Overview of Caretel Communications
Electronics and Communication as well as Telecommunication Engineering are two important segments of engineering courses (Zera et al. 2014). I have completed bachelors in Electronics and Communication Engineering and also completed my masters on Telecommunication Engineering. I am now involved within Caretel Communications company as an intern with respect to this particular domain of operation.
In contrast with all of this information, this report is elaborating about the summary of the company background, introduction to the supervisor and knowledge gained by me while doing my internship within Caretel Communications. In addition to this, all of this information provided within this report will be helpful in studying the background of the concerned organization as well as it will be helpful in understanding the benefits of studied courses while doing the internship within Caretel Communications.
Caretel Communication is known as the modern day Business Telecommunications Professionals (Caretel.com.au 2017). This organization is an Australia based completed business telecommunication solution providing company that offers effective telecommunication solutions to their concerned and important clients over their business domains or target markets. In addition to this, Caretel Communications also provides incredible technology that keeps the customers connected to their businesses with the help of calls and other possible communication measures involved within organizations. Caretel Communication have hub near Alexandria from they usually provides internet connectivity to their users and clients with respect to their demands and needs. To be more specific the Caretel Communication provides internet facility to specifically business organizations and they sell their phones as competitive products with respect to various demands and needs of their customers and clients all around their target markets and domains of operations.
In contrast with these facts, from the concerned perspective about the student, he has done his internship from this organization on “Equipment Installation, Line Installation and Development of Network”. As per the information provided with respect to student the student has done his internship from this organization for gaining some knowledge in the domain of telecommunication and communication engineering.
The knowledge gained from the internship of the student has some specific units to be operated on and these units are being elaborated within this part of the report. These are given as follows:
Multimedia Communication is a broad area of study that encompasses the study of variety of specific focuses (broadcast journalism and filmmaking etc.) (Wu et al.2014). In addition to this, the degree within this field of multimedia communications can be used for various organizations to provide them accurate knowledge about the multimedia knowledge as well as information from various domain of operations included within media and also this aspect makes the organizations benefited from various perspectives of operational excellence.
Knowledge Gained During the Internship
Network management is mainly referred to the broad subject of managing the computer networks and operations involved within any organization or project. In addition to this, the study of this particular subject includes the network system administrators that helps the organizations in managing the network activities and system architecture associated within it. The study of this subject also provides support for understanding the security measures in protecting the network architecture and infrastructure of any concerned organization.
Research preparation in post-graduation studies are concerned with the perspective of conducting research processes involved within any study and educational improvisation as well as it is dependent on the process of investigating about some specific aspects or contexts involved within the system architecture of any organization or in case of any project development contexts (Smith et al. 2016). In contrast with these facts, the study of electronics and communication and telecommunications are effectively related to these aspects.
In contrast with the information provided with respect to the concern of the student, he has done internship on the Equipment Installation, Line Installation and Development of Network (Van Gorp and Comuzzi 2014). Therefore, each of these specific domains of application requires a particular software application to be operated on the background of these applications. Therefore, these applications are managed with respect to these software applications. The specialized study of software applications is helpful in understanding these domains of applications.
This project is mainly concerned at the preliminary stage of operations within engineering domain of applications. In contrast with these facts there are various other important domains of applications and specifications that are incorporated within the system architecture for managing technical operations in the domain of electronics and communications (Erwin, Herbert and Edward 2015). This subject is helpful in solving various practical issues involved within any concerned project.
Master projects are important for managing effective system architecture involved within the organization for managing the issues involved within any concerned projects with respect to various organizational contexts (Anderl 2014). Master project is one part of specific domain of operations that are concerned with the organizational structure and technical domain of operations related to various instrumental as well as various technical operations.
Sustainability of system architecture is related to the organization and management functionalities related to any system development or functional system architecture design. Electronics and communication and telecommunication engineering involves various practical operations and functional measures within their system architecture that needs support and help of sustainable system architecture for developing successful project outcomes (Fath 2014). Therefore, the study of sustainability of system architecture is very i=helpful in solving various problems and issues within projects.
Specific Projects Undertaken During the Internship
Wireless networking is nothing but the method or process with the help of which various telecommunication networks can be managed in automated way with respect to functional excellence and advantageous conditions. In addition to this, there are various business installations and implementation process that needs to be managed with the help of various critical aspects that are managed with the help of wireless networking approaches within specific domain of operations and applications.
Advanced engineering project is nothing but the option that provides effective support for managing critical technical activities and operations within organizations (Li et al. 2016). In contrast with these facts, there are various other aspects and technical domain of operations that needs to be managed with respect to various important engineering researches involved within study. The concerned study about this subject provides effective benefits for career.
Master project 2 is nothing but the continuation of master project 1 and this specifies the domain of operations as well as it provides specific conditional aspects with respect to technical feasibility of operations (Zera et al. 2014). In contrast with these facts, the applications of master projects are helpful in solving various other important and critical issues involved within any project management or organizational contexts. In addition to this, the concepts of master projects are also helpful in gaining knowledge about any specific topic related to technical feasibility testing operations or improving the technical operations within any specific organization or project.
Personal communication system is another important aspect to be considered for managing the application and system architecture concerned with any project or with respect to any organizational contexts (Obradovich et al. 2014). Personal communication system is concerned with the wireless phone service that is similar to cellular telephone service which emphasizes personal services and provides improvised mobility concerns. This aspect is sometimes referred to the digital cellular network architecture for managing organizational system architecture as well as communication measures within organizations.
Advanced power quality measuring aspect is important for managing and judging the effectiveness as well as quality of work related to any advanced device. In addition to this, in case of project and organizational aspects there are various devices that need effective performance measuring practices with respect to output from that device. Electronic components need to be managed with respect to various technical feasibility testing operations.
The internship projects were done on Line installation, equipment installation, and development of network. The first project was a group project on equipment installations. The project comprises of forming the analysis of the different types of equipments installation and development of smooth operations for the operation. The evaluation of the role played by the various elements in line installation was the second project of the internship. It had helped in developing the role played by the operations of the line installment in the internship organization. The last project was an individual project on the development of the networking operations in the organization. The use of networking elements had been crucial for the development of smart network structure.
The line installation project was done in an electrical lab and five basic steps were needed to be followed for the completion of the laboratory project. The steps were,
Step one: gathering required tools such as multimetere and replaceable tester
Step two: Locating the point of connection for implementing the electrical line and socket
Step three: It was important for knowing the Wire Size and load power for adding the line connection. For example: 15 amp current load was to be transmitted.
Step four: It was important for the forming the proper installation of the current center
Step five: termination of the circuit was done by backward tracking of power source.
Every course of work has specific set of relations with any specific domain of applications and all of these aspects heavily impacts upon the organizational performance and effectiveness of the employees. In contrast with these facts, there are various aspects that are learnt from various training and internships and these are elaborated in this part of the report with respect to the concern of the student. Two impactful knowledge areas are being elaborated within this part of the report: gained knowledge from internship and impact upon the profession of concerned student.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Any learner can gain knowledge from this subject that provide them to operate distributed multimedia system design and also helps in designing flexible system architecture that is useful to be implemented within any organization with respect various organizational objectives and goals.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The knowledge of multimedia communication is helpful in solving various critical aspects involved during the study of internship. Therefore, the study of multimedia and communication perspective allows the student in solving various critical aspects that helps in solving various critical situations and conditions.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: There are various activities that need to be managed with respect to critical knowledge about the network elements and their functionalities within network. Any student can learn about the network functionalities and functionalities as well as about the network failures involved within any network.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The study of network management is helpful for the student from electronics and communication background (Forbes and Causam 2016). In addition to this, the engineers from this domain of applications can easily progress with the knowledge for managing network related operations and functionalities within various communication and telecommunication organizations.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: The student having internship on research preparation in post-graduation and graduation studies are very important in solving various issues related to technical topic involved for organizational development and improvements (Anderson and Stillman 2013). In contrast with these facts, there are various other aspects and facts that are managed with respect to gained technical knowledge from practical research contexts and aspects.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The knowledge about research preparation and post-graduation studies are helpful in achieving various goals and development features within specific organizations with respect to various critical situations and conditions that are generally introduced by the organizational heads or machineries. Research work is helpful for the students in solving various issues within organizations.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: The students having electronics and communication background can easily manage technical operations and functional measures with respect to various software applications within organizations (Delipetrev, Jonoski and Solomatine 2014). The students can easily apply for jobs in the domain of software applications within organization.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The students can easily manage their specialized software operating system with respect to this knowledge area from specified software applications. Specialized software applications are helpful in solving various issues involved within organizations needs expertise to solve these errors and problems. Therefore, the students can go for this profession that is related to solving issues involved within software applications.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Advanced project done in engineering are helpful in gaining knowledge from various critical as well as practical situations. Therefore, the students can easily manage their knowledge for completion of engineering projects (Zhong et al. 2015). In contrast with the telecommunication and communication companies they provide effective practical knowledge about technical subjects and projects.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The students having knowledge on engineering project can easily apply for the technical operations management jobs and also they can gain knowledge from various technical feasibility testing operations that are performed within organizations with respect to various critical aspects and conditions involved within different organizations.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Master projects are beneficial to the students as they gain knowledge about specific domain of applications and this aspect makes them aware of various critical technical aspects and conditions that are incorporated within organizations with respect to their goals and objectives.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The students can do their jobs for any specialized domains of applications for managing the system architecture within concerned organizations (Chinh et al. 2014). In addition to this, student can apply for ay specialized domain of applications that their concerned organization will demand from them.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Sustainable systems provides knowledge about the software and hardware complications involved within any system architectures related to practical context of research work or related to any concerned domain of application where specialized knowledge will be required.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The student will be capable of understanding the complexities related to system architecture with the help of sustainable system architectures (Griggs et al. 2013). In addition to this, the student can also manage their effectiveness of performance as sustainable system architecture teaches the capability of system with respect to various functional areas within organizations. Therefore, this study is helpful in achieving career goals.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Wireless networking is one of the most effective and innovative options that provide knowledge to the students for understanding the automated operations that are being carried out through the various network elements and operations within various organizations (Wang et al. 2014). Therefore, these aspects will beneficial to students for managing network infrastructure.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: Wireless networking options are one of the beneficial studies of operations that provide effective solution for managing various network operations and functionalities. Wireless networking approaches are career building opportunities for the students and interns involved within various organizations.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Personal communication system is nothing but one information system that provides effective solutions to the students and interns to developing various communication measures that helps the students in solving various critical issues and problems involved within technical infrastructure of any concerned organization.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: In contrast with the professional concern of students, this can be stated that the students can easily build their career with the help of various communication plans. All of these communication plans are helpful in solving various critical issues and problems involved within any organizational structure. Therefore, the students and interns also have impactful scopes and chances of building their career with the help of the study of personal communication system.
Gained knowledge from internship in this subject: Advanced power quality system is another vast subject for students and interns in understanding the feasibility of devices and programs with respect to various critical aspects and conditional aspects involved within any system architecture of any organization.
Impact upon the profession of this subject: The study of advanced power quality of devices and programs are helpful for the students in understanding the processes and functional measures for devices (Kumar et al. 2014). In contrast with these facts, the student will be able to understand the issues and problematic situation of devices involved within organizations.
This can be concluded that telecommunication and communication engineering is one of the most effective and innovative segment of engineering within this technical era of operations within organizations or daily life. In addition to this, it can be stated that there are various scopes of improvement and improvisation within this domain of engineering. For improving these segments proper training and knowledge is required for managing technical feasibility and excellent operations within organizations or projects. In contrast with these facts, this report is providing a brief study about the internship and various benefits gained during this internship from the concerned organization Caretel Communication. The student has completed his bachelors on electronic and communication engineering and also completed his masters in telecommunication engineering from Western Sydney University. This report has mainly highlighted the knowledge gained by the student during his internship from Caretel Communication. In addition to this, the utilization and beneficial area of these knowledge has also been elaborated within this report with respect to the student perspective as well as from the perspective of courses the student had done before joining this internship within Caretel Communication. In contrast with this information about the student and its courses, the impactful of area of his studies on his career has also been elaborated within this report.
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