Discuss about the Case Study for Employee Retention in Automobile Service Workshop .
The term retain signifies keeping in service and holding or absorbing the service. The retention of the employees is stated as the process through which the employees will be encouraged or they are motivated to stay for a longer period with the organization or until the project to which he is attached is not completed (Mowday, Porter & Steers 2013). This will be effective for the employee and the organization. The employee serving for a longer period to the organization will be a storehouse of knowledge and he is an asset to the company. The risk of the organization can emerge due to the when there is a high turnover retention in the company (ALDamoe, Yazam & Ahmid, 2012). The main reason for higher turnover rate is that there are no positive factors to keep the person in the organization (Hong et al., 2012). Disturbances due to the higher turnover rate and mounting work pressure on the existing employees will cause the new employees to move to some other organization. It has been estimated that the cost of turnover by the employees is almost 150% of the individual’s salary (Mahal, 2012). The cost would also be higher when there is involvement higher number of employees or higher positioned employees leaving the organization. There are a number of opinions provided by a number of authors on employee’s retention (Grissom, 2012). This research proposal we see whether the opinion affects the employee retention in Automobile service workshop
There is a lot of problem that is faced by the Automobile service workshop related to the retention of the employee presently. The organizations have realised that the employees are the asset and most important part so they have taken the important step towards encouraging the employees so that they stay with the organization for the maximum time unless the project is completed (Bryant & Allen, 2013). When the employees they leave the organization and there would be imbalances and losses to the organization. The study here would be aiming an identification of the factors that would be helpful in the retaining of the working employees in the Automobile service workshop. The impact of job security, work life balance, job satisfaction and compensation to the employees would help to retain them in the Automobile service workshop (Salome et al., 2014).
Research Objectives
The following are the research objectives that will be dealt:
- Identification of the factors that will help retaining the employees in the Automobile workshop
- Determine the relationship of Job Security and retention of the employees in the Automobile service workshop
- Determine the relationship of satisfaction in a job with that of the employee retention in the Automobile service workshops
- Determine the relationship of the work life balance and retention of the employees in an Automobile work shop
- Determining the level of compensation with that of the retention of employees in an Automobile work shop
- Comparative analysis on the retention of the employees depending on the experiences at work in the Automobile service workshop
The retention of the employees in an organization is important and there are a number of factors that helps in the making the retention possible ( Sageer, Rafat & Agarwal, 2012). There is a need and importance associated with the retention of the employees in an organization. There is a lot of time taken by the HR professional in an organization to shortlist a few individuals from the large pool of talents after that interviews and tests needs to be conducted (Schmitt, Borzillo & Probst , 2012). When a new employee is engaged in the organization then the management makes all possible investment for grooming the individual and making him ready for the corporate culture (Van Dyk & Coetzee, 2012). The employees if they leave the organization all of a sudden would be wastage for the company and the HR department would take some time for feeling up the vacant place. The selection of the right employees is a tough job and efforts are wasted when the employees they leave. When an employee resigns from the organization then there is a possibility that they would be joining the competitors industry (Nwokocha & Iheriohanma, 2012). This lead to leaking of the strategies or the employees they might utilise the strategies learnt in some other organization. This is the reason the employer must make the employee sign an agreement. Stringent employees will refrain the employees to join the competitors company (Kumar & Chakraborty, 2013). There is a need for the employees to adjust along with the others and this would involve some time. The benefit of the organizations lies when there is proper coordination among the members of the team (Patel & Conklin, 2012). The employees are also challenged as they have to build up faith. With a longer period of service by an individual towards an organization will be making them more loyal towards the company (Robinson et al., 2014). A number of benefits that employees enjoy like job security, job satisfaction, and work balance. They are the one who always thinks about the management. Thus, these are some concerns that make the retention of the employees important in an organization.
The expected research outcomes will show that the factors that help in the retention of the employees in the Automobile service workshop are security in job, satisfaction of job, autonomy, Compensation, work life balance, opportunities for career development, performance appraisal, recognition and rewards (Buciuniene & Skudiene, 2015). There would result a positive relationship of career opportunity, distributive justice, leadership and recognition but the relationship would not be effective. Among all the factors the variable, Job security is the most important factor that would help retain the employees (Aguenza & Som , 2012). Job satisfaction would be the second most important variable for retaining the employees. The third factor that would come out significant for the employees to retain in the organization is the Autonomy( Laschinger, Wong & Grau, 2012). The hypothesis that there is s significant relationship of job security and retention of the employees is true so the null hypothesis is accepted (Park & Shaw, 2013). The other hypothesis (Hypothesis 2) is that compensation helps in employee retention, as there is a positive correlation. The difference would be significant if the retention of the employees in the job if the experience of the employee is less than a year and works for 1 to 5 years in the Automobile industry.
Justification of the project
Conceptual Framework:
There are some researchers conducted previously which suggest that there are number of factors which help in the retention of the employees The factors that help in the retention are rewards and compensation , development and training, job security , working environment and organizational justice (Ashar et al., 2013). These factors would help improve the quality of the work, retain of the employees and reduces absenteeism. There are some other factors, which like training, job security, work environment that is also held as important. Empirical studies has however proved that environment at work, development and training m rewards and compensation are the motivational variables for the employees which helps in the retention of the employees (Gutierrez, Candela & Carver, 2012). The retention of the employees is a dependent variable and independent variables are job security, job satisfaction, work life balance and compensation. These factors will lead to motivation. With motivation, there will be lower employee attrition. Motivation of employees also leads to job satisfaction (Heavey, Holwerda, & Hausknecht, 2013). Job satisfaction is linked to the dependent variable Employee Retention. Thus, the retention of the employees will be dependent upon the Job security, job satisfaction, work life balance and compensation.
Job security will be doing better to the employees who are satisfied with their job than the ones who are not satisfied with their jobs (Sears et al., 2013). The growing dissatisfaction would be resulted from the insecurity among the employees. Several studies have shown that there is a positive relationship of the job security and the retention of the employees (Hayes, Douglas & Bonner, 2015).
Studies have determined that the greater amount of satisfaction lead to lower tendency for the employees to leave the current organization or bosses. The cost of hiring the new employees is reduced with the greater satisfaction of job. The employees who are contented with their work they are likely to provide more effort in their work. Satisfied employees are more creative productive and are most likely to be retained (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). Job satisfaction helps in motivating and maintaining a stable workforce.
The flexibility at the place of work is a very important factor of concern in the business world. The employees they prefer to work in a more flexible type of environment. With the flexibility of work time, the workers are able to devote more time to their families ( Brunetto et al ., 2012). Too much of restriction at the place of work is also not effective, as this will make the employees to devote lesser time to their families.
Expected Research Outcomes
Figure: Projected research Model
(Source: Sokro, 2012)
Figure: The research model depicting the dependent variable is employee retention and the factors like job security, job satisfaction, compensation and work life balance are the independent factors.
(Source: Heponiemi et al., 2014)
H1: Job security helps in increasing the retention level of the employees in the Automobile Service Workshop
H0: Job security does not help in increasing the retention level of the employees in the Automobile Service Workshop
H2: A positive correlation of job satisfaction and retention of the employees in the Automobile service workshop
H0: A negative correlation of job satisfaction and retention of the employees in the Automobile service workshop
H3: Increasing work balance has a positive relationship with the employee retention in Automobile service workshops
H0: There is no positive relationship of Increasing work balance with the employee retention in Automobile service workshops
The methodologies that will be used by the researcher to solve the research question and analyse the data that is collected:
The literature review will be help in analysing the research topic based on the data that of the past. There are several books and journal articles used for making an analysis. The Google Scholar and Science direct is a very good forum for the availability of the journals (Supino & Borer, 2012). The articles were based on which the employee retention in the organization can be increased. This is a secondary form of data collection, which is quite cost effective (Biddle & Emmett, 2013). Literature review helps in supporting the primary research findings.
The sampling method will be used for selecting the sample that will be used for the research. There are two types of sampling methods i.e. the probabilistic sampling and the non-probabilistic sampling (Donley, 2012). The random sampling will be used for reducing biases and this would be less time consuming (6 & Bellamy, 2012). The researcher in the research will be using the 50 employees of the Automobile Service Workshop and 3 managers of the same organization will be used for the process of interview. Questionnaire will be used for the research. The employees will be asked the close-ended questions while the manager will be asked with the open-ended questions (Hughes, 2012). The responses of the employees they are provided on the 5 point Likert scale (where Strongly Agree = 5 to Strongly Disagree = 1) where the employees they provide their responses on the factors that keep them engaged in their work (Goodson, Loveless, & Stephens, 2012). The questions have been framed by taking into consideration the motivational aspect of the employees
Conceptual Framework and Research Hypothesis
The focus group for the interview involves the 50 employees of the organization. Quantitative data analysis is performed for this research. This will be helpful is gathering perception and the human interaction in the business (Bryman, 2012). The qualitative questions will be asked to the four managers.
The data is collected through the qualitative and the quantitative analysis. The qualitative data collection method is used for the collection of the data through the primary sources. Quantitative analysis would be including the pie charts, bar diagrams which is done in the excel sheets (Chandra & Sharma, 2013). Descriptive Analysis is used for the research. The statistics calculated are the mean, median, standard deviation. Along with the statistics, correlation will be performed for each of the factors affecting the employee retention.
The organization for this particular research is as follows:
Chapter 1: This is the research proposal, which is reflected from the assignment
Chapter 2: This chapter would help in understanding the factors that help in affecting the retention of the employees in the Automobile Service Workshop
Chapter 3: This chapter tells what are the methods that are applied by the researcher for the research. The researcher uses the literature reviews, collections of the data, key observing indicators and the data analysis.
Chapter 4: This chapter will be helpful in case of the discussions and the findings that is related to the research topic.
Chapter 5: This is the chapter that helps in the discussion of the important factors that would help in increasing the retention of the employees in the organization through the different factors discussed in the literature review and the findings.
Main activities |
1st week |
2nd week |
3rd week |
4th+5th week |
6th week |
7th week |
Selection of topic |
Literature review and study of existing theories |
Research methodology |
Data collection- primary |
Analysis of data and interpretation |
Findings |
conclusion |
Final work and submission |
The approximate budget for research proposal is 5000 dollars for the completion of the research framework within the scheduled time as it has been shown in the Gantt Chart.’
The literature review has been done with the use of the online resource , text books and peer reviewed journals. The materials that were used by the researcher had to be purchased online or other modes. The approximate cost of the purchasing the external resources is around 1500 dollars.
The data collection through the procedure of questionnaire would include printing, travelling and posting of the questionnaire to the employees. Email is not used for sending mail as this might go into spam box. The researcher would be interrogating the respondents personally. The site where the research was conducted was located at a far off place so all this would cost around 25000 dollars.
The access to the government data and analysis of the data should be done within a stipulated budget. The allocated budget for this is 1000 dollars
The tabular representation of the details of the budget:
Purpose |
Amount that is estimated to be spent (in dollars) |
Literature Review |
1500 |
Collection of Data |
2500 |
Analysis of data |
1000 |
Total Estimated Budget |
5000 |
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