Task 1 - Written Responses
There are two tasks to complete for this unit of competence: Task 1 – Written responses This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project quality within projects. This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following: · Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. · However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. · If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory · Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application of your project quality knowledge. You will need to demonstrate your quality management skills applied to a project which is based on the project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning To such a degree you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit. Your project must comprise: · a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan · a formal communication plan · a devoted and project-based budget · formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders · a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology · a quality plan with assurance and control processes · a project team-based environment. Evidence of the following is important: · demonstration of quality management for several complex projects · knowledge of quality management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges |
To achieve competency, you are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to:
- work with others to decide a project's quality requirements
- document a quality-management plan
- implement quality control and assurance processes for a defined project using a range of tools and methodologies
- review outcomes and recommend process improvements.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
- explain quality management theory
- explain relevant standards that apply in the organisation
- describe quality assurance and control techniques, key tools and methodologies
- describe roles and responsibilities of quality management personnel
- explain methods for managing continuous improvement.
TASK 1 – Written Responses (Total 15 marks for TASK 1)
Q1: Importance of clarification and confirmation of quality requirements (5 marks)
Q2: Cost of non-conformance on quality requirements (5 marks)
Q3 Tools and techniques use to manage quality (5 marks)
- TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (Total 85 marks for TASK 2)
- Quality Requirements (30 marks)
- Quality requirements summary for quality management plan (20 marks)
- Quality Management processes for Quality Assurance and Quality control (5 marks)
- Understanding quality plan with stakeholders (5 marks)
- Quality Recording and processes (35 marks)
- Results of quality assurance and control evidence of identifying and resolving of quality issues (25 marks)
- Quality Variance (5 marks)
- Recording Quality Audit (5 marks)
- Quality Improvements (20 marks Total)
- Quality Management Changes (5 marks)
- Effectiveness of quality management processes (5 marks)
- Listing of quality management issues (10 marks)
- Quality Requirements (30 marks)
Task 1 – Written Responses |
(BSBPMG513- 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.1,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.3)
Answer the following questions in the appropriate spaces below:
All responses must:
This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project quality within projects.
This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following:
- Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit.
- However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.
- If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory
- Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace
15 Marks
Question 1: Explain why it is important to clarify and confirm quality requirements with stakeholders throughout a project (BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks |
Question 2: Explain how you can use the cost of non-conformance on quality to persuade stakeholders on quality requirements (BSBPMG513- 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks |
Question 3: Describe the tools and techniques you have used to manage quality and achieve project outcomes for projects within your workplace. (BSBPMG513 – 1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.3) 5 Marks |
Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence |
(BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3, 2.4,3.1,3.1,3.2,3.3)
You must use the same project for all units in this course and must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless your nominated project changes during the course or cannot adapt to the performance requirements of any of the units of competency. If either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your assessor to find out what you need to do to continue to satisfy the course performance requirements and achieve competency.
The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a consultant.
- Your nominated project must have:
- a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
- a formal communications plan
- a dedicated and project-based budget
- formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders
- a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
- a quality plan with assurance and control processes
- a project team-based environment.
You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you may use templates from this assessment or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.
A. Quality Requirements 30 Marks
(BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4)
- For this task, you are required to review your Scope of the project created for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope and document a Quality Management Plan using the template below for the Scope of the project. This should also include the project management plan as a deliverable.
To locate the definition of quality of your project consider the followings aspects:
- How many quality items were identified?
- Were the measurable items clearly defined?
- Were the measures able to be readily measured?
Quality Management Plan
To satisfy the performance criteria, you must document a quality management plan with objectives, roles, responsibilities, timelines and performance reporting. (BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4) 20 Marks Quality Requirements Summary
Deliverable |
Quality Requirements/ Standards |
Quality Assurance |
Quality Control |
<A deliverable as specified in the Scope Plan> |
<List all quality requirements this may include: stakeholder requirements, negotiated trade-offs with cost, schedule and performance, standards. This should include quality metrics to enable measurement> |
<High level description of the applicable quality assurance processes> |
<High level description of the applicable quality control processes> |
Quality Management processes
- For each of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes listed above provide detailed processes including the processes for rectification of quality issues including review, sign off and acceptance. (BSBPMG513 –1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4) 5 Marks
<Each process should include step by step the quality objective, task description, who performs the task, timeframes and when as well as any authorisations required or reporting>
- What would you do to ensure project team members and stakeholders understood the quality plan you documented above? (BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks
(BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)
- In this activity, you are to demonstrate a quality plan for your nominated project and provide results of quality assurance and control activities - evidence of identification and resolution of quality management issues and defects. 25 Marks
This could include quality assurance audits of project performance and completed checklists, specific status reporting on the completion and outcomes of quality assurance activities.
(BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)
You may use the template given below or any choice of your own:
- Overall statement on project quality 5 Marks
- Processes used in development of the plan 4 Marks
- Definition of quality in a table: 6 Marks
Quality Items |
Measures for each quality item |
Units to measure each item |
Existing project tools that will provide quality data |
Timing of measurement |
- Quality control processes to be used to monitor quality 6 Marks
Item |
Measure |
Project stage |
Ongoing (external and internal) |
At the end (external and internal) |
- For one of the variances in quality identified above, explain the action taken to correct the variance. (BSBPMG513 –2.2,2.3) 5 Marks
- Explain how the quality management system enables accurate and timely recording of quality audit data in your project. (BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.4) 5 Marks
(BSBPMG513 –3.1,3.2,3.3)
- Review your project performance in terms of quality management and state instigated agreed changes during the project to ensure continuous quality improvement. 5 Marks
- Would your quality management processes and procedures be considered effective? Why/why not? 5 Marks
There are two tasks to complete for this unit of competence: Task 1 – Written responses This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project quality within projects. This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following: · Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. · However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. · If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory · Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application of your project quality knowledge. You will need to demonstrate your quality management skills applied to a project which is based on the project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past. If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning To such a degree you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit.Your project must comprise: · a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan · a formal communication plan · a devoted and project-based budget · formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders · a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology · a quality plan with assurance and control processes · a project team-based environment. Evidence of the following is important: · demonstration of quality management for several complex projects · knowledge of quality management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges |
To achieve competency, you are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to:
Performance Evidence
- work with others to decide a project's quality requirements
- document a quality-management plan
- implement quality control and assurance processes for a defined project using a range of tools and methodologies
- review outcomes and recommend process improvements.
Note: If a specific volume or frequency is not stated, then evidence must be provided at least once.
Knowledge Evidence
- explain quality management theory
- explain relevant standards that apply in the organisation
- describe quality assurance and control techniques, key tools and methodologies
- describe roles and responsibilities of quality management personnel
- explain methods for managing continuous improvement.
TASK 1 – Written Responses (Total 15 marks for TASK 1)
Q1: Importance of clarification and confirmation of quality requirements (5 marks)
Q2: Cost of non-conformance on quality requirements (5 marks)
Q3 Tools and techniques use to manage quality (5 marks)
- TASK 2 – Portfolio of Evidence (Total 85 marks for TASK 2)
- Quality Requirements (30 marks)
- Quality requirements summary for quality management plan (20 marks)
- Quality Management processes for Quality Assurance and Quality control (5 marks)
- Understanding quality plan with stakeholders (5 marks)
- Quality Recording and processes (35 marks)
- Results of quality assurance and control evidence of identifying and resolving of quality issues (25 marks)
- Quality Variance (5 marks)
- Recording Quality Audit (5 marks)
- Quality Improvements (20 marks Total)
- Quality Management Changes (5 marks)
- Effectiveness of quality management processes (5 marks)
- Listing of quality management issues (10 marks)
- Quality Requirements (30 marks)
Task 1 – Written Responses |
(BSBPMG513- 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.1,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.3)
Answer the following questions in the appropriate spaces below:
All responses must:
This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of managing project quality within projects.
This task consists of questionnaires which reflect the knowledge of project management (PMBOK). The responses should include the following:
- Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of project quality management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit.
- However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.
- If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory
- Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace
15 Marks
Question 1: Explain why it is important to clarify and confirm quality requirements with stakeholders throughout a project (BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks |
It is standard QC practice to contrast discharges from each source classification and emanations beforehand gave from a similar source class or against authentic patterns and reference estimations as portrayed beneath. The goal of these correlations (frequently alluded to as 'rude awakenings') is to guarantee that the outflow esteems are most certainly not uncontrollably far-fetched or that they fall inside a range that is viewed as sensible. On the off chance that the assessments appear irrational, discharge checks can prompt a re-assessment of emanation variables and movement information before the stock process has progressed to its last stages. The initial step of an outflows correlation is a consistency and culmination check utilizing accessible chronicled stock information for different years. The emanation levels of most source classes don't unexpectedly change from year to year, as changes in both movement information and outflow factors are for the most part progressive. As a rule, the adjustment in outflows will be under 10% every year. Along these lines, critical changes in outflows from past a long time may demonstrate conceivable info or computation blunders. In the wake of computing contrasts, the bigger rate contrasts (toward any path) ought to be hailed, by visual investigation of the rundown, by visual review of the graphical introduction of contrasts (e.g. in a spreadsheet) or by utilizing a devoted programming program that puts banners and rankings in the rundown of contrasts. |
Question 2: Explain how you can use the cost of non-conformance on quality to persuade stakeholders on quality requirements (BSBPMG513- 1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks |
Quality affirmation is all the arranged and efficient exercises executed inside the quality framework to give certainty that the undertaking will fulfill the pertinent quality guidelines. It ought to be performed all through the venture. Preceding advancement of the ISO 9000 Series, the exercises depicted under quality arranging were generally included as a feature of value affirmation. Quality affirmation is regularly given by a Quality Assurance Department or comparatively titled authoritative unit, however it doesn't need to be. Affirmation might be given to the venture administration group and to the administration of the performing association (inner quality confirmation) or it might be given to the client and others not effectively engaged with crafted by the venture. |
Question 3: Describe the tools and techniques you have used to manage quality and achieve project outcomes for projects within your workplace. (BSBPMG513 – 1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.3) 5 Marks |
Different tools and techniques used for managing quality and outcome of the project are as follows: Risk management Budgeting process Work Breakdown process Gantt Charts Critical Path Analysis Project Evaluation and Review Techniques |
Task 2 – Portfolio of Evidence |
(BSBPMG513 – 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.1,2.2,2.3, 2.4,3.1,3.1,3.2,3.3)
You must use the same project for all units in this course and must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless your nominated project changes during the course or cannot adapt to the performance requirements of any of the units of competency. If either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your assessor to find out what you need to do to continue to satisfy the course performance requirements and achieve competency.
The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a consultant.Your nominated project must have:
- a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
- a formal communications plan
- a dedicated and project-based budget
- formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders
- a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
- a quality plan with assurance and control processes
- a project team-based environment.
You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you may use templates from this assessment or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.
- For this task, you are required to review your Scope of the project created for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope and document a Quality Management Plan using the template below for the Scope of the project. This should also include the project management plan as a deliverable.
To locate the definition of quality of your project consider the followings aspects:
- How many quality items were identified?
- Were the measurable items clearly defined?
- Were the measures able to be readily measured?
Quality Management Plan
To satisfy the performance criteria, you must document a quality management plan with objectives, roles, responsibilities, timelines and performance reporting. (BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4) 20 MarksQuality Requirements Summary
Deliverable |
Quality Requirements/ Standards |
Quality Assurance |
Quality Control |
<A deliverable as specified in the Scope Plan> |
<List all quality requirements this may include: stakeholder requirements, negotiated trade-offs with cost, schedule and performance, standards. This should include quality metrics to enable measurement> |
<High level description of the applicable quality assurance processes> |
<High level description of the applicable quality control processes> |
Project Office |
• Provide centralized guidance of the Quality Management Plan (QMP) • Support the general contractor in managing the project • Ensure quality management plan is developed at project inception, implemented and updated, as necessary, throughout the life of the project • Ensure verification, validation, monitoring and test activities are planned, performed, and documented, as appropriate • Ensure that project quality records are maintained and readily retrievable |
Identify project resource requirements, including regulatory requirements and any additional homeowner requirements • Provide periodic checks to ensure that only appropriately qualified personnel perform or verify work • Responsible for technical approval of deliverables |
Manage subcontractors work • Implement the Quality System at the project level • Request and provide adequate resources to fulfill project requirements |
General Contractor |
Ensure homeowner requirements are understood, defined, and documented • Ensure design plan are planned, performed, and documented • Ensure that all design changes are identified, documented, reviewed, and approved |
Ensure subcontractors works with latest versions of applicable documents, and that obsolete documents are retrieved and replaced or properly marked • Ensure homeowner-supplied material (product or equipment), is properly handled and maintained • Ensure that only appropriately qualified personnel perform or verify work |
Perform or verify work relating to the delivery of services to the homeowner in accordance with the management plan and QMP • Share in the responsibility for the quality of those services • Responsible for technical review of work products and deliverables • Participate in or support design reviews • Initiate action to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformities relating to product, service, process, and the quality system |
Designer |
Documents the process for design and development planning and execution • Establishes requirements with General Contractor to ensure design compatibility with house blueprints • Obtains all requirements and develops design which satisfies Homeowner’s wants |
Ensure general contractor has obtained all applicable permits • Ensure work is being done according to city and state code • Point out violations • Visit site during first phase of construction to make initial inspection • Inspect structural quality and safety of building • Inspect plumbing |
Homeowners |
Consult with financial advisor to evaluate cost and financing options • Hire reputable contractor who specializes in home/kitchen renovations |
Ensure contractor has enough workers compensation and liability insurance in the event of unforeseen accidents • Ensure insurance covers new renovation • Research subcontractors |
Documents the process for design and development planning and execution • Establishes requirements with General Contractor to ensure design compatibility with house blueprints • Obtains all requirements and develops design which satisfies Homeowner’s wants |
Quality Management processes
- For each of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes listed above provide detailed processes including the processes for rectification of quality issues including review, sign off and acceptance. (BSBPMG513 –1.2,1.3,2.2,2.3,2.4) 5 Marks<Each process should include step by step the quality objective, task description, who performs the task, timeframes and when as well as any authorisations required or reporting>
- What would you do to ensure project team members and stakeholders understood the quality plan you documented above? (BSBPMG513 –1.1,1.4,1.5) 5 Marks
The venture office is focused on executing a Quality Control Plan (QCP) to guarantee the tasteful finishing of the property holder prerequisites to manufacture a refreshed kitchen. The strategies put forward empower the task office to set up an estimation framework to meet the property holder's necessities and desires. The venture office will utilize different strategies for observing execution. These techniques incorporate booked and unscheduled Quality Control assessments and reviews to guarantee extend group execution is kept up. Quality Control Inspections and Responsibilities which outlines the territories to be assessed, execution models, techniques for reconnaissance, and individual in charge of leading the review. Records will be kept up by Project Office and The General Contractual worker.
Task 2 - Portfolio of Evidence
(BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)
- In this activity, you are to demonstrate a quality plan for your nominated project and provide results of quality assurance and control activities - evidence of identification and resolution of quality management issues and defects. 25 Marks
This could include quality assurance audits of project performance and completed checklists, specific status reporting on the completion and outcomes of quality assurance activities.
(BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)
You may use the template given below or any choice of your own:
- Overall statement on project quality 5 Marks
The motivation behind the task is to finished an effective remodel of 150ft2 home kitchen. The wrapped up kitchen must meet neighborhood and state code, work for a group of 5, and be useable for huge social affairs of individuals.
- Processes used in development of the plan 4 Marks
The project will cover all steps in the renovation of the kitchen, from design, planning, and demolition, to kitchen completion and inspection. The 150ft2 kitchen will be renovated in an industrial-traditional style.
- Definition of quality in a table: 6 Marks
Quality Items |
Measures for each quality item |
Units to measure each item |
Existing project tools that will provide quality data |
Timing of measurement |
- Quality control processes to be used to monitor quality 6 Marks
Item |
Measure |
Project stage |
Ongoing (external and internal) |
At the end (external and internal) |
- For one of the variances in quality identified above, explain the action taken to correct the variance. (BSBPMG513 –2.2,2.3) 5 Marks
A QA/QC design is an essential component of a QA/QC framework, and it is great practice to create one. The arrangement should, by and large, layout QA/QC exercises that will be executed, and incorporate a booked time allotment that takes after stock planning from its underlying improvement through to conclusive detailing in any year. It ought to contain a diagram of the procedures and calendar to survey all source classifications. The QA/QC design is an inside archive to sort out, plan, and actualize QA/QC exercises. Once created, it can be referenced and utilized as a part of resulting stock readiness, or changed as fitting (i.e. at the point when changes in forms happen or on counsel of free analysts). This arrangement ought to be accessible for outer survey. In creating and executing the QA/QC design, it might be helpful to allude to the models and rules distributed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), including the ISO 9000 arrangement. In spite of the fact that ISO 9000 gauges are not particularly intended for emanations inventories, they have been connected by a few nations to help arrange QA/QC exercises.
- Explain how the quality management system enables accurate and timely recording of quality audit data in your project. (BSBPMG513 –2.1,2.2,2.4) 5 Marks
Quality planning includes recognizing which quality principles are applicable to the venture and deciding how to fulfill them. It is one of the key encouraging procedures amid venture arranging (see Section 3.3.2, Planning Processes) and ought to be performed frequently and in parallel with the other undertaking arranging forms. For case, the coveted administration quality may require cost or calendar modifications, or on the other hand the coveted item quality may require a point by point chance examination of a recognized issue. Preceding improvement of the ISO 9000 Series, the exercises portrayed here as quality arranging were generally talked about as a major aspect of value confirmation. The quality arranging systems talked about here are those utilized generally much of the time on ventures. There are numerous others that might be valuable on specific tasks or in some application regions. The undertaking group ought to likewise know about one of the basic precepts of present day quality administration quality is arranged in, not examined in.
(BSBPMG513 –3.1,3.2,3.3)
- Review your project performance in terms of quality management and state instigated agreed changes during the project to ensure continuous quality improvement. 5 Marks
Quality control includes observing particular task results to decide whether they go along with applicable quality models and distinguishing approaches to take out reasons for inadmissible comes about. It ought to be performed all through the undertaking. Task comes about incorporate both item results, for example, expectations and administration results, for example, cost what's more, plan execution. Quality control is frequently performed by a Quality Control. Office or comparatively titled hierarchical unit, yet it doesn't need to be. The venture administration group ought to have a working learning of measurable quality control, particularly inspecting and likelihood, to enable them to assess quality
control yields. Among different subjects, they should know the contrasts between:
- Prevention (keeping mistakes out of the procedure) and examination (keeping blunders out of the hands of the client).
- Attribute testing (the outcome accommodates or it doesn't) and factors inspecting (the outcome is evaluated on a nonstop scale that measures the level of similarity).
- Special causes (surprising occasions) and irregular causes (typical process variety).
- Tolerances (the outcome is adequate on the off chance that it falls inside the range determined by the as far as possible).
- Would your quality management processes and procedures be considered effective? Why/why not? 5 Marks
Identify the need for a change
Clarify the vision and mission with the management and employees
Survey key customer groups
Identify Critical Success Factors (CSF)
Map out major processes and sub-processes
Train and re-train employees
Develop an improvement plan
Measure and Report
TQM is an entire change process that is appropriate to any business association today. Not at all like when the innovation was extremely unrefined, access to some complex apparatuses is less demanding today to gather the information. Some client relationship information can be mined utilizing a large group of present day devices, for example, HubSpot CRM, Goldmine CRM, Salesforce, Infusionsoft, and so forth.
This is the zone that enables TQM to be connected crosswise over sheets in all features of the association (showcasing, back, client benefit, building, plan, and creation, and so forth.). For example, consumer loyalty information (like tributes, criticisms, and contextual analyses) can be valuable for somebody who needs to know how the current condition can enhance their experience before resolving to make a buy
- List all quality management issues you may have experienced on your nominated the project (in the table below) including a recommendation for future projects. 10 Marks
Date |
Description of problem/opportunity |
Recommended Action for next time/project |
Lesson Learnt Raised By |
The Culture of Managing by Departments |
Give incorporated direction of the Quality Management Plan (QMP) • Support the general temporary worker in dealing with the undertaking • Ensure quality administration design is produced at venture initiation, actualized and refreshed, as important, for the duration of the life of the venture |
The undertaking office ersistently enhanced the viability of the QMP through the survey of the Quality Policy and Goals. Consistent change openings can come about because of exercises learned also, best practices. The venture office screens all exercises by means of the General Contractor through Quality Audits to assess the viability of the outcomes. |
Resistance to Technological Innovation |
• Manage subcontractors work • Implement the Quality System at the task level • Request and give satisfactory assets to satisfy venture necessities • Ensure mortgage holder prerequisites are comprehended, characterized, and reported • Ensure configuration design are arranged, performed, and reported • Ensure that all outline changes are recognized, recorded, surveyed, what's more, affirmed |
The venture group is comprised of an undertaking supervisor, general temporary worker, credit association delegate, property holder, city assessor, and numerous subcontractor. The undertaking director is the controlling figure for the undertaking, the general temporary worker is in charge of the work being subcontracted to proficient subcontractors, the credit association delegate is accountable for securing the subsidizing, the mortgage holders are enter partners in the venture and steer the outline choices, and the city examiner will investigate the undertaking to guarantee consistence to nearby codes. |
Upper Management's Unwillingness to Provide Additional Resources and Time |
Guarantee property holders can manage the cost of redesigns by finishing credit checks and spending report • Provide subsidizing for redesigns • Provide financing alternatives to borrowers • Request a duplicate of home examination report |
The partners engaged with the kitchen redesign venture are the property holders, the general contractual worker (venture chief), the planner, subcontractors, city assessor, and the credit officer from the nearby credit association. The general temporary worker is the venture supervisor and his group will be alluded to as the undertaking office |
Increasing Complexity of the Supply Chain |
Records the procedure for outline and advancement arranging and execution • Establishes necessities with General Contractor to guarantee plan similarity with house outlines • Obtains all necessities and creates plan which fulfills Mortgage holder's needs |
An exhaustive hazard administration appraisal will keep the task on track and inside security limits guaranteeing the kitchen is finished accurately. This will restrict the same number of future issues as feasible for the clients and additionally protect laborers and contractual workers all through the redesign. |
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My Assignment Help. (2020). Managing Project Quality - Tasks And Portfolio Of Evidence In Essay. (70 Characters). Retrieved from https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb51415-diploma-of-project-management/project-quality-knowledge.html.
"Managing Project Quality - Tasks And Portfolio Of Evidence In Essay. (70 Characters)." My Assignment Help, 2020, https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb51415-diploma-of-project-management/project-quality-knowledge.html.
My Assignment Help (2020) Managing Project Quality - Tasks And Portfolio Of Evidence In Essay. (70 Characters) [Online]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb51415-diploma-of-project-management/project-quality-knowledge.html
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My Assignment Help. 'Managing Project Quality - Tasks And Portfolio Of Evidence In Essay. (70 Characters)' (My Assignment Help, 2020) <https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb51415-diploma-of-project-management/project-quality-knowledge.html> accessed 09 March 2025.
My Assignment Help. Managing Project Quality - Tasks And Portfolio Of Evidence In Essay. (70 Characters) [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2020 [cited 09 March 2025]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsb51415-diploma-of-project-management/project-quality-knowledge.html.