Discuss about the Introduction to Technology in Education.
I Monika Sharma, student number 5355345 have gone through many magazines and journal article that boost my thinking towards the importance of the introduction of technology in the education system. As a part of my assignment of the subject code EDGI900 for the purpose of research and evaluation, the blog consider the relevant information supporting the concerned topic. Beatty, (2013) stated that computers become a part and parcel of life so much that they are used in all purpose for the accomplishment of the work. In the education field, the use of a computer is enhancing to an extent that all teaching and learning procedure is done with the help of a computer. Information and communication technology makes it possible to learn the foreign language efficiently and facilitate the language learning process. Moreover, the computer can be used as an aid for learning and can be considered as a substantial interactive element. In addition to that, emerging trend of CALL (Computer- Assisted Language Learning) will also be discussed in this assignment, which primarily comprise of two significant features - interactive learning and personalized learning. A brief summary of four selected journal articles will be given in this assignment in order to support the research topic.
The use of evolving computer technology that makes the learning procedure easy to adopt for students and easy for teachers to make the student learn are two of the prime advantage of using CALL. Levy and Stockwell, (2013) depicts that sometimes teachers are on vacation and in that period of time the classes has not been conducted; however, with the incorporation of CALL in the education system even in the absences of teacher they can make their fellow students teach the chapters. On the other hand, Hsu, (2013) illustrate that a huge number of students use this facility for learning different language through the multimedia application. The visual and graphical representation of the learning materials makes the students more attracted towards the procedure of the education. These computer application programming allow the class scheduling according to the requirement of the individual learning. The interactive course can also develops the communication skills with their team members as well as make them aware of the evolving technology.
Golonka et al., (2014) portrays that, there are three phases of the CALL for individual to learn languages in efficient manner. These phases are - Communicative CALL, Behavioral CALL and integrative CALL. The communicative CALL makes the teacher enable to communicate with their students for teaching grammar implicitly (Mutlu & Eroz-Tuga, (2013). It also uses the target language with ease and makes the learning environment more natural both in online and in offline mode. Thomas et al., (2012) however, negates by depicting that communicative CALL application does not reward students on completion of small milestones that, results in discouraging them for achieving the next step of learning with interest. These computer-learning aids can never replace the effectiveness pf the conventional way of learning.
Advantages of using CALL in the Education System
In the context of the Behavioral CALL, Chapelle, (2016) mentioned that it dominate the behaviorist theories of learning. The author also mentioned that computer application can be set according to the individual's requirement and can be used in a repetitive way as computer do not get bored for carrying out repeated drills. This repeated exposure helps the student to understand the pattern of the study and helps them to perform well in their learning ability. Moreover, Fatemi Jahromi and Salimi, (2013) illustrate that integrative CALL mainly comprises of two technology – Multimedia and Internet. Students can use multimedia for finding a procedure by which they can learn their way by using computers. This procedure makes the student create an authentic learning environment that s integrated by reading and writing skills along with some learning activities. This learning session also comprises of workbooks that help to assess the learn g outcome of the students and enables the teacher to analyze the weak areas of students so that they can proceed with another method. Students can search for different language videos in order to acquire the knowledge regarding the language, vocabulary and pronunciation skills.
Hubbard and Levy, (2016) stated that Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) along with the CALL application signifies the importance of using the internet in education. Internet facility is developing so fast that everyone becomes used to with this invention. AbuSeileek and Qatawneh, (2013) further depicts that the internet has provided students an efficient way to communicate with their learning partners or to their tutors from anywhere 24 hours a day. This internet communication can be classified majorly in two ways – asynchronous and synchronous communication. The asynchronous way of communication resembles the communication made by the student through discussion board or e-mails to their mentors or learning partners. This way, the language they learn and the grammatical mistakes can be quickly assessed, and further rectification methods will be implemented so that the students can learn the desired language efficiently. However, Thomas et al., (2012) demonstrate a negative outcome with this procedure that the students cannot communicate in person, which may weaken their ability to verbal communication with other especially when they are in other places.
Thus, in order to overcome this, a synchronous way of communication is adopted by teachers as well as by student. MOOs, Skype and other video conferencing application are used so that their verbal communication skills can be assessed. Numerous software is also available on the internet like Rosetta Stone, fluenz, Speed Learning Languages and eLanguage (Perveen, (2016). These software makes student search for their required language learning study materials by selecting customizes learning module. Concordancing is assessment software where students themselves can test their hypothesis or language learning by finding the lexical and grammatical meanings within available stories.
Considerations when Incorporating Technology in Education
Sauro, (2012) stated that in the context of CALL, the computer themselves become a tutor for the students in numerous fields. The concerned application can be used in rectification of the grammar, reading and writing skills, integrated skills and speaking pronouncing and listening behavior (Sauro, 2012). Various software is present for making educational approaches effortless. Students as well as the teacher uses Longman Grammar Software, Grammar Mastery and Grammar 3D for learning and practicing grammar. ReadFlex is software used for speed-reading and with the help of the Paragraph Punch, students can write an effective paragraph in selected language. Moreover, Deutschmann and Vu, (2015) mentioned that different software are present for writing effective letters (WriteExpress Easy Letters) and report writings (Report Writer for Science and Engineering Reports) that not only allow the students to understand the format of these writings but also helps them to understand the quality of the language used for this. English Pronunciation and Dragon, Naturally Speaking, Accent Improvement are some of the application that is used for learning English, recognition of voice and for developing the accent of the non-native people like Chinese or African students so that they can improve their interaction effectively internationally (Chapelle, 2016).
Beatty, (2013) mentioned that even though CALL has many advantages like improved cognitive and learning styles and individualized and private learning with the quality for self-assessing the development of the language, CALL is suffering from some adversities that need to be improved for the better educational learning procedures. (Hsu, 2013) also affirms that CALL is very predictable and is non-judgmental, which signifies some predefined programs that once practiced by students can easily be solved by them in the second try. This, they require some advanced learning workbook or training session for the further betterment. Hubbard and Levy, (2016) depicts that one of the most disadvantageous facts is that for accessing the CALL facility, one must have the internet connection in the academic infrastructure or house, which is not always possible for rural areas in developing countries. As a result, many students cannot search for appropriate resources for learning another language.
Moreover, Bush (2013) illustrates that many teachers have the fear that CALL may have replaces them and hence they have a negative attitude towards CALL. This anxiety can be resolved by providing them proper training and skills to handle this application. Efficient professional or the application developer must have provided teacher’s instruction regarding the usage of the CALL for language, grammar and vocabulary learning. Kim, (2014) also holds an important issue that is the limited feedback of the teachers, as the developers also have to rely on their feedback quizzes for inputting essential learning objectives for all kind of students. Thus, it is concluded from the assignment that CALL helps in developing learning skills in a student for other native countries and culture regarding language and grammar for their educational qualification as well as their interaction with those communal. Teachers in school and high schools with this developing technology of CALL have to work efficiently for a better education system.
Educational Software and Its Uses
Angelova, M. & Zhao, Y. (2016) Using an online collaborative project between American and Chinese students to develop ESL teaching skills, cross-cultural awareness and language skills, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29:1, 167-185, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2014.907320
Type: Conceptual
Area of Study: Computer Assisted Language Learning for cross-cultural awareness
Keywords: Computer-mediated communication (CMC), English as a second language (ESL), language skills, culture awareness
Central theme and importance of the article
The main emphasis of this article is to enlighten the importance of learning a language with the help of computers for the student who belongs from the different culture. A total of 26 Chinese first-year students are asked to collaborate with 23 American students so that each one of them can develop in three major fields –improvement in their teaching skills to non-native people, understanding the knowledge of the diverse cultural importance and take an initiative to enhance the language skills of non-native students. The American students communicate and learn through computer facility like discussion boards, e-mails and sometimes Skype. The American students also help those Chinese students in developing their grammatical errors by asking them to write introductory essays on American life and culture. American students for obtaining better result in non-native Chinese students repeat this procedure.
Keengwe, J. & Hussein, F. (2012) Using computer-assisted instruction to enhance achievement of English language learners
Type: Quantitative Study
Area of Study: English language learners with the help of CALL
City of Origin: New York
Keywords: Computer technology, Computer-assisted instruction (CAI), English language learners (ELL), Charter Schools, Student Achievement
Central theme and importance of the article
This journal articles mainly emphasis on the Somali immigrants, who transferred to the United States due to Civil War. Somali students take admission to American charter schools, where their culture is being provided equal importance and students are provided an effective procedure for learning the English language. Computers based learning not only shows better result in the regular student from re school to their higher education, but it also helps the special needed students. These Somali students learn the English language by numerous procedures that are - computer assisted instruction (CAI) and computer-based instruction (CBI). Moreover, CAI provides effective tutorials and helps in developing interactive thinking, conferencing and word processing activities. It makes the student learn their syllabus study effectively with an entertainment-aided device that results in the learning procedure easy. The chartered schools that take initiative for refugee student learn English uses CAI for developing interpersonal communication skills and enhance vocabulary development in them.
CALL Software for Various Language Skills
Luo, B. (2016) Evaluating a computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) technique for efficient classroom instruction, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29:3, 451-476, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2014.963123
Type: conceptual and Quantitative study
Area of Study: computer-assisted pronunciation training for learning Canadian English Vowel
City of Origin: Canada
Keywords: Computer-assisted pronunciation Training, High variable phonetic training, L2 Speech perception and production
Central theme and importance of the article
In this article Journal, 22 Mandarin students are taken into consideration, where they are trained to learn Canadian English vowel. The computer assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) is being used in order to make them learn the vowels effectively with the use of graphical images showing each vowel category. This article mainly emphasises the adult learner, who are intended to learn pronunciation in a second language. CAPT also provide them visual feedback and also phonetic audio learning aided where they repeat the phonetic conversation and can compare their pronunciation with the phonetic audio. The users feel it easy to use as instruction is presented graphically that helps in their readability and learning skills. In this article two major issues regarding CAPT is also discussed - firstly, it does not an effective tool for the interaction between the L1 and L2 category and secondly, it is not efficient to increase the quality and quantity of the learning materials and its procedure.
Tai, S., & Chen, H.-J. (2015). A comparative study of the effect of CALL on gifted and non-gifted adolescents’ English proficiency. In F. Helm, L. Bradley, M. Guarda, & S. Thouësny (Eds), Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy (pp. 512-517). Dublin: Research-publishing.net. https://dx.doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2015.000385
Type: Quantitative Study
Area of Study: Use of CALL for proficient English
City of Origin: Taiwan
Keywords: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), English as a Foreign Language (EFL), General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)
Central theme and importance of the article
Unlike in every article, in this journal publication, 20 students have been considered who are learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The academic institute used CALL for making them learns about the English proficiency and results in cognitive, metacognitive, and affective developments. Among 20 selected students, six are considered as gifted while the rest of the 14 students are considered as non-gifted on their IQ score. The computer aided device in providing these students learning logs, interview for better communication and regular questionnaire for solving the provided problems through General English Proficiency Test (GEPT). CALL provides abundant resources for students to learn and it is also evident that teachers can use these computer facilities to meet all the requirement of students promote language proficiency. The teacher often uses VoiceTubes where the seventh-grader student can learn English freely and can gain dynamic language learning experiences.
AbuSeileek, A. F., & Qatawneh, K. (2013). Effects of synchronous and asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) oral conversations on English language learners' discourse functions. Computers & Education,62, 181-190.
Beatty, K. (2013). Teaching & researching: Computer-assisted language learning. Routledge.
Bush, M. D. (2013). Computer-assisted language learning: from vision to reality?. CALICO Journal, 25(3), 443-470.
Chapelle, C. A. (2016). Second Language Learning Online. The SAGE Handbook of E-learning Research, 2e, 171.
Deutschmann, M., & Vu, M. T. (2015). computer assisted language learning in language education: an overview of theories, methods, and current practices.
Fatemi Jahromi, S. A., & Salimi, F. (2013). Exploring the human element of computer-assisted language learning: An Iranian context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 158-176.
Golonka, E. M., Bowles, A. R., Frank, V. M., Richardson, D. L., & Freynik, S. (2014). Technologies for foreign language learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 70-105.
Hsu, L. (2013). English as a foreign language learners’ perception of mobile assisted language learning: a cross-national study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(3), 197-213.
Hubbard, P., & Levy, M. (2016). Theory in computer-assisted language learning research and practice. The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Technology, 24.
Kim, H. Y. (2014). Learning opportunities in synchronous computer-mediated communication and face-to-face interaction. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 27(1), 26-43.
Levy, M., & Stockwell, G. (2013). CALL dimensions: Options and issues in computer-assisted language learning. Routledge.
Mutlu, A., & Eroz-Tuga, B. (2013). The role of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in promoting learner autonomy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 51, 107-122.
Perveen, A. (2016). Synchronous and Asynchronous E-Language Learning: A Case Study of Virtual University of Pakistan. Open Praxis, 8(1), 21-39.
Sauro, S. (2012). Computerââ¬ÂMediated Communication and Second Language Development. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
Thomas, M., Reinders, H., & Warschauer, M. (2012). Contemporary computer-assisted language learning. A&C Black.
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