Using your expertise gained from the HRM part of the MPIO module advise Paul A Young how he can acquire great talent to work as apprentice chocolatiers and chocolatiers in the new stores (in other words the importance of getting the best talent/ attract /recruit /select talent).
Please be specific and focus on the assignment question and remmber you are advising paul young and you have to cover the 4 topics in the assignment question as a essay:
1-attract talent
2-employer branding
3-recruit talent
4-select talent
Attract Talent
How To Manage Various People Within A Particular Organization
Talent plays an essential role in the lives of many individuals most so the ones who find themselves working in organizations that constitutes of people originating from diverse backgrounds (Rasmussen, T. 2015, 342). Having gained quite a number of skills from the HRM department, I have been able to encounter various scenarios regarding how best people are capable of acquiring different important talents that is capable of pushing them forward towards their path of success. Many people think that the terms recruitment and talent acquisition are synonymous, but companies who keep an eye on the big picture know there’s an important difference between the two. Recruitment and talent acquisition are comparable to short term and long term-quick fixes versus long-term planning. Both approaches may be used depending on circumstances, but one tends to be tactical in nature and the other, strategic. Additionally, acquiring a great talent is not just something that an individual can do within a short time, instead, it is a progress that involves quite a number of issues that are attached to ethical considerations in order for an individual to attain one of the greatest talents. Normally, great talents have the capability of impacting positively in the lives of many individuals who decide to view it positively by carrying out some of the perfect recommended procedures (Demirkan, H. 2015, 345). Paul young being among the individual who are interested in acquiring great talents in order to achieve most of the future goals in real time and in an appropriate manner, there are a variety of ways pertaining how he can acquire these great talents, specifically to work as the recommended apprentice chocolatiers together with chocolatiers in some of the relevant new stores. Some niche markets that may call for talent acquisition strategies include, technology, medicine, law and financial management. Apparently, getting the best talent normally comes with a lot of importance and is known to have the capability of benefiting both the organization and the employers who are responsible for most of the operations taking place within their respective organizations (Sutherland, M. 2015, 278).
Attracting talent tends to be one of the best an essential procedure that Paul young can best implement in order to acquire the best talent. Attracting talent is all about acquiring different types of personalities and the capabilities that are needed by Young at the current situation and in the coming future through engaging in an internal redeployment and even sourcing at an external level (Micik, M. 2015, 268). Additionally, attracting talent involves different procedures that will ensure that the best outcomes are attained by Paul young. Before attracting any form of talent within the surrounding and outside the surrounding environment, Paul Young should be ready and capable of different types of ethical considerations in each and every activity that he will be conducting while attracting some of the available talents (Prpi?, J. 2015, 621). What is normally interesting about different companies and organizations is that they are always looking forward to acquiring the best talent that money can perfectly buy. One of the appropriate methods that Paul young can use in order to attract talent is to host one of the most essential and relevant forms of an interactive open house (Trost, A. 2014, 421). This will entail having some form of open house that will be situated at the relevant office attached to the organization. He should then make a further step to come up with a fun way specifically for the relevant talent to engage with him thereby providing a perfect opportunity for knowing what the company does in different situations. On the other hand, to attract talent, Paul Young should try as much as possible to engage in person in order to get a perfect opportunity to invite some of the relevant and appropriate top potential talents in order to build a reasonable rapport with his entire team. Apparently, Paul young should show one of the most important roles in being an internal engagement leader who is capable of understanding various situations together with various personalities. Additionally, in order for Paul young to attract talent, there is the need to clearly come on board and be able to come on board and be able to provide each and every employee with a perfect opportunity to give back since not each and every person is interested in working for a paycheck but instead, some of them are interested in having a feeling that enables them to see their positive contribution towards the greater good (Vaiman, V. 2015, 372) These are the individuals that are normally concerned with contributing towards some of the positive impacts that are capable of creating a forward movement specifically in the path of attaining various goals and success. Lastly, to attract talent, Paul Young needs to give the employees a chance to lead in various departments by encouraging the entire team to try as much as they can to volunteer in leadership roles most do outside the boundaries of the organization. Paul young should do this by encouraging the same employees to look for different individuals who perfectly demonstrates strengths specifically in the skills that are required by his team. After that, he should be able to internally reward people specifically for identifying and attracting some of the new talents. Additionally, young should know that in order to attract talent most so the ones that are critical to achieving all the objectives of his organization, he doesn't only need to have a clear understanding of what he is looking for but also how to make sure the entire talent wants to join and even form part of the organization. Additionally, the approach that he takes towards acquiring the critical talent that he needs will be clearly driven by clearly understanding the difference that exists between the demand and supply associated with the talent of his organization. This will enable young to clearly inform some of the exact places where he needs to source his respective talent for the coming future from. On the other hand, he should be able to recognize that this can also come from both sides of the internal sources typically through deployment and even development. It is essential for young to ensure that all his future goals are planned for at the current situation thereby ensuring a perfect determination of a more targeted kind of approach towards attracting the right talent that is meant for achieving a particular set of objectives. He should be able to come up with a perfect workforce plan that will help him to have a more reasonable understanding in terms of realizing essential workforce priorities that strongly relies on different forms of predictive analytic conditions (Gallardo-Gallardo, E. 2015, 634).
Employer Branding
Another method that can be used by Paul young to acquire great talent is through an efficient implementation of employer branding strategies. In most cases, employer branding is normally defined as the ability of a particular company to clearly come on board and be able to differentiate and offer a perfect promotion to this identity specifically to a particular group of individuals that they are capable of hiring for particular job positions (Shikha S. 2015, 195). To come up with a perfect employer branding, Paul should be able to cultivate and guide each and every employer brand through various parameters like messaging. Provision of appropriate and reliable information regarding the branding process will enable Paul Young to attain great talent since various stories regarding employees together with their testimonials are capable of providing each and every candidate with a perfect look on how the organization is really like. An appropriate use of social media with help to scale up issues dealing with employer branding to the highest level. Currently, this is one of the most influential channels for various companies across the universe specifically for those companies that are interested in building their employer brand and even go as far as burning the midnight oil, Paul Young should, therefore, make a good use of this strategy without making any assumptions in order to attract the needed great talent that will be capable of impacting positively when it comes to different types of operations. According to research, an approximation of nine individuals out of ten candidates are capable of applying for a particular job most so when it originates from an employer brand that is actively maintained through the use of social media. Besides, appropriate content is one of the important parameters when it comes to attaining a great talent. Paul young should clear know that most individuals don't just arrive at your provided site with an intention of making an application but instead, they want to put in an appropriate and relevant research that will enable them to gather some important information geared towards providing an essential decision making. On the other hand, content is extremely vital when it comes to the education stage of a particular person since it gives each and every candidate a perfect opportunity to attain one of the perfect conditions of ammunition that they require in order to learn about Paul's employer brand thereby playing an important role when it comes to their decision of making an application. A perfect implementation of employees' advocacy is another stage that will help Paul to come up with an efficient employer branding thereby acquiring one of the most appropriate talents so far. He should know that under normal circumstances, most of the candidates normally view the employees as a window that is attached to the true picture of his entire organization. Due to this, Paul should, therefore, encourage each and every employee to share their personal stories and experiences regarding what they have been able to encounter ever since they joined the organization, this should be presented either in a video or written form for the candidates to clearly analyze different situations.
Recruit Talent
Talent acquisition is an ongoing strategy to find specialists, leaders and other important people who work within an organization. for Young to be able to acquire great type of talent, Paul Young should be able to recruit some of the most appropriate and reliable talents. Normally, hiring and retaining some of the best talents is one of the toughest decisions that an individual can ever make within an organization. On the other hand, talent acquisition tends to focus on the long term human resources planning and finding appropriate candidates for positions that require a very specific skillset. With various projections right from 2012 clearly indicating that the total number of younger workers most so the ones who are getting their way into the labor market are not capable of perfectly replacing the ones who are finding their way out. Regardless of this condition associated with the workforce trend, Young should be able to know that it is possible to attract more reliable talents that are required by the organization. Therefore, he should be able to implement the following tips in order to recruit some of the best talents so far;
He should be able to give all his employees the first priority- According to various researchers, they were able to come up with a clear conclusion that one of the best ways of hiring and keeping the top talents is to clearly come on board and create one of the most appropriate company cultures where the best employees are interested in working, specifically a culture in which each and every individual is treated with a lot of respect without any form of discrimination.
Stay involved at all times and be able to make a good use of emotional intelligence- One of the best ways through which young can recruit talent is to always stay involved in each and every activity that he does throughout the recruitment process. Staying flexible is also another important parameter under this condition for example if a hired employee further proves to be a good fit for his organization but not for the initial position that was filled, Paul should try his level best to move such an employee to another position that will be able to capitalize on their strengths together with their respective experiences at all times. On the other hand, when recruiting talent, he should also try as much as possible to include different types of ethical considerations in order to come up with the best outcome that will enable a positive progress to greater heights.
In order to acquire great talent, Paul will be able to carry out an appropriate selection of talent through various ways in order to attain some of the targeted goals. The first step that should be carried by Paul towards the selection of talent is to come up with an assessment center. The use of an assessment center is likely to improve his chances of selecting different types of candidates who will be able to perform effectively through the use of their respective talents. On the other hand, the assessment center is likely to enable Paul to strongly concentrate all his efforts where the probability of hiring the right fit is very high thus leading to the creation of a more reasonable use of both money and time within the organization (Rao, M. 2015, 412). On the other hand, to come up with appropriate talent selection, there is the need to perfectly implement various conditions of interview skills training throughout the entire selection procedure. On the other hand, he should be able to select those individuals with talents that are capable of working hand in hand with the objectives of the organization, this will enable various procedures and parameters to be carried out efficiently with the support of these selected talents. Besides, to carry out a perfect talent selection, Young needs to have a well understanding of each and every individual by giving them a perfect chance to express themselves in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Those companies that normally assume issues pertaining talent selection whenever they want to acquire great talent that is capable of bringing a positive impact to most of their operations, end up not attaining a good number of their targeted goals since appropriate selection of talent forms the strongest foundation in this particular area and once it is neglected then chances of attaining a positive result are very minimal.
Select Talent
The art of acquiring great talent is one of the best procedures towards the path of success within any given organization. Different individuals together with their respective organizations should, therefore, try as much as they can to clearly come on board and be able to implement some of the best strategies towards acquiring great talents that are suitable for their future success. Additionally, different programs should also be brought in order to create awareness and highlighted each and every individual on the benefits of acquiring talents thereby enabling them to attain their respective goals within the stipulated time. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that acquiring great talent needs a lot of ethical considerations for the targeted outcome to be attained since ethics form the basis of any success. Lastly, various employees should also be able to clearly express themselves to their workers and be able to highlight to them some of the importance of choosing a great talent to work within the organization. Young is one of the individuals interested in acquiring a great talent, he should not hesitate to differentiate between the good and the bad to allow him to come up with the best outcome that so far fits all his expectations thereby allowing him to achieve all his future dreams in real time without any barrier coming in between. It is therefore clear that issues attached to acquiring talents should always be given the first priority when one is interested in attaining certain outcomes within a particular organization thus providing a perfect opportunity to form a strong solid foundation for both the employees within the organization and the top management team that is concerned with carrying out different management roles.
My classroom work engagement has been one of the best so far since it has always involved a series of events that were able to take place on a daily basis. From the start, I was able to actively contribute towards a number of learning processes that were able to expand my thinking capability thereby allowing me to be able to think critically and analyze curtaining issues in a logical manner. Additionally, one of my best classroom contributions so far is providing correct and reliable answers towards certain issues thus allowing the remaining people to have a perfect condition where they can have accurate explanations concerning certain issues that are related to classroom work thus attaining their success within the environment surrounding the learning boundaries specifically within the classrooms. On the other hand, I have also been able to come up with various research outcomes within the classroom that has been able to prove beyond any reasonable doubts some of the importance associated with acquiring great talents for the benefit of a particular organization. On the other hand, my classroom contribution has also involved the exchange of different relevant ideas with the other members of the classroom thus expanding the creativity of each and every member within the class by being able to pinpoint various positive related conditions and discouraging the negative ones that are likely to hinder success at any given point. Besides, the classroom contribution has also allowed me to interact freely with people originating from vast backgrounds thus strengthening strong positive relationships geared towards scaling up the condition of academics to the next level that is likely to bring quite a number of developers. To conclude, the entire classroom contribution has been an experience to me and all I can say is that my future goals have at one point been attached to the classroom contribution when it comes to doing the right thing for a better outcome in the coming future.
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