Challenges Faced by Riverine Pharmaceuticals
This assessment requires you to design and develop an in-house training program to address the training and / or development need that was identified from the Needs Assessment.
The business entity is entitled Riverine Pharmaceuticals that is normally tasked with the role and responsibility of the supply and distribution of medicine and other common medical appliances. It has been running for the past one decade as it was established in the initial stages of the year 2008. The main shop outlet is situated in Brooklyn New York with other numerous retail outlets locally, nationally and even internationally. The executives in charge have served the purpose of enhancing the performance and productivity of the organization resulting to its being ranked among the best pharmaceutical dealers within New York and the utmost parts of the nation of America. This tremendous success has also been contributed greatly by the junior staff whose zeal and fervency with regard to the performance of the roles and responsibilities outlined in their areas of specialty is a force to reckon with (Badea Dumitru 2015).
This excellence and prosperity have also been accompanied by some challenges that need to be addressed urgently and cautiously so as to propel the pharmaceutical giants to extreme and expansive heights in the medicine world. With such an effective and efficient attempt working towards the elimination of these challenges will further result in improved performance that facilitates the garnering of a tremendous revenue for the company. This way forward is in the name of an in-house training program that will effectively enhance the availing of the solutions to be put to use so as to nail the development needs prevailing in the entire organization for its well-being as well as that one of the entire general staff. Such a training in the areas that need thorough and elaborate developments will greatly affect positively the entire medicinal company (Chong Samson Di Lucia, et al 2016).
Various tactics and strategies will be put into play by the trainer with strict outlines and stipulations that need to be observed overwhelmingly for the general good of the organization and the entire staff in the name of improved performance and productivity.
The main development needs at hand revolves around the urge and desire for a generally improved performance with the intention of soaring the company high on right settings of the heights of the business world. It mainly involves the top cream of the organization in the names of the managers as well as the executives of all the departments established within this mother company based in Brooklyn New York. Elaborate and well-founded steps will be outlined in this in-house training program so as to facilitate and work towards the realization of the medical company’s set goals and objectives as brought out clearly in its performance and productivity (Hopen Cudney 2016).
In-House Training Program to Enhance Performance
This development need is normally experienced in other well-established companies and therefore a seasoned and an expansively knowledgeable trainer will be selected from outside the company so as for him to disseminate information without any fear of intimidation or favor. With the training extensively and comprehensively conducted, extreme and incomparable prowess will be inevitable as far as this medical company is concerned (Judlin Morel 2017).
As mentioned earlier on, the participants involve in this in-house training program are mainly the Riverine Pharmaceuticals are the administrators in the names of managers as well as the executives within all the main established departments of the organization. Their falling under the bracket of well distinguished and different areas of specialty should not single out the common factor cutting across all these departments in the line of the general capability of stewardship. The performance of their general leadership roles and responsibilities is quite similar which necessitates the elaborate idea and thought of their being trained together. The developed need for an improved performance and productivity of this well-established company generally revolves around the abilities and capabilities of these able and enabled leaders. This know-how and understanding have facilitated the need of their being trained within their respective working stations so as to try to ignite and fully exploit their hidden and unhidden potentials towards the realization of the medicinal company’s set goals and objectives (Kolben Haberland Degenhardt, et al 2018).
This in-house training program of the administrators within the organization will greatly contribute to its well-being and financial stability. The elaborate and vivid sections of the training program that relate to the effective and efficient avenues to follow with the purpose of appropriate execution of leadership roles and responsibilities will be comprehensively instilled in them. This thorough and elaborate exposure will sharpen the leadership skills that they will eventually use in their respective areas of specialty for the general well-being of the entire organization. Deep details about how to relate to their subjects in the name of junior staff will also be effectively and efficiently taught. In any well-established organization, the relationship between the senior and junior staff is usually very critical. It is alleged that there has been some element of a strained relationship between these two distinct bodies within the Riverine Pharmaceuticals and therefore that hidden and yet very crucial will be addressed in the training. The significance of this addressing is that the general performance of the entire company cannot be realized without the two bodies working together in unity and harmony (Lorenz Maxfield Dawson, et al 2016).
Participants of the In-House Training Program
The esteemed trainer from one of the leading training companies within the region will effectively handle that area and many other more so as to lay a firm foundation that will work towards meeting fully that need of improvement as far as performance and productivity of the organization are concerned. These leaders after having been taken through all those leadership techniques and strategies to be employed in their administrating their respective areas of specialty will necessitate the propelling of the company towards the right direction. Improved and well elaborate relationships between the senior staff and their junior counterparts will prevail for the good of the organization. Every distinctive body will work towards the facilitation of the performance of their appropriate duties and responsibilities effectively as well as effective for the realization of the institutions set goals and objectives (Masrochah Indrati Mulyati 2017).
The development need as presented by the organization is all about the need for the general performance and productivity of this medicinal giant. The realization of this need as explained in the background information has to directly and consistently involve the top administrators in the names of executives and managers who go on to be placed under the section of the studied participants. This calls upon the idea of the establishment of a detailed plan of action enclosed within the training program so as to fully address and meet comprehensively the improvement challenge of the involved company (Mulyadi Sumarto Maknun 2017). This developed plan ought to encompass several learning theories to be put into play for it’s effective and efficient execution. Cognitive information processing which is also known as the cognitive theory, in other words, will be one of the theorems to employ in this elaborate plan of action. It mainly deals with well elaborate thoughts that are involved in the governing of one’s behavior. The other theory of choice will revolve around the experiences exposed to the involved individuals resulting in their creating their own perspective of the world of their desire (Narayan 2018).
These two theories will be used in the wake of realizing the set goals and objectives outlined in the already developed detailed plan. These well-established guidelines upon their full implementation and execution will result to improved performances by the already identified participants whose long projected eventuality is an elaborate performance of the medicinal giant. Improved attitudes in the line of the realization of the significances the pharmaceutical giant management possesses are one such set objective (O’Connor Flin Fletcher, et al 2017). This goal will be best achieved by the use of the cognitive theory. This is because the idea behind the objective has to do with information processing as far as the mentioned positive attitude towards management is concerned. The executives will be forced to birth the thought in their minds and then manifest it positively through realigned actions of improvement. Building and strengthening skills towards all the respective areas of specialty are the other set objective in the developed detailed plan under the defined training program. This set principle will best be rolled into play by the constructivism theorem. This is because the objective leans more on the experience and expertise to be exhibited in the performance of the numerous roles and responsibilities of administration within the organization (Peart Lewis Brown, et al 2018).
Detailed Plan of Action for the In-House Training Program
Improved work behavior is the other guiding objective towards the realization of the overall general performance of the pharmaceuticals company. This will serve the purpose of the functioning better of the administrators in line with the already assigned activities towards the fulfillment of their potential fully. This goal will be better explained with the help of the cognitivist theory as it normally revolves around behavior (Proksch 2016). With the embracing of integrity and professionalism in the performance of the executives will work towards improving their performance as well as that of the junior staff for they will already have set the required and appropriate pace necessary for the overall good of the company. Increased knowledge about the special considerations related to the pharmaceutical systems will be the last set objective enveloped by the detailed plan encompassed in the training program. This set guideline will be elaborated effectively and efficiently through the constructivism theory. This is because it has to do with the acquisition of a specific kind of knowledge in line with the specific areas of specialty with the intention and purpose of improving the performance of the involved executives for the general overall good of the medical company.
The designed planned activities will revolve around numerous elements for an effective and efficient delivery in line with the set goals and objectives towards the eventual achievement of the intended performance of the entire organization. These elaborate, well-designed action planned activities will bring to light an appropriate way forward both for the senior and junior staffs for an improved performance of the entire organization. Hindrances and distractions with the purpose and intent of derailing the developed plan of the training program will be put under close scrutiny and eventually eliminated for a smooth flow of the desired agenda of the entire meeting (Spillane Larkin Corcoran, et al 2017).
Identifying the underlying factors contributing to the derailed performance will be the first planned activity. A thorough and elaborate analysis of all these contributing factors will be greatly conducted in the attempt of unraveling the desired solutions and resolutions to these challenges. The desired changes will also be put under a close check so as to evaluate the elaborate steps to take for their realization. Training needs assessment will also be conducted with the idea and thought of incorporating the right and appropriate skills in the greatly affected areas for the general good of the company. The second planned activity will involve the actual training program. An elaborate overview of the learning units and actual courses that the training program ought to encompass will effectively highlight after which expansive and comprehensive training will be efficiently conducted for an effective performance. Practical and vivid experiences will also be incorporated into the training program as a planned activity so as to fully fulfill the set goals and objectives of the already developed plan (Sugarman 2015).
Learning Theories to be used in the In-House Training Program
Evaluations of the assumed changes in behavior will be rolled into play as the third planned activity. These evaluations will work towards the realization of an improved general performance of the organization. The methods of delivery incorporated by the trainers will vary with the aim and purpose of effectively disseminating the required information encompassed in the training program. The electronic media is one of the avenues to be used in the delivery of the content at hand. With the availability of numerous computer-based learning materials within the company, training will be conducted efficiently. Group exercises will also be used as means to deliver the content. A number of participants will be exposed to activities that will be conducted by critical analysis of the main processes involved. The distinguished trainer will also employ the lecturing method to the administrators in training. These direct talks will be without learning aids but with partial group participation. The main topics involved in the training program will be sequentially arranged so as to avoid any confusion or even distortion of the key elements of the area of study. This will enhance the easy progression of the logical steps involved in the area of study (Strecker Rosenthal 2016).
The instructors on the hand will be guided by well-stipulated instructions for an effective and efficient performance. One such instruction is their sticking strictly to the set objectives of the training program without wavering. Supplementary reading materials will be their accompaniment for a well-established delivery of the content at hand. Well, elaborate instructions that pertain to the planned activities will also be outlined in the attempt of maintaining the smooth flow of the performances of these planned activities (Ulbach Wuerstlein Harbor land, et al 2014, March).
As mentioned earlier on in this developed program, numerous facilities will be highly needed for an effective and efficient training day. Reading materials that relate to the main agenda of the training will be availed to the administrators in training (Why 2018). They will act as points of references in the course of the training program in the attempt of fathoming greatly the key elements of the area of study. Electronic materials in the name of computer related programs will be greatly at play so as to present to the trainees live and direct scenarios that are in line with the core values of the main training thematic expression. This will also enhance and affect the easier access to other significant materials highly involved in the training program (Wolff 2016).
Objectives of the In-House Training Program
Teaching aids will also be at play in some scenarios so as to effectively bring the main elements of the training program right home. This will result in the clarity of some of the slightly complex areas encompassed in the training. Clear and well-outlined learning aids will be the ones used so as to avoid any issue of complications and confusions that could arise as a result of having not well-developed teaching charts. Well-developed worksheets encompassing step by step approaches in identifying problems or solutions through well stipulated questions with gaps provided for infilling with answers (Würstlein Haberland Ulbach, et al 2014).
There are however several challenges within the involved organization that might hinder the effective and efficient development of this training program. One such possible barrier revolves around the main administration in the issue of the availing financial support so as to facilitate the program. This training will require money so as to comfortably pay the facilitators as well as in the buying of the resources that are significance for the program and are not within the organization. The participants might also not be willing to undergo the training due to a number of factors that might challenge the general development of the training program. There could also be conflicting interests and priorities within the organization revolving around the management as well as the junior that might derail the possible development of the in-house training program.
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