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Benefits of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in HR


Discuss about the CIPD for Sustainability, Property and the Economy.

The CPD stands for continuing professional development and it can allow for improving the skills and abilities to become competent in the field of HR profession as well as enhance the professional career experience with ease and effectiveness. The continuing professional development will not only make the HR practitioner establish himself or herself as a successful person to manage the human resources properly, but can also allow for safeguarding the public, the employer, professional and career too. It could provide benefits to the individuals and their professionals as well as benefit the public by becoming more competent and skilled as a HR practitioner (Clutterbuck 2014). It could be an effective career long obligation needed by the practicing professionals and even ensure successful growth and development of the individual’s career. The skills and abilities would be kept in pace with the actual standards of the organization and furthermore improve the skills, knowledge and expertise of the HR practitioner to deliver a better professional service to its customers and the entire community. The information and knowledge obtained should remain updated, which could allow for managing changes at a faster rate and make meaningful contribution to the team to ensure successful human resource management as well. It would also enable moving forward in career as well as influence others through motivation and encouragement, furthermore increase public confidence in the field of profession as a whole (Lee 2017). CIPD could also contribute to the betterment of life, sustainability, property and the economy of the country too.

The CIPD profession map could set the bar high by setting up proper goals and objectives and at the same time make me understand what to do and how to accomplish tasks with ease and effectiveness. Various skills and knowledge shall be required for becoming an effective HR practitioner. The three major professional areas that should be covered in the self-assessment could be the resource and talent planning, employee engagement and management of good employee relations. It would allow for determining the best HR and L&D professionals and ensure successful functioning of the organization along with better management of employees too (Hardingham 2017). As a HR practitioner, I would like to focus on providing incentives to the employees and even motivate them through guidance, so that employee engagement would be possible and they could be influenced to perform to their potential.

I would like to provide them with rewards for their  better performances, which could not only lead to better performances but also would enhance their ability to learn and develop with time to contribute to the organization’s efficiency. Resourcing and talent planning could be another area where I need to focus on for managing the processes of recruitment and selection properly as well as train the workers to improve their skills, knowledge and expertise level (Saundry and Wibberley 2016).

The major development needs include training because of lack of confidence and skills among the individuals, need for motivation to perform better and better learning opportunities. I would like to arrange training and developmental sessions for them so that they could enhance their skills, knowledge and expertise and become successful in performing to their potential. I would provide them with developmental programs where they could gain more scopes and opportunities to excel in their field and at the same time, possess skills to make decisions and choices that should be beneficial for the growth and development of the organization they had been working for (Charlwood, Stuart and Trusson 2017).

CIPD Profession Map in HR

The three major internal customers of HR are the employees, managers and departments where the employees have been working. The employees are the customers who need good working conditions, culture and proper guidance to ensure successful performing to their potential within the organization whereas the managers are responsible for managing the workforce. The managers need proper leadership skills and decision-making abilities to guide the team members in the right direction as well as enable them to set goals and objectives that are needed to be achieved. The managers need proper training to enhance their leadership skills and make sure that he workforce consists of skilled, knowledgeable and expert employees to contribute to the business efficiency (Mearns 2014). The various departments need proper amount of resources along with necessary attributes to form a dedicated workforce that can accomplish the business goals and objectives with much ease and effectiveness. The employees need to be kept satisfied otherwise their dedication and morale would be lowered, which could deteriorate the business performance as a whole too (Davies 2017).

Employees often get into conflicts due to difference in their opinions and responses, because of which, it is essential for proper guidance by the HR manager to mediate the disputes and furthermore interpret the company policies to set up an appropriate behavior within the workplace. They need someone’s support that can guide them in the right direction as well as resolve conflicts arising from language differences, disrespectful behaviors within the workplace and poor attitudes too. The HR manager could make them understand their mistakes, provide measures that would make them overcome the issues, and create a good atmosphere and working conditions for the employees (Goetsch and Davis 2014). Sharing the responsibilities and consolidation of systems for efficiency are other things that the employees need.

The managers of the organizations need proper relationship and trust with the HR to make the best staffing decisions with the best interests of the respective departments. The organizational structure might not provide enough support to the front line managers based on the expertise, knowledge and qualifications of the HR staffs. The HR could motivate and encourage the managers to make the right decisions as well as develop the strategic direction of the organization to accomplish the goals and objectives perfectly. Managers also need proper training provided by the managers to manage employee relations and strengthen the employee employer relationship (Cascio 2018). The training regarding anti-discrimination and harassment preventions laws for the managers could help in preventing conflicts, misunderstandings and keep the workforce motivated as well to perform their best within the workplace. Often the processes of recruitment and selection require coordination between the HR recruiters and department hiring managers. The managers expect HR to comprehend those things that they need to present among the employees, furthermore influence the hiring decisions (Mishra, Boynton and Mishra 2014).

The HR departments require consolidation of HR data, information and processes including the management and administration of employees, employee and manager self-service functions, tax compliance, reporting and analytics, management of payroll activities, etc. The various departments also need proper resources so that the tasks could be completed properly and the goals and objectives could be achieved with ease and effectiveness. There are various departments including the HR department, finance department and operations department. The departments need partnership working with the involvement of managers, team members and employees so that the departments could function efficiently (Quirke 2017).

Development Needs in HR

The conflicting needs and priorities are identified with the help of monitoring the performances of managers, various departments and the employees. By understanding their performances, it would be easy to identify any kinds of conflicts that have arisen and take necessary steps for minimizing the impact of those kinds of conflicts with ease. It would also be important to conduct performance appraisal at SABIC. As it is a chemical manufacturing company, so it would also be essential for making sure that the employees’ activities are monitored at regular intervals to maintain safety within the workplace. The managerial conflicts could be dealt with the help of meetings where the causes of conflicts should be understood and necessary precautions should be taken for preventing any such occurrences furthermore (Morgan, Paucar-Caceres and Wright 2014). The conflicts among the employees could be resolved by providing them with necessary benefits for fulfilling their requirements and preferences and ensuring that that could work perfectly at SABIC, Saudi Arabia.

A project management or social collaboration platform could be created at SABIC for improving the communication with the internal customers as well as provide the employees with access to the platforms for promoting effective communication an teamwork. It could promote seamless sharing and exchange of information and data, furthermore improve the productivity level and bring together people, data and processes for ensuring proper problem solving techniques and decision making. One of the major drawback could be the lack of experience in handling or managing the social media platforms along with higher costs associated with its implementation within the workplace (Ovard and Greeff 2013).

Emails could act as effective communication procedures for leveraging the subject line as well as make the receiver understand the messages properly. It could be done for communicating with the employees and gain their immediate attention that would require immediate actions too. Emails might often result in making the receiver not getting the messages properly and it could get into the outbox and remain undelivered. Feedbacks should be provided as soon as the receiver get the message or information transferred.

Telephonic conversations and video conferencing could also be beneficial for communicating with the internal customers. Video conferencing could allow the managers at SABIC to view each other and talk about certain matters to get the work done (Vaishnavi and Kuechler 2015). Video conferencing might not be a success due to a bad internet connection of lower bandwidth, which could be a major disadvantage of such kind of communication.

HR service delivery at SABIC is maintained properly to deliver the best quality services to the employees and even handle the difficult customers properly by accepting their complaints and feedbacks and responding to those immediately too. The complaints from the internal customers regarding some kinds of issues or conflicts could be managed by communicating with the employees and then plan for necessary remedial procedures. The time and budget should be considered to check whether the services could be feasible or not and how much time should be required for handling the issues within the workplace (Navin et al. 2014). Rather than just receiving the complaints of the customers, it would be important for the HR to make sure that the feedbacks of the employees were focused on and the sources of such kinds of issues could be identified. This could assist in undertaking immediate actions and even penalize the individual who might be held liable for the causes of such conflicts or issues at SABIC.

Internal Customers in HR

According to the MyCPD, it could be understood about the behaviors in certain areas required to meet certain expectations with ease and convenience. From the HR summary reports, I have been quite competent in the areas of employee engagement, management of employee relationships and conflict resolutions. This could not only make me gain the ability to undertake actions, but also deliver the best positive outcomes for ensuring tracking the progress and completing the tasks within the allocated time and budget as well (Arciniegas, Janssen and Rietveld 2013). With the help of my leadership skills, behaviors and decision-making skills, I would likely meet the agreed standards and expectations, furthermore manage the resourcing and talent planning properly. This would not only improve my skills, knowledge and expertise, but could even allow me to benefit the organization where I had been working. From the business reports, it is clear that I need to work with the managers at different levels of the organization to focus on the actual outcomes and manage identification and resourcing of talents properly to improve the business efficiency (Souza et al. 2015).

According to the HR summary reports from MyCPD, with the help of my competency skills, it would be easy for me to analyze the resources and talent data and information to manage successful retention, new hires and turnover. It could even enhance my skills to provide advices and opinions to the managers and managers about managing the human resources properly and strengthen the workforce capability. These are few of my strengths, which can allow me to conduct researches and the various recruitment procedures, furthermore administer the selection processes’ activities such as online testing, psychometric testing and management of interviews (Tiller, Gentry and Richards 2013). Few of the gaps that could be identified from the HR summary reports could be lack of ability to manage talent and succession planning, inability to manage the principles of appropriate objective assessment and difference in assessment methodologies including the role-playing sessions, presentations vary for the individuals and even the interviews conducted. I would like to act as a role model, so that the employees could get motivated and influenced and at the same time, support the best practices and ideas with the other employees. It would also be beneficial for me to provide accurate financial data to support the plans adopted by the team members, furthermore regulate the HRM practices to ensure accuracy and meeting the agreed standards of the organization too ( 2018).

Few of the strengths include obtaining the feedbacks and responses and responding to those accordingly for facilitating the development opportunities and even providing appropriate financial data for financial planning and HR budgeting. The insights, strategy and solutions could be applied at senior level with the help of assessment of financial performance and checking the amount that could be considered as rate of return on investments. It could also be understood from the HR summary reports that the legal, financial and market factors should be analyzed for dealing with the issues faced within the organization and ensure successful functioning at SABIC (Alfes et al. 2013). The stakeholders should be identified such as shareholders or investors, employees, customers, managers, suppliers to focus on the development of stakeholder group map, furthermore meet their expectations and keep them satisfied too.

What do I want/need to learn?

What will I do to achieve this?

What resources or support will I need?

What will my success criteria be?

Target dates for review and completion

I need to focus on managing the human resources to promote employee engagement and management of positive employee relations

I will guide the team members properly and make them understand the goals and objectives that are needed to be achieved

Incentives should be provided along with good working conditions for influencing the staffs and keeping them motivated as well.

The success criteria would be to maintain positive relationships between the employer and employee

15 th April, 2018

To identify the internal customers and conflicting needs and priorities

It could be done through performance measurement and appraisal along with the monitoring of their performances

Web cameras, performance measurement reports could be assessed as well

To identify the gaps and their weaknesses based on which the issues could be overcome with ease

20 th April, 2018

Utilising the different methods of communication

Use of emails, video conferencing tools and media platforms

These tools and techniques could not only establish good communication but would also facilitate the abilities of the individuals to discuss about certain matters

Once good communication is established within the workplace and the business functions are managed much more easily

30th April, 2018


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Vaishnavi, V.K. and Kuechler, W., 2015. Design science research methods and patterns: innovating information and communication technology. Crc Press.

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