A creative brief and media plan detailing client information, project scope, brand/ campaign analysis, creative/ design elements, target audience, campaign message, competitive analysis, image requirements, budget and, stakeholder task analysis.
In addition, you would also need to provide supporting information for Bounce Fitness on the following:
- Provide a brief assessment to Bounce Fitness on its choice of media options to be considered that meets its advertising objectives in terms of budget and choice.
- Negotiate advertisement price with each media type provider (2 quotations per media type) in accordance with Bounce Fitness’ requirements
- Propose a timeline for the advertising campaign to be implemented and include milestones.
- Discuss relevant legislation on the impact of each to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign.
- Provide relevant ethical consideration to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign
- Discuss relevant ethical consideration to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign in relations to The Communications Council
- Seek approval for the creative brief proposal from senior management (your trainer would undertake this role).
- Provide discussions on what are the considerations when evaluating a media provider’s performance
It is expected that unless a simple extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates will submit all assessments for a unit of study on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment. If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy. |
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions |
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be recorded. |
Principles of Assessment |
Based on Clauses 1.8 – 1.12 of the Australian Standards Quality Assurance's (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training Organizations (RTO) 2015, the learner would be assessed based on the following principles: Fairness - (1) the individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process, (2) where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual leaner’s needs and, (3) the RTO informs the leaner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary. Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual learner by; (1) reflecting the learner’s needs, (2) assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and, (3) the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual. Validity – (1) requires that assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge, (2) assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application, (3) assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a leaner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations and, (4) judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements. Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment |
Rules of Evidence |
Validity – the assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes, as described in the module of unit of competency and associated assessment requirements. Sufficiency – the assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency. Authenticity – the assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. This would mean that any form of plagiarism or copying of other’s work may not be permitted and would be deemed strictly as a ‘Not Yet Competent’ grading. Currency – the assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. |
Resources required for this Assessment |
· All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint · Upon completion, ensure that you have completed your coversheet details, i.e. your name, student ID and signature. If these details are not present, the assessment would need to be resubmitted again. · The document is then required to be converted to PDF and uploaded to the student learning management system for assessment. · Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks or any additional material will be provided by Trainer. |
Instructions for Students |
Please read the following instructions carefully · This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor. · Students are allowed to take this assessment home. · Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date. · Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency. · If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor. · Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information. |
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment |
You will be required to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to define campaign objectives via a discussion session; prepare a creative brief and media plan detailing client information, project scope, brand/ campaign analysis, creative/ design elements, target audience, campaign message, competitive analysis, image requirements, budget and, stakeholder task analysis. In addition, you would also need to provide supporting information for Bounce Fitness on the following: · Provide a brief assessment to Bounce Fitness on its choice of media options to be considered that meets its advertising objectives in terms of budget and choice. · Negotiate advertisement price with each media type provider (2 quotations per media type) in accordance with Bounce Fitness’ requirements · Propose a timeline for the advertising campaign to be implemented and include milestones. · Discuss relevant legislation on the impact of each to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign. · Provide relevant ethical consideration to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign · Discuss relevant ethical consideration to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign in relations to The Communications Council · Seek approval for the creative brief proposal from senior management (your trainer would undertake this role). · Provide discussions on what are the considerations when evaluating a media provider’s performance · Discuss how the organization can apply for service level agreements (provisions of media guarantees) with their media contractors when implementing their advertising plan. |
Case study |
Bounce Fitness will serve the corporations in the city centres of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, helping them to become more productive, while lowering their overall costs with innovative wellness programs and strategies. Bounce Fitness is based on two simple facts: · Healthy employees are more productive than chronically ill employees · It costs less to prevent injuries or illnesses than to treat them after they occur. Traditional endeavours to corporate health care are quite reactive. Corporations wait until after staff have been ill or injured, and then pay for the necessary treatments. The Bounce Fitness approach, emphasises prevention and good health promotion, and is much more proactive. At Bounce Fitness, we tie worker productivity directly to the health care issue. We believe that traditional approaches to the current health care crisis are misdirected. Bounce Fitness contends that by helping employees change their behaviour patterns and choose healthier lifestyles, the health care costs to corporations will be considerably reduce through increased staff productivity, reduce absenteeism and turnover, reduced worker’s compensation claims and a healthier, more motivated staff. Current economic and demographic changes will make health care issues worse. The environmental factors and the local competitive situation is a clear message to Bounce Fitness. The time is right for a Bounce Fitness initiative to promote its services through an effective advertising campaign with the following objectives · Each of its centres will serve the community with quality, comprehensive, unique and distinctive health programs and services. · Staff will expand the preventive services offered while improving the quality of life among participants through health and fitness services using state of the art equipment and practices · Reflecting the needs of its members through value and outcome effectiveness. Sample of current advertisement campaign: |
Task 1 |
1. You are required to develop a creative brief based on the organization’s business objectives for the advertising campaign by: · Briefly discuss what the overview of organization’s business performance is. · Select an appropriate media plan that considers the organization’s budgetary and marketing objectives · Develop a stakeholders task analysis to identify role responsibilities · Provide an implementation schedule to ensure that meets the required timeline and include a contingency plan to evaluate risks by assessing their probability of occurring and mitigating strategies. |
Demonstration/ observation checklist |
Candidate’s name |
Assessor’s name |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Work activity |
Creative brief and media plan proposal |
Date |
Creative brief analysis and media plan |
1.1 Client |
Client’s name |
Bounce Fitness |
Campaign’s name |
advertising campaign |
Description of the advertising campaign |
A wellness strategy is a long-term effort, combining both health-promotion and exercise-related activities designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes in members of a company’s work force. |
Prepared by |
1.2 Project |
Marketing objectives (Please refer to Creative Brief) |
1. Generate a 10% yearly increase in sales 2. Increase market presentation every quarter 3. Continue to cultivate Bounce Fitness image as the premier long term wellness program provider |
Objective of the campaign (Please refer to Creative Brief) |
Bounce Fitness is committed to an expanding roles as a premier provider of wellness integrated services. Through the evolvement of an empowered employee culture and the creative acquisition and use of resources, we will develop and implement comprehensive programs and services appealing to all. |
1.3 Current brand/ campaign analysis |
Positive aspects (Make an assumption on what’s working and why?) |
The campaign is decided to ensure that there is excellence in service delivery and the relationship that happens between the clients and the business which has been a great challenge in the past history of operation |
Negative aspects (Make an assumption on what isn’t working and why not?) |
It has been noted that much about the training of the staff on how to deal with the customers has been greatly mistaken in the past existence. Also the delivery of the quality goods and services has been a problem altogether. |
1.4 Creative/ design elements |
What are the fundamental creative/ design components of the project? |
Below are the major components of the projects Integrity We hold ourselves and co-workers accountable for building trust with our members and each other by being honest , ethical and consistent in what we say and do Teamwork We are committed to empowering our internal teams and external members with the appropriate resources to effectively achieve our common visitors Accountability We hold ourselves and our co-workers accountable for our behaviours and responsibilities as they affect us , our members and our culture Quality We are committed to continue leading the fitness industry by providing the highest standard of quality to our members, through services, programs, and community relations. |
1.5 Target audience |
Primary demographic (Who are we trying to reach?) |
Geographically The immediate geographic targets are the cities of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. A 35-mile radius is in need of the services. A total target population is 158000 employees. 51% are male : 49% female 67 % are single : 33 % are married 43 % have an undergraduate course and the rest have not attained This composes the primary demographic on target |
Secondary demographic (Who else are we trying to reach?) |
Desired reaction (what actions do you which your market to take?) |
Recognize the need to have physical activity in their lives Have incorporated some sort of exercise program in their daily /weekly routine for the last several years. Are willing to utilize fringe benefits that are offered by their employer as part of the compensation package. |
1.6 Campaign message |
Project tone/ keys to success (Please refer to Creative Brief) |
Corporate Fitness’s keys to success are a. Marketing services to companies and individuals b. Recruitment of experienced companies and individuals c. Dedication and hard work of the founder d. Raising productivity e. Lowering overall costs |
Tagline (What attractive key words to use?) |
Come for a ‘cut above the best’ |
1.8 Develop a budget and media plan for implementation |
1.10 Confirmation of media type (refer to Creative Brief) |
Media type |
Implementation tasks |
Budget allocated (Refer to Creative Brief) |
Identify 2 media providers (must be existing Australian companies) |
Quotation obtained Price (AUD$) |
Select best option þ |
Media plan for the year XX (Please shade boxes accordingly) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Sales brochure/ promotions |
10,000 full colour pamphlets to be delivered by Australia Post |
$6,000 |
JP Promotion |
$3000 |
ü |
1 |
Vivid promotion |
$2000 |
¨ |
Magazine advertisement |
Develop and implement advertisement in magazine |
$8,000 |
Adnews |
$4000 |
ü |
3 |
Adbrands .net |
$5000 |
¨ |
Web development/ social marketing |
YouTube video development |
$9,200 |
Titan Digital |
$8000 |
¨ |
2 |
MCD Partners |
$9000 |
ü |
Management approval (Trainer please þ over boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management (trainer): |
Dr Eugene Lim/ Andrey Loburets |
Management Initial: |
Date |
2 Establish media contracts that meet legal and ethical requirements, and requirements of the advertising campaign brief and schedule including a contingency considerations when dealing with omissions and errors (Please refer to the Australian Association of National Advertisers AANA for this section) |
Master Media Planning & Buying Services Agreement (simplified) |
2.1 Definitions & interpretations |
Accredited Vendor |
Means advertiser's chosen third-party vendor for tracking media placements and /or measuring or tracking viewability standards |
Advertiser Codes of Conduct |
Means the code of conduct for advertiser set out in schedule 6 |
Advertiser Data |
Means any data and information in written form collected by agency, holding company members, a media owner group member or vendor on behalf advertiser or its related bodies corporate in the course of providing the services (including, but not limited to data collected by agency from advertiser properties and media placements) and any data derived from advertiser materials or produced as a result calculations using all or a portion of advertiser data. |
Agency Codes of Conduct |
Means any codes of conduct for agency as set out in Schedule 6 |
Agency Data |
Means all data processed by agency is not advertiser data and which agency would collect independently of the provision of the services to advertiser |
Agency Information |
Means software ( including all programming code in object and source code) , agency data , methodology , know-how and processes and materials in relation to which the intellectual property rights are owned by agency |
Agreement or Master Media Planning & Buying Services Agreement |
Is entered into on the –day of [month]20-(“effective date “) by and between [advertiser], [ANC] having its principal place of business at [Address] (“advertiser”), and [Agency], [CAN], having its principal place of business at [Address](“Agency”) , individually referred to as “party “ or collectively referred to as the “ parties” |
2.1 Definitions & interpretations (cont.) |
Annual Scope of Work |
Means the scope of work setting out the service to be provided by an organization on an annual basis as agreed between the parties in writing , in the form as set out in part 1 of schedule 1, and as may be amended by the parties from time to time writing |
Applicable Laws |
Means all applicable Commonwealth , state and local laws guidelines and regulations governing the provision of the services , including but limited to privacy provision of the services , including but limited to privacy legislation , the computation and consumer Act 2010(Cth) , the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) , the Do not call register Act 2006 (Cth) , the advertiser codes of conduct and agony codes of ( where applicable) |
Conflicts of Interest |
Means any situation, arrangement, understanding association, or agreement which might in the reasonable opinion of advertiser. |
Confidential Information |
Means information , a set out in the section 19 , including an oral , tangible or electronic form relating to either party, their related bodies corporate , advertisers and /or customers ( including their personal information ), businesses, business plans or affairs which information is proprietary and confidential |
Corporations Act |
Means the corporations Act 2001 (Cth) |
Deliverables |
Means all report, media plans, advertiser data, records and other work product created or developed by agency or an agency’s behalf in connection with this agreement. |
Dispute |
Means any dispute or difference arising out of or relating to this agreement between the parties is required by this agreement and there is absence of agreement after a reasonable |
Force Majeure |
Means reasons or causes beyond a party’s reasonable control , including war ( whether or not declared ) sabotage, insurrection , rebellion , not or other act of civil disobedience , act of public enemy act of any government or any agency or subdivision thereof , fire , accident or explosion , epidemic , quarantine , restriction , storms , flood , earthquake , or act of God , which could not be reasonably expected to be avoided , or new laws or regulations forbidding or limiting the execution of this agreement. |
2.1 Definitions & interpretations (cont.) |
Media Plan |
Media Placement (for magazine advertisement) |
Positioning/ placement of advertisement |
Webpage (URL) placement of all impressions and instances of non-approved placements ( whitelist /blacklist) Performance versus all agreed target metrics (for example audience , CPM, click through rates) Declaration of all audience extension /sourced traffic unless otherwise agreed Viewability rates at the agreed standards ( fore ample percentage of advertisement and duration) , after deduction of invalid traffic ( fore ample , invalid impression) Presence of invalid traffic by media owner /webpage Reporting of underperformance of trades based on viewable impressions , with associated compensation methodology Completion rates for online video Actual net cost of all placement spy media owner/site and format ., in aggregate and individual form Click through rates or other agreed metrics by media owner /site and format |
Cost/ pricing |
There should be standard prices which are both reasonable and working in the current operating environments |
Timing |
In media platforms, it is always prudent to be able to understand the pick season and venture right on the time to maximize the opportunity. |
Intellectual Property Rights |
Means any and all intellectual or proprietary rights of whatsoever nature anywhere in the world |
Spam Act |
Means the spam Act 2003 (Cth) any successor legislation |
2.2 |
Appointment & Scope of Work |
Advertiser appoints Agency to provide the services to advertiser in the territory during the term , and any other person (e.g. Not by a subcontractor , Holding company member , vendor ) |
2.3 |
Term of contract |
This agreement will commence on the effective date and will continue until terminated in accordance with section 25 |
2.4 |
Advertiser’s Obligations |
Advertiser will provide Agency with clear instructions as to its requirements for the services to be included in any project scope of work |
2.5 |
Content Verification, Brand Safety and Standards |
At advertiser's request .Agency will provide Advertiser with a list of URLs (including web pages) and other media that Agency considers safe and protective of advertiser whitelist to be used as a guide for media placement |
2.6 |
Scope of Work Amendments and Project Cancellations |
Subject to sections 12.3 and 25.3, Advertiser may, by written notice to the agency, cancel, suspend or amend any project or part thereof for any reason, including any plans schedules or work in progress in respect of any project. Agency will take all reasonable steps, to comply with such request provided that agency is able to do so in accordance with any contractual obligations to vendors |
2.7 |
Advertiser Representations and Warranties |
Advertiser represents and warrants to Agency that a. It has full power and authority to enter into his agreement and that by doing so it will not be in breach of any obligation to a third party b. To the best of its knowledge and belief advertiser materials will comply with all applicable laws |
2.8 |
Indemnification: Limitation of Liability |
Agency will defend advertiser indemnitees from and against any and all claims which any of them may suffer incur , or which may be asserted against any of them , in whole or in part to every extent |
2.9 |
Insurance and Risk Management |
Agency will take out and maintain insurance policies to the values set out in schedule 5. Upon advertiser's request , Agency must provide advertiser with certificates of currency of insurances required to be affected by agency |
2.12 |
Prepared by |
Student’s signature |
Date |
2.13 |
Management approval (Trainer please þ over boxes) |
Approved |
Not approved |
Management Initials (Trainer): |
Date |
Task 2 |
1. What are the key considerations when evaluating marketing and media performance? Discuss the following: |
1.1 Integrated marketing metrics |
Cost of customer acquisition |
This refers to the total amount of cost that an organization would spent in persuading a customer |
Customer retention rates |
In simple words, they are the number of all the customers that a company has lost over some time. |
Lead-to-sales conversion rates |
This refers to the simple logic after convincing those who would be customers, those who succeed to buy the manifesto of the company are those which this phrase refer to. |
Revenue growth |
The measure of the increment in terms of sales of a company or an organization in comparison with the previous period |
1.2 Traditional marketing metrics |
Content downloads |
This is an information well designed and used to invite friends into a website and in the long run make them clients. |
Social media engagement |
This is a measurement tool that is used by the webmasters to consolidate the general opinion of the public in reference to the content of the site. |
Social media reach |
Estimates the flow of visitors who interact with the content found in a site. |
Website traffic |
This is actually the influx an outflow of information in the site as the users interact. |
1.3 Media performance metrics |
Return on Advertising Spend |
In other words it refers to the return that an organization receive out of what they have employed in advertisement. |
Meet client’s goal |
This is the actual engagement of the clients in the process of identifying their goals and setting them in a better standard |
Service quality |
It is a search evaluation to determine the level of contentment the customers had on the delivered service. |
Maintaining legislative and ethical standards |
This is the effort that is given in the system implementation to maintain the ethical moral standards that are to conform to the laid down strategies. |
2. Discuss how the organization can apply for service level agreements with their media contractors when implementing their advertising plan. |
2.1 |
What is a service level agreement? |
It is a covenant that is signed between the client and the service providing party to affirm provision of only the desired level of service that the customer may need |
2.2 |
What are the benefits of a service level agreement? |
There are numerous benefits that the customers get out of the exchange that takes place: there is promptness in responding to their wants, the confidence increases as time passes by, and also the maintaining of costs throughout for the clients. |
2.3 |
Why is it important to have a periodic review on media performance? |
This is very important in determining the progress that has been realized, the failures and achievements. It also challenges the organization to brave even more challenges ahead. |
2.4 |
What happens if there is a service agreement breach? |
In this state of things, it depends on which manner of agreement was there, it occurs, at least the offended party may wish to reclaim the harm or local mediation may happen between the main parties concerned. |
3. Discuss relevant legal and ethical consideration to Bounce Fitness’ advertising campaign in relations to The Communications Council (https://www.communicationscouncil.org.au) on the following: |
Legal/ ethical concerns |
What is it about and how Bounce Fitness meet the legal and ethical requirement for its advertising campaign? (Briefly relate to the specific legislation and discuss what must the organization need to do) |
3.1 |
Anti-discrimination (human rights) |
It is about the act of ensuring that each and every customer or client has been given its rights without favoritism whatsoever |
3.2 |
Advertising and selling (ACCC |
The organization must and should endeavor to submit to their customers the precise and honest information about their dealings. |
3.3 |
Ethics (AANA) |
There must be moral standards that are to define the conduct of the service providers and the clients who are concerned. |
3.4 |
Gender portrayal (Codes and Guidelines) |
In media and advertisement, gender roles is important in ensuring that the right image of the matter is at hand. There should be standards that guide the portray especially in media. |
3.5 |
Weight management (Code of Practice) |
It is required that any advertisement company should be able to talk the truth of the matter concerning the ratios and the quantities of the products they actually portray. |
3.6 |
Social media and online (commentary Code of Conduct) |
In terms of what appears on media in the name of advertisement, the information that should get to the members of the public should be well synthesized and in accordance with the societal norms. |
3.7 |
Media codes (for TV, Radio, Print, outdoor & cinema) |
Each and every article that is published form each of the media platform should be interdict with the overruling laid down principles of code of conduct |
Unit name: |
BSBADV604 Execute an advertising campaign |
Assessment: |
Task 1 |
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please þ ): |
Yes |
No |
1. Provide a demonstration on defining the case study’s creative brief? |
2. Developed an implementation strategy outlining tasks and timelines and a contingency plan? |
3. Conducted an evaluation on the choice of media options and negotiated pricing in accordance with case study’s requirements? |
4. Discuss how the various legislation and ethical considerations affecting the case study’s advertising plan? |
5. Submit within agreed timeframe? |
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): |
Yes |
No |
Assessor’s Notes (if any) |
1.1 Analyse creative brief and media plan, and determine factors affecting implementation of campaign |
1.2 Ensure strategy outlines implementation tasks and timelines, and includes a contingency plan for dealing with omissions and errors |
2.1 Confirm media plan and budget for implementation with client |
2.2 Negotiate advertisement positions and price with each media vehicle in accordance with client’s requirements |
2.3 Negotiate and agree on contingency factors and solutions with media representative |
2.4 Establish media contracts that meet legal and ethical requirements, and requirements of the advertising campaign brief and schedule |
Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please þ ) |
Satisfactory |
Not Yet Satisfactory |
Re-assessment required |
Unit name: |
BSBADV604 Execute an advertising campaign |
Assessment: |
Task 2 |
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following (please þ ): |
Yes |
No |
1. Provide answers to the short questions? |
2. Submit within agreed timeframe? |
Has the learner proven they can (please þ ): |
Yes |
No |
3.1 Evaluate media performance against conditions of the contract, and identify and analyse any variations |
3.2 Apply provisions of media guarantees and make adjustments to media schedules if necessary |
3.3 Execute advertising campaign so it complies with the advertising schedule and budget and meets legal and ethical requirements |
Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please þ ) |
Satisfactory |
Not Yet Satisfactory |
Re-assessment required |
Assessment Summary |
Result (please þ ) |
Task 1 |
Case/ demonstration/ observation |
S |
Task 2 |
Short questions |
S |
Final Assessment Result for this unit |
C |
Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task on Moodle |
NO |
Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit on Moodle |
NO |
The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me (please place signature below) |
Student Signature |
Date |
Trainer/ Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required by the Principles of Assessments (Clause 1.8 of the Standards for RTO 2015). |
Trainer/ Assessor’s Initials |
Date |
Appeal Process (only for mitigating circumstances) |
I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook |
Student Signature |
Date |
To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below:
My Assignment Help. (2021). Assessment Policy And Evidence Gathering Conditions. Retrieved from https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb60215-advanced-diploma-of-business/period.html.
"Assessment Policy And Evidence Gathering Conditions." My Assignment Help, 2021, https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb60215-advanced-diploma-of-business/period.html.
My Assignment Help (2021) Assessment Policy And Evidence Gathering Conditions [Online]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb60215-advanced-diploma-of-business/period.html
[Accessed 07 February 2025].
My Assignment Help. 'Assessment Policy And Evidence Gathering Conditions' (My Assignment Help, 2021) <https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb60215-advanced-diploma-of-business/period.html> accessed 07 February 2025.
My Assignment Help. Assessment Policy And Evidence Gathering Conditions [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2021 [cited 07 February 2025]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb60215-advanced-diploma-of-business/period.html.