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Company Background and history

Discuss About The Ethics In Statistical Practice Communication.

Finance play an important role in an entity as it boosts the performance of the company as it lubricates the productivity of the business within a given span of time. Finance is considered as a mandatory requirement of the business which helps an entity in surviving for a longer period of time by achieving all the goals and the objectives of the firm. Current assignment is related to the monetary and non-monetary structure of an entity reflected in the given report. This assignment is majorly based on some of the primary pillars which bear the load of the whole enterprise.  Savola Company has been selected for the current assignment which is segregate into various fields such as savola Food Company and Savola group and several investments made by an entity within the business tenure for a specific period (Ang, 2018). Various percentages of shares held by an entity in several businesses sector in the investments made by an enterprise (Cerchiello and Nicola, 2018). This assignment reflects the company profile and its history to inspire a start-up entity to grow more by applying lots of efforts in transforming its efforts into the success (Gallagher, 2018). Operating model of the firm is clearly visible from this assignment as it shows the approach of the business to earn its daily bread by using the support of all the employees. Finance chapter of this assignment is related to the planning of finance and its financial resources by predicting the need of finance in advance. Financial projection method is used by the business concern to get rid of all their financial problems. Corporate framework used to evaluate the corporate governance structure of the firm.

Savola Food Company is regarded as the biggest sugar company in Saudi Arabia which is a food company which deals with a variety of food products. Al- Osra is a mother brand of Savola Company is a retailer of sugar in the country (Background of Savola, 2017). This firm is renowned in the world for its purity and quality. Al-osra is considered as the first entity that launched packaged sugar which inspires other competitors to introduce this system of offering sugar to its customers (Company brands, 2017). The unique feature of the products offers by this entity is that it mentions recipes on the food packages to facilitate its customers to cook foods. It helps all kinds of customers who know cooking or does not know anything about the cooking can purchase the food products of the Al-osra to know about new recipes to generate unique ideas of cooking among its users. The sustainable advantage enjoyed by Savola food group is related to the technological innovation which induces the overall performance of an entity in front of its internal as well as the external users.y

Operating Model

The business journey of Savola group started in the year 2002 as a sugar retailer with its sugar brand named as Al- osra captures the attention of its majority of users in the market. The attractive packaging of the sugar packets steals the attention of the customers towards this product to purchase it without getting influenced by the price of the products (Company’s history, 2017). The purity of the sugar is one of the factors which help in inducing the performance of the company as an entity uses different levels of purity to test the sugar before launching in the market. This quality of the company attracts its customers as this reflects the trustworthiness of the firm. This action of the firm acts as a key driver to boost the company’s performance in front of its external users.

In the year 2006, Al- osra added natural word along with the purity of the sugar to catch the attention of most of its buyers as this helps in catching the attention of diet conscious people who are conscious about their weight. This new feature of the firm brings a high level of competition in the existing market as compared to its existing rivalries.

The success of the company is celebrated in the year 2011 with the help of TV ad campaign to inform all the domestic as well as internal users. After all the efforts of the company, in the year 2016, entities explore the emotional benefits of its brand by showing its creativity by designing the packages of the sugar packets to target its users.

Savola comes into existence in the year 1979 by setting up its headquarters in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Financial structure of Savola, 2017). Initial capital invested by the company was SAR 40 million along with the support of 200 personnel whose results is clear to the world (Operating model, 2017). The aim of this company is transforming efforts into profits by using unique talents of its employees as this entity cares about their employees as they think as an asset rather than thinking them as just cost to the company. Initially, Savola was started as a cottage industry which runs on a small scale of importing and refining edible vegetable oil distributed in the local areas.

Market segmentation of the firm was contracted as they focus only on the local markets in selling their products just to earn its daily targets rather than fighting against big risks in the environment. The generic strategy of the company was cautious as they want to ensure its survival in the market for a longer time period to mark their presence. Determination of Savola led them towards the path of the success of the continuous growth. The firm has selected the path of diversification to get rid of all the market complexities.

Corporate structure

For the progress of an entity, the corporate structure is mandatory as it boosts the performance of the company in dealing with various market complexities (Corporate structure, 2017). A strong corporate structure helps in catering needs and objectives of the company and along with customers. An entity segregates its company into various divisions which acts as a strategic business unit (Gelman, 2018). These strategic business unit’s customers, competitors, target users, aims and objectives, marketing strategies are totally different as they act as separate business heads. An entity categorizes its business into various divisions to manage the overall divisions by delegating the responsibilities among different company rather than holding centralized power with the Savola group. It is essential to segregate different heads to accomplish all the goals and the objectives within a given span of time (Benatar, Upshur and Gill, 2018). A corporate structure of the Savola Company is categorized into two primary units named as Savola Foods and Savola Retail and further categories of these two heads are there to control the overall Savola group within a given span of time.

Savola investment is another group which includes all the investments made by an entity in various businesses to strengthen its current business (Vongsaroj, 2018). It includes various investments such as Almarai Company, Herfy food services Company, Knowledge economic city company, Kinan International Real Estate Development Company, Emar Economic City Company, Taameer Jordan holding company, Swicorp company private equity and Intaj capital company private equity (Bjola and Kornprobst, 2018).

Three staple items of Savola foods are Oil, sugar, and pasta which further categorized into various heads. Various brand companies which provide oil includes Afla International Corporation KSA and Egypt, Savola co. United Sugar Company offering sugar and El farasha for food industries co.

This phase discusses the overall earnings earned by Savola group who have earned this income by converting their efforts into the entire success. According to the quarterly report of the Savola group for the year 2017, an entity suffered from a net loss of SAR 37.5 million due to the cost burden imposed on an entity (Wellmer, 2018). Savola group is located in Saudi Arabia, deals in offering food products by including all the staple items such as oil, sugar, and pasta as three primary strategic business units. An entity segments its overall business into these three business heads to lessen its entire work load. In the fourth quarter, an entity has suffered from a net loss of 37.5 million is the stable position for the firm as the business has overcome the difficult position imposed on an entity from the previous year (Iggers, 2018). The previous year loss was 915.7 million as this loss has reduced to just 37.5 million that means an entity has reduced 95.90% loss. The increasing amount of loss is due to the increasing expenses of an entity. An entity needs to decrease its overall operating expenses to enhance its overall margins (Murphy, 2018). 

Savola earnings

Savola Food Company is one of the business head of the overall Savola group as the whole entity is categorized into two streams such as Savola Food Company and Savola retailer deals in all the FMCG products (Bailey, 2018). The business of the Savola Food Company is expanded to both the domestic as well as international market. Savola Food Company existing its business in Saudi Arabia and catering the needs of all its users in various countries such as Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, and Sudan. These seven countries are neighbouring countries to the Saudi Arabia which are gulf countries in which an entity offers its variety of services (Thompson, 2018). The aim of the firm is to mark its presence in front of all their users by showing its true image to make loyal customers who purchase all the products offers by an entity (Wachs, 2018). The firm follows Business to customer format of an e-commerce system in which they sell its products only to the end users to enjoy the higher margins as they did not sell their products to wholesalers. Business to the Business platform of selling the business services is not considered by an entity in selling branded products. Household staples products sold by this entity includes edible vegetable oil, sugar, pasta and ghee by selling these products under various brand names. 

Corporate social responsibility is an iron law of responsibility of an individual which needs to be fulfilling by an entity to avail all the benefits from the society and its environment. Savola groups deals in food products which utilizes the agricultural products which requires the permission of the society and the environmental regulations to enjoy the benefits of all the environmental resources existing in the country in which an entity is operating its business (Weigend, 2018). Corporate social responsibility is a concept which helps an enterprise in showing its responsibility towards the society. Savola group held responsible for meeting all the needs and the objectives of all the society members by giving employment opportunities to all the society members. By offering employment opportunities to its society members, an entity will appreciate the efforts of all the members of the society for giving the overall support. Aim of the firm is to satisfy all its stakeholders who actively or passively participate in the business proceedings just to accomplish its aims and the objectives within a given span of time. Vision of the Savola Company is to emphasize on one statement such as “Value Built on Values” this is the vision of the company in which an entity focuses on all the values of all the stakeholders such as the shareholders, owner, employees, government and investors who invests its precious amount in the company (Mayer and et. al., 2018).

Honesty and integrity are two features acts as a basic pillar of the business which helps an entity in accomplishing its desired returns within a given span of time (Ladkin, 2018). Trust and business transparency are mandatory for the business in attracting both its internal as well as the external users (Vongsaroj, 2018). Trust is that feature of a business which attracts all the investors to invest in a business on the basis of trust factor and honest relationships created between an entity and the investors (Feng and Hu, 2018). This relationship of integrity and trust leads an entity towards the achievement of all its goals and the objectives in a given span of time. Entities need to follow the professional code of conduct and code of ethics by complies with the statutory requirements of the business entity (Yon, Cai, Wang, Wang and Shen, 2018). There are various codes of ethics to be followed by an entity to form a relationship of integrity and trust among all its stakeholders are mention as below:

  • Business policy develops by an entity by enclosing all the ethics in the favour of the company and its employees to regulate the actions of all its personnel as a business held responsible for the action of its employee (Gomez, Khelf, Bourdon, André and Rémond, 2018).
  • Training is given to all the newly hired employees in an entity to adapt to the corporate changes takes places in the business.
  • Fair wages is given to all its employees according to its calibre as their motive is to equalize all its employees working in the business by applying their efforts. By giving deserving salary to all the employees working on a different business position an entity will justify their action.

A basic requirement of every business is finance which lubricates the vehicle of a business to reach its desired destination in less period of time. The motive of the business is to achieve all its aims and the objectives within a given span of time. It is regarded as the study of investments, in which an entity tests its calibre in the form of finance available to them, too, boosts its overall performance (Almeida, 2018). Various kinds of sources finance than an entity can choose according to the nature and the type of a business. Short term, medium term, and long-term finance are available for an individual to achieve all its dreams within a stipulated time (Hadi, Handajani and Putra, 2018). Various forms of finance include bank loan, venture capital, issuing equity shares, crowd funding, trade credit, debentures, a loan from friends and relatives. Two primary head of the finance includes personal finance and the corporate finance as these two heads of the finance is segregated according to the needs and aim of an individual. In the current world, everyone requires fiancé to meet its needs which are further categorized into different criteria’s such as the purpose of an individual, time period for which finance is required, and interest rate paid on the principal amount taken by an individual.

It is a systematic process of managing all the financial resources used in an entity to accomplish all the financial aims and the objectives within a stipulated time period. It is a process of planning, organizing, directing and control the financial tasks stakes places in a business to get the desired return on time (Langley, 2018). Financial management aims to target both the quality and quantity of the financial resources from different sources to get the desired return on time (Barr, 2018). It is important to follow the financial management principle to evaluate the financial structure of an entity to take investment decisions. Capital budgeting tools are used by an entity to evaluate the overall performance of the business. An entity uses different elements such as fixed assets to invest in a particular project to get the desired return in the future. Capital and economical appraisal technique help an entity in providing the glimpse of the future profitability and the overall returns in advance to strengthen its capability. It also includes financial decisions taken by an entity by considering all the costs of the financial resources such as the cost of using equity and cost of using the debenture as a financial source of finance. Cost of the equity involves the dividend payable to the shareholders who invest in an entity by taking the shares of the company. Cost of other financial sources is the cost of using the debenture, in which an entity will pay the amount interest on the total value of the debenture given to the lenders who supports an entity by giving a specific share of the amount in the form of finance. Financial management is a building based on three pillars in the form of three decisions such as investment decisions, financial decisions, and the dividend decisions (Kuo and Cheng, 2018). These three decisions guide a business to invest in suitable source finance its business appropriately and lastly give dividends to satisfy all its shareholders who are the true owners of their business (Langley, 2018). 

Savola Company emphasizes on safeguarding its initial capital applied in a business as their motive is to plan about the financial resources used by an entity within a given span of time. It aims to plan about the financial resources used in an entity and also to direct all the financial resources used in a business to generate the cash. Every entity aim to achieve profit by operating its business as cash is utilized in paying of the liabilities of all the lenders who supports the firm in each and every point of time Initial capital applied by a firm comes from different sources of finance (Dutt, Vankudothu, Hegde and Tyagi, 2018). The financial structure of an entity is evaluated in advance by considering the entire accounting and non-accounting aspects of the firm to know all the pros and cons of the financial resources used in an entity. With the help of three business decisions as an integral part of the financial management such as investment, financial and dividend decisions to guide the actions of the business (Kerzner, 2018). Investment decisions guides an entity that where to invest in a business to generate the desired outcome. Financial decisions helps an entity to select financial resources by using different sources of finance such as bank loan or other modes of finance to boosts the overall firm’s performance (Husted, Henriques and Crane,  2018).

Strategies crafted by every entity to achieve its desired aims and the objectives within a given span of time. Every entity prepares a strategy to accomplish all the goals and the objectives within a stipulated time period. Various financial strategies crafted by an entity to get rid of all the difficulties faced by an entity in business duration. A business owner is required to take risks before stepping head into a business as their aim is to satisfy all the users of the business.

Cash is one of the liquid components used effectively and efficiently in a business which needs to be managed in an enterprise (Hugos, 2018). The aim of the business is to identify various kinds of liquid sources of finance to overcome the situation of a liquidity trap.

The liquidity trap is a situation of the economics, in which there is a shortage of cash in a firm as a business runs on credit which requires some amount of cash to meet its short-term liabilities.  An entity like Savola foods plans about the overall finance used in operating its business by ascertaining the amount of the total working capital which is a difference of current assets and the current liabilities. Finance planning is done in the form of three states such as short term up to 1 ear, medium term for 3 years and lastly discusses the long term finance for up to 5 years.

Oracle system and objective system used by an entity to keep track of all their financial elements of the company such as keeping track on the accounts receivables and accounts payable amount. Cash inflow and outflow is traced by using the current system of Oracle which helps in enhancing the overall performance of an entity. Another tool used by an enterprise includes objective system used by an entity to maximize its overall output by eliminating all the unnecessary resources used in a business.

In this stage, officials of an entity will check the budgetary requirements of an entity by comparing this with the actual conditions to take corrective actions. Budget can be controlled by Savola group by putting initials of the officials for all the transactions takes places in an entity up to a certain limit decided by a firm to regulate the expenditures.

Budgets can be controlled by using benchmark approach which helps in comparing the standards prepared for a budget with the actual results to take a corrective action. Cost schedule prepared by a budget supervisor to eliminate all the business costs.

In the planning department, responsibilities are given to the middle-level management of Savola Food Company to reduce the overall costs incurred in an entity as their aim is to minimize all the unnecessary costs incurred in a particular business process.

Liabilities incurred by an entity for a short period of time includes trade payable which needs to be payable by an individual to reduce its debt burden. Cash management is a concept in which an entity makes cash strategy to generate cash from different sources in advance to avoid the problem of a liquidity trap (Barr, 2018).  It can be managed by preparing accounts receivable account to collect the cash from all its creditors and also to pay off the debtors of the business to get rid of all the problems incurred in a business.

Financial planning is another important part of the strategic financial management system in which an entity plans for its future by securing enough amount of finance to meet its future uncertainties on time (Policy and et. al., 2018). It is a process of predicting the likelihood of the occurrence of the future uncertainties which will be minimize with the help of existing financial resources available with an enterprise to meet the business problems and the complexities.

The government of Saudi Arabia created special rules and the regulations for communicating its users to pay the tax according to the set limits of the government act. General Authority of Zakat and tax set a limit of SAR 40 million worth of goods and services of an entity to file Value added tax returns for the first quarter of 2018 by the end of the April month. An entity whose goods and supplies fall in the range of SAR 375000 and SAR 1 million are obligatory to file its tax return for a period of three months. Monthly vat tax payable by an entity whose goods and supplies surpass the limit of SAR 40 million are liable to pay VAT tax return otherwise an entity is required to pay fine of 5% to 25%.   














Initial cash


Bank loan


Income from online sales













Income from retail stores













Sales income from sugar













Sales income from oil













Receipts from sale of retail store


Total interest receivables



Total cash income













Cash outflow

 lease rental


Purchase of office Equipment


Purchase of transport vehicle


 Store furniture


Store worker’s














Heating and lighting













Council taxes













Purchase of raw materials



























Total cash outflow













Net cash balance













Opening cash balance













Closing cash balance













The expected trade percent of the sugar is 12.50 at the end of a quarter as per the latest’s report the trading economics website. This research is based on the macro model to evaluate the forecasting the price of a sugar in Saudi Arabia to aware all the traders dealing in this commodity. The estimated and expected trade rate was 13 percent but sugar commodity fails to meet the expectation of the analysts of the business due to severe market competitions. The above mention forecasting chart shows the declining trend of the prices of sugar from 2017 to the year 2018 due to several external market factors.

Sugar production market of USA is higher as compared to the other market as this country imports large volume of sugar every year. Sugar hill market is the biggest place in Ny for trading the sugar.

Training plays a significant role in an entity as it helps in upgrading the existing skills of an individual who joins the new corporate culture of the business. Training helps an individual to be comfortable with the environment of an entity. It includes both the on-the-job and off- the job training given to an individual to get aware of all the business policies prepared by an enterprise for the beneficiary of its employees. The probation period for the newly hired candidate is one of the policies for giving training to the employees as during this period the senior member of an entity will guide a newly joined member and then transfer them to the permanent employee position of the company. In this tenure, an entity will assure the work delivery practices uses by an employee and tests its calibre to perform well in the firm by handling the immense work pressure.

A company follows this system of reviewing the financial reports of the Savola Company and all its segregated business to know the actual position of the company in comparison with its market rivals (Neighbour, 2018). During the examination of the books of accounts of the Savola group, major accounts of the company are checked such as bank and cash account, petty cash, accounts receivables, trade payables, investments accounts to know the cash inflow and cash outflow of the firm to ascertain the actual financial position of the company at the month end (Corra and et. al., 2018). Objectives of the company to review its month end reports to know the closing balances of all the accounts of the business, checking the arithmetical accuracy, comparing the actual results with the bank statements.

Fixed assets and CAPEX reports of the month end is evaluated for United Sugar Company operating its business in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia are part of the Savola group. Fixed assets are tangible assets which can be seen but CAPEX management represents all the capital expenditures incurred by an entity (Majanga, 2018). Capital expenses incurred in an entity for long-term purpose need to manage by an enterprise by preparing budgets to know the position of an entity as a business has the ability to meet all the expenditures on time or not.

The owner of the Savola Group supported its employees in reconciling the actual books of accounts of an entity with the records kept by all its customers (Twiss, 2018). The result of this particular review helps an enterprise in knowing the financial gaps. Each and every transaction of the business is confirmed by taking the approval of all the buyers of the company (Böhme, 2018). Supporting documents transferred from the company to its end customers to know the gaps between the actual books and the documents held by a customer. A corrective action will be taken by an entity to eradicate all the problems faced by an enterprise within the business tenure (Powell, 2018). For every business transactions, the voucher is transferred from an entity to its customer to create a legal evidence of all the business transactions. Authorize person of the company will sign on each and every vouchers to authenticate the supporting documents transferred from the company to its consumers. Opening and closing balances of all the accounts are checked by an entity as this helps in taking corrective action to resolve the issue of account balances.


Summary of the report on the finance stream by discussing both the financial and non-financial sector of the Savola group operates its business in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is concluded from the above assignment that budget is prepared to know about the current cash flow position of an entity as this is one of a medium to control all the expenditures incurred in an entity. The budget of the company shows its overall efficiency by reflecting a good cash flow budget where the closing balance of the budget is higher than its available expenses. On the other hand, forecasting of the sugar prices is done by taking help of trading economic website to know the future position of the sugar in the market. Forecasting results show that the price of a sugar is declining. 

It is suggested to an entity to use proactive strategy for predicting the prices of sugar and the entire commodities offer by Savola group to overcome the future uncertainties incurred in a business. By adopting this method, an entity will keep track of its resources that have volatile feature to improve its market image.


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Background of Savola, 2017. Available through: < [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Company brands, 2017. Available through: <> [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Company’s history, 2017. Available through: <> [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Corporate structure, 2017. Available through: < [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Financial structure of Savola, 2017. Available through: <> [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Operating model, 2017. Available through: < > [Accessed on 16th April 2018].

Sugar forecast, 2017. Available through: <> [Accessed on 16th April 2018

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