Advertisements for Full Time Waiter
Available positions: Full time waiter, Part time waiter and Volunteer Barista.
Advertisements for Full Time Waiter –
Advertisement 1:
Selected Medium – Flyer
Advertisement 2:
Selected Medium – Social Media
Advertisements for Part Time Waiter –
Advertisement 1:
Selected Medium – Flyer
Advertisement 2:
Selected Medium – Social Media
Advertisements for Volunteer Barista –
Advertisement 1:
Selected Medium – Flyer
Advertisement 2:
Selected Medium – Social Media
The advertisement medium that has been selected include Flyers and social media post in Facebook. The reason for selection of both this advertisement process is that these processes are cost efficient in nature and they are capable of attracting the attention of wide number of people that are associated with the country. Looking at the current performance of the company it can clearly be identified that the selection of social media post is going to be very much helpful for the company in terms of reaching hey wide number of people that are going to be capable of knowing about the job vacancy in the company and with the greater number of people it will be possible for the company to select from a wide base of people that can be hired by the company. There are presence of millions of people that log on to social media website on regular basis and under this context, with the implementation of social media advertisement it is going to be highly beneficial for the company in terms of meeting the expectations of the different candidates that are looking for the job and the company will also have an opportunity to select the top talent from the huge number of people that are going to apply for the job after the implementation of the advertisement. The selection of Flyers is also a viable option in terms of ensuring the fact that the local people that are associated with the company are going to be aware about the new job openings and they will either be applying themselves or they will be referring others about the job opportunity at the hotel.
No cost is going to be associated with the social media advertisement that is going to be implemented by the company. With the lack of optimum amount of cost, it will be possible for the company to utilise the money in other aspects of the company. Flyers will be costing around $2 each and the total number of Flyers that are going to be printed will be 200. The low budget that has been selected for both the advertisement method is going to be highly beneficial for the company in terms of looking at the return on investment for the advertisements. In order to implement the social media advertisement, it is going to be highly important for the company to meet the expectations of the new employees and the various perks of the job stated in the advertisement must be provided to the new employees that are going to be associated with the company. Proper consultation has been undertaken from the existing employees of the company as well as the supervisors that are associated with the company. Meetings has been conducted with the associated stakeholders of the company regarding the new advertisement process that is going to be implemented in the future. After gathering all the information and the ideas that are associated with the different members of the company it was possible to identify the new advertisement method that is going to be implemented is in accordance to the different employees that are associated with the company. The input that was received from the employees that are associated with the company is to utilise social media website as it is the most versatile form of digital marketing that is going to be helpful for the company in order to reach greater number of employees. Looking at the present perspective of the company and the brand image that is associated with it can be stated that the methods of advertisement that has been selected is going to be beneficial for the company.
Criteria |
NO |
Having previous experience of at least 6 months as a waiter. |
The employee has positive attitude towards work. |
The individual is capable of communicating effectively. |
The individual has passed the aptitude test effectively. |
The individual is going to be capable of communicating with the customers properly. |
There is presence of previous record regarding the individual about not capable of communicating with customers properly or misbehaving with customers. |
The individual is aware about the different types of meals that are associated in the restaurant. |
Advertisements for Part Time Waiter
For Full-Time Waiter
Why do you want to be a waiter for the company? |
What is your greatest strength as a server in the restaurant? |
What is your biggest weakness that are associated being a server in the restaurant? |
What do you love most about being a waiter in a restaurant? |
Tell me something about your previous experience being a waiter? |
For Part-Time Waiter
For how long are you going to be a part of the restaurant? |
What is your greatest strength as a server in the restaurant? |
What is your biggest weakness that are associated being a server in the restaurant? |
Have you worked is the weather in the past? |
Can you consider in the future to be a permanent member of the company? |
For Volunteer Barista
What characteristics makes a person a good barista? |
Tell me about a time in which you faced a difficult customer and handled the situation? |
How do you know about what drink must be suggested to a customer? |
What is your most favourite and least favourite coffee drink that you make? |
What is your previous experience as a barista? |
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for applying for the job through the advertisements. This letter is to inform you that we are going to pursue other applicants for the job. There are currently many qualified applicants that has applied for the job and we hope that in the future you might get the job if there is any vacancy.
Yours respectfully,
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for applying for the job. This letter is to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the interview of the position in the company. Further details will be provided in upcoming email please stay in touch for future updates.
Yours respectfully,
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for being a part of the interview process. It is hereby to inform you that you are not going to appear in the future selection process.
Yours respectfully,
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for being a part of the interview process. It is nearby to inform you that you have passed the interview process and going to be provided with a position in the company. further details will be provided to you please keep in touch.
1. The state of the business as well as role of the employees are explaining properly to them. |
2. A proper list of the key people that are associated with the company must be stated to the new employee. |
3. The employment condition and policies of the company needs to be explained to the employees. |
4. The work health and safety administration need to be explained to the new employee. |
5. The work environment needs to be introduced to the employee. |
The shortlisting decisions that have been undertaken for selecting the participants in the job includes identification of the future experience of the participants. The body language of the participants was also taken into account along with the communication process that was implemented by them. The shortlisting decision was also undertaken by taking into account the previous job experience of the participants. If the participants were not having any kind of previous job experience, then they were not shortlisted for the interview process. During the interview process it was identified if they participants that are going to be selected for the company are capable of maintaining their job profile effectively and they are well acquainted with the job that is going to be performed by them in the workplace of the company. The people pleasing skills as well as communication skills that are associated with individual employees were also taken into account.
The decision-making process that was undertaken was in according to the job profile of the individual participants. The criteria based on which the new participants were selected was to ensure the fact that the full-time waiter is capable of managing all the customers properly and the part time waiter is capable of ensuring the fact that they know all the different aspects of the role in the job and the Paris to is capable of managing all the different orders of individual customers that are going to be associated with the company.
Advertisements for Volunteer Barista
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for being a part of the interview process. It is hereby to inform you that you are not going to appear in the future selection process.
Yours respectfully,
Respected Sir/Mam,
Thank you for being a part of the interview process. It is nearby to inform you that you have passed the interview process and going to be provided with a position in the company. further details will be provided to you please keep in touch.
Selection Report
The new employee that has been selected for the company is going to fulfil the role effectively. The new employee is capable of meeting all the criteria that are associated with the checklist. The new employee has enough experience in terms of waitressing and being a barista and the expectations of the company is going to be fulfilled by the employee.
Respected Team,
The new employee is going to be a valuable asset to the team. It must be ensured that a new employee is capable of adjusting properly towards the workplace environment of the company. The onboarding checklist needs to be identified and the different criteria that are associated with the checklist needs to be implemented in order to ensure the fact that the new employee is going to be an effective part of the team in the workplace of the company. The new employee has previous work experience and this is going to be very much helpful in terms of making them adjust towards the work that is conducted in the company and it is also going to be highly beneficial for other employees to learn from the experience of the new employee and collaborate with each other in order to provide an optimum experience to the customers that are going to be associated with the restaurant. The senior supervisors of the company is going to actively participate towards upbringing and making the new employee comfortable in the workplace and also ensuring the fact that the new employee is capable of meeting the expectations of the company effectively.
State of the business. |
The company is a 120-room hotel that provides a restaurant to the customers that are associated with it as well as it provides services to customers that are not a part of the hotel. Most of the time the hotel operates with 77% capacity which clearly states the fact that the work is going to be optimum in nature and the employees that are associated with the company are always prepared to meet the expectations of the customers that are going to be associated with the restaurant. It is very much important to ensure the fact that the customers are treated in a proper way by the employees of the restaurant so that they visit the restaurant in the future also. |
Key people associated with the company. |
The key people that are associated with the company includes the board of directors and supervisors along with the stakeholders that are associated with the company. Each and every individual role of all the above stated people ensure the fact that day to day operations is being implemented properly in the restaurant and hotel rooms are also being maintained effectively. |
Employment condition and policies. |
The employees must ensure the fact that the customers are treated in a proper way and no misbehave is conducted with the customers. Each and every employee that are going to be associated with the company must be punctual to their work and taking leaves without any reason is going to be a punishable offense. |
What health safety administration |
The employees that are associated with the workplace must ensure the fact that they keep themselves healthy and also ensure the fact that the food that is going to be provided to the customers are optimum in nature in terms of sanitation. |
Work environment. |
There is presence of optimum workplace environment and there is a presence of calm and passionate culture in the workplace which needs to be maintained in the future. |
Creating a proper communication channel with the new employee. |
The communication channel between the supervisors and the new employees needs to be maintained properly in order to ensure that if there is presence of any future conflict then it can be solved effectively and efficiently. There might be classes of ideological differences between the existing employees of the company and the new employees of the company and under this context it is very much important to maintain a proper channel of communication between the supervisors and the new employee and old employees in order to maintain a proper workplace environment. |
Making the employee comfortable in the new workplace. |
It is very much important to ensure the fact that the employees are stated about the rules that are associated with your job profile and the various help that can be gathered by them from the peers that are associated in the workplace. |
Ensuring the fact that the employees collaborate with other employees existing in the workplace. |
A proper sense of teamwork needs to be initiated in the new employees so that they collaborate with the existing employees and provide premium service to the customers that are associated with the company. |
Maintaining a proper relationship with the new employee so that whenever they face problem they reach out to the supervisors. |
Maintaining a proper relationship is going to be highly beneficial in terms of meeting the expectations of the new employees and also ensuring the fact that the new employees are provided with optimum health in terms of any possible problems that are being faced by them in the workplace. |
Ensuring the fact that the employee is on board with the future mission and vision of the company. |
Bringing the new employees on board with the future mission and vision of the company is going to be highly beneficial in terms of meeting the expectations of the customers and also meeting the expectations of the company. |
Staff to customer relations is going to be maintained in accordance to the number of customers that are currently present in the restaurant. Proper training is going to be provided to the individual employees so that they are aware about their roles and responsibilities and they are quite capable of ensuring the fact that they meet the expectations of all the different customers that are currently present in the restaurant. It will also be ensured that there is always a waiter for availing the services of a particular customer and each and every waiter are going to be at the restaurant on definite premises and it will also be ensured that the orders of the customers are taken properly and the food is also going to be delivered in a small amount of time. Proper training is also going to be provided to the employees in terms of their communication skills and the various process by the help of which they are going to communicate with the customers in a proper and gentle manner. The employees that are going to be associated with the company will also be ensuring the fact that they are always ready to take the orders of the customers without any delay.
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 4 waiters 2 casual staffs from 7 30pm – 10 30pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 4 waiters 2 casual staffs from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 5 waiters 2 casual staffs from 7 30pm – 10 30pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 3 waiters 1 casual staff from 7 00pm – 10 00pm. |
Manager Supervisor 2 barpersons 5 waiters 2 casual staffs from 7 30pm – 10 30pm. |
1st Week – 4500 + 5400 + 6600 + 8550 + 10,200 + 8,700 = $43, 950
2nd Week – 4500 + 5,400+ 6450 + 7,050 + 8,850 + 12,750 + 10, 200 = $ 55, 200.
The roster is going to be monitored by the supervisors effectively. At the beginning of the shift timing the supervisors will be calculating the number of letters that are required for the restaurant in the present day and it will also be insured that the number of part time waiters are also counted effectively.
- In order to improve the roster development process different employees needs to be hired by the restaurant.
- A set of employees is going to be selected for one week and another set of employees is going to be selected for second week so that supervisors are capable of maintaining the shift timing and roaster effectively.
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My Assignment Help. (2022). Job Openings For Full Time Waiter, Part Time Waiter, And Volunteer Barista (essay).. Retrieved from
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