Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis Procedures
What is Data Collection, Research Methodologies, and Data Analysis? Explain.
This section of the research paper is to execute all the findings in a proper manner, which will execute data collection, research methodology and data analysis. The notion of the research methodology will execute towards the development process of a proper research outline and will guide the investigator in a proper direction towards organizing a proper research process. However, there are several divisions towards organizing a proper research methodology in different kinds of research paper. The present research paper will address what are the different kinds of effectiveness that will conclude the effect of internet in modern marketing.
The effect of internet in modern marketing is known as the application of E commerce. The contribution of E commerce in modern marketing is very much significant as well as very much remarkable in the overall business operations. The trend of shopping has been changed entirely as compare with the long-established mode of marketing. The notion of online shopping is a part of modern shopping which provides one of the most important breakthroughs in modern generations. There are certain factors from which different customers are benefited in the application of modern shopping (Aaker, 2013). The next part of the learning will address all the key factors, which will conclude the effectiveness of E commerce in the overall business of the selected organization in the study.
Several parameters needs analyzed in a proper manner. All these parameters will execute the different kinds of findings in a proper manner and will enable the overview of the investigation procedure. The significant parameters in the overall research process are research philosophy, research designs, and research approaches. These are some of the significant parameters, which need to be developed as well as needs to be investigation in a proper manner to address the significant aspect of the research process (Arthur, 2012). In the overall investigation process, the analyst has determined to evaluate the research philosophy with the help of the positivism investigate philosophy. With the application of the positivism, research philosophy the researcher in the study process will be able to support the overall research process based on real and scientific facts and findings.
However, the notion of research approach will permit investigator in the learning to support the overall investigation practice by innovating different kinds of theories and models, which will in a proper manner. The two kinds of research approaches are will be discussed in the following part of the analysis.
Application of Research Methodologies and Research tools
The two kinds of research approach is the concept of the inductive approach, which is followed, by the concept of the deductive approach. With the view of the deductive research, approach is aimed towards testing theories and business model and however, with the use of the inductive research approach will allow the analyst to develop a proper overview with the generation of new theory emerging from the data (Cateora, Gilly and Graham, 2013). However, in this research paper, the analyst has decided to support the overall investigation procedure with a view of deductive method of research methodology, as it will allow the analyst to support the proceedings of the research work based on generating new theories as well as business models. Sometimes it becomes very much difficult for the researcher choose whether to go for inductive method of research approach or to go for deductive method of research approach. With the view of deductive method of research process, the investigator in the study will be able to develop certain theories in the overall investigation process.
In order to organize an effective research design, the analyst in the study will be able to develop an in debt analysis of the investigation in order to conclude what are the different kinds of impacts of E commerce in the modern business management. With the application of the research design, the analyst in the study will be able to develop a bias free investigation procedure and maximizes the reliability of the collected data (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick and Chaffey, 2012). On the other hand, it also maximizes the reliability of the collected data in the overall investigation procedures. There are certain parameters, which needs to investigate in a proper manner in order to evaluate a proper research designs. Some of the important features towards conducting a proper investigation procedures based on the current by maintaining a proper research designs includes the following parameters.
The means towards obtaining information is one of the key initiatives towards the development process of proper investigation procedures. The objectives of the problem statement needs to executed in a proper manner by supporting the research hypothesis with relevant as well as effective findings. The availability of the time as well as the research work needs to be analyzed in an effective manner, as time and funds are the two important characteristics of the overall investigation plan and procedures. The development of a proper research design must be flexible in order to adopt certain changes, which might occur in the research process (Chan, 2012). The development of a proper research design needs to be more accurate as innovative accurate description.
Data Analysis and Gathering Techniques
In order to execute a proper findings and analysis in the overall investigation process is the application descriptive research design, which includes operational definition and statistical testing (Eshel, 2012). This is a type of research design is developed by the investigator in order to collect status of the topic.
The application of the data gathering techniques includes two modes of data collection, which needs to evaluate in a proper manner. However, there are a different experimental measure, which needs to be analyzed as a proper manner includes manipulation, control, random assignment, and random selection of data techniques. However, the researcher in the study has evaluated the application of both the data analysis procedures, which includes the primary analysis techniques, which is followed by the secondary analysis techniques (Gupta, Massisimo and Koontz, 2013). The application of the primary data analysis procedures is classified into two segments, which includes quantitative analysis followed by qualitative analysis. The sample size, which is prepared by the analyzed, consists 10 quantitative questions, which is used by the analyst to ask 50 customers in general. On the other hand, the sample size which is prepared by the investigator in order to complete the qualitative analysis procedures (Gupta, Massisimo and Koontz, 2013).
The significance of the overall investigation process is to collect different data to clarify what are the different elements, which concludes the effectiveness of E commerce in the overall business operations. It is one of the most significant points, as the application of the data analysis procedure will ensure the investigator to investigate a proper finding in order to conclude about the significance of the research findings (Wong, 2012). On the other hand, different investigator towards development of a proper significance of the investigation procedure link the statistical analysis with the research questions, research designs, and level of data collected. It allows the analyst to analyze the results of the findings in a correct manner (Gupta, Massisimo and Koontz, 2013). The selection of methods includes the planned statistical analysis and the result section will provide the data, which generates from testing various hypothesis and research questions. The overall analysis procedure uses the notion of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. With the application of the descriptive statistical procedure, will allow the analyst in the study to describe as well as summarize all the collected data in a well-defined manner. On the other hand, the measurement process of the investigation procedure will ensure in the pattern of the responses among a simple and developed sample (Hemann and Burbary, 2013). The application of the inferential statistics will conclude the data collection towards the effectiveness of estimating how reliable can be become predictions and generalized findings. However, in order to compare groups and test hypothesis the application of inferential statistics is very much applicable towards the implication of the proper data collection analysis. Some of the following questions need to answer in a proper manner towards evaluating proper findings in the overall process of electronic commerce (HollmeÃÂn, Klawonn and Tucker, 2012). All the statistics, which are used in the investigation, will evaluate in a proper manner towards the proper execution of the overall collected data in the overall research process.
There are three factors, which will conclude the sampling methods. The overall sampling procedure, sampling size, and participations are the three procedures, which will execute the sample representativeness in the overall research process. The application of the data sampling method can be classified into two segments (Hood, 2013). One segment is known as the probability methods of sampling which is followed by the application of the non-probability methods of the sampling. There are different points which needs to be covered towards the application probability methods of sampling which includes simple random sample, systematic random sample, stratified random sample, multistage sample, multiphase sample and cluster sample are some of the common sampling techniques which is concluded in the probability mode of sampling. On the other hand, there are certain applications of the non-probability mode of sampling, which includes the mode of convenience sampling; purposive sampling and quota are some of the common factors, which are included in the process of non-probability mode of sampling (Lal, 2013). The overall sampling process includes several stages which different analyst needs to follow towards developing a proper sampling procedure, which needs to analyze in a proper manner. Defining the population of the concern, specifying the sampling frame, specifying the sampling methods for selecting items and events towards determining the sample size are some of the common process, which is included in the analysis process. The final step is to implement the sampling plan and reviewing the sampling process (Malhotra, 2013). There are certain definitions towards developing a proper sampling size in the data analysis procedures. The notion of the population can be defined as the including the people with the characteristics of the research findings. However, towards determining a sampling frame there are certain measures which needs to be included towards determining the proper sample space (Malhotra, 2013). The overall sampling frame must be representative of the population.
However, the most important part in the assignment is to develop a systemic sampling, which relies towards arranging the target population according to some ordering scheme and then selecting the possible outcome in the best possible manner. There are certain advantages as well as disadvantages towards organizing a proper sampling size. The advantages of the sampling size are reflected in the following part of the assignment (Nestle, 2013). The first point, which needs to analyze is to identify the best selection process, which are included among different kinds of sampling. Selecting the suitable sampling frame will allow the investigator to identifying the sampling size in a proper manner and the overall investigation procedures will reflect the exact findings. However, there certain disadvantages, which needs can be concluded in the overall investigation process of data sampling, are discussed in the following part of the assignment. Sample may be biased in nature and sometimes if hidden periodicity in the population size coincides with that of the selection procedures (Potter, 2012). However sometimes it becomes very much difficult for the analyst to access precision of estimate from one survey.
The next part of the assignment will evaluate some of the factors, which are required to conduct a proper ethical consideration. Ethics are developed in the organization in order to evaluate all the proceedings by maintaining a proper rules and regulations in the overall proceedings. The concept of the data protection act is one of the significant aspects in the overall investigation procedures (Ryan and Jones, 2012). The different parts of the data collection as well as data analysis procedures will evaluate all the proceedings of the investigation procedure towards ensuring proper applications of the data gathering and data analysis procedure, which will ensure the overall objectives of the research operations, which will ensure an overall operation of the internet in marketing.
The overall data analysis procedures is classified into two sections which is denoted by section A and section B. Section A will consists the application of the quantitative part of the overall analysis procedure and on the other hand, section B will conclude the application of the qualitative analysis. However, in this particular investigation procedure the analyst has decided to go for the application of the quantitative data analysis, which will contain 10 questions in order to complete the overall research proceedings. The following part of the study will reflect the analysis part of 10 questions.
what is your age?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
10-20 years |
50 |
5 |
10% |
20-30 years |
50 |
15 |
30% |
30-40 years |
50 |
15 |
30% |
45-60 years |
50 |
5 |
10% |
From the above tabular information, it can be concluded that all the people who joined the research survey comes from different age groups. All of the respondents were very much cooperative towards organizing a proper investigation procedures. There are five divisions of the age group, which the analyst has developed in the overall investigation procedure on effectiveness of E commerce in the modern delivery system.
The first age group belongs to the category of 10-20 years, which concludes the overall percentage of 10%. The second category includes the overall age group of 20-30 years, which concludes the overall percentage of 30%. The next category, which falls under the age group of 30-40 years, will contribute the overall percentage of the 30% and the final division of the age group falls under the category of 45-60 years, which comprises the overall percentage of 10%. All the data in the investigation procedure, allowed the analyst to develop a proper research process based on proper findings and analysis.
what is gender?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Male |
50 |
30 |
60% |
Female |
50 |
20 |
40% |
These particular questions in the overall study will conclude the genders of different people in the research survey. Out of the overall percentage of 100%, which includes 50 respondents, completes 60% of the overall populations. On the other hand, 40% of the entire population comprises of females. All of the respondents were very much cooperative and answered all the questions in a proper manner by following the overall instructions in a proper manner.
Do you think the application of E commerce has changed the entire concept of marketing
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Agreed Strongly |
50 |
30 |
60% |
Strongly |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Neutral |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Disagree |
50 |
0 |
0% |
Disagreed Strongly |
50 |
0 |
0% |
This is one of the most significant questions among all the questions, which the analyst in the study developed. It is one of the most crucial facts that the application of internet in modern shopping as well as marketing has provided one of the major breakthroughs. The overall analysis procedure will ensure how all the customers are benefited with the modern mode of shopping. There are several facts, which affect the overall proceedings of the customer’s decision-making of online shopping.
Majority of the respondents agreed with this particular point that the notion of E commerce provided one of the major breakthroughs in modern shopping which concludes an overall percentage of 60. On the other hand, around 20% of the overall population concluded that the application of the E commerce has provided one of the major breakthroughs in the marketing decisions of the customers. The reaming 20% of the overall population were neutral about this particular fact. With the application of E commerce there are certain ways on which different customers based on the nature as well as the objectives of the marketing can apply different purchasing patterns, which will allow the customers to be benefited in certain ways.
Q4) what are the different kinds of advantages you conclude with the application of online shopping?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Saves Time |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Saves Money |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Additional Options |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Discounts |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Offers |
50 |
10 |
20% |
From the above tabular information, there are five factors, which the investigator in the study concludes in order agree with this particular fact that affects the purchasing decisions of the customers as it affects the decision making polices of the customers. All the respondents agreed totally with this particular fact there are certain advantages, which will conclude the decision-making policies of the customers. The primary option it saves time and 20% of the customers agreed with this particular fact that the application of online shopping allows them to save time as there is no need for physical visit of store. The second factor is it allows all the customers to save money, as all the products as well as services offered to the customers on a much-discounted price as compared with the other products and services in the market. Other 20% of the customers agreed with this particular point of getting the products and services in a much-discounted price as compared with other products in the market.
However, some of the customers get additional options by applying the method of online shopping. The reaming 20% of the respondents in the populations agreed with this particular point that there are certain parameters by which all the customers gets benefited by applying the mode of E commerce and online shopping in the overall marketing process. There are attractive discounts offers, which different organization provides to its customers in online shopping. However, the reaming 20% of the respondent agreed with this particular point that they receive different kinds of offers while applying the mode of online shopping as compared with the traditional mode shopping and all the products as well as services are offered by providing different varieties.
Q5) Do you think the organization develops certain plans and procedures to make a proper online delivery system in Indonesia
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Agreed Strongly |
50 |
30 |
60% |
Strongly |
50 |
5 |
10% |
Neutral |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Disagree |
50 |
5 |
10% |
Disagreed Strongly |
50 |
0 |
0% |
This question will conclude the how the organization in develops different kinds of plans and proceedings for the betterment of a proper delivery system. About 60% of the overall respondents agreed with this particular point that the organization in the study develops a proper online delivery system, which includes maintaining a proper period in the overall business operations. About 10% of the overall respondents agreed with this particular point that the organization has taken different kinds of initiatives, which will boost the delivery system of the organization in a well-executed manner. Out the 50 respondent about 20% of the respondent were natural with this point and the reaming 5% of the respondents in the study disagreed with this particular fact of the delivery system in the organization.
Q6) how often do you shop online?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Never |
50 |
0 |
0% |
Less than once a month |
50 |
5 |
10% |
Once a month |
50 |
5 |
10% |
2 – 3 times a month |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Once a week |
50 |
30 |
60% |
From the above tabular information, the investigator in the study concluded that majority of the respondents in the population prefers the notion of online shopping and they apply minimum once in a week. The application of online shopping is another important point which majority of the buyers prefers in modern marketing. The above tabular information will conclude about the proper findings, which will evaluate how often all the respondents in the study prefer the notion of the online shopping. As discussed in the beginning of the analysis procedures it provides all the customers to be benefited in certain ways. About 10% of the population in the overall research survey concluded that they prefer the notion of online shopping less than once in a month. However, about 20% of the overall population agreed with this particular point that they prefer the notion of online shopping 2 – 3 times a month. In addition, the reaming 10% of the respondents in the research survey agreed that they prefer the application of online shopping and marketing less than once in a month.
The analyst in the study added that the demands of the customers are not limited and on the other hand, it is not possible for the organization to fulfill all the demands at a single point of time. However, the majority of the organization depending upon the nature as well as objectives of the business tries to accomplish the demands of the customers with the help of the limited resources. There are certain factors that attract the customers in different manner to develop strong decisions of online shopping. It is not the price, which affects the decision making of the customers; there are other parameters, which affect the marketing decisions of the customers. The primary reason, which needs can be concluded all the customers, gets all the products as well as services in a much-diversified manner, which concludes different varieties.
Q7) what are your biggest concerns about buying products online?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Privacy concerns |
50 |
15 |
30% |
Security of transactions |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Quality of products purchased |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Delivery time |
50 |
5 |
10% |
Others |
50 |
5 |
10% |
The analyst in order to conclude this particular question got an overall mixed review. There are five factors which affects the online tractions and online shopping are reflected in the following part of the study. The primary concern, which is highlighted in the study, is the application of the privacy concerns. About 30% of the overall population agreed with this particular point that there are different kinds of security as well as privacy concern which affects the purchasing decisions of the customers to a large extend. The second point, which needs to be investigated in a proper manner, is the notion of Security of transactions. Majority of the buyers in the overall research process prefers the mode of cash on delivery.
There are certain issues, which are identified, in the overall process of online transactions, which were agreed by 20% of the respondents. Quality of the product might be other factors, which affects the mode of online shopping and 20% of the respondents concluded as one of the factors that affects the decisions making of the customers largely. The forth factors is the notion of the delivery time. It is one of the primary job of different organization to deliver the ordered products and services with the time which as promised in the time of placement of order. Some of the respondent agreed which includes an overall percentage of 10 as one of the factors, which affects the marketing plans and policies. The reaming 5% of the population concluded that there are other factors, which affects the overall decision-making power of the customers in the mode of online shopping.
Q8) what are the factors that influence you to purchase from online retailers in Indonesia?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Variety of products |
50 |
30 |
60% |
Competitive prices |
50 |
10 |
20% |
User-friendly website |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Available customer support policies |
50 |
0 |
0% |
Secure payment options |
50 |
0 |
0% |
This part of the research question will conclude what are the various factors, which needs to be organized towards concluding online retailer management in Indonesia. There are five important factors, which conclude the overall findings of this particular research question. Nearly 60% of the respondents agreed with this particular point that the idea of shifting towards online shopping allows them to be benefited with different varieties of products. The second factor is highlighted in this particular research question is towards development of competitive prices. Majority of the companies develops a proper competitive pricing strategies and about 20% of the respondents agreed with this particular fact. On the other hand, User-friendly website is another factor, which nearly 20% of the respondents concluded which affects the decision-making policies of the customers. The final two factors, which includes available customer support policies and secure payment options which concludes negligible percentage which all the respondents in the overall research proceedings has concluded.
Q9) Do you agree with this particular point that application of online shopping and the application of E commerce has provided one of the major breakthrough in modern shopping and marketing in Indonesia?
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Agreed Strongly |
50 |
30 |
60% |
Strongly |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Neutral |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Disagree |
50 |
0 |
0% |
Disagreed Strongly |
50 |
0 |
0% |
After analyzing all the information from the table, the researcher has concluded that the application of internet in shopping as provided one of the major breakthrough in this generation. The overall statistical analysis of this particular question will conclude that 60% of the respondents in the overall population agreed with this exacting point that use of technology have provided the most important breakthroughs as it enhances the factors, which concludes the overall decision-making process of the customers. On the other hand, the reaming 20% of the population in the overall population agreed with this point that the application of modern technology, which mainly includes the application of internet, has changed the entire mode of shopping as compared with the other mode of shopping. However, nearly 20% of the respondents were natural with this particular question. The highlighted part of the assignment is to focus towards the application of the of different kinds online services which includes a proper delivery system in the overall operations of the business plans and procedures. In the research process, it is very much difficult for all the respondents to disagree with this particular point. The percentage of disagree and strongly disagree becomes remains 0 in this particular question. This concept is very much similar and not restricted in Indonesia.
Q10) according to you what are the different kinds of factors, which affects the purchasing decision of the buyers
Options |
Total |
Response |
Percentage |
Pricing |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Quality |
50 |
5 |
10% |
Quantity |
50 |
0 |
0% |
Product |
50 |
10 |
20% |
Services |
50 |
25 |
50% |
According to this question, the analyst has concluded what are the different kinds of factors that affect the purchasing decisions of the customers to a large extend. There are different factors, which are concluded in the overall manner in order to conclude the decision-making policies of customers. However, in this particular investigation process the analyst has concluded an overall five questions, which affects the purchasing decisions of the customers. The following are the five factors, which are as follows. Pricing, quality, quantity, products, and services are the five concluded factors concluded which the investigator concludes.
As the notion of online delivery system and the notion of implication of internet in shopping has changed the changed the entire trend of marketing, all the respondents in the research survey has concluded the findings. Nearly half of the population in the overall investigation procedure has concluded that after sales services and maintaining a proper service is the key factor, which affects the overall decision, making power of the consumers. Services and after sales service includes mainly towards maintaining a proper delivery in the overall business manner. It is one of the primary responsibilities for different business firms operating their business in this industry to deliver the goods and services, which promised at the time of placing the order. On the other hand, different business organization develops different kinds of business plans and operations in a proper manner, which will satisfy the needs of the customers. If the customers are satisfied with the service of the company the organization will be benefited in certain ways as will increase the overall sales and profit to a large extend. About 50% of the population agreed that if the customers get the goods and services in the right time, would affect the overall purchasing decisions. Products and findings are the other two factors which comprises the an overall 20% each of the customers concluded the findings of the questions. However, the reaming 5% of the populations of the population concluded that maintaining the quality of the product is another significant point, which concludes this particular research question and analysis process.
In order to conclude the research findings of the take away delivery system the analyst in the study, has decided to organize a secondary investigation process, which includes the following ways. Application of different kinds of secondary articles, which includes newspaper articles, secondary journals, statistical reports, and different kind’s official websites are some of the common sources, which is applicable in the overall investigation procedures
The application of the overall research hypothesis is classified into categories, which are denoted, by H0 and H1. The application of the H0 and H1 hypothesis are inversely related. The objective of the research paper is to highlight what are the different kinds of factors, which affects the online service of the organization. The main highlighted point in the study how the lifestyle in Indonesia compare to Australia as a county that brings the take away idea towards implementation in Indonesia and applying the notion of the online takeaway delivery to be succeed in Indonesia mainly in Jakarta.
H0 hypothesis will conclude the online delivery system will succeed in Indonesia and on the other hand, H1 hypothesis will conclude that the online delivery system will not succeed in Indonesia. After completing an overall investigation procedure, it can be concluded the online delivery system will succeed in Indonesia. The application of internet in marketing will conclude had changed the overall concept of marketing as it allows all the customers to be benefited in certain ways.
This part of the analysis procedure will execute all the factors, which will conclude the findings and analysis of the literature review. The primary thing is to analyze the customers towards determining the objectives of the take away online delivery system. After completing the overall investigation procedure, it can be concluded that the application of the online delivery system in maintains a diversified target market. As discussed that the application of the online mode of marketing has provided one of the major breakthrough, people from different age group follow the mode of online shopping to a large extend. However, while conducting this particular investigation processes there are certain identified gaps, which are concluded in the research process. One of the main identified gap in the research process is only different kinds of marketing mix is concluded. Furthermore, online media not been utilized properly for promoting the online food delivery business. This is one of the most significant identified gaps in the overall proceedings of the study.
The demographic conditions of the country, which mainly defined as the customer’s culture, consumers behaviors, target market, competitive analysis and organizing different kinds of business model towards concluding the effective findings of the research proceedings. The primary finding, which is concluded in the operations, is the applications of customer culture, which concludes certain points that need to be investigated in a proper manner. The taste and preferences of the customers and the trend of shopping are some of the most effective as well as crucial factors, which will conclude about the culture of the customers. The second factor is the overall consumer behavior, which have been changed entirely with the applications of the internet. In modern generation internet has become one of the most effective tools of media based on which people from different geographical boundaries get the opportunities to have detailed information about the business process and services in the overall market. The third factor is known as the notion of the target market, which can be concluded as a group of specific customers with similar kinds of demand and wants. If the organization in the study develops a proper online delivery system, it will maintain a proper target market in the overall business operations. Based on the geographical segmentation, it has been observed that that the application of the online business is able to develop attraction of people from different geographical background. In case of the food business in Indonesia, majority of the business expects has decided to reach the doorstep of various geographical boundaries. The next portion is to analyze the overall competitive analysis of the companies operating business in the same industry. Majority of the organizations irrespective of their nature as well as objectives develops similar kinds of business plans and well as business strategies towards development of a strong customer base management. Some of the common competitors in the industry are foodpanda .com, 500 online sites and is some of the key competitors, which operates its business in the same online delivery system of the operations. Businesses models and behavioral are the other two factors, which are investigated in a proper manner in order to analyze the findings in an effective manner.
The recommendation part of the research paper which conclude what are the different kinds of loopholes and what are the different kinds of measures which can be concluded towards solving the all the loopholes. There are three important points, which are highlighted in the study in order to conclude the recommendation part in the study, which will be much beneficial for the companies to investigate in a proper manner.
Majority of the business firms irrespective of the nature of the business tries to accomplish the objectives of the business. Majority of the business organization concludes that the social media platform is one of the ideal platforms towards organizing different kinds of business operations. It is more familiar that different organizations irrespective of the nature of the business adopt the mode of the social media service as the best platform towards developing a proper advisement and promotional procedure. It is quite often that business organization develops different kinds of business tractions, which includes placing orders and deals towards operating different kinds of business transactions. The organization in the study needs to utilize all the application of the social media tools in a proper manner as it will more advantage to the organization and the company will be benefited in both ways. Some of the important social media tools which different organizations follows are Facebook, Twitter, you tube and many more. However, majority of the organization tries to develop all the plans and proceedings on Facebook.
The second thing, which needs to analyze, is towards the development process of a proper marketing plan. In modern generations of organization business majority of the business firms believes strongly towards the developing a proper digital marketing plan. Application towards developing a proper digital marketing plan includes the use of emails, social media tools and various kinds of mobile services. The company needs in these factors towards implementing the overall marketing plan.
The role towards development of a proper situation analysis is an essential part in the every business operations. The application of situation analysis tool will evaluate both the internal as well as well as the external situation analysis. There are two important tools, which will conclude the application of the internal factors and the external analysis procedures includes the applications of the SWOT Analysis as well as the use of the PESTEL Analysis. With a proper implication of the situation, analysis tool the organization will be able to develop all the plans and proceedings based on the requirements of the plans and procedures of the company. However, with the use of the SWOT Analysis and the use of the PESTEL Analysis will allow the organization in the study to analyze all the crucial factors, which will conclude about the different trends and demands of the customers in the overall marketing process.
Conclusion and Future Work5
In the overall investigation procedure, the role of technology provides one of the most significant aspects in the overall investigation procedure. The notion of the online shopping provides one of the major outcome which will conclude how big the role of internet in the overall business world. The entire research paper is classified into different segment which the role of the investigation contributes one of the most significant parts towards the development of a proper research process. The findings of the investigation procedure will conclude how the role of online shopping has changed the entire trend. The highlighted industry in the overall research process will conclude how the business operations different kinds of food industry in Indonesia were benefited with the application of online shopping.
However, in order to evaluate all the factors, which are highlighted in the investigation procedure, are supported with the applications of different kinds of research methodologies. There are certain parameters which will concludes the outline of the research methodologies and the analyst in the overall research process has utilized all the research methodologies in a proper manner by matching the actual requirements of the research paper towards the development process of a proper research outline. The role of the take away online system is restricted only in the food industry it application is extended in different sectors which includes clothing industry and other service industry. The online delivery service provides all the customers certain benefits which most of it is reduce time consuming and without any boundaries which allows us to access it anytime and anywhere. In the overall assignment, the online food industry of Australia is compared with the online food industry of Indonesia and in order to compare all the factors in a crucial manner the analyst in the study has used different concepts of the data gathering as well as data gathering procedure. Both the application of the primary data analysis procedure and the application of the secondary data analysis procedure will evaluate all the activities in a proper manner by investigating all the factors with matching the overall requirements.
Some of the important questions, which are highlighted in the study, are to conclude the following points. The most important point is to analyze who will be benefited towards the development process of a proper online delivery system along with different health products. The second point, which needs to be analyzed, is to conclude the target audience about their lifestyles and habits. The most crucial point is to execute all the plans and policies which the different factors affects the purchasing decisions of the customers.
The notion of the online purchasing and the notion of the online tractions are the main point of discursions in the overall study. In order to evaluate this particular statement the analyst has developed a research questionnaire, which consists of 10 quantitative questions supported by charts, graphs, and tabular information. The questionnaire were distributed among 50 respondents and all the respondents were very much cooperative in the overall investigation procedures. This concludes the primary analysis of the collected data, which is noted quantitative analysis. The analyst has also concluded proper secondary analysis procedures, which includes the notion of the analyzing different secondary articles, which includes application of various journals, articles, secondary research, different kinds of statistical reports and official websites.
After concluding, the research process H0 hypothesis is applicable as the idea of online shopping contributed one of the major breakthroughs in the Indonesia. The trend of shopping has also changed from traditional mode of shopping to modern mode of shopping which includes online shopping, marketing and online delivery system. H1 research hypothesis is not accepted in this particular research of business project.
In order to conclude this particular point there are certain advantages as well as certain disadvantages, which needs to be investigated in a proper manner. There are certain limitations, which a different researcher concludes after completing the analysis procedure. However, this particular research on take away online services has a diversified concept as in modern generations the application of internet in shopping as provided one of the crucial breakthrough. The research work is organized by the following four factors, which includes organized and systemic way of finding answers to the questions.
However, the field of this particular investigation procedure is restricted only in the field of marketing and its application cannot be used in other marketing filed. The role of hypothesis concludes how effective will be entire research proceedings and what the key areas that are focused towards developing of a proper online delivery system in Malaysia.
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