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Author's Content and Purpose

Write a Book Review of The Meaning of Addiction.

The book "The Meaning of Addiction" written by Stanton Peele was published in the year 1985 for the first time. It was followed by a review "The New England Journal of Medicine" developed by Margaret Bean-Bayog who was a well-known as the addiction specialist. The primary purpose of reviewing the book was to increase reader understanding. Dr. Peele developed main ideas in the book based on scientific understanding of several communities (Lee & Slutsky, 2010). The book has better development of scientific neutrality that is helping the reader to design good literature reflection. Important, ideas on addiction theories are enhanced through seductive arguments. The author is displaying the better understanding of scientific work since there is excellent speculation of different disease notion that influence cultural dynamics addictions. A new paradigm for the meaning of addiction is presenting the better understanding of compulsive, addiction, contextual, and complex behaviors in society. The main intent of this book is to show different individual's understanding of addiction experience in a broader way (Hajar et al., 2015). The author is developing a comprehensive analysis of addiction experience based on scientific observations.

A good description from scientific theories provides provoking analysis on different behaviors which can result to addiction. Importantly, these behaviors are analyzed through scientific observations to helps address psychological, social, and environmental effects of various diseases (Lindesmith, 2017). Peele designs some professional interpretations of addictive behaviors to enable biological models to provide a solution to addiction. Equally important, the author can relate conventional views with ideas in other sources such as nature of addiction. Disease of alcoholism develops better analysis and change of behaviors based on social science theories. Additionally, the experience of addiction is developed through susceptibility and choice of individual and situational factors. These concepts are used by an author to illustrate the connection of adverse effects on addiction with behaviors of impaired society.

Author's Content and Purpose

The content of the book creates a compelling message in addressing important topics. The book has non-judgmental styles of describing the whole experience of addiction. Importantly, there is a good acknowledgment of bypassing increasing notion of a particular disease. The book creates some welcoming insights of freely engaging in educational and social programs in society. The primary end in view of the author is to reflect on addiction experience as demonstrated in scientific observations (Lee & Slutsky, 2010). Important statements made by the author are well aligned with dynamic and social addiction. The book illustrates how the biological or genetic understandings have more influence than education knowledge in disease. A better understanding of the book is developed through controversial analysis on addiction. This book develops better platforms of persuasive analysis on addiction in cultural dynamics.

Information and Scope of the Book

A better speculation in the book is developed through the different notion of diseases based on cultural, social, family system, and intrapsychic. Scientific observation is viewed as the safest path of developing better control of addiction. For example, disease theory revolves around the teaching of genetic study in school. The book equally explains situations where disease theory notion fails to provide some controversial reason for engaging in drug abuse (Lindesmith, 2017). The role of analytical study is applied where one is required to confess different instance of addiction. The book further indicates important concepts that help the believer to have a good change of faith. Theological complexities develop a good restatement of confession especially when the victims of addiction narrate the whole experience. 

The book has better ways of addressing additional traditional theories to match with events happening in the current world. The book was first established in 1985 as an international journal (Reynolds, 2011). The main objective of this book was to enhance some good reviews on drug policy. A different version for prepublications reviews illustrates better reflection on original ideas. Stanton Peele first published the book as "The Meaning of Addiction" and later reviewed by Margaret Bean-Bayog as "The New England Journal of Medicine." Importantly, ideas generated by this book create moral neutrality on concepts of scientific observations. This information is developed in a very seductive manner to create a good literature review on addiction experience. The position of an author is developed through professional publication on different behaviors that define addiction. Importantly, the disagreement on different treatment of addiction set better controversy ways of defining author stance (Peake et al., 2014). Possible sources used to justify the author's stance upheavals comprehensive political framework of illustrating addiction. A cultural background provides better agreement on the anonymous issue to define various disease models. Another source used to develop these ideas is "Compulsive Experience and Its Interpretation" which was reprinted by Jossey-Bass. The information here defines different biochemical experiences and non-addictive substance. A standard pattern is developed through usage control system of narcotic drugs.

The developments of important facts in the book focus mainly on behaviors of impaired society. Elizabeth Van Lew central idea of navigating through societal challenges and advocating for justice resonates throughout the narrative. The author designs educational genre of study that attracts the audience in interpreting key observation. The book has unique ways of enabling compulsive discussion to stimulate new ways of reviewing fundamental concepts. The author reveals potential behaviors compulsion of addiction such as running sex that forms surprisingly self-cure facts in the discussion (Peake et al., 2014). Equally, the authors have a good track of events to help target audience have a good understanding of change. The accuracy of the book is seen in a different instance based on the author structuring of events. It is evident that first launching of the book coincided with increasing change in compulsive habits. This event developed controversial questions on a descriptive study of circumstance change in life. The primary objective of the book is developed in the right time of unfolding history. In other words, change in obesity, alcoholism and addiction behaviors helped target audience to have a good demonstration of scientific observations (Reynolds, 2011). Peele's insights in the narration process are developed by events that facilitated the development of self-cure pieces of evidence. The author is keen to discourse two important themes such as social habits and education.

Greater Detail on the Author's Thesis

The evaluation of the book is raising important issues of human experiences on addiction. Developments of strengths and weaknesses issues involve psychological, social, and cultural background on drug usage pattern (Reynolds, 2011). A broader meaning of these factors is developed through personal expectation and involvement in drug abuse. In the analysis of strengths, the author is ably addressing individual's reactions to the substance through compelling sensations. Additionally, self-concepts, values, and expectation influence physical observation on addictive behaviors. In the analysis of weaknesses, the author fails to address existential variables in the interpretation of seductive experiences. I feel the author needed to discuss different theories of addiction based on life histories (Peake et al., 2014). This would have developed a good exposure on genetics variables without forging cultural experiences. Compulsive experiences are interpreted, but they do not form some good evidence on addiction based on the conventional view. Equally important, the author needed to generate alternative treatments for addiction in a broader context. As a result, there would be better ways of evaluating personal experiences based on scientific observations.

The books have several contributions especially after analyzing individual's experiences in addiction. The book is creating a new influence on the people engagement. The author argues that addiction is not a disease as explained in scientific theories (Peake et al., 2014). These concepts generate increased divergences of the narcotic drug and enabling people to have a good understanding of genetics and biological factors that can lead to drug abuse. The author is changing many people views on alcohol in a society that upheld massive power control on corrupted value. On the other hand, the book is biased when conducting a critical analysis of addiction theories. I feel it would be important for an author to develop essential ideas based on genetics theories to increase the understanding of the audience. I believe addiction behaviors should be defined based biological models on exposures knowledge and conditioning concepts. As such, the basic requirement in the story development would have established better analysis on individual experiences and personal choice (Reynolds, 2011). This would have created a good addiction cycle to define impaired nation based on different diseases.

The American Image of Alcohol

The main ideas in the book are developed through comprehensive analysis of alcohol use. The author has boundaries in displaying dramatic factors o increasing alliance in addiction. As such, there exist clear ways of defining the meaning of addiction based on scientific observations and personal behaviors. The book explains that the personal inability to perceive the different instance of addiction generates several biological effects. Realistically, victims of addiction need to have a good narration of events base subjective perceptions on scientific concepts. These concepts are initiated through personality differences on, self-control, notion of different diseases, individual and cultural values. Addiction theories provide that review on scientific remedies is assessed through developmental research, clinical, experimental, epidemiological, historical, sociological, and anthropological reviews. These concepts help people to have a good cultural understanding of addiction experiences. The author designs some better variation of cultures to help influence individual knowledge on additional experiences.

Evaluation of Strengths, Weaknesses, Contribution or Bias

The author review provides experiences on addiction theories based on an understanding of social psychologist. These ideas are developed on historical knowledge especially in the chapter of "The American Image of Alcohol." Different behaviors were associated with increased use of alcohol in the 19th century. The authors develop a good thought on temperance ideology to enhance analysis of disease theory (Hajar et al., 2015). In many cases, life is pauperized with individual addiction to alcohol thus the anonymous of evaluating these tragedies would help address community's experiences. The author is developing the better assessment of cognitive behaviors in the American history to initiates uneasy culture of drug and substance use. The primary objective of assessing these concepts on active diseases contests is to help address the widespread control loss on important aspects in an impaired society. Social science is used to define these ideas to help the establishment of the clinical center and design good assessment of mental diseases. Therefore, the author is outlining a good summary of addiction theories on alcohol based on an understanding of different communities.

Addictions to an Experience

Elements developed on dynamic cultures of addiction results to various factors on addiction experience. The author provides compulsive experience while summarizing basic concepts on scientific ideology (Alavi et al., 2012). A good controversial reaction in the perceived wisdom of interpretation forms better platforms of assessing critiques on addiction experiences. The argument of the author is developed on a unique view to establishing a good assentation on biochemical reaction. The authors enhance some good methods of engaging evidence on the conventional notion to analyze the susceptibility of drug addiction. A good striking on cultural difference enables the author to express the development of different behaviors based on natural remission. The choice of addictive behaviors is developed through a good assessment of social and cultural factors to have a good interpretation of compulsive behaviors. The author engages individual choice in usage patterns of drugs which help one to have more significant fluctuations in personal character.

Susceptibility to recognized experiences is discourse by the author based on opportunities in the community system. The author provides that choice of addiction, on the susceptibility of community, is discourse based on three factors (Babor et al., 2017). Firstly, there is exists experience on situational factors where cultural background helps in monitoring personal addiction to drugs. The author develops important aspects to compel different audience of sensational reactions to use of drug and substance. These thoughts are generated through personal expectations of different value in society. Secondly, the author has engaged important concepts in the individual factors to helps analysis possible effects of addiction. Conventional view creates radical insights on the manifestation of addiction based on emotional, physical and scientific observations (Peake et al., 2014). Thirdly, the experience of the addicted individual is equally viewed based on developmental factors. In this case, the author creates compelling measures of understanding individual addiction cycles. These facts help in measuring nature of addiction according to the author arguments on compulsive experiences.

The Impaired Society

A narcotic connection initiates substantial conditions of influencing environmental characteristic in society. These behaviors result from powerful drug stimulant available to any animal. The author argues that different cognitive behaviors increase individual addiction to drugs (Alavi et al., 2012). A good demand and supply of drugs equally increase effects of addiction in an impaired society. The book has a better assessment of behaviors that increase reactions especially in cases of isolation. Environmental characteristic attributes to unhealthy conditions especially to infant's mother to increase the chance of addiction. These negative effects are highly correlated with possible difficulties observed while nurturing infants. The author is developing a good relation of social environments with complex cognitive process to sufficiently compel the reader on adult human addiction. The author's critique of negatives effects argues that moderation of human behaviors is developed through chemical dependency on treatments (Peake et al., 2014). A good review of addiction effects in impaired society is developed by designing better headway treatments on these diseases. The author emphasis on countermovement developed through scientific observation to reduce the harm of these products.

The epidemiology revelation on individual behaviors designs better moderation option on illegal drugs. This thought is developed by the author to enhance better resolutions alternative options on the addiction to alcohol. Based on conventional view, the author addresses moral fervor in the individual perceptions (Babor et al., 2017). A realistic way of initiating programs of reducing danger on addiction experiences is initiated through convincing people on adverse effects associated with alcohol abuse. These dangers are conveyed by rational points that support operations of chemical dependence industry. Alcoholism habits are assessed by the author as cognitive behaviors which influence personal characters. According to the ideas in the book the spreading of diseases forms some critical re-assessment on treatments programs based on individual commitments. The authors have better methods of recommending cure of addictions. These methods involve seeking advice on social behaviors which is developed through cultural understanding (Peake et al., 2014). Additionally, supportive social circumstance helps impaired society to revive vulnerable people.


Briefly, conventional view of addiction behaviors engages different observation on science to convince people of their weakness. The real meaning of addiction is defined by a different understanding of dynamics cultural factors. Important concepts are used by the author to different discourse audience in an accurate way. The American image of alcohol addresses different factors that lead to addiction. Importantly, disease theory is used by the author of this book to address addiction based on scientific observation. Additionally, the author is engaging different exposure theories based on situational, conditional, and biological models. A critique on increased consumption of alcohol is influenced by biological or genetic factors. Individual experiences on addiction are developed through susceptibility implications on cultural and social understanding. These facts help in designing a better cure for addiction and monitor spreading sequence of disease. Therefore, this book generates essential reflection on individual experience on addiction.


Alavi, S. S., Ferdosi, M., Jannatifard, F., Eslami, M., Alaghemandan, H., & Setare, M. (2012).      Behavioral addiction versus substance addiction: Correspondence of psychiatric and   psychological views. International journal of preventive medicine, 3(4), 290.

Babor, T. F., O’Reilly, J., Stenius, K., Pates, R., Miovsky?, M., & Candon, P. (2017). Publishing    addiction science. Ubiquity Press.

Hajar, T., Leshem, Y. A., Hanifin, J. M., Nedorost, S. T., Lio, P. A., Paller, A. S., ... & Simpson, E. L. (2015). A systematic review of topical corticosteroid withdrawal (“steroid      addiction”) in patients with atopic dermatitis and other dermatoses. Journal of the         American Academy of Dermatology, 72(3), 541-549.

Lee, W. L., & Slutsky, A. S. (2010). Sepsis and endothelial permeability. The New England          journal of medicine, 363(7), 689.

Lindesmith, A. R. (2017). Addiction and opiates. Routledge.

Peake, S. L., Delaney, A., Bailey, M., Bellomo, R., Cameron, P. A., Cooper, D. J., ... &     Williams, P. (2014). Goal-directed resuscitation for patients with early septic shock. The         New England journal of medicine, 371(16), 1496-1506.

Reynolds, S. (2011). Retromania: Pop culture's addiction to its own past. Macmillan.

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