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History of TQM and contribution of TQM gurus

Discuss about the Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control.

The report helps in analysis of the importance of the total quality management in the respective company named The Events Company that is based in United Kingdom. Proper analysis and evaluation has to be done in order to understand the importance of benchmarking that will help in gaining overall success of the respective company. Proper examples have to be used as this will help in providing proper analysis of the importance of benchmarking in organizations.

The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand the evaluation of the importance of the benchmarking that will help in analysing the overall success of the organization. The different kind of limitations has to be analysed in an effectual manner with the help of different examples in an effective manner.

The structure of the report will include the different kind of analysis that will help in understanding the different contributions of the TQM gurus in an effectual manner. The different evaluation of benchmarking will be discussed that helps the company in gaining success and competitive advantage in the market.

The Events Company is an event management company that is based in United Kingdom. The company focuses on providing the employees different kind of services wherein this will help the company in gaining competitive advantage. The company helps in implementation of the different product launching programs of other companies and this helps in providing a brief overview of the different other services that organizes different kind of marriages or meetings in a professional manner (The Events Company - Weddings, Corporate Events, Social Events, Galas & Bashes, Fundraisers: Design, Planning, Production, Coordination, 2018).

The concept of total quality management was originated in description of the Japanese management approach that has been adopted by the Navy Systems Expertise for the improvement of the quality.

There are fourteen obligations of the total quality management approach wherein Deming has contributed a lot wherein this includes the different obligations that are as follows:

  • Creating constancy of the purpose for the different kind of improvement of products and services and allocate the different kind of resources for analysing the different long-term needs (Kearney 2018)
  • Adopting a new philosophy wherein it helps in understanding and analysing the different kind of mistakes and defects
  • Cease the dependency on the inspection that is mass in nature as to achieve the quality in the first place regarding the different kind of products and services
  • End of the different kind of practices for awarding the business on basis of the price as to minimize the total kind of cost and this helps in establishing long term relationship
  • Improve every process that includes management as to make better utilization of the different employees (Pun and Yiu 2018)
  • Proper institution of the different training methods has to be adopted by the company as this will help in utilizing the skills of employees effectively
  • Adoption of the institute leadership as this will provide analysis of the management to work in an effective manner (Heizer 2016)
  • Drive out the fear as this will help in producing effectively in the organizations
  • Breakdown of the different barriers as this will help in solving different issues
  • Elimination of the different kind of exhortations as they will help in improving the quality in an effective manner
  • Elimination of arbitrary numerical targets as this will help in achieving proper targets
  • Remove the different kind of barriers as to achieve the different kind of objectives in an effectual manner
  • Encourage proper and accurate kind of education as this will help in self-improvement among employees (Dale 2015)
  • Lastly, top managements commitments have to be analysed in an effective manner that will provide strength in improving quality

He has helped in development of the total quality management philosophy that helps in improving the quality of the leadership in the different organizations. The proper usage of the modern kind of technology will help in solving the different organizational commitments in an effectual manner.

These are the different kind of contributions of the different gurus of the total quality management wherein there are different kind of philosophies that has been adopted by them in an effective manner. The total quality management has to analysed in an effective manner in different kind of organizations as this will help in understanding the requirements wherein training and development is required to be done as to incur such changes in an effectual manner. The lack of quality has to be measured as this will help in implementing more positive changes as this will help in solving the issues in an effective manner (Psomas and Antony 2017).

Evaluation and analysis of benchmarking in generating overall success of The Events Company

Benchmarking is essential in nature for the events organization as this will help in discovering the best kind of standards of the performance in an effectual manner. The respective company needs to understand the different performance of the other competitors in the market as this will help them in providing a brief overview of the different functions to perform as per the standards (Olives et al. 2014).

The Events Company that is based in United Kingdom has to be analyse and identify the benchmarking criteria in an effective manner as this will help in understanding the performance of competitors in an effectual manner. However, benchmarking is not an easy or simple process tool, it is necessary in nature to understand the different guidelines of the competitors as this will help the respective company in gathering information about competitors and their size of the company as well (Hazen et al. 2014).

The Events Company follows the different process of benchmarking as this helps in providing the entire company in the gaps in their performance in comparison with the different competitors in the market of The United Kingdom. The process of benchmarking that is followed by The Events Company are as follows:

  • It is essential for The Events Company in understanding the current process performance gaps as this will help in understanding the actual requirement of benchmarking
  • It is required for the executives of The Events Company to gain knowledge and approval from the leadership team of the respective company as this will help them in eliminating the different roadblocks along with providing resources that is adequate in nature and this will constitute the entire benchmarking process of gathering data
  • Proper documentation of the benchmarking scope and objectives effectively by The Events Company as this is one of the essential necessities of the company that has to be achieved by them (Schilling and Neubauer 2017)
  • The proper documentation of the current process is essential in nature that has to be done by The Events Company as this will help in understanding and analysing the amount of resources that is required to analyse the time and date to complete the entire task in an effectual manner
  • The company needs to properly agree on the primary metrics as this will help in understanding the difference between the current performance of the company along with the partner organizations in United Kingdom (Cereda et al. 2016)
  • The entire metrics has to be put up in writing as this will help the company in understanding the requirement of measuring and to understand the different kind of necessary calculations (Sallis 2014)
  • Proper determination and application of the learning has to be done as this will help in understanding the gaps in their performance and solve them effectively (Gerrish and Spreen 2017)
  • Application of the entire learnings has to be adopted by the executives of the company as this will help in providing company in developing recommended implementation plan and try to update when it is required in comparison to the competitors

There are different kind of problems that has been faced by the Events Company wherein it includes that the total quality management was a major issue wherein the services provided by them were not up to the mark and there were different errors in the services provided to the clients. The respective company do not have proper and accurate technological advancements that is required to implement different kind of services that is demanded by the different customers in the market. The companies need to understand the different services effectively as this will help Events Company in securing a competitive position in the entire competitive market (Zaveri et al. 2016).

It has been seen that The Events Company did not follow different technological innovations in their company that would have attracted more customers towards their service. Furthermore, the respective company tried to adopt functional benchmarking wherein the company received and generated different kind of ideas from other organizations who are not necessarily competitors, however they are performing same kind of tasks within same kind of technological domain. It was seen that the company had few problems wherein the services provided were not up to the mark and they did not provide any kind of unique services as compared to the different other competitors in the market (AACE). (Dey 2017).

Problems faced by The Events Company

The Events Company did not use any kind of technology-based services and there was no such coordination in the team of the event managers and associates as well. There were different kind of complaints from the customers as they did not receive the premium services they were promised for and they were dissatisfied for the services. It was seen that the company tried to focus on benchmarking activities as this helped them in analysing the different kind of services offered by them.

It has been seen that there are different kind of competitors in the United Kingdom market wherein the respective company needs to focus on continuous improvement as this is required to improve the current performance of the company in comparison to the competitors. The company needs to understand the requirements of the customers as to establish effective goals and objectives appropriately.

Benchmarking will help The Events Company in providing their customers perfect atmosphere in a perfect manner. Proper benchmarking will help the company in improving the operational efficiency along with design of the product. In order to improve the total quality management of the different products of the company, the respective company needs to adopt benchmarking as to:

  • Understand their relative cost position as this will help the event management company to identify the different opportunities for improving their services that are delivered to customers
  • Gaining strategic advantage as this will help the company to focus on different kind of capabilities as this will help in building strategic advantage
  • Increase the rate of learning as this will help the company in gaining new ideas that will facilitate the experience sharing in an effective manner

From the diagram, it can be analysed that the respective company has adopted the PDCA cycle wherein their main motive was the continuous improvement wherein PDCA cycle was the effective tool for achieving the quality. The main issue of the company was the issues related to quality wherein the services provided by the company did not meet the requirements of the customers and it was not following any kind of technological advancements.

With the help of PDCA cycle, the company tried to understand their current status and analysed the cause in an effective manner. With the proper planning, the company set a target and prepare different schedule of activities as compared to the competitors. Furthermore, the company implemented the corrective action with the help of providing training to the employees to deliver such services effectively (Wallis, Cole and Bates 2015).

After a certain phase, the respective company tried to compare the overall result and analysed the reasons for the failure as well. On analysing the failure, the company identified appropriate actions that are required to be taken and solved them effectually. It was seen and analysed that with the help of PDCA cycle, the Events Company tried to solve the customer services and provided satisfaction to the customers by providing them with services and products that are unique and they achieved such targets with the implementation of PDCA cycle.

Importance of benchmarking in The Events Company

There were different issues faced by the company in benchmarking wherein the company had difficulties such as:

  • There were different competitors in the market who did not share their information about the services provided by them as this was unethical in nature.
  • There were difficulties wherein the company did not have any idea on understanding which activities in their firm require benchmarking (Aquilani et al. 2017)
  • It was seen that The Events Company applied the applications used by other competitors, however they were not successful for them and it was a complete failure
  • Lastly, the implementation of different technologies was expensive and it was difficult for the company at first to adopt such expensive products and services for their company


Therefore, it can be concluded that benchmarking has been proved successful in nature for The Events Company as this helped in providing more focus on the different competitors along with their performance in an effectual manner. Furthermore, it has been seen that benchmarking has helped the company in improving their services that was provided to the customers by analysing their mistakes with the utilization of different kind of models of the total quality management.

Lastly, it was seen that total quality management was achieved by the company with the usage of Juran’s quality theory along with PDCA cycle as this offered the company in improving their services and increased the rate of organizational learning as well along with gaining strategic advantage.

The entire benchmarking has helped The Events Company in identifying different opportunities for improvement and they succeeded in it. However, it was seen that there were different kind of issues that has been faced by the company that were solved with such TQM models and benchmarking as well.

Therefore, it can be recommended that the company needs to follow the external and international benchmarking as this will help the company in solving the different issues and gain competitive advantage. The main aim of the event management company is to satisfy the different requirements of the customers by providing them world class services that include different occasions and other conferences as well. In such circumstances, the criteria that is required to be followed by the company is to understand the issues and solve them with different other models other than PDCA.


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