There is a relationship between the skills and the qualities that are possessed by the graduated of the universities and the market that is present in the country regarding the nature of job that can be taken up by them. This is done through the investigations that are carried out in a theoretical and empirical manner. The issue that the literature will mainly focus on is to examine the perceptions of the employer and the quality of the students who are undergraduates of the university regarding the soft and the hard skills (Finch et al., 2013). It can be seen that the students need to have a proper knowledge of hard skills that will help them in getting a job. The skills that are softer in nature help them in maintaining and progressing with their jobs. Moreover, the universities along with the authorities who are in charge of education collaborate together so that it can lead in adoption of better strategies that will help in tackling the deficits that are present among the students regarding their skills. This will help them in tackling the situations with the demand of the business and the employers (Finch et al., 2016). Therefore, it is mandatory for the authorities along with the academicians to work together so that it can help in ensuring that the students possess the skills that are required by them to survive in the market according to the changing needs. Thus, it is necessary to explore the major factors that the employers look out for that the students have to possess so that it can help in enhancing the chances of their employability (Jackson & Wilton, 2017).
There has been an increase in the post-secondary education after the end of the Second World War, as the economic capacity within the elite classes of the society has increased to a greater extent. This saw expansion in the education sector in the developed countries after which it was followed by the developing countries as well (Dacrepool, Qualter & Sewell, 2014). The increase in the participation for higher education has increased greatly, which has helped them in harnessing the credentials and skills of the university undergraduates. It can be seen that most of the employees who have a high school education gets employed in different positions within the organization (Clarke, 2017). One of the first way through which it can help in increasing the outcome of the labor market is to provide the students with adequate skills of employability. These skills help in the development of the social and the economic aspects of the employees. From the perspective of the employers, it can be seen that they look for skilled and educated work force so that it can help in gaining a competitive advantage in the market (Pitan & Atiku, 2017).
The relationship between the employability and the education can be studied through the perspective of the stakeholders, which is inclusive of the recruiters and the faculty members of the universities (Jackson, 2014). The factor of employability is also majorly influenced by the age and the experience that the students possess. From the perspective of the organization, the structure of the organization help in contributing towards the competitive advantage and the individual perspective help in contributing towards the individual success of the employees within the labor market (Singh et al., 2017).
The attention has been mainly paid to the relationship in between the employability factor and the education by the researchers. However, much attention has not been given to the factors that are related to the employability but lacks providing evidence that will support the theoretical propositions in an empirical manner. The reliance on the case studies has made the researcher suffer due to the lack of generalisability. The current study will be based on qualitative and quantitative sources of data so that the researcher will be able to validate the data that are already established with the new informations that will be gathered from the process of surveys. This will help the researcher in conducting the process in an authentic manner.
The research will be based on the following aims and objectives:
- To identify the factors that the employers expect from the university undergraduates
- To identify the relevance of knowledge that should be present so that the employers are attracted towards the students
The research will be based on the following questions:
- What are the hard and soft skills that the employers look out for in the undergraduates of the university?
- How much knowledge has to be possessed by the undergraduates so that the employers get attracted towards them?
The research will be based on the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis one
H0- The employers do not give proper importance to the knowledge that is being possessed by the university undergraduates
H1- The employers give proper importance to the knowledge that is being possessed by the undergraduates
Hypothesis two
H0- The employers do not give similar levels of importance to the soft skills that is possessed by the undergraduates
H1- The employers give similar levels of importance to the soft skills that is possessed by the undergraduates
Hypothesis three
H0- The employers do not give same level of importance in the personal abilities that are possessed by the undergraduates
H1- The employers give same level of importance in the personal abilities that are possessed by the undergraduates
Hypothesis four
H0- The employers do not assign same level of ability to the undergraduates
H1- The employers assign same level of ability to the undergraduates
H0- The employers do not give more importance on the hard skills possessed by undergraduates
H1- the employers give more importance on the hard skills that are possessed by undergraduates
The researcher will face some problems while collecting the responses from the participants. This is because the participants may not be willing to take part in the survey, as they maybe busy with some important work. Another factor that the researcher will face is the limitation of the budget and time, which if provided in a better way will help the researcher in conducting the process of research in a critical manner.
According to Beaumont, Gedye and Richardson (2016) employability is a multi-dimensional assembly that is inclusive of the ability to be employed and the transfer of the employees in different positions under the same employer. This will help in securing the employment in the same organization and resisting the chances of being transferred in to a new organization. It is a set of skills, attributes and achievements that will help the students in obtaining the employment so that they can be successful within the organization. Alvarez, Lopez-Miguens and Caballero (2017) on the other hand had stated that the assumption of the employers is that the undergraduates will have a better knowledge regarding the skills that are required to work in a team and communicate in a proper manner. They also need to possess the ability of thinking in a critical manner and provide solutions as well. The current review of the literature will help in identifying the perception of the employer and the factors that are important in employing new graduates within the organization.
Osmani et al., (2015) was of the view that this theory is where the individuals try to take up the responsibility within the organization when the employers provide them with the opportunities. To put it simply, employability refers to the management of the careers of the individuals in the opportunities that are provided for employment in the organization. O’Leary (2017) had stated that it is the capability to get the job and fulfill the responsibilities so that the individuals can be self sufficient within the labor market of the country. Thakar and Mehta (2017) also stated that the graduate employability is where they try to show their attributes to the employers for a successful future within the organization. They need to be flexible in nature so that it can help in decreasing the contracts and the part-time work within the organizations. The employers look for certain skills within the graduates so that it can help them in understanding their capability. This helps the graduates in sealing their place within the organization and has a successful future.
Lauet et al., (2014) was of the opinion that the employers pay great attention in the soft skills that are possessed by the employees, as it helps them in maintaining a competitive advantage of the organization in the labor market. The content skills are regarding the discipline of the employees and the non-academic skills are related to the soft skills that are possessed by the students. These skills vary on larger scale and on the working environment that is present within the organization. Osmani et al., (2015) was of the view that the possession of these skills by the employees plays in important role in the factor of employability. The soft skills that need to be present among the employees are regarding the communication skills such as the verbal skills of communicating and the written skills. Apart from these, Jackson (2015) stated that they also need to have good listening skills as well that will help them in understanding the problems with regards to the task and then providing the solution to the organization. Professionalism is yet another factor that helps in contributing towards the employability of the people. O’Leary (2017) stated that lastly, it can be seen that the interpersonal skills like working in an effective manner within the teams also help in the factor of the employability among the employees. The different disciplines that are present in the soft skills help in influencing the factor of employability within the organization.
The skills that help in solving the problems is a major factor in the level of employability, as it helps in identifying the type of employer and the discipline that is followed within the organization. This type of skill is placed at the highest order of the factor of cognitive skills, which is complex and has to be applied in a proper manner (Batistic et al., 2017). Providing better solutions to the problem is competent and can be bought in relation to intelligence, as it acts as the best predictor of performing the job in different types of occupation. The skills that are related to solving of the problem has a wide range of competencies, which is inclusive of the skills related to critical thinking, skills in leadership and adaptability as well (Thakar & Mehta, 2017).
Pinto and Ramalheira (2017) stated that this type of skill is inclusive of the competencies that are related to the job and are highly technical in nature. The employees also need to have a better knowledge of the software so that it can help in increasing the level of employability of the individuals. To put it simply, these skills help in providing a signal to the employees so that they can master the functional skills that are related to soft and problem-solving skills. Jackson and Wilton (2017) are of the view that this will help the students in attracting the employers in the labor market so that the level of employability can be increased. For instance, it can be said that the technical skills that are required by the software engineers varies from the skills that are required by a business analyst.
Urbanaviciute et al., (2016) stated that the relationship between the level of employability and the level of experience can b e done in an extensive manner. The work experience on a pre-graduate manner is inclusive of the opportunities that are present in the learning based on an experiential manner. It also refers to experience that is related to the career of the students, which may include the summer internship or the part-time involvement in an organization. Amayo et al., (2014) stated that the education that is experiential in nature plays an important role in attracting the success and the preparing the undergraduates so that they can enter the labor market. The professional confidence that is present with respect to the work experience of the employees on a pre-graduate basis will be a part of the experiential learning, as it will help in increasing it. This is also an important factor that plays a crucial role in the factor of employability.
The academic reputation has a significant impact on the outcome of the interest that is associated with the policy makers and the employers. The retention of the student can be done based on the perceptions such as the institutional branding, institutional ranking, and structure of the program and the image of the institution (van Acker et al., 2014).
Moore et al., (2014) stated that reputation can be defined as the esteem that is held by the stakeholder regarding the organization. It can be seen that the reputation of the academic helps in enhancing the factor of employability of the graduates who are belonging to these institutions. Cairns (2017) stated that there are three levels that need to be considered in the relationship between the employability and the academic reputation. The first level is known as institutional-level of reputation where the ranks of the institutions play an important role in deciding the employability factor of the students. According to Ho et al., (2016) the second level is known as program level reputation, which is related to the skills that are belonging to the students regarding the factor of employability. Jackson (2014) stated that the last level includes the performance of the academy, which contributes to the factor of employability among the new graduates so that they can be selected in the process at an entry level position within the organization.
Yang (2017) stated that the gap that is present between demand that is present in the labor market and the output provided by the university has to be dealt through extensive research so that the skills and the knowledge that is possessed by the graduates can help them in identifying the potential markets that are present for being employed within the organization. Griffin and Dunwoody (2016) was of the view that the skills and the knowledge that needs to be present among the students will help them in collaborating within a group and show their leadership qualities, which will help in increasing the factor of employability within the organization. This will help them in communicating in a better way through verbal expression and listen to the instructions that are being passed down within the organization. Yang (2017) also stated that the employers are on the search for employees who have soft skills so that it can help the employers in increasing the output of the organization.
Jackson and Wilton (2016) stated that the employers have the habit of using the recruitment and the selection process that are cost-effective and are sophisticated in nature. This process help the recruitment and the selection to be related to the person and are more oriented towards the job, as the employers tend to be interested in understanding the attitudes and the personality of the employees according to the level of education that they possess. Qenani, MacDougall and Sexton (2014) stated that the level of skills has to be present in the curriculum of the university so that the students can have a proper knowledge regarding the level of communication that is required within the organization. The universities have to include in their curriculum the programs that will help in increasing the practical knowledge of the students. Abdulla, Naser and Saeid (2014) were of the view that they need to conduct regular workshops and training programs so that it can help in enhancing the skills of the employees. The programs will help in including new strategies so that the deficiencies among the students can be identified, which can be enhanced in a proper manner.
Caspersz and Stasinska (2015) are of the view that the employers also look for potential employees who have the core competencies that will help in the success of the organization. The core competencies are inclusive of the past experiences of the candidates regarding the work and the values that are required regarding the possession of knowledge in the business process. Abdulla, Ward and Ahmed (2016) stated that the perception of the employers is that the skills related to employability have to be present in the job market so that it can help in hiring the students as employees from the universities. The groups that are well versed in the information and communication technology sector are sought after the employers as they can understand the process of work in a better way. Gordon (2016) was of the view that the curriculum within the universities needs to be amended so that the latest factors can be taken in to consideration, which will help in providing better training facilities to the students. This will help them in gaining a competitive advantage in the labor market and attract the employers towards them.
From the researches that have been conducted before, Thakar and Mehta (2016) stated that it can be seen that the skills related to the thinking capacity of the employees are low than the skills that are related to their quality. Thus, the level of skills have to be developed by these candidates with proper training and development programs so that it can help them in gaining a competitive advantage in the labor market. Mishra, Kumar and Gupta (2016) stated that the use of the better technologies will help these employees in securing more knowledge so that they can be competent enough to compete with other within the organization. They were of the opinion that the improvement of the set of skills will help in communicating in a better way with the employers so that it can help in increasing the chances of being recruited within the organization. Gautam (2015) was of the opinion that the soft skills of the employees will help in increasing the level of competency within the employees as well so that they can be placed in a better position within the organization.
The previous researches have shown that the employees of the manufacturing industries that are present in the United Arab Emirates still do not match the expectations of the proficiency in language according to the need of the employers (Jaafar, 2016). The universities have to put more emphasis on the language so that it can help the students in understanding the importance of it on a global basis and help in meeting the demands of the work place. It was seen that current level of skills that are being possessed by the employees are of no use, as the employers have to make them undergo different levels of training programs so that it can help in increasing their level of skills (Kubberod et al., 2017).
Jaradat (2017) was of the view that the skills that are related to solving of the problem and handling the equipments that are present within the organization are demanded majorly by the employers, as it will help in increasing the production of the organization. Cheung, Jin and Cheung (2016) stated that it can be seen that the employees who have the ability to think in a critical manner and act logically will help in evaluating the situations so that they can provide better solutions to the problems that have been bought up within the organization.
This chapter helps in doing the study in an organized and systematic manner so that the researcher does not face any trouble while continuing with the entire process of research. It also indicates the type of process that the researcher has to take up so that it can help in moving forward with the process of the study. It also helps the researcher in identifying the various techniques that are available to the researcher so that the process can be conducted in a smoother manner (Mackey & Gass, 2015).
The process of research can be studied using three types of investigation, which are as follows:
- Exploratory
- Descriptive
- Explanatory
The research will be following the descriptive type of investigation, as the researcher will use the final information that will be gathered by broadening the topic. The ideas that will be gathered by the researcher will help in further developing the topic so that the feelings of the researcher can be put in to real-life experiences (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015).
The population refers to the entire area which the researcher wants to consider so that the responses can be collected from them. This will help the research process to be conducted in an unbiased manner so that a proper conclusion can be reached.
The sampling on the other hand is selecting a particular set of people from the entire population, which will help in conducting the research in a better way. The sampling can be done in two ways, which is the probability and the non-probability sampling (Glesne, 2015).
The probability sampling is a simple way of ensuring that the researcher will not be biased towards selecting the participants for the process of the research. this sampling technique helps in providing equal chances to the participants in being selected for the research process.
The non-probability sampling process is where the chances of being selected within the sample cannot be evaluated or calculated. This form is almost the opposite of probability sampling and the judgment is subjective from the point of view of the researcher (Brinkmann, 2014).
A process of research can be based on primary or secondary sources of data. This research process will be dealing with the primary source of data, as it will help in collecting the information from the employees and the employers. The information that will be collected from the employees will be based through a survey for which the researcher will prepare a questionnaire. This will help in collecting the responses from the employees. The information from the employers will be collected through a process of interview where the researcher will provide the questions to them prior to the process. This will help the researcher in gathering the responses in an authentic manner (Flick, 2015).
The secondary sources of data includes the analysis of the past studies that have been conducted by various authors along with the information that is available in the books, journals and the website of the company (Silverman, 2016).
The primary data is collected through the questions and surveys that the researcher conducts on a particular size of the sample so that the analysis can be conducted, which will help in getting the results in the modern day scenario. This will help the researcher in validating the study so that it can help in conducting the process of research in a simple manner (Vaioleti, 2016).
The secondary data is the information that is collected from the different journals and the books that are available to the researcher so that the research can be conducted in a proper manner. The use of the company websites also help in collecting the information regarding the policies and the procedures that are being followed within the company (Smith, 2015).
This research process will be based on the primary sources of data, as it will help in gathering the information that has been formed currently. This will help the researcher in reaching a finite conclusion as the analysis will be done taking in to consideration the new policies that are enforced within the organization (Panneerselvam, 2014).
The researcher will make the questionnaire and distribute it among 100 employees of the organization so that it can help in the collection of the responses. The responses will then be analyzed in the excel format so that the researcher can continue with the analysis (Gast & Ledford, 2014).
The research will be done by taking in to consideration the qualitative and the quantitative sources of data. The use of the statistical methods will help in analyzing the data so that the relationship between the different variables can be established by the researcher (Silverman, 2016). the excel worksheet that will be created will help in conducting the Chi-Square test so that it can help in finding out the relationship. The survey that will be conducted by the researcher will help in eliminating the errors that may be present in the process of sampling and the statistical association between the dependent and the independent variable can be established. Additionally, the study will also help in analyzing the hypothesis that has been taken up for the process of research (Smith, 2015).
Activity |
Months |
1st Week |
2nd Week |
3rd Week |
4th Week |
5th Week |
6th Week |
7th Week |
Finalizing the topic |
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Collecting data from secondary sources |
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Forming a layout of the research work |
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Conducting Literature review |
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Forming the research plan |
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Selecting appropriate research methodologies |
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Concluding the Study |
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Designing a rough draft |
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Submitting the Final Work |
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(Source: Created by the Author)
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