Answer: Introduction Indigenous health is related to the physical, cultural, emotional and the social wellbeing of the members of the Aboriginal community and the Torres Strait islander people. Most of these indigenous Australians are seen to experience poorer health conditions in comparison to the non-indigenous Australians therefore they tend to die at much younger ages (Parker & Milroy, 2014). There is a tendency that these indigenous ...
Answer: Issue The key issue is to ascertain the liabilities that Sam would have to incur on account of the damages suffered by the potential plaintiffs based on the underlying situation. Rule In order to determine if the tort of negligence is applicable, it is imperative that there central conditions must be fulfilled. First, it is essential that the there must a duty of care on defandant’s part towards the plaintiff to be decided by ...
Answer: 1. The title of the article is “Do Young Drivers Become Safer After Being Involved in a Collision?” The authors of the article are Fearghal O’Brien, Joe Bible, Danping Liu, and Bruce G. Simons-Morton. Journal- Psychological Science; year of publication- 2017; volume- 28; pages- 407-413. 2. The aim of the article is to investigate the trend of being involved in car collisions is due to drivers facing collisi...
Answer: Aim The main aim of this experiment is to calculate the amount of heat transfer in four different types of heat exchangers. For heat transfer calculation, values of overall heat transfer coefficient, area of heat exchangers, mean temperature difference is required which is calculated from inlet and outlet temperature of hold and cold fluid measured experimentally . Experimental Data Flow rate measurement meter for both cold and hot ...
Answer: Introduction INTERNATIONAL CONVEYANCE is one of the competitive company worldwide. There is a daily collaboration of multiple industries and players in the transportation market, therefore there is the need for a consistent reshaping of the intercontinental shipping arena. For the purpose of gaining success and meeting the ever-varying expectations of the customers, the professionals of the industry are required to implement the right...
Answer: Introduction A partnership can be rightfully defined as a formal agreement which takes place between two or more parties in order to manage the business or a particular task in hand. There are a large number of partnership agreements available at hand like the partnership where the liability of the partners is limited or where the liability of the different partners is unlimited. The report will be discussing various facets of the par...
Answer: Qantas is the one of the famous Airline service industry in the Australia. It is one of the largest airlines in the Australia and the Qantas Airways is the largest company by the fleet size, flights and the destinations it operates at. The Qantas Airways is the old brand and the airline and the third largest among the other airlines in the world. The major competitors of the Qantas are KLMM and Avianca. The total operating income of th...
Answer: Introduction The most ordinary type of cancers identified internationally is skin cancer & it is increasing rapidly since the past 10 years. Workers are exposed to the UV rays who work outside and this is the major reason that they are diagnosed with Skin cancer particularly squamous cell carcinoma & basal cell carcinoma. These are recognized as the non-melanoma skin cancer & melanoma skin cancer respectively. Australia co...
Answer: Introduction: Auditing of the financial statements refers to the close examination of a business entity’s financial records. It can be carried out by an efficient and recognised external independent auditor, which is able to accurately judge the fairness of these financial statements. It is important for ensuring the accountability towards the different stakeholders of the business entities. The tax institutions, different finan...
Answer: The preferred form of procurement as an outcome from the negotiation process for Project 1 proposed in the PPMP20011 Projects Negotiation and Conflict Report was Fixed Price Procurement Contract type as it would help in utilizing the human labours to possibly best level. The subthemes and KSAE’s that will best mitigate and reduce project claims and damages are itemized in the following tables. Platform Foundation (p. 117-118)...
Answer: Introduction Brainstorming Session Functionalities: For specific patients: Mobile SOS button attached to a lanyard. For patients who are at risk of heart failure: Have a smart wrist band that checks blood pressure, BPM, blood sugar. For Staff: Intercom system to contact a nurse/staff member. Food ordering system Automated Features: Automated blinds Will help the patients get more natural light into their daily schedule ...
Answers: Insolvency 1. The issue in this case is if Claude, Jackie and Allison can pay dividend when the company was nearing insolvency. Similarly, if the liquidator can recover the Mercedes and $50,000 transferred by Claude? In this regard, the law provides that in case of the insolvency of a company, the director of the company is required to consider the interests of the creditors. For this purpose, the directors should help the admin...
Answer: Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellcopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The abo...
Answer: Introduction The tourism industry of New Zealand in recent times have accelerated to a great extent and has become the largest export industry of the nation. This has put a positive influence on the functioning of hotel industry that plays a significant part in travel and tourism (Luo & Milne 2014, pp.81-100). In the following report, the Riverdale Houseboat Accommodation’s business plan is constructed. This houseboat rental...
Answer: Introduction: The present study is based on a comparative evaluation of NRW Holdings Limited and Reliance Worldwide Corporation Limited by computing their financial ratios and comparing with industry standards. Overview of both the companies is as follows: NRW Holdings Limited NRW Holdings is well known for providing the diversified services to the resources, civil infrastructure, energy, and urban development areas. The company is ...
Answer: In a work organization as well as in a training institute generally the following physical assets can be identified: Plant and equipment. Motor vehicles. Air conditioner. Water purifier (Haggerty al. 2017). Two primary reasons to maintain asset registers are: Asset register helps an organisation to keep track of its assets and thus, maintenance of assets becomes ...
Answer: The ABC is an technology institution that is found in America and currently had extended to Canberra which is a new branch, in canberra there are two mid-size campuses which are separated with a distance of 2km .The campuses has different dimensions where the first has 1600 meters by 1400 meters area while the second one is having an area of 1200 meters by 800 meters. However in the first branch there are total of four buildings which...
Answers: 1: Globalisation has completely changed the appearance of today’s economy. Particularly the firms of 1990 have now expanded into new markets in order to operate more on the global world as well as to develop their businesses. For this reason, most of the companies choose to expand by means of corporations with the other companies in order to make the entry in the market much easier and simpler for strengthening their position i...
Answer: Part 1 Research Questions 1. While summarizing what should be included when creating the dessert menu the list can be explained as dessert list should be less with maximum three flavours, options should be both hot and cold; seasoning can be attractive for some. Traditional sweets gets into the heart of the buyer 2 Standard recipes will provide consistency and eventually it will increase the customer satisfact...
Answer: Introduction: Activity Based Costing is an accounting method which analyses and allocates the costs to the activities of overheads which is followed by the allotment of costs to the products. It identifies the relationship between the costs, activities of overheads and the manufactured product. With the help of this relationship, it allocates the indirect costs to the products less subjectively as compared to the traditional met...
Answer: The republican referendum of 1999 failed because majority of the people voted in the negative and said NO. During the bicentenary celebrations of Australia in 1988, the Queen visited Canberra in May of that year to open the new Parliament House. While addressing the people , the Queen drew on the royal connection, saying that her father, George VI, had opened the original Canberra Parliament House in 1927 and her grandfather George V h...
Answer: Choice Appointments is a recruitment agency that has a wide network of operations and the customer base of the organization is also expanding. The organization has a defined set of processes that are conducted for the ensuring recruitments for the customers. The company is now looking to expand the business further and there will be increased number of customers that will get associated with it. The development of an information system...
Answers: The case Kable v Director of Public Prosecutions (NSW) (1996) 189 CLR 51[1], was considered to be a significant case of the High Court of Australia. The facts of the case were such that it involved the rights depicted in Chapter III of the Constitution in regard to the extent of the powers of the State Courts vested within the purview of federal jurisdiction. The case is regarding the murder of the wife of Kable whom he stabbed after ...
Answer: Introduction to the Industry Chocolate is one of the majorly favourite sweets of all times that is used in a variety of deserts and other forms of sweet dishes on a global basis. The importance of chocolate is increasing in the modern world with more and more countries demanding chocolate for their everyday consumption as well as processing of other sweets. The chocolate industry is therefore ever growing and accounts for approximatel...
Answer: Introduction: The international system of which any county is a part can be influenced by the desire and capacity of powerful countries. The remarkable point in the contemporary year is that in regard to any other countries, United States is far more influential. It is so because the regulations and rules governing the interconnected international system can be governed by United States[1]. An unprecedented dominance was assumed by th...