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Potential Barriers And Overcoming Them

Determine the potential barriers you anticipate and how you plan on overcoming them.

Create a plan for communicating your plan to all the organization's employees.

Describe market entry strategy and the procedure you plan on using to implement your strategic plan.

Choose methods and strategies to support implementation processes.

The core barriers to the implementation of strategy have been described below:

  • Providing people with the change they need to contribute to get the highest payoff.
  • Keeping the strategy consistent.
  • Stating the most important as well as the unimportant tasks (Blankenship, 2016)
  • Lack of clear and concise understanding among the people.
  • Lesser understanding of wider scope as well as goals.
  • Lack of clarity along with strategic consensus.
  • The implementers are not relieved from the normal responsibilities and the reward is little too.
  • Tensions arising between departments.
  • Location is a physical barrier.
  • Coordination and integration of activities participated in by the individuals.
  • Leaving room for experimentation.
  • Discarding knowledge.
  • Paradoxical decisions.
  • Inhibited creativity.
  • Maintaining a balance between creativity and hierarchy and self-responsibility related to business strategy.


  • Common understanding of common language.
  • Lack of upfront conversations regarding barriers and the underlying causes.
  • Poor vertical communication.
  • Open conversations.
  • Resistance
  • Lower levels getting involved and integrated (Butler, Panzer & Goldfrank, 2003).
  • Combination of interpersonal as well as technical skills along with sensitivity to the functional needs.
  • Maintaining the balance between powerful leadership and adequate autonomy for employees.
  • ompetent, contributing, capable, executive and effective leader.
  • Setting of pace, tone and character.
  • Shared value system.

Even though there are several ways to address the potential barriers, few ways to overcome them have been mentioned below:

  • Providing leadership – the leadership of the organization should support the conduction of strategic planning. This signifies that the process is important for all the employees and in turn it would improve the acceptance level ("Clear, hold, hand over: NATO's Afghan transition plan", 2011).

Niche marketing strategy will be implemented t make market entry and strategic plan will be developed in accordance to the market need and potential. There were many of the ministers who declared the vaccine health policy for the welfare of the people and especially for the young women residing all over the Australia. This particular set up the desired platform for the common people to get involved within the political decision made for the people.  Media is considered to be most important for influencing the people; the launch of the new vaccine was portrayed as the medical miracle which acts as the social frame of good (Forster, 2002). The most important factor that leads to the discovery of the HPV vaccine is the establishment for the virus causing the cervical cancer disease.

In the year 1991, the researchers FromtheQuensland University evaluated a fact that non-infectious particles enhance as well as strongly the immune system of the concerned body. 

In the year 1993, the VLPs were critically generated with the help of the HPV 16 component.

Understanding of the need of the market is highly essential to make better business decision and developing strategy as per the market potential and for this reliable market research has been carried out in order to firm better strategic direction. The decision making for the process of the HPV vaccines, is the most important as it helps in understanding the desired key concepts for the use of the HPV vaccines. Cervical cancer has been found to the most common of the diseases between the women of the country ("GSA Adopts New Strategic Plan", 2008). There has been on numbers about 270,000 of the people dies for this disease. The establishment and the meeting of the seven countries highlights more focus on the formation o the cervical diseases. Thus, as it reflects that desired fact that people should be aware of the HPV virus and the policy is merely not technical exercise and it needs to implemented for curing people from the affected HPV virus. Te participation of the different countries is very important to formulate perfect strategies on reducing the HPV virus. The comparing and contrasting the decision made by the seven different countries evaluate the desired fact that vaccine was finally approved and it was made available for the women within a three days trial. It is a matter of concern that HPV vaccines are mostly active and easily transmitted when a woman becomes sexually active. The most suitable treatment for the HPV virus the widespread use of the HPOV vaccines it is significantly expected for reducing the incidence of the cervical cancer (Health, 2000). There was a crucial debate within the community of scientists related to the issues relate with the safety as well as the efficacy in connection with the desired approval methods.

Create a plan for communicating your plan to all the organization's employees

The patient engagement policies and health beliefs are correlated to each other and health beliefs of individuals provide critical significance to the entire system. The treatment intervention process sometimes influenced with the individual culture and spirituality. In some religion some of the activities has to be carried out in daily basis and during the treatment some of the  got missed which provide critical impact to the patient mental condition (Hubley, Copeman & Woodall, 2013).  Psychological effects plays an important role during the time of treatment and intervention of individuals as it requires corporate support from the patient end and his or her confidence helps in better recovery. Due to some cultural constraints the reliable cooperation is not avail by the nurses, therefore, some reliable process such as NHS guidelines were maintained in order to provide best care setting as per the circumstances. Health care system enhancement and self beliefs are innovative maintained by the registered nurses to get the ultimate health recovery goal.

To execute the above framework innovative nursing intervention and patient counseling should be done by the medical professional, which will help in understanding the different health beliefs of individuals’ patient. Open communication approach has to be taken by the nurses to understand the thoughts and beliefs of the patient, which will further help in providing the adequate intervention (Promotion, prevention and early intervention for mental health, 2000).

The nursing framework has to be used innovatively and appropriate patient counseling system should be carried out by the medical professionals and that will help in understanding the perception of the patient towards their health conditions and as per the observed and obtained results the reliable initiatives will be undertaken. Communication is one of the most significant factors that have to be carried out innovatively and to make the entire intervention system effective the open communication approach sometimes taken by the nurses in order to facilitate the services. 

The methodology followed for the development of this study is based on qualitative approach as this particular approach is necessary for investigating the responses and perceptions of the residents and healthcare service providers of the rural community (Raj, 1981). Therefore, this particular chapter will highlight the research designs and approaches used for conducting the study and also describe the rationale behind the selection of the particular approaches and design. Since there are many different views on health thus it is very difficult to have a particular definition of health. For example in Mauritania, a small country in North West Africa, obesity is not considered a health issue and instead it is considered a sign of beauty and so the girls are force fed so that when they grow up they look obese. But in the western countries obesity is considered a serious health issue and obese peoples are considered as unattractive and many negative stereotypes are associated with the obesity. In African countries obesity is considered as sign of prosperity and well-being ("Sacrificial game plan (sports rights)", 2008). Thus it is important for the health care practitioners to study sociology so that they can get better understanding about the connection between the humans and the manner in which affect the individuals. In this essay various sociological perspectives that are employed in the health and social care will be examined.

Describe market entry strategy and the procedure you plan on using to implement your strategic plan

Sociology may be defined as the study of “human behavioral interactions, there is a great deal of connection between this social science and topics within the health and social care field”. It is matter of research to determine how the society and the social forces affect the health of a human being ("Strategic Plan 2015-2017", 2015).

Talcott Pearson developed the functionalist approach on health and ill. According to Talcott ill health is a great threat to the society and for the proper functioning of the society good health was extremely important. As per Talcott ill health affects the ability of a person to perform his tasks and execute his duties towards the society. he said that in order to consider a person sick there are several expectations that are needed to be met. He coined the term “sick role” to explain those expectations, which shows how people are supposed to be like when they are ill and what are their thoughts when they are ill ("Strategic Syrian chemical plan faces multiple challenges", 2013). The sick roles are divided into two main categories, one is the right and the other one is the obligations.


According to this category a sick person should be free from any kind of social roles. For example whether a sick person is in work or school he should be allowed to take at least a day’s holiday so that he can get back normal. Further as per talcott a sick person is not responsible for his condition.

It is imperative to have an enhanced health management plan that will help the individuals to recover the viral diseases as well as help in maintaining a better healthy environment within the community. HEDIS is one of the most significant tools that provide reliable health management dimension to the individuals especially in United States of America. There are various critical diseases treatment and health plan, and assessments are conducted by the HEDIS, which results in increasing the eliminating the vulnerabilities of heart attract, blood pressure, and diabetes and immunization management (Butler, Panzer & Goldfrank, 2003).

In current times, those diseases provide critical impact to our community and the life living standards are highly affected due to that particular problem. In this particular context, various secondary data sources and health care data are analyzed and collected to understand the current health infrastructure and management system.


HEDIS provided an enormous contribution to the health management plans of the individuals and established some extraordinary tools and measurement process, which simultaneously helps in creating a better dimension of health care management within the society. The authority develops “appeals- appeals” health plan. The quality care and direct communication with the consultants and patients make the entire work easier, and the suspected individuals get reliable treatment therapy as per the standard guidelines ("Clear, hold, hand over: NATO's Afghan transition plan", 2011). The authority to select the best health plan that will help the patient to stay healthy always performs the sustainable accreditation. With the help of effective health plan, the authority is doing the healthier community establishment. State health care quality reports are displayed by the authority in regular time intervals, which helps in understanding the nation health care infrastructure in an innovative way.

Choose methods and strategies to support implementation processes

Adequate financial support is highly required to maintain the medical facilities and in this particular the originations have the financial supports from their shareholders which  in turns helps in facilitating the services quality and appropriate health support is provided to the individuals effectively. Along with the financial plan the medical professional with the registered nurses has established the reliable intervention and care plan. Major discussion was held to make the entire process smooth and precise. Each individuals opinion has been taken in order to improve the facilitate and services. For each individual the reliable health plan has been develop as per their concise so that they can get the best treatment plan as per their budget and requirement of the body function and diseases state. 

On the other hand, the quality compass system is established by the system, which enables plan results and quality improvements that provide a clear understanding to the individuals regarding their development and benefits of health condition.

There are several enhanced system are developed by the HEDIS but among them ICD-9-CM is another enhanced for of classification that helps the individuals to understand the procedures and health care forms. Most importantly, with the help of these particular tools, the valuable reporting is also done to the respective members and it helps the practitioner to understand the reliable development within the time (Forster, 2002). The enhanced coding systems are developed by the authority such as ICD-10 that helps in the measurement of health improvements of the individuals.


The inpatient diagnosis and procedures are coded as per the guidelines provided Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS) and most importantly, the principle diagnosis is clearly elaborated in the UHDDS starting from the admission of the patient from the hospital to entire care setting. Coding clinic provides enormous effort with the help of the principles of dependence, abuse and therapy. The additional diagnosis is conducted by taking up the information’s at the beginning as they play a crucial role in overall treatment therapy ("GSA Adopts New Strategic Plan", 2008). There are several procedures are followed up by the authority depending upon the condition and treatment taken for the patients and they are as follows.

  • Surgical treatment
  • Treatment that involves procedural risk
  • Therapy that involves anesthetic risk

As per the condition and difficulty, level the authority is using the reliable principles in accordance to the UHDDS guidelines and adequate training is provided to the health care professional in order to achieve the best possible results

Disability may be defined as those restrictions which arise for a person with impairments since the society does not considers the needs of the persons suffering from impairment for example there are very few ramps in the building for the wheel chairs and people suffering from deafness having no access to hearing aids (Health, 2000). Some people also consider terming it as a ‘disabling environment’ where the environment does not provide facilities to the people suffering from impairment.


Blankenship, J. (2016). SCAI's future: The 2016 strategic plan. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent., 87(2), 183-187.

Butler, A., Panzer, A., & Goldfrank, L. (2003). Preparing for the psychological consequences of terrorism. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

Clear, hold, hand over: NATO's Afghan transition plan. (2011). Strategic Comments, 17(2), 1-3.

Forster, P. (2002). Plan to survive or survive to plan?. Strat. Change, 11(8), 391-397.

GSA Adopts New Strategic Plan. (2008). Gsa Today, 18(12), 18.

Health, S. (2000). Population Health Promotion Strategy for Saskatchewan. Regina: Saskatchewan Health.

Hubley, J., Copeman, J., & Woodall, J. (2013). Practical health promotion. Cambridge: Polity.

Promotion, prevention and early intervention for mental health. (2000). Canberra.

Raj, C. (1981). Saudi Peace Plan. Strategic Analysis, 5(9), 485-492.

Sacrificial game plan (sports rights). (2008). Strategic Direction, 24(11).

Strategic Plan 2015-2017. (2015). Australasian Psychiatry, 23(1), 89-93.

Strategic Syrian chemical plan faces multiple challenges. (2013). Strategic Comments, 19(6), vii-viii.

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