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1. Requirement for SLA and Resource Management and Remote Administration

Discuss the requirements for remote administration, resource management and SLA management. It may be useful to consider Morad and Dalbhanjan’s operational checklists for DSI’s OSDS. Discuss briefly how you will consider application resilience, backup and disaster recovery for your chosen provider in relation to OSDS.

The researcher introduced the report about cloud computing and discussed various aspects of cloud computing for DSI (Department of Spatial information). The suggested deployment is selected by DSI organization, and further assessment and information are required for technical and SLA management.  In this report, the presented context describes the abilities that need to be met for different organizations.  The document provides a brief idea about the management requirements and the necessity of SLA for the chosen cloud service provider. The overview of the report is to discuss in detail about the assessment of security, deployment model by DSI for OSDS (Online Spatial Delivery System) and risk management. The document also explains why we need the remote administration and SLA management and the recovery and backup plan for OSDS.

The below points are explained in brief about the requirement of the resource and SLA management and remote administration.

The SLA (service level agreement) is an agreement or a document of contract between two firms or company where one is a service provider, and other is client or customer. It defines about what the service provide will provide you and what penalties or fine the service provider will pay the customer in case of any failed case (Wu & Buyya, 2012). The purpose of SLA management is to manage SLA in such a way that the client's needs are well presented in front of the service provider, and they can provide a better service as per the needs. All these are mentioned in detail in the service level agreement. The requirement of service level management is important as it is the selected method for measuring the service performance (Abawajy et al., 2015).

It is one of the important features of project management that deals with demands of the project resources, financial, distribution, and human. To retain the best talent, improve customer satisfaction, enhance billable utilization and increase profit margin effective resource management is a major aspect for all the DSI service executives those who are looking to enhance and improve the following points that are mentioned above (Manvi & Shyam, 2014). The quality service is much expected by the service provider. Provide a complete control and visibility. Moreover to handle a huge of customers in the most effective manner has some important challenges. The resource management plays a major role in customer satisfaction and total performance enhancement. The resource management has to be effective on both the ends (service provider and end user) (Jhawar et al., 2012).

Based on the abilities of the desktops the organization uses the servers using cloud computing.  The remote administration gives the user the power to access the data irrespective of the location. Reboot and shut down another computer over a network. Retrieve streaming data and a network device.  Modify system services and logical groups. The files can be obtained from anywhere in this world using a different range of devices (Ramachandran et al., 2015). The interface of the remote administration system will be decided by the management system. It handles the usage and charter cost fees. It monitors properly whether the quality of SLA and service is met or not. It plans the capacity. It keeps the records of status, usage and its service performance (Falfushinsky et al., 2014).

1.1 Service Level Agreement Management

According to Khoshkholghi et al., (2014), the disaster recovery process is a relatively new internal activity, and there are lots of misinformation and hype that is going around. The data recovery plan is divided into five stages, and DSI has to follow those five steps to restore their research data in case of any disaster.

Collecting and evaluate the needs of data protection

Department of spatial information requirement which will be gathered in this stage and the data that has been collect play a key role to facilitate the cloud data protection. Data protection is important to be evaluated properly.

Selecting a cloud service provider

In this stage, DSI needs to choose a right service provider which is already done.

Price estimation

The payment activities will be conducted on either by monthly subscriptions or based on the storage space and bandwidth.

Building bandwidth management plan

The OSDS requirements are considered at this stage for the managing the internet bandwidth.

Determining the Logistic Requirements

Department of spatial information needs to consider various logistic requirements for performing full such as cloud based directory services and active directory synchronization.

The data backup process is also an internal process or activity of cloud computing. For backing up the data RAID SIX is used to back up all data when to compare to the data recovery tool it is much faster and better. The service provider will install two extra disks than required to provide better support (Chen & Zhao, 2012). It has a high fault tolerance, high drive failure, and the data retaining period is high on an online spatial delivery system (OSDS).   

Resiliency refers to the capability of the storage system, entire data center, network, and server. It still operates when there is power outage or equipment failure or any other kind of interruption. It is there to recover the data as quickly as possible. When the project planning is proposed the resiliency and introduced; and moreover it is linked up to the disaster plan and the with another data center for disaster recovery. The resiliency is obtained through unwanted components or other internal system or by enabling the datacenter (Jhawar & Piuri, 2013).

As discussed by Morin et al., (2012), the service provider increases their service quality by managing their non-violation and infrastructure through SLA. The SLA gives the authority to access the resources of a various cloud service provider. The assessment goal is to address various risk aspects or factors of the cloud computing (Carlsson & Fullér, 2013). To evaluate the risk factors, there are many different methods and models that can be obtained. The ownership of DSI needs to be confirmed by stored data in the vendors system. In a case of any failure, a solution needs to be implemented. The specific parameter needs to be defined. The SLA is to provide a stable service to the vendor that is selected by the Department of spatial information (Ficco et al., 2012). The risk assessment has a great impact on cloud computing. The effect of the risk in the design and architecture is reviewed by the risk management.  The system infrastructure and security regulation is done.


The presented report indicates that Department of spatial information needs to be considered all the points that are discussed above. The SLA management, Recovery Management, and Remote administration are critical for DSI, and they need to review it properly and implement it in their organization. The mentioned disaster recovery and data backup are some critical process for cloud computing and need to be addressed properly as well. To have a better experience in cloud computing DSI needs to consider all the points and have to do a critical analysis of any risk factors that might affect the implementation process. The service level agreement is very critical and important, and both DSI, and the service provider needs to review it all together and have to identify if there are any risk and how they can eliminate the risk using better assessment.


Abawajy, J., Fudzee, M. F., Hassan, M. M., & Alrubaian, M. (2015). Service level agreement management framework for utility-oriented computing platforms. The Journal of Supercomputing, 71(11), 4287-4303.

Carlsson, C., & Fullér, R. (2013). Probabilistic versus possibilistic risk assessment models for optimal service level agreements in grid computing. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 11(1), 13-28.

Falfushinsky, V., Skarla, O., & Tulchinsky, V. (2014). INTEGRATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORM TO GRID INFRASTRUCTURE. International Journal of Computing, 12(4), 333-339.

Ficco, M., Rak, M., & Di Martino, B. (2012, November). An intrusion detection framework for supporting SLA assessment in cloud computing. In Computational Aspects of Social Networks (CASoN), 2012 Fourth International Conference on (pp. 244-249). IEEE.

Jhawar, R., & Piuri, V. (2013). Fault tolerance and resilience in cloud computing environments. Computer and Information Security Handbook,, 125-141., March). Data security and privacy protection issues in cloud computing. In Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. 647-651). IEEE.

Khoshkholghi, M. A., Abdullah, A., Latip, R., Subramaniam, S., & Othman, M. (2014). Disaster recovery in cloud computing: A survey. Computer and Information Science, 7(4), 39.

Manvi, S. S., & Shyam, G. K. (2014). Resource management for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) in cloud computing: A survey. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 41, 424-440.

Morin, J. H., Aubert, J., & Gateau, B. (2012, January). Towards cloud computing SLA risk management: issues and challenges. In System Science (HICSS), 2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on (pp. 5509-5514). IEEE.

Ramachandran, M., Chang, V., & Li, C. S. (2015, January). The improved cloud computing adoption framework to deliver secure services. In Proceedings of ESaaSA 2015-2nd International Workshop on Emerging Software as a Service and Analytics, In conjuction with the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science-CLOSER 2015 (pp. 73-79). Scitepress.

Wu, L., & Buyya, R. (2012). Service Level Agreement (SLA) in utility computing systems. IGI Global.

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