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Week 1 - Introduction to myself

I have been taught many things in this subject on developing myself and others. The Coursers in "Developing Self and Others" has been extremely beneficial in helping me create various abilities that will assist me to manage life as well as its problems. The three reflective models introduced to me in the start were Kolb's (1984) reflective structure, Rolfe's (2001) reflective schema, and Gibbs (1998) reflecting framework, of that which I considered Rolfe's Reflective Configuration is the most appropriate model to utilize in needing to conduct out my analysis for this class was the most effective model for me. I conducted a skills audit in order to analyze and understand my own abilities. The job evaluation assisted me in identifying my own personal strengths and limitations, as well as how to develop upon them. My developmental objectives for this unit and program are to discover my character qualities, areas in which I need to grow, and ways in which I may enhance links between myself and others in my immediate environment (Aarons 2015). I will analyze what has worked well enough for me, what has not worked very well for me, and why this has occurred. I will also determine things I will be doing the same or differently in the future to enhance productivity. Through this course, I have learned how to develop into a credible manager with a clear vision and purpose to benefit the people under my supervision (Amanchukwu 2015).

Character analysis, ambition, and leadership capabilities were assessed in this part of the program. In order to get a better understanding of how others see me, I utilized Joharis' window. Self-awareness is being conscious of one's faults, strengths, abilities, and those that waste one's vitality. I have come to realize that getting to know myself is not only about improving one's professional or personal life, it is also about getting to know one's parents, friends, and the greater community. I came upon a number of methods for honing and expanding my abilities. Among them include setting clear and difficult objectives, adapting to actions, taking decisive action, and receiving feedback on my activities and the effects of those efforts, to name a few. I wanted to know about my feedback from my other colleagues. I wanted to know what I am according to their perspectives (Amanchukwu 2015).

My understanding of myself improved as a result of Johari's window, which helped me discover six qualities that are distinctive myself. In my own words, I identified myself as driven and compassionate while also being assertive, powerful, rebellious, and trustworthy. Using Johari's window to evaluate my activities, it was expected that the acts I display in "my blind self" but which are "covered in self" would have to be enhanced in order to enhance my "revealed self." This prediction turned out to be correct. I usually agree with this concept since I think it is critical for all tasks to be performed in their proper four directions, and I believe it is crucial for all actions to be performed in their respective four directions. I have seen that some of my family's characteristics, including being a defendant and rebellious, are present in a few of my behavior. One thing on the other hand never has worked for me. I was unable to see the connection between Freud's psychodynamic theory and the ways in which it affects my id, ego, and superego (Barker and Munakata 2015).

  • Identifying an individual’s underlying psychological essence may be an efficient technique to understand and anticipate conduct.
  • Johari's window is useful to know what I am through the lens of others.
  • Believing in one's own abilities.

Week 2 - Leadership

As a result of Johari's window, I believe that the remarks from my colleagues would aid me in better recognizing my own advantages and disadvantages, as well as in overcoming my own weaknesses.

It was discussed in detail in this lesson about the background of leadership theory as well as the concept of leadership and how it is linked to the psychological aspect of an individual. Belbin's hypothesis was offered as a technique for determining my position on the squad. The topic of transformative leaders was covered, including the Four I's I must possess in order to be a successful person. I feel to be a successful person in life, everyone must have inspirational motivation, mental stimulation,  independent decision-making power, and as well as the ability to inspire.  Today's training was particularly interesting since our leaders, who were chosen by the team, were there. The purpose of the training was to construct a contraption out of straws and blue ticks that would support an egg on its end. As we devised our strategies, the professor assigned all of the top management to other groups to serve as leaders. It is important to organize the teams and utilize our collective thoughts to complete the project (Brown  and Harvey 2021).

Leadership is described as a method of social power that seeks to maximize the contributions of everyone in order to accomplish a goal. Leadership is a method of social power that seeks to maximize the contributions of others in order to accomplish a goal. The state of human interaction that occurs between teams or groups, in my opinion, would be that of management, and the ability to direct your followers in the most aphasia method is a prerequisite for becoming a leader. When it comes to contractual methods, I am wary, fearing that I may be taken captive. This helps me feel depressed and demoralized it makes me feel that I cannot do the assignment to my fullest ability. I believe that the transactional approach is ineffective (Gulati 2015). Even though I recognize that it is necessary and have realized that the bulk of my employment has taken a transformational style, I believe that the method where it is presented is very important to the end result. Several abilities to teach were used in the research, including psychology, behavioral science, archaeology as well as architecture, and technology. In other words, governance lacks a theory and instead draws on ideas from its precedents. As an ordinary person, I will indeed base my leadership abilities on present results and demonstrate the characteristics of a leader in order to establish a foundation upon which to build my own leadership theoretical concepts.

  • To be a successful leader, one should learn how to exercise and regulate authority effectively.
  • Transactional leadership may be a beneficial system, but if it is executed rigorously, it can also result in discipline, which is a style that I personally despise.
  • I am confident in my own talents, yet it is clear that I purposefully avoid uncertainty for fear of failing or being embarrassed in front of others.


It is essential for me to understand the six types of leadership power as a future leader, and to be able to utilize their many manifestations to develop a solid connection with my workforce. This phase may be performed via investigation, as well as by asking questions to the group team members and participating in discussions in courses, which will lead me in the proper way throughout the process (Daft 2016).

Week 3 - Thinking Teams

The class session today was quite fascinating, and I enjoyed participating in the exercises, conversations, and arguments that focused on team objectives and alternative approaches to reaching those goals. As a participant in debates on the mental requirements that one must acquire in order to reach self-accomplishment, I was able to draw connections between self-determination theory and other theories. Among the tasks was the construction of a slingshot with a chosen team in order to determine how far the object being utilized would go. The ideas of group cohesiveness were explored, as well as how cohesiveness might affect the overall performance. . Following that, we were recommended to have a look at Steiner's theory in order to fully understand team conflicts and the Ringlemann impact in general. Following that, a team-building exercise was carried out, during which some somewhat startling realizations were reached by the participants.

I agree with the notion of self-determination because it relates directly to me as a person, I agree with this segment since it applies to me as an employee at a Romanian restaurant named EATING IS LOVE. If I were the sole black person working there, I will indeed feel disrespected and strange, which would have a negative impact on my performance at work; however, my employers have helped me feel welcome and treated me as a group. This instance serves to demonstrate the principle of Deci and Ryans, and as a result of my thinking secure, I work hard and take up my best effort.

According to Steiner's idea, there will be someone, including myself, who is willing to take a back seat and enable everyone else to pick up the slack when the task doesn't really warrant the number of persons present. This has lately been reinforced by a series of layoffs; everybody has instantly become 'occupied,' individuals are more tolerant with workloads, and people were actively seeking employment. When we were constructing the slingshots, I started to feel a significant amount of CAR; however, when we saw the outcomes, I felt disheartened that we had continued to fail to read between the lines.' Due to the limited number of slingshots and just one person creating, people did not have the necessary colleagues but instead observed or wandered about having a chat with their fellow sling shooters and builders. It was also obvious that the Ringlemann effect was still being felt.

  • When it comes to feeling like a member of a team, individuals have three emotional needs: competency, independence, and a sense of belonging.
  • My level of comfort, ability to accomplish my CAR, and ability to achieve team cohesiveness in a virtual setting are all negatively impacted by the virtual world.
  • Individuals who are willing to 'hide' from their obligations are affected by social lounging and the Ringlemann impact, which are prevalent in bigger organizations.
  • The principle of self-determination assists you in focusing the appropriate amount of optimism into your goal.

The aim is to improve on my teamwork courage and expertise, irrespective of race or color, and this will help to establish by participating in showing presentations and lectures and working in the sectors where I am not comfortable. An evaluation has been sought to help me boost my self-confidence and lessen the self-doubt I suffer, which I believe is a result of my CAR. I want to participate in discussions via conference calls and video chats, with the goal of actively seeking interaction. I have indeed withdrawn myself from groups where my involvement was only for the sake of showing face,' and I intend to continue in this vein. ' I shall use a similar strategy when building together a team, starting from the bottom and adding members only after their expertise is required, avoiding both of Steiner's notions. (West 2015).

During lesson four, each CSE feature was discussed in detail, as well as how it relates to earlier ideas. Weiner's attributing framework and theory were examined, as well as the manner in which they influence beliefs and expectations in three fundamental ways. Following that, we were instructed to remark on a research study that was largely concerned with a person's arousal, tension, and anxiety (Thompson 2021). Following the completion of a task, these emotions were elicited and discussed. A difficult seminar presently; my squad and I have been challenged to construct the world's highest pyramid possible out of cups in thirty min; each team member was made to keep their duration of chords at all times; the glasses were raised using a rubber band and there was a rule that only one cup could be elevated at a time; unfortunately, my team and I were not effective in our endeavor. Our leader demonstrated a strategic approach, establishing him as a strong manager.

The Weiner attribution model is practical, and I constantly ascribe specific accomplishments and failures to internally and externally causes that are extremely volatile. I also see other people responding in the very same way. Team members discussed the problem and came up with reasons, grumbled, pointed out mistakes, and so on. I think this is part of being human; everyone likes to feel great about themselves, and if that requires blaming failures to outside and unpredictable causes in order to do so, then so be it. As a manager, the analysis will help you distinguish between reality and fiction, and it will also help you complete the in 'lessons have been learned' document as good practice. I critically examine almost everything in my thoughts, however, my personality may suggest a unique story in order to 'keep face.'

As the dilemma progressed, the participants' levels of stimulation, strain, and anxiousness increased, demonstrating how they are intertwined. The person goes through the following cycles: initial sexual desire prior to the challenging task, witness bullying. bullying as the dilemma began, and anxiety establishing ihen glasses were greater and much more has been at risk was connected (Shek and Leung 2016). That other team members were quick to shine a spotlight on our defeat surprised me. Nobody really provided support, guidance, or anything else, and each squad was focused purely on their own "positive stress" rather than the "anxiety" we were experiencing, instead choosing to recognize our restrictions and relax, thereby ameliorating any anxiety that we were experiencing. Then we watched because another team's building came crashing down, and although I was feeling joyful inside over their earlier response, I really can not help but think of the tension they must have been through at the time (Schermerhorn , Bchrach and Wrightn 2020).

I observed that we students, or at least the majority of us who have high self-esteem, have a tendency to attribute our achievement to inner, steady, and uncontrolled causes while attributing our failures to external, unpredictable ones. It was also noted by that a theoretical approach was employed in the healthcare sector, with an instance concept used to career advancement presented by which centered on the inferences to why staff did not earn promotions (Lawton and Páez 2015).

  • When people ascribe successes and failures to themselves, it is possible to estimate the amount of time and effort they are prepared to put out in the prospective.
  • The critical appraisal will separate fact from opinion and help leaders and employees to comprehend the reasons.
  • Arousal, tension, and anxiousness are all intertwined; how I interpret the effort impacts how I feel the pressure.

My interest in the contribution concept is wide, and I believe it will make an excellent subject for my thesis. In relation to that, I'd want to do further study on the issue as a whole in order to develop stronger arguments to support my assertions and get a greater grasp of the subject, with the hope that my study will one day be utilized as reference material. The result of my next major undertakings will be evaluated critically, and I want to reflect honestly on the outcome, basing my conclusions on facts rather than sentiments (Robinson and Persky 2020). As a result of my newfound understanding of the link between alertness, distress, and anxiousness, I want to become more conscious of the expectations I place on others, as well as more conscious of how my perspective of expectations affects my strain (Jaques 2016). 

The discussion today focused on how emotion awareness is quickly becoming one of the most significant social performance ideas, as well as a vital factor of good leadership actions.  Employment is being used to demonstrate how employment is no more only for financial gain but is also being used to communicate and achieve one's own personal goals. In order to demonstrate the development of a holistic model of leadership, samples from NHS research were provided in order to evaluate the expense using a variety of metrics. It was about yoga practices, and we were instructed to deduce six yoga-style methods that could be used in the workplace to relieve stress. The team manager was requested to go to another class and display our yoga methods, and the same was required of the other team member. 5 minutes were allotted for this task to be complete. A really interesting lecture today, alleviated the long hours we had spent in the classroom (Gulati 2016).

The shift in management style stated by L. Melita Prati is something I believe wholeheartedly; a comprehensive view bringing out the best of me, hence as a result, my CSE rises, and my productivity follows suit. My CSE has felt assaulted by individuals who have low emotional intelligence (EQ), and I have witnessed individuals who have poor self and unawareness of their emotions. My self-control is strong, and I am able to leave feelings at the door. However, I have received remarks such as "difficult to read" and "cold-hearted." I believe I have gone too far. I remember when I worked in customer support that EI or emotional intelligence (EQ) was the capacity to recognize, comprehend, and control our own feelings. Our job description included dealing with complaints about the bank's operations. You must learn to cope with your emotions as a phone operator in order to maintain a good attitude about your job. For this presentation, I realized that as a customer service representative, I was ignorant of or inadvertently demonstrating the principle of emotional maturity. This lecture was really trustworthy, which did make me feel great regarding myself for the amount of work I put into creating it. (Hao  and Yazdanifard  2015).

  • Becoming aware of one's own emotional maturity should be a crucial component in improving customer support accuracy and efficiency.
  • Emotional intelligence (EQ) has emerged as a critical component of good management.
  • While I am interacting with management that knows my emotional maturity (EQ) and takes a thorough approach, looking at the big picture, I operate more effectively..
  • Despite the fact that I tell myself otherwise, I place a higher priority on meeting my psychological requirements via job rather than through private life.
  • I want to advertise and promote Yoga, bending, and exercise as a fantastic stress-relieving activities in the future, and urge others to do the same.

I have chosen to brush up on my emotionally intelligent studies as well as how to build excellent services and establish myself as a renowned leader in the future. This kind of achievement can only be achieved by an extensive study on emotional maturity and how it will affect customers. I aim to look at the big picture, which I already do, but I plan to place greater emphasis on emotional maturity (EQ) and devote the required time to being more socially aware of my fellow students. It seems evident to me that employment delivers a large degree of psychological satisfaction, and I would like to see this decrease in the coming years. Exceptions to this include contract obligations, and I want to sever all ties to my previous employment while staying socially active.

I have chosen to brush up on my emotionally intelligent studies as well as how to build excellent services and establish myself as a renowned leader in the future. This kind of achievement can only be achieved by an extensive study on emotional maturity and how it will affect customers. This program has pushed me to confront my own personal shortcoming. I now need to polish and focus on transforming my own issues with myself into actions. This may be accomplished by asking questions, doing research, and interacting with my professors in a one-on-one setting. In addition, I need to improve my leadership capabilities. Being a great leader places a strong emphasis on impact and communications, and if I become a successful leader, I must be well-versed in these areas in order to reach team objectives. Developing a high degree of intelligence will, in the end, result in outstanding customer service because knowledge is the basis or cornerstone of greater customer support. After everything is said and done, I would want to continue to employ Joharis Mood theory in order to successfully assess myself and solicit feedback from others, which will assist me in becoming a more powerful version of myself ithe n coming years. (Gulati et al., 2019). Personal characteristics and abilities come secondary to my work objectives in my life. As a result of my bosses' criticisms, I wish to make improvements to my working conditions. I have obviously made the required efforts to keep my job and personal lives separate. I have come to see the value of health promotion and want to actively engage in and support it in the future (Wasylyshyn and Masterpasqua  2018). 


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Amanchukwu, R.N., Stanley, G.J. and Ololube, N.P., 2015. A review of leadership theories, principles and styles and their relevance to educational management. Management, 5(1), pp.6-14.

Barker, J.E. and Munakata, Y., 2015. Developing self?directed executive functioning: Recent findings and future directions. Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(2), pp.92-99.

Brown, D.R. and Harvey, D., 2021. An experiential approach to organization development. Pearson Education.

Daft, R.L., 2015. Management. Cengage Learning.

Gulati, K., Singh, A.R., Kumar, S., Verma, V., Gupta, S.K. and Sarkar, C., 2019. Impact of a leadership development programme for physicians in India. Leadership in Health Services.

Hao, M.J. and Yazdanifard, R., 2015. How effective leadership can facilitate change in organizations through improvement and innovation. Global journal of management and business research.

Jaques, E., 2017. Requisite organization: A total system for effective managerial organization and managerial leadership for the 21st century. Routledge.

Lawton, A. and Páez, I., 2015. Developing a framework for ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(3), pp.639-649.

Robinson, J.D. and Persky, A.M., 2020. Developing self-directed learners. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 84(3).

Schermerhorn Jr, J.R., Bachrach, D.G. and Wright, B., 2020. Management. John Wiley & Sons.

Shek, D.T. and Leung, H., 2016. Developing self-leadership and responsibility and moving away from egocentrism. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 15(2), pp.157-164.

Thompson, N., 2021. People skills. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Wasylyshyn, K.M. and Masterpasqua, F., 2018. Developing self-compassion in leadership development coaching: A practice model and case study analysis. International Coaching Psychology Review, 13(1), pp.21-34.

West, M., Armit, K., Loewenthal, L., Eckert, R., West, T. and Lee, A., 2015. Leadership and leadership development in health care: the evidence base.

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