Genre Conventions
Discuss about the Lightweight Interventions for Reflective Documentation.
The intended audiences of this process document are simply the target audience of the Ginger software. This particular context-correction software mainly started off with the people with Dyslexia as its prime target audiences. The IT process document is referred to the documentation procedure that goes through the process for doing something related to IT (Santiso et al. 2016). Hence, this IT process document presents a small technical process document in order to critique for this specific task. This particular IT process document is mainly based on critically analyzing the Ginger Spelling or the Context-Correction software. Therefore, in this regard, this process document discusses in detail the intended audience of this document, the genre conventions along with justifying and explaining what technical writing principles are utilized in this document and how they contribute to its effectiveness. This also evaluates and discusses design effectiveness of Ginger software on the three basic points of design elements, structure and illustrative components (Coibion and Gorodnichenko 2015). On the other hand, this study also discusses in detail the specific design elements in the document as well as analyzes how effective the document organization is for the online access. Moreover, this study also provides the list of improvements those should be implemented for improving the effectiveness of this document. Underlying this software, the mathematical algorithm studies a huge pool of appropriate English as well as constructs an appropriate language model (Becker, Kugeler and Rosemann 2013). This particular software is not capable of analyzing the text at the word level but of the entire sentence. The Dyslectics can face difficulties in selecting the proper word and hence the attention to the sentence as a whole. Therefore, this software has incorporated a new target audience segment from 2010 in its marketing outreach such as the users of English as the second language. The contextual-based writing correction tool can easily benefit those people who are not very much proficient in English. On the other hand, Ginger has expanded its target audiences with the launch of the Ginger Keyboard and Ginger Page for incorporating anyone who can write in English, be they ESL or native.
The chosen IT process document aims at informing the target users with precision as well as clarity. There are several genre conventions or technical writing conventions such as non-discriminatory language, possible utilization of active voice, utilization of first person in the scientific and technical writing, acronyms and abbreviations, Jargon as well as Language and style (Haddadpoor et al., 2015). This particular process document follows the following specific genre or technical writing principles.
Technical Writing Principles
Language and style – this particular convention aims to this technical process document o inform that an audience is the prime aim of the scientific writer (Bloomfield 2015). On the other hand, this convention also aims to help the process document to be concise, correct and clear.
Jargon – It is such a convention or technical terminology of any specialized field. Jargon is utilized by this document while communicating with others in the field of technical process writing.
Acronyms and abbreviations – In Technical writing, abbreviations are pronounced as the letters and acronyms are pronounced as words. The utilization of an abbreviation in this particular document is dictated largely by the number of times the term utilized inside the document itself (Moher et al. 2015).
Utilization of first person – The chosen document avoids the use of first person according to the general convention used in preparing process documents.
Possible utilization of active voice – The use of active voice in this particular document makes concise and direct messages which also make the writing easier for reading (Wall and Pentz 2016).
Non-Discriminatory language – In this document, it aims to report with truthfulness of the facts portrayed inside the document.
Accurate as well as well-written documentation can play a significant role in the user or customer support strategy as it helps in reducing the support costs. Therefore, the technical writing generally plays a huge role in the equation of supporting the users of any particular software, applications or any other technologies. IT process document is much more than just concise, structured and technical jargon instructions (Budden, Lee and Jacobs 2015). Hence, in case of this IT process document of Ginger Software, few significant principles should be properly followed as well as incorporate within this documentation. The major aim of this specific technical writing or this IT process document is to assure that this document maintains focused on what they are writing about. There are six significant principles with the help of which this IT Process Document are implemented as follows:
Content – there are five fundamental questions those have to be asked by the technical writers while proceeding with the IT process document. In addition, these questions have to be started with few specific “WH” words such as ‘when’, ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘why’, as well as ‘who’ (Santiso et al. 2016). Most importantly, answering with these questions would permit the technical writer to be capable of developing the content for any kind of technical documentation.
Document Design
Documentation of purpose and audience – The IT process document should be well-analyzed for the intended audiences and properly accomplish the document purpose before the beginning any new IT process document (Häser, Felderer and Breu 2014).
Style-guide – The writer of this chosen IT process document has utilized an organizational style-guide for ensuring that their documentation has organized as well as structured pattern so that it provides consistency towards their writing. Therefore, the style-guide would provide the document with continuity so that the audiences can easily comprehend the information provided within the IT process document.
Accessing the Information – Accessibility often applies to the extent at which intended audience can properly access the information needed by them from the technical documentation (Hayes 2013). Therefore, this IT process document for the Ginger software should contain at least headers, footers and a table of contents, page numbers and list of illustrations.
Grammar – This IT process document for the Ginger software has been implemented by adhering to the entire protocols of conventional grammar (Schultz and Mueller-Wickop 2014). Moreover, it is the responsibility of writer for editing and proofreading the IT process documentation for correcting and detecting any errors present in the layout, typography, graphics and writing.
In the context of document design, discussion as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of document’s design can be accomplished depending on three given points of structure, illustrative components as well as design elements. Hence, in this scenario, the illustrative components and design elements associated with the operations of Ginger software are aimed to be portrayed in this section (Bailey 2016). The major effectiveness of the design of IT process document lies in helping in creating the systematic information for articulating the intervention strategies as well as developing flowchart of a certain program. In this regard, this study has helped the project on implementing the Ginger software for finding out or exploring more regarding the required field intervention methods, management requirements, coordination and financial management policies (Santiso et al. 2016). Not only the project, which conducts process documentation takes the takes the agencies undertaking new as well as complex forms as the expansion part of programs. These actually need understanding regarding the stakeholder participation.
On the other hand, an important context of the effectiveness of IT process document is the documentation accompanying it like executing disaster recovery plans, requesting for system changes as well as logging trouble calls. Most of the methodologies those are oriented by processes are meant for recording programs as they feed as well as occur the information back to the policy makers, researchers and managers as well for helping them understanding the working principles of the project better (Ryan et al. 2015). Nevertheless, there are numerous other purposes those are important equally for which processes are generally sought. These are mainly utilized by the agencies undertaking complex as well as new forms as the part of the program expansion that needs the understanding regarding the stakeholder participation (Ciffroy et al., 2016). Apart from that, it must be considered that such information is needed often for validating the program or approach as well as the consequent policy formation. Most importantly, the capability of measuring the design effectiveness of the IT process document with the help of the utilization of proposed method represents a crucial step in a widened effort for improving the entire process of designing process.
There are several elements or methods as well as tools available today for aiding to capture details regarding the process through which a company generally performs its day-to-day activities in terms of achieving desired efficiencies and cost reduction. A very common approach that is integral to most of the methods is to implement an end-to-end process flow for understanding the definition of the end-to-end process (Coibion and Gorodnichenko 2015). This IT process document has been designed based on the working principles of the Ginger Software. Therefore, in this regard, the design elements of the ginger software can be considered as same for this particular IT documentation. The entire design element of this software is based on the fact regarding the way through a specific can be spelt very easily (Wolfe and Nishisaki 2015). It would not be an exaggeration to think that, at one moment or another, every literate speaker of English in history had to wrestle with the question of how to spell a word that he or she knew perfectly in terms of its meaning and pronunciation.
On the other hand, such moments of minuscule embarrassment are very common at least in particular as of the distinct feature of the English language. The English orthography depth generally demonstrates the possible independence between the spelling of a word and that the pronunciation of word (Lo et al. 2015). There are several interrelations among three elements of Ginger software design considered for numerous error-provoking word-categories for the spellers. For an example, the homophones can make up the word categorizations with the identical pronunciation that mainly differ in meaning. Apart from that, a speller can be able to deliberate the homophonic in different spelling of ‘pear, ‘pair’, ‘their’, ‘there’, ‘too’, ‘two’ as well as ’to’. Heteronyms make up another category, that of words with identical spellings but different sound (Coibion and Gorodnichenko 2015). Here, for example, a speller may puzzle over the difference between a ‘bow’ for arrows and the customary ‘bow’ in the presence of royalty. Such cases provide a useful classification of words for spelling instruction. There are many other cases, some more simple some complex.
So it can be seen that these categories, which are inherent in the English language, create a special challenge for learners and native speakers alike. For all, sometimes the spelling of a word is not a trivial task. In addition, there are several tricks, tips as well as methodologies with the help of which, users of ginger software can get help along the way (Wolfe and Nishisaki 2015). However, in regards to learn anything, individuals have to ultimately practice, observe as well as gradually absorb word-by-word the nuances of written as well as spoken English.
In case of the IT process document of the Ginger software, the online access of this documentation can be proven very effective. The online access to the IT process document management can easily be able to streamline the processes to well-maintain the documents (Aagaard and Pedersen 2013). The secure document manager over the online system provide the scope of storing as well as organizing this document online and access the document over the cloud no matter where the user is present. On the other hand, the online document collaboration as well as document management also provides the scope of modifying, viewing, organizing as well as storing files with just an internet connection.
- Securely Share Documents Online – helps in sharing unlimited documents with employees, distributed workforces, and customers from any Web-enabled computer.
- Online Document Storage – helps in store any size document or group of documents online through a secure, central repository.
- Online Data Backup - Document backup is an added bonus to sharing, storing, and managing documents online. Documents are stored in secure, offsite data center facilities equipped with redundant servers that guarantee 99.9 % uptime (Lo et al. 2015).
- Collaboration of Online Document - Collaborate on files with colleagues, partners or customers with document collaboration features like document version control, audit trails, locking, document commenting and more.
The IT process documentation is one of the most crucial components of featuring particular software. Therefore, it is very important that it communicates as effectively as possible. Clear writing, complete information as well as good organization are obviously the key to the success of designing any IT process document (Santiso et al. 2016). However, there are some other, less-obvious techniques you can use to make your documents more readable and understandable. In order to improve the design process of the IT documentation as evident in the chosen process document of Ginger Software, it is important to know the actual audiences as well as the culture of the audiences as well. On the other hand, a major goal of design documentation, especially in the early stages of a project, is to educate its readers about the value of the design itself, and convince them that the product is worth building and producing (Coibion and Gorodnichenko 2015). One effective way to help people learn and understand these concepts is to present them as narratives, instead of thinking of about the document as simply a well-organized collection of specifications, descriptions, illustrations, and diagrams, try telling a story. Writers should always be careful while utilizing narrative-based document structure, though. It’s not appropriate in all situations. For an instance, some design documents are used as reference guides for developers; those documents must present information clearly and concisely, and in a way that makes it easy for programmers to find what they need.
After conducting the entire study, it can easily be stated as a conclusion that this IT process document has successfully presented a small technical process document in order to critique for this specific task. This particular IT process document is mainly based on critically analyzing the Ginger Spelling or the Context-Correction software. Therefore, in this regard, this chosen process document has successfully demonstrated in detail the intended audience of this document, the genre conventions along with justifying and explaining what technical writing principles are utilized in this document and how they contribute to its effectiveness. This also evaluated and discussed the entire design effectiveness of Ginger software on the three basic points of design elements, structure and illustrative components. On the other hand, this study also properly explored in detail the specific design elements in the document as well as analyzes how effective the document organization is for the online access. Moreover, this study also provides the list of improvements those should be implemented for improving the effectiveness of this document.
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