Various uses of robotic technologies
Discuss about the Skills for Information and Communication Robotic Technology.
Rapid development of science and technology allows discovering robots in order to help humans by doing similar types of jobs. Mexx Engineering is one of the organizations in Australia is searching to deploy robotic technology at present days. Moreover, robots are used in manufacturing process. The concept of creating machines can be operated autonomously with the dates to classical times. On the other hand, robotic technology is programmable technology, which is able to interact with environment without any human interaction. It is also required to consider that ongoing revenue costs for consumables are limitations for using the technology. There are samples of transportation from the major area of reception to the analyzers. However, it is important to consider all the aspects involved with the success of business strategy in the organization. In this perspective, analysis of the business strategy is required for the business organization in order to gain competitive advantages by using the business strategy of the organization.
However, the chief executive officer of Mexx Engineering likes to make an investigation of the procedure by establishing the key enabler in order to achieve competitive advantages. In addition, the organization is also looking for further diversification in upcoming five years through leveraging ICT as a core competency (Patel et al. 2013). The business strategy of Mexx Engineering includes expand of the operation of the organization within Australia and Asian countries. Hence, it is important to achieve the target and therefore the CEO of Mexx Engineering is leveraging the utilization of robotics as a key technology that is considered as crucial part in order to expand the business. Each of the business strategies has positive as well as negative result. Therefore, it is required to analyze the business strategy that has been achieved in the report. Based on the findings, the process and strategies for incorporating the operation of the business strategy is discussed in the present report.
Robotics is an important part of science and technology. Conception, designs, operations and manufacturing of the robots can be defined as robotics technology or robotics. The technology is generally used for developing machines, which is able to work as substitute for humans. In addition, robots are utilized to detect bomb as well as manufacturing procedure (Barbash, Friedman & Steiner, 2014).
Blute and Prestipino (2014) stated that there are various uses of robotic technologies such as manufacturing industries, data mining and research as well as educational purposes.
Research: Robots are very useful in research. These are utilized for performing tasks and locations and performing tasks as well. Some of the challenging and dangerous environments are found that can be achieved with the help of robots. In addition, it is important to use unique technology in the research centres like NASA. In addition, the technology is used in Landers and rovers (Boyd & Scott, 2015). It assists to utilize spaces and planets in the solar system.
Industrial robots: Several jobs need high degrees of the precision as well as speed. For several years, humans are engaged to perform specific jobs. On contrary, adoption of the robotic technology helps to speed up the performance of industrial process by higher degree of precision with the help of robots. The tasks consist of packaging, painting, assembling as well as palletizing (Kardos et al. 2014). In the initial stage of discovering robots, they perform in the specialized as well as repetitive jobs. It can be executed with simple instruction to precise. However, technology of robotics can be improved with the help of industrial robots that are more flexible as well as take decisions based on the feedback by using complex sensor. In addition, vision of the system is common on the industrial robots are common on the industrial robots. In this perspective, The International Federation of Robotics has made a prediction that more than 1.3 million industrial robots are involved in worldwide operation (Bonatti et al. 2014). Moreover, robots are used for performing the tasks, which is difficult as well as dangerous to achieve the operational process.
Strengths of using robotic technology
Mobile servicing system: The process is generally considered as Candarm2. In addition, the system has been designed to provide several functions in order to manipulate them in international space station. Moreover, it is almost similar type of the devices like RMS. The system is responsible to those services able to make payloads as well as instruments that are related to International Space Station. Helping in the supply transport and the equipments has important functionalities in the specific system (Subbian et al. 2014). In this perspective, transportation for supplying and equipments around the station are involved with the major functionalities.
Pathfinder and Sojourner: The mission of Mars assisted for developing the advanced as well as unique technology that allows delivering of robot rover. The mission has been landed on 4th July 1997 on Mars. Hence, Pathfinder does not achieve accomplishment for the target; whereas it returned the unprecedented data and outlived the primary design as well.
It is vital to analyze present business opportunities to use robotic technology in Mexx Engineering (Nawabi et al. 2013). In order to achieve that, strategic analysis and Porter’s five forces analysis would be useful as well as SWOT analysis would be useful.
Strengths · Deploying robotic technology at present days use is helpful to reduce the errors for having less number of human interaction (Arlen & Kirsch, 2016) · Safety for the users can be improved by this technology · Enhance revenue speed · It helps to decrease times for turnaround · Best use for current equipments |
Weakness · Reluctant of the employees to changing work practices of the organization · Samples are generally transported from the major area of the reception to the analyzers · Maintenance, trouble shooting as well as service contracts · The ongoing cost of revenue on making consumables |
Opportunities · Establishing and improving skill mix · Improved rate of satisfaction in jobs · Utilization of staffs at appropriate ACF banding e · Cross fertilization of the ideas between the departments · It becomes easier for deploying lean process of laboratory |
Threats · The staffs may feel that threatened by potential less numbers of jobs · Changing management in the organization needs to be effective for processing in the work (Goldstone & Woo, 2015) |
Table 1: SWOT analysis
(Source: Created by Author)
Analysis: Deploying and implementing robotic technology in industries enable the procedure to provide possible benefits as well as strengthen the process of reducing the errors for less number of human activities. In addition, adoption of the technology helps to enhance the demands for service as well as minimize the speed for revenue that can bring competitive advantages for Mexx Engineering and gaining several opportunities to expand the business as well. Furthermore, it can decrease times for the turnaround of organization. The best utilization of current equipments can be achieved by using robotic technology. On contrary, the use of the technology has some limitations like stuff reluctant for making changes in the practise of working (Sharma, Albergotti & Duvvuri, 2016). Along with these, there are samples for transportation for major reception area to the particular analyzers. The job satisfaction rate can be improved by implementing the technology (Wang et al. 2016). On contrary, cross fertilization of particular ideas among several departments helps in increasing the scopes in business for the organization. Moreover, deploying the particular technology can make easier in the process of lean laboratory process. The staffs may feel that they are threatened by less number of jobs and change management. It can be effective for using the robotics. These are generally considered as threats for using the technology in Mexx Engineering.
It is vital to develop strategic analysis in order to develop robotics technologies in order to find out business scopes for applying the technology in the organization.
Industry insights: Woo (2016) stated that the size of market in the industrial robots has value at $30.58 billion at present days. The advancement of science and technology in everyday’s use enable to have a rush in implementing the technology in manufacturing industry in Australia in order to perform repetitive as well as multifarious and dangerous risks to increase productivity in specific sectors. The sectors are considered as automotive as well as electronics sector. These are usually considered as the high volume lines. The industries are taking into consideration for having high volume lines for production and industries are increasing the productivity rate and reduce the overloads. These are helpful for waste management as well as bring the flexibility in organization.
Weaknesses of using robotic technology
On contrary, introduction of the robots by integrating with the vision as well as touch are expected to improve the speed and efficiency of the production along with the delivery systems. There are simple autonomous robots are used that are operated as a part of greater group. Use of the robotic technology in such industries create new eco system, which is high-paying as well as rewarding the jobs through making the activities lie designing, marketing and selling, installing along with maintaining robots (Singla & Singla, 2014). There are enormous costs are justified as well as high maintenance costs are generally expected for inhibiting development of the market. There are high systems engineering as well as installation costs are inhibited to the organization. The robotic technology used in the industries such as Asian countries like Korea, Taiwan and China that are usually supported by respective Governments by identifying research and development of funding as well as tax incentives, loans and investment to skills.
In order to analyze the market scopes of Mexx Engineering for deploying robotics technology as a business strategy in the next five years, Porter’s five force analysis would be helpful.
Bargaining power of supplier: There are requirements of using robotic technology in electronic equipments as well as wiring technologies in order to develop the industrial robots. Hence, dependencies on suppliers are found for the needs to have integration and mitigating risks related to the suppliers.
Bargaining power of Consumers: There are a large number of customers for industry in Australia establishing as the manufacturing hubs. On the other hand, Asian countries are also expected to improve the market size in robotic technology by 6.8% (Panait et al. 2014). Moreover, the industry provides ample opportunities and less number of bargaining powers of the customers. Costs of the robots, purchased by consumers are costly. Hence, it provides green signals to Mexx Engineering for entering in the market through providing effective and affordable application of robotics in the market.
Threat of substitution: The labours in workplace become threat for organization. The labours are not enough efficient to perform specific tasks. On the other hand, some tasks require threat to health and life. Thus, it is required to enhance operations of the process of export by organizing meetings for international standard and industrial standard ads well as robots of the industry required in the factories. It gives a result eliminating the risks of substitution.
Threat of new entrants: There are huge numbers of investments in manufacture robots works as specialist knowledge of skilled engineer as required. The factors are generally accommodated with major entry barriers to particular industry. Along with these, investments of various companies in the research and development become challenging in order to capture the market of automation technology with the help of robotics. Therefore, it is required to concentrate on new entrants of robotics technology (McCorkle et al. 2016). It is important to concentrate on new entrants of the robotics technologies in Australia. It results adoption of strategic plan in Mexx Engineering for obtain competitive benefits.
Opportunities of using robotic technology
Competitive rivalry: Rapid development of engineering as well as technology allows the organization adopting and deploying advanced technology to the increasing productivity and achieves competitive advantages. Limited numbers of Australian manufacturers of the industrial robots serve the needs of adopting the robotic technology in the organization. Thus, targeting the entire process of deploying robotic technology in daily purposes has customized solutions by robotics technology in the particular organization (Coker et al. 2014).
It is important to make plan and strategy in order to use robotics technologies in future. Rehabilitation of the robotic market improves 40 fold from the year 2014 to 2020. It is generally fuelled by advancing of rehab as well as therapy robots. In addition, it is an act active prostheses and exoskeleton along with robotic technology. The cost of rehabilitation robot market enhances in the market between 2017 and 2020 (Vyas et al. 2015). Thus, Mexx Engineering requires effective business strategy for implementing the business strategy in the market.
The organization needs to develop the products through robotics technology in order to assemble various parts of the products and polishing. The robotics technology is used for the tasks as identifying and cleaning sewers as well as performing intricate surgery to increase the steadily along with continuing to develop in next five years.
In conclusion, the applications of robotic technology in the industries as well as daily usages need to be used properly. However, it is needed to analyze the opportunities and challenges faced by the companies for implementing robotic technology in specific organization. On contrary, the primitive intelligence of robots can be utilized to make demonstration of the ability in order to produce products in the factory and increases efficiencies as well as quality. The smartest robots are not generally used in the daily purposes and industry purposes. Moreover, they are used in space explorers (Schneider et al. 2013). Therefore, it is important to apply the technology in the field like data mining so that it can be helpful to improve its business.
Being an ICT manager, it is important to analyze those scopes and recommend some solutions in order to overcome the challenges. On the other hand, the organization needs to consider ethical and social considerations to implement the business strategy for using the robotics in organization. Thus, through targeting the procedure of implementing the procedure of deploying robotic technology can be useful and considered as one of the main factors for Mexx Engineering in fulfilling the purpose of implementing strategic plan as well as lead in the market of robotics technology in next five years (Adams et al. 2015). On contrary, the organization needs to face difficult completion in domestic and foreign markets for such companies like ABB and KUKA. It has been covered by providing the robots and its applications in Australia along with the Asian countries.
The following measures can be taken to improve business of the organization.
- It is vital to apply the strategies effectively in the business of the organization.
- The new surge of robotics is needed to include in the applications along with advanced intelligence system. Thus, the robotics in the applications is required to meet the demands as the requirements to be applied in field.
- According to analysis, the robots are needed to integrate with vision as well as make dramatically changes that have speed as well as efficiency. Thus, continuous level is required in the process for apply the technologies
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