Put yourself in a position of an external change agent who has been hired by senior management of an international for-profit college to oversee major organisational change. Imagine the following areas have been identified as areas for improvement:
- Environmental sustainability
printing cost
water consumption
energy consumption
- Errors in databases
student records
employee records
financial records
- Communication
between departments
between management and employees
between peers
- IT infrastructure
ICT hardware
LAN and wireless network speed
photocopy machines used within the business
- Student engagement and pass rate
low attendance
low pass rate
high plagiarism
Note: This is a Bachelor level assignment and you will also be marked on:
- overall presentation of the report (e.g. formatting, cover page, table of context, etc.)
- structure of the report (e.g. headings used, flow of information, etc.)
- quality of the report (e.g. language used, arguments presented and discussed, etc.)
- conclusion of the report (e.g. summary of the presented information, conclusion, recommendations made, etc.)
- referencing (use of external information sources, quality, validity, relevance of information, consistency of a reference style, etc.)
Oral presentation:
You will be required to present your assignment in class at an allocated time.
- the presentation to be 7 to 10 minutes (4 to 5 minutes each student)
- the presentation to have around 10 slides (12 slides maximum)
- information and graphical images used within the slides to be referenced appropriately
Note: This is a third year unit and requires professional presentation, hence your will be marked also on:
- verbal communication (terminology, clarity of the language used, cultural sensitivity, etc.
- nonverbal communication (body, facial, spatial, eye, paralanguage communication)
- readiness to present (at an allocated time)
- timing and organisational skills of the group
- interactivity with audience and professionalism (overall impression of the presentation)
Colleges play vital role in the society to ensure access of quality education to the society that is the cornerstone for economic development. College education is therefore a great investment to both the students and proprietors. The student gains skills and technical knowledge required in the job market as well as preparing them to indulge in self-employment. Generally, the people who have education in a particular field have a better position in the workforce compared to the illiterate (Knight and Yorke, p. 4). Furthermore, the colleges have huge impart to the local community in that it creates jobs to thousands of people while the graduates are expected to generate more additional income when employed. The community colleges in the US are known to offer affordable post-secondary education thus access to quality education by the low income earners and middles class people who cannot afford university (Bailey and Morest, p. 2).
Commercial for-profit colleges offer knowledge for profit as they do not engage in many other income generating activities. The stakeholders invest in colleges by pumping their savings and other capital to create value to the society by offering education and training and in return earn profit from revenue generated in form of fees. However, there are many challenges facing these colleges, at times high operating expenses lowers profit. A college just like any other business organization incurs both fixed and variable production cost. The variable cost is of importance since it can easily be controlled. The variable cost like wages, energy and water charges and the printing cost increases the production level of the college and typically reduces profitability. Since net profit is calculated by subtracting expenses from revenue, the organization must be careful to cut cost and operating expenses so as to increase profit (Simatupang et al., p. 58).
The general objective of this study is to examine various challenges facing commercial for-profit colleges and contribute to knowledge integrated management practices to enhance financial performance.
The specific objectives are:
- To collect evidence operational costs affecting profitability of colleges.
- To determine factors affecting the communication in the college
- To contribute to knowledge on various organizational change practices to enhance efficiency of commercial for-profit colleges.
- To enhance efficiency in IT infrastructure, student engagement and record keeping.
The scope of this report is limited to commercial for-profit college. The background for problems identify in the organization is supported by the secondary data from peer-reviewed journal publications and books. This study gives an overall view of challenges facing financial, operation and student management in the organization and suggest possible solution to challenges highlighted. The report will assist college management to improve on their performance and profitability by managing expenses, student affairs, operation process and financial matters effectively. This report is constrained by information obtained from wide sources and thus cannot be generalized to commercial for-profit colleges in specific region or over time.
This subtopic covers how research could be conducted to collect relevant data that identifies root causes of problems. The method for data analysis is also described to give valuable information.
This best research design for this study that can be adopted by for-profit college is descriptive survey research design. This design is chosen because it uses data collected from research questions to answer questions concerning current status of a phenomenon (Sandelowski, p. 335). Berg et al., (p. 14) suggested that descriptive survey is best for social scientist to ascertain people perceptions on different situations, issues and conditions. This argument favors collection of data on various inefficiencies target by this study. The research design covers both qualitative and quantitative methods where qualitative helps in ascertaining level of perception of the participants while the quantitative focuses on prediction. The primary data is collected from individuals in the college by administering them with questionnaires.
Scope and limitation of the report
The target population depends on the data required and it covers all individuals that the study is interested in. The target population for this study comprises the students and employees within the college who must be associated with the organization. The population varies and the researcher can use purposive sampling to identify the number and characteristics of the study participants. In this case the students who reside in hostels and the staffs working in finance, ICT, press, student welfare and examination department must be chosen for the study. The purposive sampling technique relies on the researcher’s preference and judgment when selecting sample that forms participants to provide relevant information that meets the purpose of the study (Tongco, p. 7). Israel proposed the formula below for calculating the desired sample size.
n=N/1+N (e) 2, Where n=Desired sample size, N=Total Population and e=Error of 0.05.
The tool for data collection is structured questionnaires that is distributed to identified participant at respective departments as hard copy or emailed to them as soft copy. The questionnaires are preferred over the interviews, focus group discussion or observations as they provide a high degree of data standardization (Armstrong, T. and Bull, p. 6). The questionnaire can be divided into two parts for closed and open-ended questions. Part 1 for close-ended questions seek factual information bout for example demographic features of the study participants and the characteristics of college. Part 2 on the other hand, contains open-ended questions that seek to obtain perceptions, attitudes and opinions of the respondents concerning variables used in the study. A 5 point Likert scale allows respondents to rate their opinion on matter of interest where 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree 3=neutral, 4=agree and 5= strongly agree (Mercer et al., p. 2). Furthermore, there is a section where participants provide extra relevant information for open ended questions
Pilot study is a small scale version or trial run in preparation for a major study. It assists in improving items of data collection (Kimberlin and Winterstein, p. 2277). The researcher carries out a pilot test to determine the reliability and validity of research instrument. The subjects involved in the pilot study cannot participate in the main study.
The reliability of a research instrument concerns the extent to which the instrument yields the same results on repeated trials (Kimberlin and Winterstein, p. 2276)). Reliability is calculated using Cronbach’s Alpha method to test internal consistency. Cronbach alpha is chosen in order to establish the degree of consistency and accuracy of items in the questionnaire. The values obtained is compared with the threshold value of 0.7 where values greater than 0.7 imply reliability of research instruments.
The questionnaires are administered to the sampled respondents using the drop and pick method and allowed adequate time to fill the questionnaires after which the questionnaires will be collected for analysis. The researcher must follow up on filling up of the questionnaires to enhance response.
The raw data collected is clean for any inconsistencies, code then analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Descriptive and inferential statistics are then used to explain results of the findings.
Background information
There are several practices that can be adopted to minimize printing cost, colour cartridges are costlier compared to black print cartridges therefore organization need to print in colour only when necessary. It is also advisable to print text required otherwise content can be kept in softs copy and when printing more than one page it is advisable to print on both sides of the paper. By using less water, college is able to save cost on charges on water supply and waste water disposal. Water saving policies can be adopted to encourage employees and students contribute to water saving ideas. The organization can also do more by emphasising control efforts on taps, dishwashers, toilets, showers and gardens as they are major consumers of water and making repairs early on them prevent leakages. Al-Jayyousi (2003, p.183) proposed use of water-efficient dishwashers, showers and dual-flash toilets to enhance water management. Practice Green Health has suggested use of highly rate energy-efficient appliance, sourcing greener energy sources (solar), use of natural light during the day and switching off lights when not in office. Adoption of these recommendation lowers cost significantly thus enhancing profitability.
Student, employee and financial records are most valuable to the college necessitating implementation of proper record management practices to maximize value to the organization. The root causes of errors in records is majorly attributed to the human factors. Errors in student, employee and financial records occurs when one does not receive information, either because it was not transmitted, receipt or got lost. Cognition-based errors occur when one does not process knowledge necessary to perform as expected (Marguglio, 2009, p.1). Improper record keeping can be minimized by maintaining accurate records on daily basis with proper filling system. The internal audit need to be carried out on timely basis to detect and correct errors to minimize finance losses. Accurate tracking of income and expenses minimizes improper categorization of expenses. The student records can be kept accurate by maintaining accurate portal system with backup data to prevent potential loss. Also, the employee records need to be classified for contractors and permanent employees to avoid misfiling. However, having best communication between the bookkeeper and student, college employees and financial ensures that the records reflect through position of the company. Having someone who counterchecks records constantly ensures that there is proper book recording in the organization (Ash et al., p. 105).
Communication is key to effective functionality of the college. To strengthen communication between departments and management and employees, the organization has to strengthen connections. Creating an open dialogue where employees can engage in an open discussion creates a strong relationship between management and managers (Coiera et al., p. 416). The college need to update employees on changes, future plans and progress through newsletters, meetings and online platforms. Bridging the gap in communication between different departments by encouraging regular news and updates keeps everyone in the college updated. Having a guideline on how information should flow between departments enhances accountability and help create inclusive communication among the various departments.
Research Design
The communication between the peers can be improved by creating events and activities that help students connect and bond. Topping et al., (1998, p. 252) mentioned that improving relationship between peers is the first step in improving communication. The college has students from different background thus the organization has to consider welcoming diverse viewpoints to allow students to be open-minded when interacting with other peers. This can be achieved by encouraging the students to interact directly and honestly. Improving communication among the peers has positive health outcomes and reduces irresponsible behaviour like drug abuse and alcohol abuse (White and Viner, p. 95).
Having strong ICT hardware and wireless network is import for the college to make communication efficient and effective. This requires financial resources to acquire new computer systems. The components of ICT hardware including monitor, CPU and mouse among others need to have latest technology to enhance its functionality in terms of speed. By purchasing proper physical components of ICT, the college is bale to improve on other components of ICT such as data, software, information and procedures. LAN and wireless network speed can be improved by adopting the following strategies, first organization has to prioritize applications and processors to avoid less important traffic. The college need to educate users especially students and staff to avoid streaming of videos as it negatively impacts on organization’s network. Third strategy is to upgrade processors and software to utilize compression technologies with improved algorithms that are able to group and organize wide array of data faster (Checko et al., p. 406). Building a strong defense system against junk of traffic is important to prevent viruses and other mal-intent programs from damaging the organization network. Latest antiviruses, firewalls, spam filters and malware software offers protection to wireless network. Similarly, photocopy machines can be upgraded by purchasing latest technology that save on printing cost and speed. However, an effective strategy is to deal with students’ needs. Attendance rate can be improved by connecting with students via SMS and emails reminding them to attend classes or through class representatives.
Poor class attendance by the students negatively impact on their knowledge acquisition and the student risk performing poorly. Tracking attendance in real-time will let the student know that attendance is part of grade calculation and thus boosting class attendance. To improve on class attendance, strict rules need to be initiated by the college that requires student to attend classes and failing to attend for a given number of session lead to punishment like one being denied to do an exam, repeating course or even discontinuation. Having effective timetable scheduling and gamification of learning through use of digital learning tools increases the students’ interest and discourage them from skipping classes (Brown and Green, p. 11).
High pass rate can be achieved by developing strong leadership starting from management, tutors and subordinate staff that act as change agent. The college has to invest adequately on learning materials and lectures in order to develop an appetite for learning among the students. Motivating students by use of online learning tools that allows students to do exams and submit assignments boost their morale. Using research-based learning and teaching strategies allows students to lean smarter. Plagiarism is an academic offence that can be minimised by enlightening the students on issues regarding plagiarism. Introducing group work, designing assignment based on students’ needs, providing support and designing plagiarism unfriendly assessment help in reducing plagiarism (FASS, 2017). Student submitting assignment with reports from plagiarism checker like Turnitin can also minimize plagiarism.
Research Instruments
Strategies to minimize water waste in the college involve water use monitoring. The storage facilities and pipe system must be repaired. Students and employees need to be sensitized on importance of saving energy. The college community can be a change agent that minimize water usage or waste by adopting strategies that save water during washing, bathing and general cleaning. Rain water can be stored for use in watering lawns. Green light tips are best mitigation strategies for saving energy and it include use of compact fluorescent bulbs, turning off lights at night both in hostels and offices, turning down water heater thermostat and installing solar panels for heating bathing water for students. Printing cost is reduced by budgeting each department to enhance accountability.
Record keeping mistakes can be minimized by adopting book keeping system that can be paper work or excel to help in maintaining accurate records. Lack of knowledge can be minimized thorough training on accounting software to minimize errors in the financial records. Equipping bookkeeper with skills and knowledge to completer books and records is crucial for organization to minimize errors. Establishing a filing system for paperwork and double-checking every entry for computer base record system helps in reducing data entry errors. Requiring student to update their details regularly after a given period of helps in detecting and minimizing error associated with student details.
Use clear and concise messages in writing and verbal to avoid technicality during communication. Technical terms often lead to miscommunication and the message may be interpreted wrongly. Maintaining hierarchy allows the top management to pass information through the chair of departments to other members of staff and students. Care should be taken to minimize effect of hierarchy in reducing communication especially upward from subordinate staff to senior management. Building trust between college management and students allows open communication to share information freely. Language barrier also need to be addressed. Employees and student need to communicate in official language, that could be English or any other national language rather than using mother tongue.
Wireless security is important to minimize intrusion to the network by hackers and destruction of organization’s information (Liang et al., p. 1936. The number of devices using wireless network need to be controlled. Two different system can be developed in an organization whereby one is used in offices while the other is used by the students. This is to minimize large amount of devices that that can siphon connectivity leading slowdown of entire college network leading to frustration of users. The ICT hardware further need control to prevent intrusion by foreigner who may install programs that disrupt functionality of wireless network. A central printing station or press can be established where quantitative printing like newsletters is done to economize printing.
The student absenteeism due to reasons beyond their control like sickness and unreliable transportation can be minimized by encouraging students to stay in campus hostels. This necessitates charging them low accommodation fee to encourage them stay in college. Preparing students early during entry to the college to be informed on importance of attending classes. Offering high quality education that respond to diverse background of the students encourage active learning. Using learning tools that engages interest of students meets the leaning needs proves to be useful. The plagiarism can be minimized by actively engaging students with active learning skills and critical thinking to reduce their notion of copy pasting. Furthermore, the students need to be taught importance of acknowledging works of other authors through referencing.
Pilot Test
This research identified human factors as the major causes of reduced performance. Environmental sustainability can be achieved by maintaining proper equipment and devices and though behavioral change. Error in recoding can be minimized largely by counter checking entries while communication and student engagement ca be achieved to active sensitization of matters of importance. It is recommended that new physical components be purchased for ICT department and software for protection against viruses and malware be installed.
This report is a generalization of risks identified from wider literature review. The college needs to conduct its own study to identify real risk and issues in order to develop best strategies to address them.
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