Diagnosis and reflection
Discuss about the Self Assessment for Business Communication.
The purpose of the following assignment is to evaluate communication competencies with the help of five communication diagnostic tools. More precisely, in a self-reflection manner, the present paper is attempting to identify two key issues in communication style across various premises, such as verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening and assertiveness perception. To understand the specific needs for development to achieve communication efficiency, the assignment will further construct a thorough literature review on the concepts, theories and perceptions related to the diagnosed communication issues. Finally, the paper aims to establish a profound action plan for achieving success against the recognized pitfalls.
For acquiring fruitful result, I have considered five specific diagnostic tools related to communication, which are Johari Window, Quinn management questionnaire, communication style questionnaire, Assertiveness questionnaire and Emotional intelligence Test framework. The attempt is here to recognize two specific flaws in effective communication.
Assessment through Emotional intelligence test
I have particularly chosen the trait E1 model for assessing my communication ability as per the fact that I have identified this model to be helpful in recognizing my strength and weakness in my personality. With the help of the considered model, I have understood that I am able to stay calm under pressure and do not show any defensive activity in time of being criticized. Most importantly, the test result has implied that I have a positive gesture towards life though unfortunately I pay less attention on others’ words prior to make any crucial decision. However, it is unfortunate that the test has indicated that I am unable to recognize the impact of my behavior upon others and could not complete utilize the criticisms I receive.
A coherent understanding about my communicational way of approaching and addressing others in the society has been understood well by the Johari Window test framework. Most importantly, I believe the Johari Test window has proven helpful for obtaining feedbacks, which have assisted to learn about my communication issues. More specifically, in the open area and blind area phase, I have the non-vocabulary power of expressing my emotions through eye-contact, which accompanies my gentle and calm way of talking. However, the blind area phase has indicated that I hardly listen to others’ while establishing my own decisions. On the other hand, the hidden area has stabilized my belief upon myself that I am flexible enough in expressing my opinions with others. Nevertheless, the last phase – unknown area has surprised me by implicating that I easily get distracted while talking to others.
Assessment through Emotional intelligence test
It has been the Quinn management questionnaire, which has indicated my communicational potentiality for effective management. The test has specified that I can show my interest and get actively involved in time of working with others and my communication gestures are helpful in time of dealing with others. However, I have come to recognize that in time of meeting or large gathering, I propose my ideas hardly and also listen less to others’ problems. It is because of this issue, the need to look for solutions to the public discussions never accomplishes. However, it is fortunate to understand that I have the ability to show respect for everyone in the work floor through my communication.
With the help of Assertive questionnaire, I have identified that I do not like to express my opinions through my vocal and non-vocal communication in front of someone who is not well-known to me. However, it is fortunate to understand that my personality and communicational approach do not get easily affected by the criticisms of others. However, again it is proved by the test that I have an authoritarian style of communication and less listen to others. It means that my personality lacks in making effective interpersonal bond as my listening ability is poor. However, from the test I have realized that I am flexible with face-to-face communication.
The test has pointed out that I am capable of expressing my opinions honestly and confidently and with the help of my communication style, I can control a situation smoothly. In terms of non-verbal skills, my way of making eye-contact with people in time of talking helps me most to calm down a tempestuous situation. It means my communication style is effective in terms of leadership. Though it is an obstacle that has been pointed out by almost every communication test that I have gone through that, I am inefficient in understanding different accents and different languages.
In order to state and elaborate two most critical communication issues, I should jot down two individual incidents, which bear the tress of my verbal and non-verbal weakness. Recently, I came across two of the new employees who have joined my team as subordinates in my organization. I have come to understand that they belong to two different countries and speak English hardly. I am finding it hard to instruct them or convey any opinion or information to them. Particularly, I can recall one situation where it has been essential to instruct them a particular task, which has been crucial for the week. I tried my best to make them understand my points though finally received disappointment. I know that both of them are efficient in their own field and only because of language barrier my team could not meet the accomplishments regarding the task.
Diagnosis with the help of Johari Window
Another incident has taken place more than one year ago when I have been promoted to the position of team leader in my organization. I was supposed to listen to my subordinates regarding a critical task and was supposed to identify a solution immediately. I thought my opinions regarding the situation was appropriate and I should not pay unnecessary attention to my subordinates and peers. It is unfortunate that the entire situation ended up as failure and later I found out that if I listened to the point of view of my subordinates as well as of my colleagues, the situation could have been sorted out easily.
From the above self-assessment, two major issues have been identified, which are –
- I am unable to pay attention to others in time of talking. More precisely, I do not prioritize other’s opinion and stay busy at expressing my views rather listening to others. Therefore, I lack in this particular non-verbal skill that is harmful for building interpersonal bonds
- The entire assessment has also implied that I have language barriers. I believe this issue is more critical than the previous one as per the fact that, presently work place diversity is a common matter. Therefore, skills in some of the major languages like French, Italian, Japanese and Spanish instead of English are required.
As per Knapp et al., (2014), interpersonal communication skills are required in time of face-to-face communication. As argued by Wood (2015), interpersonal communication should be defined as a non-verbal mode of communication between interdependent individuals in workplace. However, it is a misconception that interpersonal communication only includes face-to-face communication as it includes numerous other modes of communication in workplace, such as exchanging problems, listening to other person, motivating others and sharing significant information between the interdependent individuals (Berger, 2014). Therefore, in terms of interpersonal communication skills, individuals needs to develop their personal presentation, non-verbal skills in communication and their personal appearance along with verbal communication skills. Nevertheless, as per Hybels (2014), the effective impact of interpersonal communication skill is, it helps in solving sudden problems in both private and professional lives. On the other hand, it should be considered that interpersonal communication skills help in forming groups or effective teams as with the help of the skills people can work effectively with others and can help each other in time of need (Biocca & Levy, 2013).
According to Hybels (2014), interpersonal communication works prominently to increase trust in a workplace, which further helps in sharing views as well as in motivating others. In the words of Biocca and Levy (2013), listening should be considered as one of the key interpersonal communication skills. Active listening power enables a person in acquiring vital knowledge, which in future could help in time of decision making process.
The term “language barrier” refers to the particular inability to interact by using an individual language. In the words of Tenzer et al., (2014), language barrier should be considered as a serious issue as it maximizes misinterpretation that ends up in making huge misunderstandings. The main cause of language barrier is major differences in languages. On the other hand, language barrier is caused through different regional accents and dialect. It is possible that instead of having same language, two people belonging to two different places have individual accents (Melitz & Toubal, 2014). Most significantly, use of jargons and various slangs and lack of vocabulary in a particular language are also some potential issues, which stabilize language barrier and specifically communication barrier.
Assessment through Quinn management questionnaire
However, as per McCarthy et al., (2013), language barrier is harmful in a business organization as it creates cultural differences. More elaborately, lack of skills to understand different language and accent create problems for cross-cultural communication, which increases miscommunication and a feeling of disrespect (Phelps, 2016). On the other side, language behavior influence professional relationships among peers. It is because a person talking in different language, most of the time gets isolated by the other members. In such a condition, people generally feel insulted and ignored as they could not engage themselves in the social gathering. Henceforth, it is a crucial issue for a business organization (Melitz & Toubal, 2014).
The fundamental doctrine of the communication accommodation theory says that in order to adjust in a particular situation, individuals accommodate their communication styles and behavior. Based on Gallois and Giles (2015), the theory underpins that adjust in the communication style is occupied through two distinct ways, which are convergence and divergence. The divergence way is adopted when there is the need to signify or give importance to the identity of a specific group by touting the different attributes of the group. On the other hand, the convergence way is utilized when weak individuals attempts to fit into a society for seeking social approval (Gallois & Giles, 2015). Therefore, following the convergence application individuals match their communication trend with the group or individual they are speaking with. Henceforth, unlike the convergence style, the divergence style is most of the time is adopted by the racial prides (Berger, 2014). Therefore, it is understandable that the theory strictly concentrates on the interrelation among language, identity and society.
The theoretical concept of constructivism says that cognitively complex individuals are more successful in communication as they are potential in fabricating their original ideas as well as communication style to achieve communication goals. However, the thematic concept of social constructivism implicates that human development in social premise is determined through human interaction (Liu & Zhang, 2014). Henceforth, the basic idea of constructivism related to communication is found to be similar with the convergence phase of communication accommodation theory as both of them are indicative of customizing interaction style for obtaining social approval (Gallois & Giles, 2015). Constructivists believe that it is a common human nature to customize their communicational attributes. On the other hand, it should also be kept in mind that living a society, human beings are bound to fabricate their style and trend of interaction. However, as per the definition of Liu and Zhang (2014), the theory of constructivism should not be criticized negatively as per the fact that it is a potentiality to speak skillfully in different social circumstances. Moreover, the theory strongly underpins that to understand individual differences it is required to identify the trait of constructivism in the person.
Test through communication style questionnaire
After considering the self assessment and their implication about my communication skills, two individual action plans for overcoming the identified issues could be considered. From the elaborated literature review, it has been understood that it is essential to have the capability to understand certain languages. Alongside, I have also understood that for giving efficient leadership, it is necessary to listen to others and prioritize their words. Henceforth, considering the issue of language barrier, an apt action plan will be –
SMART objective |
Actions |
Time |
To earn capability to understand two foreign languages – French and Japanese. The objective is specific as it concentrates specifically upon the issue of language barrier. On the other hand, it is attainable as there are several well-known tutorial who provides courses upon them and it is relevant as in my organization most of the clients and employees use these two languages as their mother tongue. Moreover, it measurable through the feedbacks I will gather during my training. |
· I would pursue “Clinical Handover – Effective communication” – the course from CPQ University · I would practice my learning with the help of a private tutor. |
One year for completin the course. |
Table 1: Action plan 1
(Source: As created by the author)
On the other hand, considering the second problem, which is my lack of interpersonal skills and specifically my inability to listen to others, it is obvious that I need to change my leadership style as well as my non-verbal communication skills. Therefore, an apt action plan would be –
SMART objective |
Actions |
Time |
To upgrade interpersonal communication skills and develop the trend of paying attention to others. The objective specifically focuses on my inability in the ground of interpersonal skills and at the same time it is attainable as I can pursue an online course, which is easily affordable. On the other hand, it is relevant as I am currently handling the position of a team leader. However, it will be measurable through the feedback I will obtain from my subordinates and by assessing my communication again with the help of the mentioned tests. |
· I would pursue an online training program for achieving interpersonal communication skills · I would practice it with my peers and subordinates |
Six months |
Table 1: Action plan 2
(Source: As created by the author)
It can be deduced from the above discourse that the two major communication issues of the concerned individual are lack of interpersonal skills and the issue of language barrier. In a self-assessment style, the concerned individual has identified his/her won flaws in communication with the help of five individual communication diagnosis tools. However, from the literature review section it has been understood that interpersonal skills are significant for forming an appropriate team. In terms of communication skills, people needs to focus on the listening skills as it helps to acquire vital information. It has been also understood by the literature review part that language barrier impacts negatively upon interpersonal and cross-cultural relationship within an organization. On behalf of this the assignment has ended up by establishing two convenient action plans, which could be followed for alleviating the identified constraints.
Berger, C. R. (Ed.). (2014). Interpersonal communication (Vol. 6). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
Berger, J. (2014). Word of mouth and interpersonal communication: A review and directions for future research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(4), 586-607.
Biocca, F., & Levy, M. R. (Eds.). (2013). Communication in the age of virtual reality. Routledge.
Gallois, C., & Giles, H. (2015). Communication accommodation theory. The international encyclopedia of language and social interaction.
Hybels, S. (2014). Communicating effectively. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
Knapp, M. L., Vangelisti, A. L., & Caughlin, J. P. (2014). Interpersonal Communication & Human Relationships. Pearson Higher Ed.
Liu, L., & Zhang, Y. (2014). The application of constructivism to the teaching of intercultural communication. English Language Teaching, 7(5), 136.
McCarthy, J., Cassidy, I., Graham, M. M., & Tuohy, D. (2013). Conversations through barriers of language and interpretation. British journal of nursing, 22(6), 335-339.
Melitz, J., & Toubal, F. (2014). Native language, spoken language, translation and trade. Journal of International Economics, 93(2), 351-363.
Phelps, M. (2016). Internal Language Barrier: Addressing Disconnects in Discourse at the Collegiate Writing Level. Young Scholars In Writing, 13, 79-93.
Tenzer, H., Pudelko, M., & Harzing, A. W. (2014). The impact of language barriers on trust formation in multinational teams. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(5), 508-535.
Wood, J. T. (2015). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Nelson Education.
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