statement – Crafting a Strong Argument

A strong argument is the backbone of a persuasive essay. This convinces your reader to agree with your point of view. Bu creating a persuasive argument is no child’s play. Here are some tips on how to make a strong argument:

  • The thesis statement is the main point that you will prove. Make sure it’s clear and concise.
  • Research thoroughly to collect evidence from credible sources.
  • Use real-world examples to support your claims. This makes your argument more relatable to your audience.
  • Give necessary credit to the authors if you are using any information.

Organize Your Argument Logically

Follow a clear structure while presenting the argument. Use transition words to connect your ideas. A coherent structure can easily guide the reader through your argument.

Address Counterarguments

You also need to anticipate objections while crafting a strong argument. Consider potential counterarguments to your thesis and prepare rebuttals.

Use Persuasive Language

Choose your words carefully while writing an argument. Use strong verbs to make your argument more impactful. Instead of being too rigid, try to appeal to the emotions of the readers. This makes the essay more persuasive. 

Provide a Strong Conclusion

Remind the reader of your main point in the conclusion. Always aim to create a lasting impression with a thought-provoking statement.

How to Structure and Write an Essay?

Structuring an essay is very important to score your dream grades. Many of you often come up to us with questions like “How to write an essay?”. To answer your queries, we have provided you with a sample structure. Follow this structure to write an essay like a pro –


Start the introduction with a hook sentence. This helps to grab the reader’s attention from the very start. You can use a shocking fact or an anecdote to create the hook sentence. 

For example, 

  • “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars?”
  • “Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time.” 

These sentences can immediately engage the readers to read the rest of the content.

Provide the necessary background information on your topic. Use this context to create a compelling thesis statement. Thus, this is the central idea of the essay. So, state your main argument clearly. These are a few thesis statement examples –

  • “The use of AI in education should be used to provide personalized learning experiences for students.”
  • “The French Revolution was a pivotal event in European history. We can find its impact in various socio-political changes across Europe.” 
  • “Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars?”
  • “Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time.” 

Body Paragraphs

Start the body paragraph with a topic sentence. You need to introduce the main idea of the paragraph through this sentence. However, you cannot stop just by introducing the idea. You also need to present supporting evidence to back up your claims. You can use facts, examples, etc, to support your topic sentence.

Once you have presented the evidence, you need to analyze it by following a research methodology. This may change according to the type of essay you are writing. You can make three to five paragraphs to convey your idea cleary, along with ample evidence. Use proper transition sentences to connect all the paragraphs into a tight-knit essay. 


Reiterate your main argumentonce more. However, do not introduce any new information in this section. Just recap the main ideas briefly. Finally, leave the reader with a statement to ponder upon. You can also end the essay with a call to action. Here are two examples of how you can conclude an essay –

  • “Throughout this essay, we have examined the various factors that caused the decline of the Roman Empire. This essay describes how economic instability and political corruption led to its downfall.”
  • “As we have seen, the use of AI in education has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn. By providing personalized instruction, AI can help students reach their full potential.”

Formatting Your Essay

Formatting styles are essential for creating consistent documents. A uniform formatting also makes the essays look more professional. Here are some of the most common essay formatting styles:

Formatting Style

Used For

Key Features

APA (American Psychological Association)
  • Social sciences
  • Humanities
  • Education
  • Psychology
  • In-text citations
  • Reference list
  • Double-spacing
  • Hanging indentations
  • Specific font requirements
MLA (Modern Language Association)
  • Humanities
  • Literature
  • Language studies
  • In-text citations
  • Reference list
  • Double-spacing
  • Hanging indentations
  • Specific font requirements
Chicago Style
  • History
  • Literature
  • Arts
  • Footnotes
  • Endnotes
  • Bibliography
  • Double-spacing
  • Hanging indentations
  • Specific font requirements

These three essay formats follow specific guidelines. Let’s take a closer look at these guidelines –

APA Format

General Formatting

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Line spacing: Double-spaced throughout
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides
  • Page numbers: Include a header with your last name and page number in the top right corner. For example – Smith 1

Title Page

  • Heading: Your last name, first name, and middle initial 
  • Title: Centered, in uppercase and lowercase
  • Affiliation: Name of the institution
  • Running head: A shortened version of your title in full caps. For example – RUNNING HEAD: GLOBAL WARMING

MLA Format

In-Text Citations

  • Author-date style: Place the last name of the author in parentheses. Include the publication year after the quote.
  • Direct quotes: Include the page number in parentheses after the quote.
  • Multiple authors: List all authors for the first citation. Then, use “et al.” for subsequent citations.
  • Paraphrases: Include the last name of the author and publication year in parentheses.

Reference List

  • Heading: References
  • Formatting: Hanging indent 
  • Order: Write the names in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author
  • Elements: Author(s), publication year, title, journal/book title, volume/issue number, page numbers.

General Formatting

  • Font: Times New Roman or Arial
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Line spacing: Double-spaced throughout
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides
  • Page numbers: Include your last name and page number in the top right corner, starting with page 1. For example – Smith 1.

Title Page

  • Heading: Your last name, first name, and instructor’s name
  • Course name and number
  • Date
  • Title: Centered, in uppercase and lowercase

In-Text Citations

  • Author-page style: Place the author’s last name and page number in parentheses after the quote or paraphrase.
  • Direct quotes: Include the page number in parentheses after the quote.
  • Multiple authors: List all authors for the first citation. Then, use “et al.” for subsequent citations.

Works Cited Page

  • Heading: Works Cited
  • Formatting: Hanging indent 
  • Order: Write in an alphabetical by author’s last name
  • Elements: Author(s), title, publication information, and URL (if applicable).

Chicago Format

General Formatting

  • Font: Times New Roman or Cambria
  • Font size: 12 points
  • Line spacing: Double-spaced throughout
  • Margins: 1 inch on all sides
  • Page numbers: Include your last name and page number in the top right corner, starting with page 1. For example, Smith 1.

Author-Date Style

  • In-text citations: Place the author’s last name and publication year in parentheses after the quote.
  • Direct quotes: Include the page number in parentheses after the quote.
  • Bibliography: List references alphabetically by the last name of the author.

Notes-Bibliography Style

  • Footnotes or endnotes: Place a superscript number at the end of the sentence where you want to cite a source.
  • Notes: Include the full citation and any relevant commentary at the bottom of the page. 
  • Bibliography: List references alphabetically by the last name of the author.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Essay Writing

Essay writing can be a challenging task for many of you. Even the most experienced writers may encounter common pitfalls. In this table, we have discussed some of the common essay mistakes and how to avoid them –

Lack of Focus

Create a clear thesis statement. Follow a definite outline.

Weak Thesis Statement

Ensure the thesis statement is clear and debatable.

Insufficient Evidence

Gather evidence from credible sources only.

Lack of Coherence

Use transitions to link paragraphs in the essay structure.

Grammatical and Mechanical Errors

Proofread the essay carefully using reliable essay checker tools.

Overreliance on Cliches

Avoid using generic content and use engaging language.


Cite sources while even paraphrasing. Use quotation marks for direct quotes.

Go through this table thoroughly, and we can ensure that you are less likely to make any of these common writing errors. 

Tips for Effective Writing

A well-written essay has three main characteristics –

  • Clarity
  • Coherence
  • Style

Here are some strategies to improve these aspects of your writing –

Improving Clarity

  • Use simple language and avoid using jargon
  • Explain any technical terms that your reader may not be familiar with.
  • Illustrate your points with concrete examples to make them more understandable.
  • Use precise language to avoid confusion.

Improving Coherence

  • Use transition words. Connect two sentences with words like “however,” “therefore,” “for example.”, etc.
  • Organize your essay into a logical sequence to make it more coherent. 
  • Restate your main points throughout your essay to reinforce your argument.
  • Use headings and subheadings as needed to improve readability.

Improving Style

  • Use vivid descriptions while describing something. Adding sensory details can bring your writing to life.
  • Avoid using the same sentence structure within the same paragraph.
  • Use strong verbs. This can make your writing more impactful.
  • Avoid using generic content. Give an original spin to the content instead of using common phrases.

These tips can certainly make your essay look more clear and engaging. However, do not skip proofreading at any cost. When you are writing something within a fixed deadline, you are bound to make mistakes. Revisions help you to identify these errors and fix them. If you do not get the time to revise it yourself, ask someone you trust to check it for you. Listen to their feedback and try to implement them in your next assignment. 

Parting Thoughts:

From this comprehensive essay writing guide, we understood how mastering essay writing can help you soar in your academic life. We have covered each aspect of essay writing to give you a holistic idea of mastering writing skills. From providing an overview of the importance of essay writing to understanding the different essay types, we have explored every aspect. We discussed the essay writing process and how to format it correctly. We even shared the secrets of identifying and avoiding the common mistakes that can hinder your academic journey. So, go through this blog to learn all the tips for academic writing like a pro. 

However, we understand that you may still how certain doubts about how to improve essay writing skills. If you are having any kind of doubts, like knowing the basic essay writing guidelines or any exclusive essay writing tips and tricks, feel free to contact us. We have a team of experienced essay-writing assistants at our disposal. If you hire an essay writer from us, they can assist you with anything from understanding an essay format and structure to guiding you through the step-by-step essay writing process. 

FAQs on Essay Writing Guide

What is an essay?

An essay aims to inform readers about a topic with the help of relevant data and using your critical thinking abilities. For students, essays are a part of their academic life and influence their overall grades. These pieces ask students to explore various topics and impress their professors with a proper explanation of the main question. You will come across various types of essays in your academic career. Know each of them to justify these papers. 

How do I write a strong thesis statement? 

You have to understand what a thesis statement aims to do to create a strong one. Here’s how you can make your thesis statement strong enough: 

  • The statement must take a stand
  • It must justify the entire discussion
  • The statement must be specific
  • It must answer the major questions 

These statements are short, yet the most important part of any write-up. Make sure you invest enough time to write the statement.

What is the best way to format an essay?

Take a look at a few tips that can help you format an essay properly:

  • Follow a standard structure
  • Use a consistent citation style
  • Maintain proper margins
  • Use a uniform font style and size throughout
  • Maintain uniform spacing throughout the essay

What should I include in my conclusion?

The conclusion is where you end the discussion. You must revisit the key points you have discussed in the essay, restate the thesis statement, and summarize the entire essay in a few words. A conclusion should be short and crisp. Ensure the section is not too lengthy or too short. Also, do not start a new discussion in this section.

How do I choose a topic for my essay?

Here are a few tips that will help you choose a topic for your essay:

  • It must fulfill the assignment requirements
  • Choose a topic that you are interested in
  • Consider the scope of the topic

This will help you find the right subject for your essay and craft a compelling piece to bag the best grades. 

What should be included in an essay introduction?

The introduction plays a crucial role in every essay. Here, you not only introduce a topic but also create a hook to attract the readers. Also, you must include a thesis statement to convey the main point you want to discuss in the essay. The introduction is where you set the stage for the readers to understand what they are about to read. 

How can I improve the flow of my essay?

First and foremost, create an outline before writing the essay. It will help you arrange all the points properly and write the essay properly. Adding on to this, you must also follow these steps: 

  • Make sure the paragraphs have a proper organizational structure
  • Use transition sentences
  • Use varied sentence lengths
  • Use varied sentence structures

How do I properly cite sources in my essay?

You can cite sources correctly in an essay by: 

  • Keeping a note of the sources you have used
  • Understanding the citation style as instructed by your professor
  • Consult your instructor or an expert for a better understanding of the style

How do I edit and proofread my essay?

Take a look at a few proofreading and editing tips:

  • Read out loud
  • Create a list of errors you generally make
  • Read the write-up backward
  • Proofread for one error at a time
  • Recheck everything
  • Use an automated tool 

Georgia Taylor

Hi, I am Georgia Taylor. I am a certified midwife nurse. Though I am a nurse by profession, I could never let my passion for reading and writing subside. Caring for ailing people gives me as much joy as does helping out students trying to earn their degrees. While working hard during my MSN days, I saw how my non-native batch mates struggled to work on English essays and assignments. As much as their dreams of getting into the medical field mattered to them, their struggle with English essay tasks was real and challenging. That's what ignited the desire to be a guide to such people. From helping my fellows to becoming a part-time English essay writer, the journey has been quite exciting. As my profession teaches us for being kind, that's my way of abiding by this responsibility. 

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