Discussion of your intention to either develop a new operational plan for BBQfun, or to amend the existing operational plan; support your discussion with reference to different methods and models for developing operational plans – such as methods for setting goals, outlining actions, identifying risk and monitoring performance.
Develop performance indicators for operational and financial targets and amend or develop existing operational plans to include KPIs and financial targets related to e-commerce strategy. Develop a balanced scorecard for an e-commerce customer service representative including three KPIs and associated targets.
Numeracy skills to work with an existing budget to allocate and manage financial resources
Knowledge of models and methods for operational plans
Knowledge of the relationship between an operational plan and organisational objectives
Knowledge of budgeting processes
Knowledge of legislation and regulations relevant to the operational plan of the organisation
Knowledge of intellectual property rights and responsibilities relevant to the operational plan
Knowledge of using KPIs to develop business objectives.
Developing Performance Indicators and Financial Targets
There are several legislative and regulative contexts under the Operational plan of the BBQfun. In this regard, one of such is the offering of the products in a store, which deals with the online market. However, it would not incur any additional cost to the stores, as the customers are liable to cover the extra charges. It also involves recruiting of the new staff along with the retraining of the existing members of BBQfun. Correspondingly, it includes adaptation of new strategies in office, stores, and its infrastructure. It includes addition of new delivery vehicles and allocation of different resources with internal as well as external legislation standards involving several practice codes such as intellectual property rights, procedures, organisational policies and huge responsibilities. Furthermore, it comprise of determining human resources and physical requirements by reviewing of documents related to organisation with a descriptive research on e-commerce. In addition, it involves planning of human resources as well as physical plan including establishment of the target of the BBQfun and its subsequent measurement. It also includes assigning of several responsibilities to the leader of warehouses with their respective roles.
Among the different policies and procedures related to the operational plan of BBQfun, the most initial is the determination of varied physical as well as human resources. After this step, proper planning of the physical and human resources is executed to establish several measures based on the performance including the targets of the team leaders of the warehouses for approaching the plan. Correspondingly, it involves assigning team leaders with descriptive roles that come under the planning of various operations. The next policy is the proposal of the various available resources including the operational changes for presenting the plan to the general manager in operations.
For implementing the e-commerce strategy, various roles of the operational plan needs to be sourced. These plans involve managing of the increasing online customers, sourcing out of the four existing staff members to the two stores as they are overstaffed, training to the staff with skilled online service platform to the customers, and developing the management itself by retraining the old staff than hiring newer ones. In addition, the role of operational plan also include enabling of the products distribution by allotting six trucks for the product delivery, developing website of the e-commerce in less than 50 days, providing three of the forklifts, recruiting of four workers for the warehouses and six vehicle drivers. Eventually, it includes reconfiguring of the office space.
Knowledge and Skills Required for Operational Plan
A new development in the operational plans of the BBQfun is made based on the following model.
According to the above Strategy Pyramid Model for the new operational plan of BBQfun, several strategies are needed to be integrated for the successful implementation, which include vision, mission, goals, strategies, tactics and action plans for the BBQfun.
Based on the Strategy Pyramid Model, several strategies for the new development in the operational plan includes setting up of objectives as well as planning, proper organizing of the group, motivating and communicating, along with measurements of the performance within the organisation. In this regard, setting up of objectives and planning means determining of the objectives of BBQfun aligned with its vision as well as mission, knowing its goals, identifying the measures to reach the objectives and identifying the tactics of the BBQfun to be used. Organizing of the group includes analyzing the decisions, activities and decisions, classifying the work of the workers, distributing of jobs into several managerial activities, grouping of several units to form a structure of the BBQfun and selecting the people to do their assigned jobs. Moreover, it also involve making of a team to motivate and encourage the employees, reflect responsibility for the relationship, making decisions on human resources, broadcasting the organizational goal to the people and being in constant touch with the workers. Last but not the least, it should involve measuring performance including establishment of the major factors for the organizational success. Elaborately, it involves various factors that are important to the performance of the employees, measuring the targets of the organization and attempting to achieve the target performance of the organization as well as all the employees.
For the successful implementation of an e-commerce strategy of BBQfun, it requires several resources that include six trucks for delivering the products, creating the e-commerce website within 50 days, and requirement of the forklifts. It also needs four workers for the warehouse and training to the old staff members of the organization along with the new employees for delivering online customer services. The organization would require eight online sales as well as eight customer service workers for improving the products sales in online and adding up of six drivers for delivering the products by vehicles.
The physical resourcing activities needed to be included are at least eight people to work for online sales and customer service to manage customers, resourcing four of the existing employees to the two stores and providing training to the employees. It also involves addition of six trucks for delivering the product of BBQfun, bringing the three forklifts, recruiting four new workers for the warehouse along with recruiting of six new drivers.
Legislative and Regulatory Contexts Under the Operational Plan of BBQfun
Steps for the plan of acquiring resources include determining the several physical as well as human resource requirements by recruiting the workers in the needed areas. Correspondingly, it involves reviewing of several documentations of BBQfun followed up by the undertaking of a preliminary research on the documents by consulting with the marketing as well as Sales manager. The fourth step involves establishing of the various targets and measurement on performances taking consideration of the warehouse team leaders to be used as a resource by knowing the inefficient areas in the department of the company and allocating recruitment as per the requirements. The fifth step includes training to the employees regarding several skills based under the company objectives and giving them a clear idea about their respective roles. The last and the final step involve approval of the plan by proposing the changes in operational as well as resources to the operations general manager of BBQfun.
Development of new action plan of BBQfun involving human resource have four steps, wherein the first step of this action plan is the statement about its various mission or goals or may be its ultimate objectives. The second step involves providing the inputs by the HR manager of BBQfun that focuses on the key areas of the HR, its several constraints including the capabilities and providing of the environment for the BBQfun’s strategists. The third step involves communicating of the needs as well as various constraints of the strategists with the HR manager. Eventually, it involves integration of several further operational plans as well as the HR of BBQfun.
Strategy for action plan including the e-commerce strategy of BBQfun can be done by enabling a well co-operating environment and standardizing to a better level so that it helps building power for the purchase of goods by the customer. It also involves arranging meetings in groups to focus on the lead buyers to ensure a mutual approach to a development of BBQfun, which is an addition to this action plan. Moreover, it includes developing a group for the procurement process that seeks in widening or creating varying channels of communication within BBQfun for establishing an awareness of BBQfun’s policy as well as the presentation of procurement that includes identifying of the benefits related to the organization. It also includes practicing a best approach for obtaining the BBQfun’s ethical value using the available resources that maybe internal or external, which is beneficial to the action plan. Furthermore, following up of action plan as well as developing a team for procurement of BBQfun’s resources with certain detail procedures following up of the well-developed contract plans and strategies related with the action plans of the BBQfun. This in turn converting them into the national contract plan including the various resources available of the BBQfun is the final step involved in this action plan.
New Development in the Operational Plans of BBQfun
Ensuring communications as well as consultations with the stakeholders of BBQfun under the most cost effective and appropriate way are the prime need of the company. It involves making best use of the advanced technologies and various opportunities involved in BBQfun. Moreover, it includes building up of positive reputation and a proper promotion of the BBQfun’s vision which ultimately helps in achieving its objective. It also includes ensuring communication as well as consultations of BBQ, making the processes clear, understandable and accessible, and making the consultation very clear about the roles that are involved in terms of decision-making, which is followed up by providing a feedback in a clearer way showing the changes by the activities of engagement and consultation.
Developing of an action plan involving the milestones and timelines includes maintaining a natural flow of milestones must be parallel to each other in a logical way, where the representation of interdependencies should be in adequate manner. Representing the BBQfun’s key points or maybe its decision points and being able to control the objectives which may be specific, measurable, specific and realistic followed by time bound. It should be able to maintain readability in limited numbers including the spreading up of the entire time period of the BBQfun’s project. To achieve this, there are several aspects needs to be considered in terms of action plan means that involves knowing of what needs to be achieved by the BBQfun, and when does it required to be achieve including who will be doing it and knowing of how will it be done by BBQfun.
KRA (Key Result Area) |
Target |
KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator) |
Result |
Financial Perspective |
To increase the sales along with cost reduction |
Operating cost return of the BBQfun’s assets. The added value of economic income, equity returns, margin of profit, variance of cost, growth of sales, operational cash flow and reducing expenses of its administration |
Statements that are made on financial terms of a BBQfun |
Customer Perspective |
To be referred for the variant range of products |
Achieving satisfaction of customers, rate retention of customer, acquisition of several new customers, market shares, delivering on time as well as filling the orders in time |
Large number of new different products being launched quarterly in a year. |
Internal Business Processes Perspective |
To be able to constantly develop the variant new products |
Rate of defect, leading time, suppliers in total, turnover of the materials, and capacity of the practical’s in percentage, number of jobs that are completed on a given time in percentage, new contact numbers obtained from advertising, efficiency of fuel and number of total re-servicing |
Reports based on innovations of a project |
Learning and Growth Perspective |
To have or recruit a most knowledgeable and intelligent staff in the development of different products |
Total amount of sums that are spent on training the employees. It involves satisfaction of the employees, turnover of the employees, number of hours spent on training, total number of various products which are new, total sales of new product in terms of percentage and total number of several patents |
Number of professionals dealing with the development of products having masters degrees. |
KPI’s is known as Key Performance Indicators and are mainly used by the teams for projects, higher managements and co-coordinators of the teams, whose roles are shaping or directing the project to its success. They play a great role within the organization.
They are directly linked with a BBQfun’s strategic goals as well as helping their managers to realize if they are on the correct path in reaching a BBQfun’s project. The KPIs for operational and financial targets are investment performance, net business, management as well as administration assets, net operating revenue margins, total cost ratio, total ratio in compensation, basic earnings per share and dividends per shares are the indicators, which help in identifying of the operational and financial targets.
The operational plans includes KPIs and financial targets are tracking of the new revenue, revenue in total, capturing of new customer, dealing with the average size as well as dealing with them by the sales team that helps in better progression of BBQfun’s revenue targets. It also involves measuring of the average time in holding the customers by the team which includes the number of calls and ultimately helping in overall satisfaction of the customers. Moreover, supervising the contribution of the sales that are generated in marketing by the group of marketers can help in measure its effectiveness. Other areas in business of a BBQfun can help in looking at the efficiency and quality of the process including its various metrics. Moreover, it also includes focusing of the engagement of employees, their turnover, their time in replacing others position including the other several metrics that can be done by the human resources.
Action Plan for Acquiring Resources
Contingency Plan
Contingency Plan Company Name: Name of person developing the plan Who was consulted as a part of this plan? Name Position |
Risk Identified: Risk due to the underperformance of employee, intellectual property management and risk due to the breach on compliance of health and safety responsibilities |
Strategies/activities to minimize the risk |
By when |
By whom |
Identification of the Risk Occurred |
This strategy of the Risk assessment can only be done after the day of being scheduled followed by advertising |
The project manager and the project team are involved |
Quantification of the Risks that are involved |
It can only be done when the identification of risk is completed |
The project team and manger are the only people involved in the risk assessment |
Development on the responsiveness of the risks |
This can be implemented at the time of the occurrence of the risk in order to reduce the negative effects and consequences |
The project manager and the project team are involved in all the process |
Physical resourcing activities involved are legislations of anti-discrimination, specification of the person at the time of recruitment, making the disable people suitable for working in BBQ, bringing in new drivers in the BBQfun, development of website of BBQfun and managing of the warehouses which need sextra workers.
Strategies and steps required for acquiring resources are as follows; Show casing of the results that are obtained from planning, enabling the support for the leadership process, Developing of a strategic group for planning, analyzing the present situation in BBQfun. This is followed up by designing and broadcasting the BBQfun’s vision for the planning unit, revising of the mission statement, knowing the major issues and developing a plan based on this major issue of the BBQfun.
The Risk management strategy used for the protection of IP of BBQfun involves recruiting of the online staff members that are fully trained along with the securing of the IP related information to the employees. Moreover, it involves understanding the employees and not threatening them at their jobs, creating a better relationship with the website developer or may be extending the contract, enhancement of the better designing of the customer service, and stabilizing the products that are overstocked online by large number of sales.
The human resource activities in the action plan in assessment task 1 involves recruiting of eight workers for the sales of online as well as service of the customers, sourcing of the available employees in two different stores, providing training to the employees for developing skills to ensure effective customer service and recruiting four workers for the warehouse of BBQfun. In addition, it also includes recruitment of six drivers for delivering the BBQfun’s product.
As per the requirements for executing the plan effectively, the first step involves developing the understanding among the employees about the organisations mission, vision and target. Correspondingly, the next step involves several inputs provided by the HR manager of BBQfun focusing on the major important areas under the human resource strategists. The third step involves communicating of the various needs and requirements including BBQfun strategist constraints with the HR manager of the company. Subsequently, it involves integration of operational plans of the BBQfun and its Human resource. Several strategies that include in recruitment under the plan are recruiting of the high skilled employees, making more use of the old employees by providing them with skills training, recruiting employees on the less efficient areas within the company, giving them more specific information about their responsibilities assigned and allocating works as well according to the organisational requirements.
Strategy for Action Plan including the E-commerce Strategy of BBQfun
Requirements of IP should include focusing on using the IP in a practical way as a form of whole strategy of a BBQfun business, maximizing the use of staff that are competitive, working with partners of the business in a network, tailoring of the services of IP based on the client as well as market and financing including determination of the BBQfun’s budget. This is followed up by marketing the services of IP and benchmarking as well as evaluating the services.
Milestone or Objectives |
Date |
Person Responsible |
Budget or Resources |
Assigning different roles, developing work plans, finalizing the context and performance indicators, and developing an evaluation involving performance of the budget and finance |
August 31, 2018 |
PMP team is responsible |
Promotional costs and expenses |
Indentifying the PMP team and assembling them in order, monitoring as well as evaluating performance and prove report writing including analytical skills and performance on productivity |
September 01, 2018 |
PMP team and the Development Objective team are responsible |
Training of employees |
Engaging stakeholders by selecting the indicators of performance, identifying the limitations on data and developing questions on evaluations of employee performance with the policy of performance in management |
October 02, 2018 |
All the internal stakeholders |
Leadership training for managers as well as team leaders. |
Developing a work plan including indicators of goal level, context indicators and evaluation on high level questions based on the achievements under the milestone and performance targets |
November 03, 2018. |
Development Objective teams or Technical Office teams |
Stating of BBQfun’s vision to employees |
Dates along with the scenario for monitoring activity |
December 04, 2018. |
PMP teams are involved |
$865, 832. |
As per the give scenario mentioned in the Assignment1, the financial performance of BBQfun would be satisfying after a year. It is expected to earn a total profit of $899,000. The total expenses of the company in the first year will be relatively high, with a significant amount of start-up cost that amounts to above $1,000,000. In addition, it would incur a major variable cost, which is mainly relating to recruiting employees on the required areas in BBQfun.
Considering the operational plan above, productivity performance of BBQfun seems to be on a negative side in the present day context. The company seeks on conducting plans with several team leaders and members. Moreover, all the plans and programs mainly relates to the recruitment of employees, which also reflect that the company has major issue employee productivity. However, at the end of a year, it is expected to perform well by following the suggested operational plan. It is expected that the employee productivity will be reflected in the financial performance of the company, wherein it is expected to earn a profit of $899,000.
BBQfun is expected to achieve its milestones in successful way by following the operational plan in a comprehensive way. In this regard, it can be analyzed that the person involved and resources engaged are the key factors that would ensure towards the attainment of the milestones. The key individuals responsible for achieving the milestone include the PMP team, development objective team, and technical office team. The company would be able to successfully conduct various work plans that includes finalizing context and following of performance indicators along with evaluation of performance regarding the budget as well as finance of the company.
The key areas of the under performance of the employees in BBQfun includes the area under the online sales along with customer service department, lacking in the skills department under the customer service with deficient in the warehouse staff of BBQfun due to underperformance. Underperformance areas also include office space that needs to be reconfigured.
As a coach I would consider the following coaching session of underperforming employees of BBQfun as,
Steps in Coaching |
Date |
Goal or Objective |
Establishing the Goals |
August 31, 2018. |
Making the employees understand what they need to do for attaining the BBQfun’s success |
Explore Reality of BBQfun |
September 01, 2018. |
Understanding the places where the employees lack in and approach with their lacking requirements |
Generate Various options |
October 02, 2018. |
Creating several measures for observing the process of training that will make a clear understanding to employees of BBQfun |
Agreeing action and wrapping up |
November 03, 2018. |
Deciding on what process is the best for coaching the employees after understanding the underperforming areas |
BBQfun Operation Plan Status Report Date: |
Plan Goal |
Implement E-Commerce Strategy |
Department |
Operations |
Plan Objective/s |
· Knowing the area which needs development. · Identifying the underperformed departments. · Recruiting new employee and training them with the BBQfun’s vision and mission · Fulfilling the organization requirements · Maintaining a better relation with the employees · Seeking on achieving the BBQfun’s target of profit · Stabilizing the efficiency of the employees in places that needs more attention · Engaging with several customers through marketing and developing services · Increase in the number of sales revenue · Motivation to people for performing through several trainings and performance management · Reducing the number of operations direct as well as indirect cost · Building of the product quality as well as quality of customer service · Engaging with several customers through marketing and developing services |
Person Responsible |
Office of BBQfun who is in charge of this project |
Employee: |
Coach/Manager: |
Date of Session: |
Questions |
Goal |
Establishing a sustainable productivity in BBQfun in bringing a development Reducing underperforming areas of employees in BBQfun Training them with the purpose of showing them the vision and mission of BBQfun |
Reality |
Recruiting employees as some departments of BBQfun lacks in employment Recruiting six drivers for making deliveries of the product Providing online customer service training top employees |
Options |
Recruiting or may be re-engaging of the employees Training the employees again with the new customer service process Allocating the existing workers into other departments |
Will |
BBQfun seeks on more of re-engaging and re-training of the existing old employees, as it is consumes less amount of cost than the recruitment of news employees |
The recommendation to the company includes conducting the quarterly surveys on customer satisfaction in a year. It should also fulfill the need for resource as well as distribution requirements according to the policy. Moreover, the third recommendation is that it should include the procedures along with engaging several workers of BBQfun with the strategy of the company objectives to support the developments of the involved professionals.
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My Assignment Help. 'Developing Operational Plan For BBQfun Incorporating KPIs And Financial Targets For E-commerce Strategy' (My Assignment Help, 2020) <https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsbmgt517-manage-operational-plan2> accessed 12 March 2025.
My Assignment Help. Developing Operational Plan For BBQfun Incorporating KPIs And Financial Targets For E-commerce Strategy [Internet]. My Assignment Help. 2020 [cited 12 March 2025]. Available from: https://myassignmenthelp.com/free-samples/bsbmgt517-manage-operational-plan2.