Healthcare leadership and advocacy requires that an individual provide complete care to its patients (Sorensen, 2008). The field of palliative care concerns itself with caring patients for their life-limiting illness. Thus, the field of palliative care aims to provide all round protection from patient’s suffering for their emotional, psychological, spiritual as well as emotional requirements. In order to cater to individual patients there needs to a multidisciplinary understanding regarding the same that allows higher and better standards in healthcare. Thus, leaders functioning within multidisciplinary teams often require specific knowledge and team coordination skills. When such varied skilled people come to work together it requires tremendous expertise for dealing with them (Brinkert, 2010). The scope of this reflection deals with leadership and advocacy skills required to cater to diversified skills of individuals in the field of palliative care in healthcare.
In every type of palliative healthcare there are various multidisciplinary professionals who work and provide coordinated services to patients (Payne, 2011). The multidisciplinary team consists of doctors, social workers, patient care assistants, occupational therapists, volunteers, pastoral care, palliative care therapists, and complementary therapists and so on in order to render holistic scare to patients. Working within teams is the most important aspect to deliver palliative care to patients under guidance of proper leadership. The nature of the work itself is hazardous and as patients receives end-of-life care that differs vastly from other forms of cure it becomes integral that as a team each one provide support to the other in such stressful working conditions (Karen Tomajan, 2012). When I did self-analysis on my skills to work within teams and provide such integrated care to patients as well as to the team, I found myself deeply demotivated. I am an extremely emotional person with a caring set-up of mind, I become easily affected by the illness and nature of patient’s sufferings. Thus, in order to motivate my team I need to regain my confidence even if there is a loss of life to continue providing support to others who are in in need. I easily contact stress from the environment and get confused as to what results to target and get suitable results. In such a bent of mind I cannot focus on work and delegate responsibilities to other team members (Emanuel, 2011). As a leader in healthcare dealing with such diversified set of professionals often throws a number of challenges and conflicts that are difficult to faces and deal with. In palliative care patients need special care such that they can deal with their situations and overcome their illness.
In order to aim to have a multidisciplinary team composition in palliative care renders overall relief to patient suffering by maintain their dignity as much as possible. There are various team goals and visions that has been encompassed in our course in a detailed framework with focus on improvising patient quality of life. As each patient in palliative care has separate needs as they come from diversified background encompassing separate religion, culture, experiences, family circumstances the quality of medical care has to be prioritized and made separate in nature (Becker, 2007). Culture is the key aspect of understanding the diversified need of individual patients hence, my team needs to understand the same. Though a team may be highly effective and efficient in nature but it becomes integral to ensure that they have complete understanding of patient party needs and patient’s need at an individual level. I have been brought up in a closed family cultural set-up and am slowly exploring the various intricacies of other cultures (Challinor, 2014). Hence, it is integral that I understand all patients needs prior to translating those into actions and making the team understand the same. For such endeavors I have to develop an understanding and overcome relevant barriers that I face in various cultures. I have to have open team discussions where relevant inputs regarding each and every patient can be obtained. As I am a good listener, I feel this skill of mine will help greatly in overcoming the issue (Morgan, 2009). Each type of professionals has their own prestige and ego that defines their scope of performances. A leader’s role is to balance such personality traits such that no one gets hurt during the process of providing care to the patient. Each member’s role is integral to the performance and through teamwork only such services can rendered that needs to be communicated well to them. A leader must gain confidence of each member such that they come to him for solving any relevant issues and challenges faced in the purview of undertaking a responsibility or while delegation of a role.
Recommendation and Conclusions
In palliative care it has often been seen that there is lack of harmony as there is professional encroachment leading to conflict. An organization can have a great team of people to work with but such professional encroachment can lead to team conflicts and hamper the cohesive working nature of the team (Jungnickel P. W., 2009). While each member’s skills and experience is integral for smooth working and functioning of the team. There might be contradicting point of view that is obtained on a particular patient from doctor, nurse, volunteer and others. As a leader such conflicting views needs to be assembled and catered to the patient for his overall benefit and health (Challinor, 2014). I need to communicate and converse with the team members and arrange meetings amongst all members such that views regarding each and every patient can easily be shared. I am a good communicator, however I will have to balance thoughts and feelings of all team members with equal respect and dignity. I need to ensure that while one person’s point of view gets accepted the others view should not be disregarded in totality. For such impacts I need to gain confidence of all team members and have good relationships with them individually (Taylor, 2012).
I need to learn about teams and ways that they function along with my coursework. I have very limited understanding of the nature of management that is done in palliative or any other healthcare avenues. But I feel that complete all-round healthcare cannot be delivered by solely a single professional as there are a varied range and complexes nature of work involved. I lack some communication skills and team building endeavors hence I need to take on active participation within team and go through my course to ensure that I can manage such diverse and complex functionalities (Stajduhar, 2011). The role of a leader in a challenging environment is to overcome all hindrances and cater to team effectiveness and efficiency such that all people within the team feels empowered to be a member of the team. I will aim to attain a cohesive team with proper organizational culture such that working environment can be improved and also patient care. This will enable me to attain my organizational goals.
Recommendation and Conclusions1
Analysis of levels of skills and competency present as a leader in palliative and healthcare services it has become prominent that there are multiple areas for improvements. In order to overcome the deficiencies and become a leader in healthcare I need to attend a professional training course. Although with experience my skills and expertise will regain its strengths yet training would provide me an edge to deal with pertinent challenges that are faced to handle conflicts. I will also take guidance from my professor for improving the area that requires guidance, I hope my professor will be the best person to guide me. I also aim to refer to several self-help books and journals that deals with practical cases of leaders who face challenges while dealing with a mixed expertise of professionals. However, I will aim to maintain a self-journal which will record my experiences as well as learning every month on a regular basis. I will evaluate the journal on a half-yearly basis that will help me attain aims of mine. My goal is to become a successful professional in palliative and healthcare services. These steps and self-reflection will help me attain the same.
Reference Lists
Becker, R. (2007). The development of core competencies for palliative care educators. International journal of palliative nursing, 13(8).
Brinkert, R. (2010). A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing. Journal of Nursing Management, 18(2), 145-156.
Challinor, J. M., Hollis, R., Freidank, C., & Verhoeven, C. (2014). Educational needs and strategies of pediatric oncology nurses in low-and middle-income countries: An international society of pediatric oncology pediatric oncology in developing countries nursing working group initiative. Cancer nursing, 37(4), E36-E47.
Emanuel, L. L., & Librach, S. L. (2011). Palliative care: Core skills and clinical competencies. Elsevier Health Sciences.
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Morgan, D. (2009). Caring for dying children: assessing the needs of the pediatric palliative care nurse. Pediatric nursing, 35(2), 86.
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Taylor, J., Sims, J., & Haines, T. P. (2012). The influence of protection, palliation and costs on mobility optimization of residents in nursing homes: A thematic analysis of discourse. International journal of nursing studies, 49(11), 1364-1374.
There is a vast cultural inflict in the field of healthcare as there are number of varied patient parties as well as professionals (Bhui, 2007). Due to the cross cultural presentation at the healthcare field, a leader needs to be well versed to deal with its complex challenges. It requires immense skills as well as expertise to handle professionals of various cultural background in healthcare as various dimensions differ with respect to each country. Also while handling patient parties there might be a variety of skill present to understand them and handle their grievances. Thus, this report regarding reflection highlights the prominent skills and expertise that needs to be present while dealing with such complex situations and in overcoming the same (Douglas, 2009). A leader is generally expected to be able to handle such diverse group of professionals with his or her own expertise.
Language and cultural disposition functions as integral concepts that help communicate thoughts from one person to the other (Betancourt, 2016). The scope of cross-cultural understanding prevails across various domains especially in healthcare due to the variety and diverseness of patients as well as professionals. Communication within organization is an important concept, in case there are gaps in levels of understanding or any issues pertaining to cross-cultures then there is bound to be clashes and conflicts from prevailing misunderstandings. A leader in healthcare has to have cross-cultural understanding and overcome challenges that are faced across cultures (Elenkov, 2009) . Though our course is extensive and there are various subjects that are covered within the purview of the course, we need to attain skills in various dimensions while working in practical field. As it can be understood from researches and experiences from various other prominent leaders, one of the major challenges faced by leaders in the healthcare field pertains to dealing with cross-cultural challenges (Calhoun, 2008). Cross cultural parameters differ widely across countries and individual groups hence it requires special skills as well as expertise to deal with the same. As a leader’s role includes coordinating with such diversified professionals as well as patient parties there is a special skill required to manage the same. As a leader there has to be present cross cultural understanding that enables to handle such professionals.
I am very efficient in all my course content that has been covered till date and have deep understandings pertaining to the same. However, I lack practical experience and expertise in relation to the field. In healthcare there are a number of culturally diverse patients and professionals who come to work together. While professionals include doctors, nurses, staffs, employees, cleaners and an array of other professionals (Engebretson, 2008). While professionals come from varied diversified background so does patient with diversified needs. It becomes pertinent that professionals understand the need of their patients and patients are satisfied with the care that is provided to them. Challenges arising in healthcare practices are from misunderstandings created and arising of conflicts (Groves, 2007). The role of a leader is to understand cross-cultural requirements in the organization and delegate responsibility accordingly. I have very little understanding of cross-cultural ambience which has resulted in facing various challenges along with issues that needs to be solved. As I am born and brought up in a conservative mind set family I have limited understanding and thought process from various languages as well as social understanding (Walker, 2009). I cannot understand though processes or communication made by other communities. I fail to make proper interpretation of thoughts communicated by the other person. I feel I need to take part in various language classes to understand my skills relevant to the area. Such classes will helped me understand the other person’s point of view better and to render better services (Vogus, 2010).
Conflict resolution is a major role that a leader has to play while demonstrating his effectiveness to conduct duties. While a leader can delegate responsibilities and ascertain requirements such that organizations goals can be attained, the key to delivery of such tasks is conflict resolutions. While working in cross-cultural domain there is bound to a number of conflicts (Gilmartin, 2007). Though my course covers all relevant requirements that are required to adhere to various responsibilities but it does not provide for conflict resolution procedures. I am a very peaceful person and do not like any sort conflicts but in order to emerge as an effective professional in the area I need to have conflict negotiation techniques. Cross-cultural conflict resolution is the key to attain overall workplace effectiveness. I will need to learn and practice various of such resolution techniques such that I can resolve critical conflicts and bring together the entire team such that they can function and work together. I am a very shy type of a person and cannot easily charge a person for undertaking a role or a responsibility. But in healthcare leadership and advocacy such skills needs to be developed for attaining efficacy of the organization. I need to become a robust and dynamic professional such that I am capable of expanding my expertise to cater to the requirements of patient parties.
Any sort of knowledge without practice and experience can become useless, thus I need to develop relevant skills and expertise from my experience. My foremost aim is to gain experience and as much knowledge in the field and then put it to practice (Lipson, 2007). There is vast number of opportunities in healthcare leadership and advocacy but only a trivial amount of people are able to attain success as they lack the courage and insights to attain the same. I am an extremely devoted person and can achieve any heights in an organization if given a chance. I am extremely hard working and persuasive hence I feel I have capabilities to attain high levels within the organization. But there are various relevant areas that I need to work on and strive such that I am able to overcome the challenges and become a leading professional. I need to exhibit skills of a transformational leader who can easily attain any sort of organizational challenges and motivate his employees. As a good leader I must also inculcate and demonstrate the necessary skills that are required for a leader to become effective in nature. I want to become such a leader who leads by multiple examples and set course of actions for his followers to follow. As there are multiple other challenges and issues faced in the field of healthcare leadership and advocacy such traits and ways of leadership will be an integral way and method encompassed to curve a new way in the service. I aim to demonstrate immense capabilities and essence of morality, virtues which can be followed by all set of diversified professionals. Along with these ways I need to undertake an orientation of a professional leadership skills in healthcare which will help me attain my goals easily and more conveniently.
Recommendation and Conclusions 2
Analysis of relevant skills, knowledge and expertise regarding self-reveals that there are greater areas that needs to be improvised. The recommendations will enable me to develop ways, means and methods that can help overcome challenges and emerge as a successful professional. Though I have completed course requirements and have immense capability to become a potentially successful leader however, I need to overcome the areas in which I lag. In order to attain improvement I need to indulge in cross-cultural and communication professional classes that provide necessary inputs in the area. Though I am of introvert nature but I will try and develop skills in relation to becoming a highly extrovert personality. I will mix with various cross cultural ethnic groups and develop skills of listening to them and understanding the specific meanings. I will also attend cross-cultural communication classes and understand the various variables that are required to become a cross-cultural effective leader. I will further take help from senior leaders and members of the organization to understand from their experience and expertise. I will also take reference from my professors to provide me guidelines regarding the ways and means by which I can develop skills to deal with patients and employees in a cross-cultural set-up.
Reference Lists
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Vogus, T. J., Sutcliffe, K. M., & Weick, K. E. (2010). Doing no harm: enabling, enacting, and elaborating a culture of safety in health care. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(4), 60-77.
Walker, R., Cromarty, H., Kelly, L., & Pierre-Hansen, S. (2009). Achieving cultural safety in Aboriginal health services: implementation of a cross-cultural safety model in a hospital setting. Diversity in Health & Care, 6(1).
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