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Part A

Explain : -

Part A

• BA Business management

• Work in corporate investment banker; management consultant; chartered management accountant.

• Interest in business; managing business and managing people and organisation.

Part B

• BA Business management at Newcastle university

• LJMU and Newcastle university

Part C

• Principle of marketing.

• Advertisement

• What the strategy Apple and Samsung follow to promote their products?

BA Business management - This program would provide me with a very strong grounding all across main fields of the business as well as will help me explore the key themes plus all emerging challenges that a business might face in an international context. Such a course is designed in a way that would prepare graduates like me for a very responsible and also professional role within both public as well as private sectors. Broader scope plus practical focus and emphasis of the degree is to make me capable of entering a very wide variety of careers within any business (Henley School, 2015). I will also go on for study of postgraduate degrees as well as professional qualifications after this course.

Where to find job- The Business management opportunities for career varies in the level of accountability, responsibility, and also salary expectations, plus even in preparation needed.

I can find a post of labor relations expert, office managerotherwise administrative expert job.

Positions like business analyst, and account executive, management consultant as well as HR manager typically need this degree, named as BA within Business Administration and Management.

I can also qualify for the executive-level post, like Main executive officer, and senior consultant in management. Also I can apply for posts like director of the operations otherwise brand manager, only if, I further attain advanced degree, like an MBA within Management otherwise an MBA with Marketing specialization (Brown and Guilding, 1993).

Interest in business- Additional possible careers includes the management analyst, hospitality manager, manager at retail store, human resources manager and also small business supervisor. This course can be applied within fields like organizational behavior, strategic planning and human resources. I can also work in varied industries, counting manufacturing, medical as well as health, charities, computer, hotels, government, information system, chemical and computer, utilities plus construction, fashion, grocery and also advertising plus promotions.

For me after this course opportunities will be seen in public, private as well as nonprofit segments. As this is an area with varied plus open-ended scopes, I will just need to consider my strengths while choosing a specialization within the course. As I enjoy handling people and dealing with them solely, human resources will be a very good fit (Liverpool John Moores University, 2015).

Part B

Newcastle University Business School


It has one of best records for the graduate employment within UK.

93.7% of its 2013 graduates progressed towards employment.

More than some three quarters which was 77% of the graduates that entered employment attained the position of graduate-level.

This Business School in fact has a very great reputation which it has attained for helping the graduates secure proper professional employment.

All its past students that have successfully attained this degree from the university have actually gone to start own business, otherwise have secured good careers within fields like marketing, retail, sales, finance, and also human resources as well as general management. 

This university has a very dedicated and responsible Placement Officer that helps students to find their work placement within their own field of interest.

LJMU does not carry any such officer and students need to decide about their career on their own.

Sources: (, 2015), (Mavin, 1999)

Managing people and organization - Completing professionally-attributed BA in Business Management within the Liverpool John Moores University would give me knowledge, skills as well as experience to board on a varied range of the management careers as the university is versatile and also is engaged in providing varied business career (Northumbria University, 2015). Similarly Newcastle University also provides extensive variety of opportunities for all its students and also enables them to develop their personal, employability as well as enterprise skills in addition to giving them an original edge in employment market just after they graduate (Newcastle University, 2015). 

The Newcastle University provides a widespread variety of opportunities for all the students via an initiative named as ncl+ that also helps them to develop their personal, employability as well as enterprise skills. This LJMU prepares students for success in wide range of the business careers right from working with some multinational till running own business

Managing projects- Newcastle University supplies students with all the software and details that helps them in making and managing their projects and tasks. LJMU University provides software and skill development program. It has vast range of the core as well as option modules that covers subjects like Social Enterprise, Business plus Entrepreneur and also marketing

Principles of marketing- Marketing principle in both apple as well as Samsung involves a varied range of the processes linked with finding out things that consumers want, plus providing the sane to them. This also involves 4 major elements that are referred as 4Ps of marketing.

Advertisement- It fact of both the firms draws attention towards their goods and services. It is designed by a proper designed sponsor within Samsung as well as in Apple. Ads appear on TV, radio, newspapers, hoardings and also on social sites, both firms are active everywhere.

Apple- The promotional strategy of Apple is based on very extensive research as well as planning in order to expand its entire operations throughout the globe where this strategy can aim to promote some key elements for strengthening the firm’s brand image. Main brand elements in this strategy are superior quality, design, friendly usability and also trust plus reliability of product. The firm promotes its goods like a premium product with higher status symbol that not just provides ease to individual's life rather also supplies a very reliable and also cost effective answers to every problems of a buyer (Thackeray, Neiger and Hanson, 2007). There are some major components for the strategy that helps the firm to understand the people and then helps buyers to understand the product and also the way in which it is getting promoted in international market. General promotion strategy of this firm focuses upon the word of mouth or even buzzes advertising and at times also includes point of the purchase strategy in which consumers are encouraged to anyhow discover as well as try out product themselves.

Part C

Samsung- Samsung generally uses the promotional pricing strategy for maintaining its proper competitive edge above some other leaders in the industry. Purposely designed for attracting customers, the price reductions, like ones available within the John Lewis stores, along with free home delivery as well as 5 year of guarantee plus an added care intended for all the Samsung TV, such promotions are generally available and is used at festive times for attracting customers at the time while their entire disposable income can be used for making more liberal purchases, including TVs and mobiles as well (Singh, n.d.).





Servers, computers, laptops, Laptop accessories like mouse, keyboard, Bluetooth etc

iPod, iPhone, iTunes, Printers, Cameras, Mobiles, Storage devices

Variety of the TV sets


Gadgets related to mobile like Bluetooth, headphones and many more


Apple is the premium brand that never attempts to compete when its about price

Samsung has used strategy of competitive pricing for their products, devoting proper time towards comparing prices with those of their competitors such as LG otherwise Sony


Apple's functioning segments actually are comprised of:




South America


Samsung in fact places its products in best retail vendor locations within each of nations where it operate


Offers extraordinary discounts at times

Offers free shipping

Pricing tactics 

Specifically designed goods are used to attract customers

Festive offers are also given

Hidden message

Shifting the loyalties

Mediation of the reality

Magic of the meaning

Imitative desire

This theory argues that the advertising is actually dangerous as it utilizes psychology towards creating emotionally-loaded but hidden texts and as these messages are hidden, viewer’s critical confrontation is also evaded as well as minimized.

As per this theory advertisements play upon as well as reflect conflicted and also ever-altering loyalties. And on contrary ads attempt to cultivate very strong feeling of the brand loyalty, and also ads urge users to change the loyalties, and to try anything new, for denying old loyalty in support of the new good.

This theory says that Ads just work in combination with some other media as well as environments where they are also embedded plus cannot be properly understood separately from the media and the environments. 

As per this theory Ads don’t merely sell products rather infuse such products along with proper meaning for people that use these goods?  And in this way, they influence people’s values as well as underlying beliefs

This theory says that Ads play on public’s tendency to the desire that others wish. It demonstrates that people often wish to become some other if other is in reality powerful and famous or even beautiful. Moreover it is actually impossible to anyhow become some other person. And such impossibility is maintained in people’s desire alive.

Sources: (MacRury, 2009), (Jefkins and Yadin, 2000)

Advertising is merely one element, or subset, for the marketing. Like, Public relations, and media planning, sales strategy, product pricing plus distribution, customer support, as well as market research plus community involvement also are the parts of complete marketing. Though, advertising is largest expenditure of most of the marketing plans, along with the public relations as well as market research including trinity of the cash outlay, advertising plus marketing might be same in few aspects, like both tend to attract and bring in as many customers as possible and objectives of both are to enhance sales and capture market (Rodgers and Thorson, 2012). Yet there are few differences like advertising is the paid communication otherwise promotion regarding a specific product otherwise service most particularly promoting the brand awareness but marketing is not always paid one. Yet main aim and objective of both facets is to create additional sales and enhance customer base.



There are certain products that have only a seasonal demand but ads can increase their demands in off seasons as well.

Advertisements involve vast expenditure and thus increased cost of the distribution.

Advertisements also help producers to properly reach the consumers fast

Advertising is generally deceptive as well as misguides the consumers as several exaggerated as well as false claims also are made within advertisements. 

Source: (MacRury, 2009)

There are many types of ads, yet in common all of them aim to keep people away from thinking, instead, they make people buy choices on the basis of emotional response. Also advertising in a part of marketing that exists to inform people about the goods and services, but at times people get encouraged to buy goods that they do not even need (Jefkins and Yadin, 2000).  Additional to encouraging the consumers to select products which are also worth for them, the advertising, as a minimum in the democratic countries, permits people to learn regarding wide range of the lifestyle plus political choices attainable to them as well as choose ones which they see as best.


Producers find this easy to communicate the release of novel products to consumers in efficient as well as cost-effective method. Manufacturers later create trivial plus artificial differences within products to build brand loyalty via advertising. Yet ads are a major link amid producers and buyers.


Brown, R. and Guilding, C. (1993). A survey of teaching methods employed in university business school accounting courses. Accounting Education, 2(3), pp.211-218.

Henley School, (2015). BA Business and Management - Henley Business School Undergraduate Degree. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015].

Jefkins, F. and Yadin, D. (2000). Advertising. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Liverpool John Moores University, (2015). Homepage |         Liverpool John Moores University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015]., (2015). University preparation courses in Liverpool UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015].

MacRury, I. (2009). Advertising. London: Routledge.

Mavin, S. (1999). Newcastle Business School and Newcastle City Council: a developmental partnership. Industrial and Commercial Training, 31(6), pp.229-235.

Newcastle University, (2015). Newcastle University Business School -  - Newcastle University. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015].

Northumbria University, (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2015].

Rodgers, S. and Thorson, E. (2012). Advertising theory. New York: Routledge.

Singh, D. (n.d.). The High-Quality Low-Price Business Strategy of Samsung Mobile in Penetrating Competitive Market of India. SSRN Journal.

Thackeray, R., Neiger, B. and Hanson, C. (2007). Developing a Promotional Strategy: Important Questions for Social Marketing. Health Promotion Practice, 8(4), pp.332-336.

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