Problem Description
Discuss about the Communication issue in Franklin.
Every business organizations face issues while processing its operations in business. Thus, it is important to identify the issue and take necessary steps in order to minimize the issues. Identifying business issue is considered as big part for handling the issue. There are several types of business problem faced by a business organization such as communication problem, managing resources and declining of market share. Present study deals with communication problem faced by the employees of Franklin that disrupts the flow of smooth business process. Hence, a business proposal is provided in the study that covers definition of the problem, way to solve the issue, appropriate plan with timeline and approximate costs required for implicating the project.
Communication issues in the working environment can cost a business organization productivity as well as money. Without effective communication, the business organization can't exchange information that results downfall of the business operations. Thus, it is required to develop a system for communication in order to convey new information[1]. Comprehending the cases of workplace issues regarding communication system can be useful in making strategies that has ability to address the issues and develop proficient communication network in the business of Franklin.
An assorted work environment is capable to provide some benefits in business for example, a diverse of solutions for issues of an organization and knowledge into worldwide markets amid extension. In any case, the dialect hindrance can now and again occur in different types of work environment, which may turn into a communication issue[2]. There may be dialect obstructions between diverse ethnic foundations, individuals of different ages and individuals with different levels of the industry encounter with the issue. Any dialect obstruction will moderate correspondence or make misconceptions making communication incapable.
Successful communication in a work environment depends on having effective communication system that intends to aid the day by day operation of the organization. At the point when employees of Franklin manage individual issues that influences the organization communication system. On the other hand, the problems are increasing could set aside a long scopes in finding for solution. Individuals declining to impart in making view of an individual contradiction that are harming capacity of the organization in order to work together as well as abating growth of the organization.
One-way communication system can turn ineffective approach for business of the organization. Employees and administrative staffs of the organization ought to give input constantly in order to improve the nature of data that spread in the way in which the data can be conveyed. For instance, if an office has a tendency to convey data in an organization confounding to other individuals in the organization, at that point that office need to be educated of its communication issues promptly or else the data sourcing from gathering can represent communication challenge.
Identifying the Factors Responsible for the Problem
Compelling communication is difficult to create if the staffs of Franklin don't know what to speak in different circumstances. Much of the time, staffs of Franklin comprehend their part with immediate manager[3]. Notwithstanding, the common employee and supervisor may not so much comprehend when and how to collaborate. All the more ordinarily, workers in a specific division may not comprehend about the person going out of expertise when assets or experience are required in difficulty. In addition, Employees of Franklin with HR inquiries ought to comprehend where to go and who to talk with, for example.
A poor authoritative culture of the organization can drastically influence system of communication. When the process is completed, employees of Franklin who are troubled or awkward in their working environment are less inclined conveying transparently. Employees not involved with creating their managers agreeable may not asking for help information when require emerges. A noteworthy issue is existed with the partners. A few associations ingrain assorted work groups, however don't offer casual and formal routes for employees to construct affinity[4]. This absence of affinity can cause strain, and at last lead representatives to close down or evade the organization.
The tone of communication for the most part begins at the best. On the off chance that top managers of Franklin straightforwardly and unmistakably, their approach tends to channel down all through the enterprise. At the point when top managers of Franklin are ambivalent or need trust in the organization's vision, they might be hesitant to impart as an approach to abstain from indicating weakness. The silent approach way to deal with initiative can prompt doubt in the workplace, and make casual prattle assume control.
While face-to-face communication is basic in Franklin, technology energizes a ton of essential communication also. Computers as well as portable technology drive the organization as a rule. Sales team of Franklin regularly associates with stakeholders and customer service representatives with customers through mobile phones, email and tablets, for example[5]. These option types of communication just work if the technology works and the employees included know how to utilize it. It results communication breakdown in Franklin.
In order to minimize the issue, creating procedures for expelling boundaries to communication is required for Franklin. In addition, increment adequacy of relational and authoritative communication, enhance successful working environment communication, improve customer fulfillment through more strong and gainful business connections, diminish individual and authoritative boundaries to getting execution input, bringing about gainful and enduring conduct change would be helpful to minimize the communication gaps among the employees of Franklin[6]. All the more successfully trade execution input between employees at different levels in the organization[7]. In addition, increasing comprehension of systems to fabricate and sustain successful correspondence with clients, colleagues, and administration as well as sending and receiving different types of communication would be helpful to improve communication issue in Franklin.
Solution to Minimize the Problem
In order to achieve this, a training program can be organized in Franklin. In the training program employees are provided training regarding suitable method of effective communication. With present growth of information and communication technology, it becomes important to be familiar with different types of technology such as email[8]. Along with the written method of communication, it is important to develop verbal communication that is achieved with phone calls and face-to-face communication. Thus, training program can be helpful to minimize the issue in Franklin.
In order to adopt the plan i.e. training program for improving communication, it is required to implement readiness activities at first[9]. After that, preparing roll-out and arranging training facilities are required. It is important to buy print session materials and arrange trainers. On the other hand, training schedule is created[10]. After that registration of the participants in the training program is required. Rosters, tent cards and hosting training sessions are involved in the next step of the program. At the final step, evaluation of the program would be achieved.
Costs for implementing the plan
Components |
Costs |
Training materials |
110$ |
Trainers |
80$ |
Other expenses |
75$ |
Total costs |
265$ |
It is important to estimate the costs of training program. In the present circumstances, cost of training materials requires 110$. On the other hand, as trainer would be hired outside from the organization, it costs 80$. Other expenses cost 75$. Thus, total cost calculated 265$.
Phase Tasks, Milestones and/or Deliverables |
Start Date |
End Date |
Responsible Role |
Deploy Readiness Activities |
01/09/2017 |
02/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Preparing Roll-Out |
02/09/2017 |
04/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Arranging Training Facilities |
04/09/2017 |
06/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Purchase or Print Session Materials, Arrange technical methods for communication |
07/09/2017 |
07/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Contract Trainers |
08/09/2017 |
08/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Create Training Schedule |
10/09/2017 |
10/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Register the participating staffs |
11/09/2017 |
11/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Create Rosters and schedule |
11/09/2017 |
11/09/2017 |
Project Manager |
Hold Training Sessions |
12/09/2017 |
11/10/2017 |
Trainer(s) |
Evaluate Training |
12/10/2017 |
19/10/2017 |
Project Manager, , Direct Supervisors |
The advantage to taking commutation training is that enhancing your relational abilities enables to build your incentive as an expert[11]. Training program can be helpful through which communication among the employees and customers can be regularly distinguished as a key territory for development[12]. Relational abilities preparing can focus on the ranges that are shielding a person from contributing their best in such circumstances. These abilities could incorporate getting sorted out one's musings rapidly in high weight gatherings, tending to business as opposed to absolutely specialized concerns, and assuming responsibility of off-subject talks. Relational abilities improve specialized mastery[13]. In addition, with the help of effective communication, employees can exchange information and though with the co-workers and management so that overall understanding and knowledge sharing can be possible in Franklin. On the other hand, effective communication with the customers can be helpful to understand their demands and take necessary steps to fulfill the demands. It helps to gain competitive advantage and sustain in business with respective position.
Even there are several advantages of arranging training program to improve communication skill of the employees of Franklin; there are some limitations as well. Use of email and phone call may hamper data security of the organization[14]. On the other hand, arranging training program may be costly for the organization. Thus, it is required to take effective steps that can minimize the limitation of the program and obtain potential advantages of arranging training program for the employees of Franklin.
Plans for Adopting the Solution
From the above discussion, it concludes that it is important to identify the organizational issue of a business organization in order to ensure smooth flow of the business. There are several types of issues might be faced by a business organization; out of which communication issue is considered as one of the major issue in the organization. Thus, in order to minimize the issue, the organization needs to arrange training program for the employees so that the staffs can gain effective communication method. It would be helpful to be familiar with the latest technical channel of communication such as email. On the other hand, face to face communication and communication among a large number of people can be enhanced. It helps the organization to improve its business and retain in business with good position.
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Bergman, C., Dellve, L., & Skagert, K. (2016). Exploring communication processes in workplace meetings: A mixed methods study in a Swedish healthcare organization. Work, 54(3), 533-541.
Bhosale, A., & Pant, S. (2015). Role of Communication in Organization. AADYA-National Journal of Management and Technology (NJMT), 3(2), 37-39.
Bloom, N., Garicano, L., Sadun, R., & Van Reenen, J. (2014). The distinct effects of information technology and communication technology on firm organization. Management Science, 60(12), 2859-2885.
Moulaert, F., & Swyngedouw, E. (2015). Accumulation and organization in computer and communications industries: a regulationist approach. Towards Global Localization: The Computing and Telecommunications Industries in Britain and France, edited by Peter Cooke, 39-60.
Ringstrand, B. S., Seifert, S., Podlesak, D. W., & Firestone, M. A. (2016). Self?Assembly Directed Organization of Nanodiamond During Ionic Liquid Crystalline Polymer Formation. Macromolecular rapid communications, 37(14), 1155-1167.
Mishra, K., Boynton, L., & Mishra, A. (2014). Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. International Journal of Business Communication, 51(2), 183-202.
Meijer, A. J., & Torenvlied, R. (2016). Social media and the new organization of government communications: An empirical analysis of Twitter usage by the Dutch police. The American Review of Public Administration, 46(2), 143-161.
Geiger, D., & Danner-Schröder, A. (2016). 6 Organization as Communication and Routines: Text, Interpretation, and Performance. Organization as Communication: Perspectives in Dialogue, 103.
Vásquez, C., & Benavente, R. D. (2016). Revisiting Autopoiesis: Studying the Constitutive Dynamics of Organization as a System of Narratives. Management Communication Quarterly, 30(2), 269-274.
Lyndon, A., Johnson, M. C., Bingham, D., Napolitano, P. G., Joseph, G., Maxfield, D. G., & O'keeffe, D. F. (2015). Transforming communication and safety culture in intrapartum care: A multi?organization blueprint. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44(3), 341-349.
Vásquez, C., & Benavente, R. D. (2016). Revisiting Autopoiesis: Studying the Constitutive Dynamics of Organization as a System of Narratives. Management Communication Quarterly, 30(2), 269-274.
Cornelissen, J., & Cornelissen, J. P. (2017). Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage.
Prabakar, S. J., Hwang, Y. H., Bae, E. G., Shim, S., Kim, D., Lah, M. S., ... & Pyo, M. (2013). SnO2/graphene composites with self?assembled alternating oxide and amine layers for high li?storage and excellent stability. Advanced Materials, 25(24), 3307-3312.
Giordano, Y. (2015). François COOREN, Eero VAARA, Ann LANGLEY & Haridimos TSOUKAS (2014), Language and communication at work: Discourse, narrativity and organizing. Perspectives on Process Organization Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press. M@ n@ gement, 18(4), 321-328.
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