Business meetings
Discuss about the Develop a Workplace Learning Environment.
In the new competitive business structure, organizations require employees who are willing and has the capability to learn in continues manner. Workplace learning is the essential element and key factor in the professional and personal development of the employees. It helps employees to learn new things that eventually create positive impact on the performance level of the organization (Jackson, 2013). Thus, effective utilization of workplace learning has the capability to provide competitive advantage to the organization. It also describes the means by which employees try to enhance their performance level so that organizations can able to fulfill all its goals and objectives in an appropriate way.
In this report, the prime focus will be on three modules namely Business Meetings, Performance Metrics and Team leadership and its significance on the performance level of the organization. The focus will be on these three modules, as I have identified that my organization is trying to implement several strategies in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. Development of workplace learning environment for these selected modules can actually help the new entrants or the students who have just joined organization as a part time employee in an effective manner. In the competitive business environment, organizations have to utilize meetings, performance metrics and team leadership in order to achieve sustainable growth in the market. For that reason, it is necessary for the organization to develop learning environment so that students or new entrants can get proper opportunity to enhance their skills in an effective way.
In the present competitive business environment, organizations have to deal with several obstacles in order to conduct their business effectively. For that reason, it has become necessary for the organizations to utilize several strategies in order to ensure that the organizations have able to achieve sustainable growth in the market. As highlighted by Borggren et al. (2013) business meetings is probably the most popular way to develop effective strategies for the organization. It helps organization to remain focus towards a particular organizational goal. Thus, it eventually increases the effectiveness of the operational process for the organization. It is very important for the organizations to include all the employees of the organization effectively in the business meetings. Almost all the major organizations like Microsoft and Apple utilize business meetings in order to fulfill the organizational goals and objectives (Stuart, 2015). I feel that it is important for the organization to focus on the effective utilization of communication process in the organization so that it can able to utilize the business meeting process in an effectively (Standaert, Muylle & Basu, 2013). For that reason, I feel that it is necessary for the organization to implement training sessions so that the new joiners can able to fulfill their responsibility effectively. At the initial stage of my professional career, I as associated with a small organization as a business development executive. Therefore, I have to deal with several meeting to provide benefits for the organization. However, as I was new to the working culture, I often get very nervous or tensed at the time of conducting any important meetings. For that reason, my superior as assessed my performance level and also provides training facilities so that I can able to maintain the confidence level at the appropriate level.
Use of theory and literature
Many studies have highlighted the significance of utilizing effective business meetings for gaining competitive advantage in the market (Julsrud, Hjorthol & Denstadli, 2012). However, it has also mentioned that organizations will have to focus on specific factors at the time of conducting any meeting. Firstly, organizations will have to identify the personnel whom are going to be affected mostly by the outcome of the business meeting. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to include all those employees in the meeting. However, proper utilization of part timers or new joiners in the business meeting will have to focus on the assessment of professional behavior at the workplace. Furthermore, organizations also have to develop an atmosphere where they can able to listen, observe and evaluate the way of conducting business meetings in an appropriate way. As highlighted by Peleckis, PeleckienÄ— & Peleckis (2015) business meetings will have to be conducted on the basis of facts and figures so that it cannot able to create adverse impact on the performance level of the employees.
In order to achieve sustainable growth in the competitive market, organizations will have to implement several strategies (Jones & Li, 2015). In fact, many organizations have tried to changes the entire process of conducting business so that it can able to remain competitive in the market. As a result, employees also have to go through several changes in the business procedures, which eventually increase the rate of conducting business meetings. Therefore, it is necessary for all the organizations to provide proper training facilities so that new joiners can able to express themselves in the business meetings. Furthermore, as organization is looking to utilize diversified employees coming from different cultural and educational background. It also has provided training facilities so that employees can able to understand differences in perspectives of all the employees effectively (Wang & Khan, 2013). It is also necessary for the organization to highlight the exact objective of conducting the meeting so that employees can able to prepare themselves in an appropriate way, which eventually help to fulfill the objective of conducting meeting.
A performance metrics is an econometrics-computing program that measures the performance and behavioral pattern of the organizations. Performance metrics also help organizations to evaluate a how a particular employee is performing their roles and responsibilities. Now, in order to gain competitive advantage in the market, organizations have to utilize all their employees in an appropriate way. Therefore, it has become necessary for the organizations to utilize performance metrics as a tool in order to enhance the effectiveness of the operational process. As mentioned in the article by Garcés-Conejos Blitvich (2014) a good performance metrics derive result that measure clearly defined quantities within a specific range for improvement.
Performance metrics
I have identified, regardless of small size of my organization. It has tried to utilize the performance metrics tool effectively in order to improve the effectiveness of the performance level. In our organization, performance metrics is utilized with respects to the customer’s requirements and values. It has focuses on the utilization of previous one-year data for the effective evaluation of the performance of the employees so that it can able to gain competitive advantage in the market. Furthermore, effective utilization of performance metrics has able to gain provides employees the idea about their strengths and weakness regarding to the fulfillment of their responsibilities. For that reason, it has able create major positive impact on the motivational level of the employees in order to improve their performance level in an effective way. I believe continues utilization performance metrics also helps employees to identify the way their performance have increased or decreased over a given period of time. However, I also feel that utilization of performance metrics has increased the pressure level for all level of employees, as it has induced them to provide their best possible performances at any particular time.
As per the article by Diallo et al. (2015) organizations will have to focus on establishing critical process according to the requirements of the customers. Therefore, it will help organizations to direct all its activities in such a way so that it can able to create positive impact on the operational process. Furthermore, customer satisfaction centric organizational performance also helps to retain customers for a longer period of time. However, I feel that our organization has focused too much on the evaluation process of the performance of the employees. It does not highlight the best possible way for the employees to improve their performances so that organization can able to fulfill all its objectives. As mentioned by Hall (2013) organizations can utilize several performance metrics like core revenue impact, efficiency rating, customer acquisition ratio for enhancing the performance level of the employees. I believe organizations will have to utilize all types of performance metrics so that it can able to create desired impact on the organizational objectives. However, I have already mentioned that I am associated with a small size organization. Therefore, it will be very difficult for them to include all the dimensions of the performance metrics for the improvement of the performance level of the employees.
Use of theory and literature
As mentioned by Almes et al. (2016) organizations will have to measure the performance of the employees in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. Furthermore, evaluation of the performance level also helps organization to maintain proper working culture as well. Otherwise, it can create huge amount of adverse impact on the motivational level of the employees. On the other hand, organizations also have to utilize effective communication structure in order to provide information regarding the necessary areas that employees need to consider in order to improve its performance level. As highlighted by Levy et al. (2014) managers need to focus on the basic aspects in order to perform performance metrics. For instance, managers will have to measure the punctuality, helpfulness, efficiency, initiative and quality of the employees so that they can able to set achievable goals of the organization. Furthermore, utilization performance metrics need to be different for the employees with different skill set. Otherwise, it might not able to provide the exact idea about the present skill and motivational level of the employees.
In the present competitive business environment, utilization of effective team is necessary for all the organizations to gain competitive advantage in the market. However, it is necessary to have clear goals and objectives to utilize a team in an appropriate manner. For that reason, majority of the organizations recruit personnel who have capability of influencing others to fulfill objectives of the organization. Our organization also focuses towards effective utilization of team to achieve sustainable growth in this competitive market. In our organization, leaders of the teams used to assign specific responsibilities according to the knowledge level of the organization. As per the article by Hoch & Kozlowski (2014), it is necessary for the leaders to understand the differences in the personality of each individual within the team in order to utilize them effectively for the fulfillment of organizational goals and objectives. I have identified that fact that team leaders in our organization have tried to evaluate differences in the perspectives of all the employees so that it can able to fulfill all their responsibilities in an appropriate manner. In our organization, team leaders also focus on the enhancement of employee cohesiveness so that they can able to work in towards specific goals (Fleming & Amesbury, 2013). Furthermore, I have identified that team leadership also focuses on the development of healthy competition so that each employees within the organization can able to give their best at the workplace. I have also identified that development of strong team bonding is necessary for the organizations to fulfill all its responsibilities in an appropriate manner. In our organization, team leadership has been developed in such a way so that each and every employee can able to share their perspectives in an appropriate way in front of the senior management (Santos, Caetano & Tavares, 2015). For that reason, it has able to create major impact on the motivational level of the employees.
Team leadership
As per the article by Wang, Waldman & Zhang (2014) team leader is someone who provides instruction, guidance and direction to a group of people working in an organizational structure. Multinational organizations several layers in order to utilize leadership factor effectively to gain competitive advantage in the market. As highlighted by Barna (2013) purpose of team leadership is to ensure that all the members within the team have able to perform their responsibilities in an appropriate way. It is important for the effective utilization of team leadership is to develop goals that can be achievable for the employees. Otherwise, it actually creates adverse impact on the motivational level of the employees. In the present competitive business environment, organizations recruit personnel with specific skills. Therefore, it often develops team according to the skill set of the employees. For that reason, it is necessary for the organization to appoint an individual for the team leader position who has the required level of knowledge about the roles and responsibilities of the team. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the teams to fulfill all their objectives effectively. As highlighted by Yeung et al. (2012) development of strong relationship among the employees working in a particular team is among the prime responsibility of the team leaders. It has been identified that strong inter-personal relationship helps organization to motivate the employees in an appropriate way. I have also identified that strong bonding among the team members can actually help organizations to fulfill all the requirements in an appropriate manner.
In the present competitive business structure, it is important for the organizations to develop effective teams so that it can able to fulfill all the requirements in an appropriate manner (Martínez-Córcoles et al., 2013). However, I feel that globalized business environment has increases the level of difficulties that organizations have to face at the time of developing team that has the capability of fulfilling all the responsibilities provided by the organization. I have assessed that organizations will have to evaluate different culture and perspectives effectively in order to utilize all members of the team in an appropriate manner. I have also identified that organizations also have to focus on several internal factors like performance measurement, timely appraisal and effective promotional scheme for increasing the cohesiveness among the employees. I have also identified the fact that performance of the employees within a team heavily depends on the motivational level of the employees. It is also important for the organization to provide proper guidance to all the employees so that they can able to feel satisfied in performing their responsibilities effectively.
Use of theory and literature
The above discussion has highlighted the fact that organization will have focus on several factors in order to conduct business effectively. For instance, business meeting can be utilized in order to set specific goals and objectives for the employees. Therefore, employees will have proper idea regarding their roles and responsibilities in the organizational structure. As a result, it will help employees to plan their task in an appropriate manner, which will eventually create positive impact on the organizational performances. As mentioned earlier, clear aims and objectives helps organization to enhance the motivational and satisfaction level of the employees. Thus, it will also help team leaders to manage all the members working in a particular team effectively. In fact, team leaders just have to guide the right way for the employees in the fulfilling all the requirements of the organizations in an appropriate manner.
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