Total Quality Management and its Benefits
Discuss about the Essentials of Total Quality Management.
Total Quality Management is a system of managing quality aspects in the business through maintaining high standards in organizational activities and processes (Tzamalis, Panagiotakos, & Drosinos, 2016). The present research study has been emphasizing on benefits of implementing the approach of Total Quality Management. Along with this, the discussion is also made of quality management concepts, principles, and tools which help the business entity to achieve numerous benefits. Furthermore, the researcher has also mentioned the steps which are required to implement total quality management approach in business activities. Hence, in the study, the overall management of total quality management is being stated in a detailed manner.
Total Quality Management is an important approach to implement in Domino's Pizza because the requirements of customers are changing on greater extent. Since Domino's Pizza is the largest pizza chain; hence the business is required to emphasize on the needs and demands of customers. Quality holds an important place in business services; therefore to maintain the interest of customers, it is vital for Domino's to implement quality management approaches (Sallis, 2014). At present, Domino's have been experiencing numerous problems and challenges which is reducing business's capabilities and efficiency; therefore this is the reason implementation of TQM is essential. It is also useful to raise business standards through adopting quality measures.
Apparently, with the help of TQM, Domino's will be able to strengthen its competitive position in external market place, and that can also assist the business to enhance customer base. Currently, every business focuses on attaining competitive advantage; however, for that several efforts are required to be laid on developing quality standards. With the help of TQM, Domino's will be able to adapt to changing and emerging market which will also encourage business services (Pineda, 2013). Productivity level of business can also be enhanced; therefore there are various benefits which Domino's can acquire through implementing approaches of TQM. The approach also directs the business to eliminate waste and defects from the process of production; henceforth it is quite useful regarding organizational development.
The main targets of Domino's are youngsters and kids; thus the business has to focus on health aspects so that customer's requirements can be met. In addition to the same, processes and activities of Domino's can be streamlined as a proactive work system. Similarly, challenges and problems in work systems can also be eliminated through the application of TQM. It has been observed that quality management approaches help in reducing duplicate efforts; thus unproductive activities can be eradicated from business's practices. Along with this, regarding cost and time, other benefits can also be acquired through correct implementation of Total Quality Management (Obeidat, Hashem, Alansari, Tarhini, & Al-Salti, 2016). Currently, many competitors have entered in pizza industry; therefore this is bringing huge challenges for Domino's. Thus, to retain the position in external market place, it is necessary for a business to readdress all the problems and to take necessary steps.
Why TQM is Essential for Domino's
In the realm of competitiveness, Domino's must comprehend the requirement of customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management typically aims to improve quality standards through identifying the best measures to meet expectations of customers. The interventions of TQM can assist Domino's to quantify problems to eradicate all such problems that affect business processes. For instance- customers usually desire for timely services; however waiting time changes the interest of customers (Oakland, 2014). With the implementation of quality management approaches, waiting time can be reduced through suitable scheduling and client handling processes. At the same time, the process of delivery can also be enhanced so that faster services can be provided to the customers.
Organizational development is yet another benefit that can be acquired through TQM. It can also improve work culture by educating the employees towards quality development. The proactive work culture at Domino's can prevent mistakes; hence ultimately corrective measures can be implemented. In this area, Domino's can also implement Juran Quality Trilogy which comprises of three legislative processes such as quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement.
Quality planning involves the development of awareness for improvement which also leads to attaining organizational goals. However, the management of Domino's needs to show greater commitment to planning for changes and accordingly it generates the need for training and development (Mok, Sparks, & Kadampully, 2013). Furthermore, quality control is yet another process that develops the methods to test the products and services for quality dimensions. Therefore, the stage of testing eradicates deviation from business processes, and ultimately it leads to transformation and improvement. Afterwards, Domino's can seek for excellence and perfection through improving business standards. Domino's is also required to diagnose the problems on a constant basis so that suitable solutions can be developed accordingly.
Here, it is clear that Domino's is required to pay attention to the implementation of Total Quality Management because of the above-mentioned benefits. However, prior implementing the approaches, it is imperative for Domino's to ensure that employees give their consent to adopt the changes. Apart from this, The Deming Cycle can also be adopted at Domino's for the purpose of analyzing the efficiency of components of business processes. The process can allow Domino's to measure the performance level and accordingly, decisions related to improvements can be taken.
The tools of quality are designed for the purpose of identifying issues related to quality. Since Total Quality Management approach is essential for Domino's; therefore it is also vital for the business to identify all the related issues. There are various tools that can be applied in the quality area such as a cause-and-effect diagram, check sheet, control chart, histogram, Pareto chart, scatter diagram and stratification (Mohammad Mosadeghrad, 2014). To showcase the benefits of total quality management, several principles should be implemented so that degree of benefits can be enhanced. Application of Fishbone chart will assist Domino's to identify causes for an effect or problem and accordingly it provides ideas for improvement. Typically, it is used to structure a brainstorming session; hence Domino's can acquire numerous benefits through its application.
Principles and Tools of TQM for Domino's
The tool includes methods, machines, people, material, measurement, and environment. This can aid Domino's to find manage business aspects and practices in an appropriate manner. It also shows causes of a specific event which analyzes the entire process of production and manufacturing. Ishikawa is useful regarding identifying the ways to prevent quality defect which causes an overall effect (Jurow & Barnard, 2013). Hence, each cause or reason that leads to imperfection is typically a source of variation. Afterwards, causes are grouped into different categories which help in identifying the sources of variation. It includes a root-cause analysis which is intended to express the relationship between different variables.
At the same time, it also provides additional insights into process behavior. Therefore, Domino's has to ascertain the causes through brainstorming session and by analysis. Further, it is grouped into different branches, and that also leads to restructuring the approach. Hence, in this context, Domino's has to emphasize on lean manufacturing to strengthen production system. This also requires focusing on 5Ms. Therefore, implementation of Fishbone diagram can assist Domino's to identify all the elements that have the greatest impact on business processes and practices. Moreover, this includes a grouping of causes which separates overall business process. To implement quality aspects in Domino's, it is essential to find out the problems so that overall business practices can be improved. According to the problem statement, suitable ideas can be implemented to reduce the effect of possible causes (Gould, 2013).
Moreover, Domino's can also implement Pareto chart wherein significant factors are depicted on a bar graph. The lengths of the bar show frequency or cost and then they are arranged with longest bars on the left and shortest to the right. Therefore, in this way Pareto chart is useful for Domino's in depicting the situations which are highly significant for business success. Through this, the frequency of problems or causes in a process can be identified, and at the same time, it can ascertain all specific components of a service. However, at the same time, Domino's needs to decide the categories to group items (Gimenez-Espin, Jiménez-Jiménez, & Martínez-Costa, 2013). Measurement is also appropriate so that significant factors can be determined that has a direct impact on business services. For instance- the chart will be useful for Domino's in analyzing the frequency of problems like customer complaints.
In the chart, all the complaints are equally rated and accordingly specific solutions can be found out. The left vertical axis in the chart represents the frequency of occurrence; however, on the alternate side, it can also represent cost or any other significant unit of measure. Contrary to this, the right vertical axis shows the cumulative percentage of a total number of occurrences of a specific factor. Since the reasons are placed in decreasing order; the cumulative function is termed as a concave function (Gharakhani, Rahmati, Farrokhi, & Farahmandian, 2013). Domino's can implement Pareto chart to highlight the most important aspect among a different set of factors. Moreover, in the process of quality control, it is highly useful in showing sources of defects in the entire process. Additionally, it also describes the highest occurrence of the defect along with the reasons for which the problem is being developed. For each of the bar in the Pareto analysis, it shows acceptance limits and how it produces problems and challenges.
Fishbone Chart and Pareto Chart for Domino's
Apart from this, the approach of stratification can also be implemented through the combination of other data analysis tools.
The meaning of data is not comprehensive when a variety of sources are lumped together to see the impact of problems. The technique is also useful in separating the data to see the patterns. Domino's can use this technique of stratification especially when data analysis may require separation of different sources and conditions. This can also strengthen the data collection process of Domino's in different product and service categories.
The specific plan is required to be developed for the purpose of implementing TQM in Domino's. In this respect, the business can implement Deming's approach and Crosby's approach to quality improvement (Fu, Chou, Chen, & Wang, 2013). Hence, in this respect, the manager is suggested to consider all the necessary points.
- Creation of constancy of purpose is vital to improve products and services. Hence, Domino's should consider the areas of improvements and accordingly new changes should be implemented in business courses.
- Afterwards, adoption of new philosophy is vital to improve the business situation of Domino's.
- Inspection and observation are termed as the only method through which quality prospects can be ascertained(Doeleman, Ten Have, & Ahaus, 2014). However, at this stage, Domino's should cease its dependence on inspection to maintain quality.
- Price should not be the only method to judge the quality of business; however, Domino's should adopt new measures to minimize total cost through handling business activities in an appropriate manner.
- There should be a constant focus on improvement after planning about business development.
- Provision of training is also vital to make people understand the way to deal with quality aspects(Augusto, Lisboa, & Yasin, 2014).
- Leadership plays an important in quality management; therefore suitable leadership should be instituted accordingly(Davis, Lockwood, Pantelidis, & Alcott, 2013).
- All the prospects of challenges and issues should be minimized through driving out the scope of fear.
- There should not be any barrier between staff areas to control organizational work practices.
- Domino's should ensure that targets are not determined for the employees since that can create burden and can also hamper quality prospects.
- The management of Domino's should also ensure to eliminate numerical goal for the employees.
- The system of performance management should be changed accordingly; therefore there should not be any rating system for the employees(Dale, 2015).
- Employees should be provided the opportunity to educate themselves which can lead to self-improvement. This is yet another chance of developing organizational performance.
- Lastly, in the process of change, top authorities of Domino's are entitled to employ equal rights and obligations to the employees so that all can contribute to accomplishing the aims.
Apart from this, Crosby's 14 steps to quality improvement can also be adopted at Domino's to implement the plan of total quality management.
- The management of Domino's needs to show greater commitment to improving quality processes, and it should also be communicated to all the employees of Domino's.
- At the next stage, Domino's must also form quality improvement team so that the can contribute to the development of business standards.
- There should be a specific measure of quality in current practices, and that should be done prior Domino's establishes a plan for quality improvement(Chaudary, Zafar, & Salman, 2015).
- Identification of cost for quality is also essential to implement the methods in suitable methods.
- Domino's should work on generating awareness among the employees regarding the importance of quality management. This can help the employees to contribute to organizational development.
- Afterwards, quality problems should also be identified at the same time so that corrective actions can be taken accordingly. The Proper system must be implemented in this area.
- Domino's should also plan for zero defects by showing greater commitment towards quality aspects of products and services(Bon & Mustafa, 2013).
- All the supervisors of Domino's are entitled to maintain quality dimensions and for that training sessions are essential.
- Employees should execute total quality management process through eradicating all defects and challenges.
- The management of Domino's should involve everyone in goal setting so that overall improvement can be facilitated.
- Along with employees, management should also try to eliminate causes of errors through observation and survey.
- Employee recognition also holds importance in quality development, and this also allows the employees to participate in goal achievement procedure(Barata & Cunha, 2017).
- Afterwards, quality councils should be created through emphasizing on specialist procedures. However, quality councils should meet on a regular basis.
- At last, the process of total quality management should be reviewed and analyzed to identify its contribution in the development of Domino's.
On the basis of entire discussion, it can be said that focus on quality is crucial as that not only improves the standard of business; but also it provides more opportunities for growth and success. From the research, it is identified that prior executing any process into practice; Domino's needs to ensure that it is suitable in eradicating all the defects and errors. Thus, on such basis, it is recommended that Domino's should facilitate equal participation of all the employees so that all can contribute to organizational development. Moreover, Domino's should also show greater commitment towards quality aspects; hence appropriate provision should be there for the employee training and coaching within the workplace.
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