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Discuss about the Construct Development and Relation Management.

Training and development often viewed as a potential resource to enhance the organisational competitiveness through the development of the skilled workforce. However, this is not true and in some cases, training & development process may not make a much of the difference when the bench force is not skilled and are not also keen to be a part of the industry. The highlighted bench force may be just considering the job as a pay-gap solution for them (Sung and Choi 2014). However, this is also not true that training & development program is not at all effective. It is indeed but with professionals those who are into their dream job; however, lacking in some job related skills. Training & development can then be used to nurture such employees and help the company yield a good prospect for them (Tahir et al. 2014). The study is purposefully aimed at analysing the validity of the chosen topic which is focussed on identifying whether the highlighted process is alone capable to enable organisation becomes competitive in the specific industry. The point of concern is being kept confined just to the circumstances where training & development process needs an implementation. This also identifies the difference between training & development as both of which are different in concept and are feasible to different circumstances. Additionally, the recruitment process which is essential for a competitive operation and also why training & development is not alone sufficient to the same is also being highlighted in this essay.

Feasibility of training & development process: Training & development is an essential operational performance lead by the human resource department of a specific company. According to Ameredes et al. (2015), training is required and is an essential process when fresh employees are recruited. Training helps them to the insight of the process and the organisational culture they are now a part of. The designing of the training process is done by the human resource department under the set of regulatory guidelines specific to the industry. Training is also essential when some new strategy or tool is implemented in the organisational operation. The strategy or the tool can require a specific workforce or also the entire employees depending on the situation. For example, the implementation of CRM must require some professionals belonging to the software field to get trained on the platform, so that; they get able to acquaint with the system and the related facts. As opined by Srivastava and Dhar (2015), a development process is a resource to groom skills essential for professionals which lack some serious skill related flaws. Those flaws can be the behavioural or also the performance specific. For example, few employees have been identified as not being able to prove their candidature in regards to disciplinary issues or lack of some professional flaws. Professionals belonging to a particular operational field may not necessarily be performing the way as they were being expected for.

Identifying the difference between training & development: Kuvin et al. (2015) have said that both training & development process may be carrying the same meaning; however, both of which has the different reason of orientation at the organisational level. The difference is managed by a collective strategic approach to the management and the human resource department. As per the general policies of global organisations, training is essential every time when fresh professionals are recruited. This is necessary to make them acquainted with the job requirements for which they have been hired for and the organisational cultural values. The training modules are designed as per the standard industry specific policies and also the management’s requirement. In course of the action, the training duration is decided by a mutual agreement of the HRM and the specific operational team.

In the opinion of Kraiger (2014), a development process is a bit different to what training actually means. Development is needed for professionals who are not being able to impress the management with their performance and the behaviours. In either of the cases, professional grooming with the help of the development process is required. The duration of the development process is specifically being consulted with the specific operational team as they only can illustrate the areas of consideration specific to a professional. According to M. Smith, Stokes and F. Wilson (2014), training is given to all the freshly recruited professionals while the development process may or may not be needed to the entire team. As opined by Jayakumar and Sulthan (2014), training focuses on the general job modules which mean conveying the job responsibilities to the recruited professionals. On the other side, a development process is specific just to the identified weaknesses. Both training & development are the sources of professional grooming; however, the facts of orientation for both forms are different to each other.

Recruitment as another essential resource: As identified by Vaiman, Haslberger and Vance (2015), recruitment is essentially a much more important factor than the training & development for organisational competitiveness. This is important because it acts as a gateway to talented and skilled graduate professionals for the global organisations. As identified by Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe (2014), the recruitment needs to be designed accordingly, so that, it enables the entrance of talented professionals. Now, it is important to know the factors which play important roles to attract skilled professionals. First and foremost, the job advertisement needs to look impressive and attractive also. This means that the job details and the other basic information need to be designed in effective manners. It must be capable of drawing the attention of job seekers and holding their attention until they are through the entire advertisement. This means the advertisement must be engaging as well (Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe 2014). The advertisement must be placed on platforms which are widely popular and most commonly visited by job seekers. Job seekers nowadays have the variety of options where they may be able to search the job openings. Few of such platforms are LinkedIn, online job portals, company’s official website and social sites like Facebook Aln?aç?k et al. (2014).

Recruitment as Another Essential Resource

The next most essential part is deciding the content for advertisement. This can also vary from one platform to another. A company’s own website may be carrying the detailed job information. On the other side, content for Facebook advertisement must be precise and concise also. In any kind of advertisement, the content must be high in terms of attractiveness (Vaiman, Haslberger and Vance 2015). An attractive and engaging advertisement is a good way to attract potential and skilled professionals. The human resource management is the next responsible body which needs to efficiently manage the shortlisting of best applicants. The HRM can do it through asking effective questions relevant to the operation, so that, applicants can well be tested on the required skills. This way the HRM may be able to identify the best talent (Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe 2014).    

Training & development is not alone sufficient: As argued by Obi-Anike and Ekwe (2014), training & development are not the effective procedures in a case when professionals do not have the sufficient experience and struggle to manage even the basic terms and could be identified while during the interview. For example, the organisation had needed a software programmer who has the capability to work on the ASP.NET platform. However, the applicant is more capable of working with PHP. Both of them are the software developing platforms; however, cannot exist in the same company. Some companies prefer working on PHP while others on ASP.NET (Kraiger 2014). The company already operating with the ASP.NET may never wish to go with the PHP developers unless they are opting for an operational change. Hence, the operation team and the human resource management may certainly look for replacing the position with someone who is well versed with ASP.NET. There is indeed no better and feasible way than going for a fresh recruitment. According to Srivastava and Dhar (2015), development process may be effective in training professionals on relevant skills like professionals do know how to work on ASP.NET; however, they lack the familiarity with the advanced version of it. In such cases, development process may be a handful option.

Therefore, this can be concluded that training & development process is not only the single process which could help to enhance the organisational competitiveness. Recruitment is indeed another effective way through which productivity can be increased. Recruitment is indeed a strategic tool for organisations using which they can get the best skilled employees. Training is undeniably an essential part of the operation. It helps the recruited professionals to go through the organisational culture and the job related details. The development process is a way to groom professionals both on behaviours and the performance. This can help to rectify the disciplinary shortcomings. This may also groom to become a much better professional. However, training & development has its limitation that gets revealed in a case when uncompetitive professionals find their way to a specific organisation. The similar instance of a PHP developer is also being highlighted in the study. In such cases, recruitment needs to be given the preference.


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Obi-Anike, H.O. and Ekwe, M.C., 2014. Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Effectiveness: Evidence from Selected Public Sector Organizations in Nigeria. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(29), pp.66-75.

Srivastava, A.P. and Dhar, R.L., 2015. Training comprehensiveness: construct development and relation with role behaviour. European Journal of Training and Development, 39(7), pp.641-662.

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Vaiman, V., Haslberger, A. and Vance, C.M., 2015. Recognizing the important role of self-initiated expatriates in effective global talent management. Human Resource Management Review, 25(3), pp.280-286.

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